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    时间:2020-12-08 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    亡 命 之 徒 第一季 第四集 操♥你♥大♥爷♥ Fuck, fuck. 下来 Come on. 她现在人在车里 Yeah, kinda hard for her 想拿到驾照和注册证书 to get the license and registration 有点难度啊

     卡尔 from inside the trunk, Karl. 不

     不不不 No. No, no, no. 你们有两天时间去找这个王八蛋 Y"all had two goddamn days to find this asshole 可最后屁也没找到 and you don"t have jack or shit, 所以别怪我没耐心了 so you"ll pardon my lack of patience. 不



     卡尔 No. No, no, Karl. No, Karl. 不如等我们到了以后 Why don"t we just send you a postcard

     寄张明信片给你吧 while we"re at it, right? 不

     别管我们在哪儿 No, you don"t worry about where the hell we are, okay? 你还是多操点心

     找到这个王八蛋 You just worry about findin" this shitbag 好让我带我老婆回家吧 so I can take my goddamn wife home. 我天

     你干吗呢 Lord god, what are you doin", son? 没看见牌子吗 Didn"t you see the sign? 好吧

     这儿呢 Well... Here. 怎么可能没看见 How could I miss it? 还要牌子干吗 Well, I don"t know what you need a sign for, 随他妈便吧

     你看看 any-damn-way. Look at it. 是我自己没精力了 I guess it just got away from me. 打理这东西太耗精力了 The thing is so much work. 好吧 Well... 你上次检查抽水机是什么时候 When was the last time you had your pump checked? 天知道什么时候 Hell if I know. 怎么了

     因为抽水机坏了 Why? Is that what"s causing it

     这泳池才看起来像一堆放射性废料吗 to look like radioactive piss? 我瞎猜的 Be my guess. 那... Well... 我... I"ll... 我来了 Hey, there! I"m comin". 这都是些什么人 God damn these people. 别跑啦 Stop running! 马克 Mac...? 马克 Mac? 天呐 Jesus. 你没事吧 You okay? 我们能回家了吗 Can we go home yet? 不行

     不过很快就可以了 No. Soon, though. 洛克珊

     我是乔妮 Roxanne, it"s Joni. 不

     我病得很重 No, I"m sick as a dog. 胃不舒服 Yeah, I think it"s a stomach bug. 对不起

     我估计明天 I"m sorry. I think I"ll be back 应该就能好了 in fightin" shape by tomorrow. 那我必须试试 Oh, well, I will have to try that. 好的


     洛克珊 Okay. Thanks, Roxanne. 我会的

     再见 I will. Bye. 阿肯色时报

     劳动节周末特别版 慕尼黑黄金小子

     斯皮茨今日冲击第七金 给你带了这个 Got you this. 斯皮茨一会游 Spitz is swimmin" later. 我给你买♥♥了点薯片 I got you some potato skins. 早餐也没什么别的能吃的了 That"s the best they have for breakfast. 还有玉米粒 Got some niblets. 三轮拳击比赛 ...Three rounds of boxing. 米勒穿蓝色短裤 Miller in the blue trunks-- 浅蓝色代表美国 Light blue for the United States 卡丁穿白色上衣

     代表加拿大 and Cardin in the white top for the Canadians. 我们在这儿安全吗 So, are we safe here? 当然 Of course. 你凭什么这么确定 How can you say that for sure? 因为我们确实安全 "Cause we are. 好吧 Okay. 那个劫持了我 And what about the man who abducted me 把我关起来的人是谁 and held me prisoner? 他想干什么 What does he want? 我不知道 I don"t know. 别骗我


     你明明知道 Don"t lie to me, Mac. You do know. 给我们车和枪的人 Whoever gave us the car and the guns, 你知道得越少越好

     乔妮 the less you know, the better, Joni. 你不知道那是谁吗 You don"t know who that is?


     让警♥察♥来 God forbid we actually call the police whose job it is -抓走这些坏人

     -我说了不行 - to catch the bad guys.

     - I told you we can"t do that. 你两天没跟我说话 You don"t talk to me for two days-- 为什么

     为什么不能报 Why?! Why can"t we call--


     乔妮 Suddenly you want every single fuckin" detail, Joni? 那个独腿怪还活着 That one-legged psycho is still out there -他可能找到我们

     -旅店距离那王八蛋 - And he could find us. - This motel is five hours away 可能找我们的地方有五小时车程 from anywhere that that shitbag would be looking for us. 懂吗

     我们南边是匝道入口 Okay? And there"s one on-ramp to the south of us 北边五百多米视野清晰

     毫无遮挡 and there"s 600 yards clear view to the north. 每辆路过的车辆

     每个入住或离店的客人 I got eyes on every single car comes through here, 我都看得一清二楚 Every single person checks in or out. "那个独腿怪" "That one-legged psycho," 如果他还没被鳄鱼吃了 if he hasn"t been eaten by some goddamn gator, 早就逃到墨西哥去了 fled to Mexico, you know. 他只是个要钱的疯子 He"s just a lunatic looking for money. 他什么都不懂 He"s got no idea. 他绝对不可能找到我们 There"s absolutely no chance that he"ll find us here. 那答案呢 What about answers? -什么

     -他说他想知道答案 - What? - He said he wanted answers. 我没什么答案好告诉他的 Well, I don"t have any answers to give him. 那为什么亚瑟死的那晚你也在现场 How about why you were there the night Arthur died? 你和我说你一整晚 You told me you were out all night

     都和你的朋友帕特森在一起 with your friend Patterson. 亚瑟卷进了一些事里 Whatever, uh, Arthur got himself involved in, 所以被杀害了 that"s what got him killed. 他以为我知道内♥幕♥

     可我不知道 And this guy thinks that I know something that I don"t. 你懂吗 You understand me? 没事的

     好吗 We"re gonna be fine. Okay? 他们好像要开始了 It looks like they"re going. 就是这样

     就是这样 That"s it. That"s it. 第一轮

     美国米勒胜 A victory for the American Miller, in the first round. 汤米

     你准备把我带到哪儿去 Come on, Tommy. Where you takin" me now? 等一下

     威恩 Just give me a minute, Verne. 说真的


     我饿死了 Seriously, where are we goin"? I"m starvin". 我说了

     等一下 I said, gimme a minute. God, man. 汤米


     王八蛋 Tommy? Tommy! Fuckin" asshole. 康韦太太 Mrs. Conway? 康韦太太

     我是汤米·奥尔森警探 Mrs. Conway, it"s Detective Tommy Olsen. 康韦太太 Mrs. Conway? 各单位注意

     罪案现场优先呼叫 All units, all units, code two, 10-56.


     汤米 Gotta go, Tommy. -马上

     -汤米 - I"m comin". - Tommy! 我去


     我说了马上 God damn it, Verne. I said I"m comin". 你以为我不知道这是谁的房♥子吗 You think I don"t know whose house this is? 依我看


     威恩 I think you don"t know a lot of things, Verne. 这他妈是那个大兵的房♥子 It"s that fuckin" marine"s house. 上帝啊

     你适可而止吧 God help us when you get the taste of blood in your mouth. 出什么事了 What do we got? 丹尼·托马斯谋杀家人后自杀 Family murder-suicide on Danny Thomas. 来给爹地腾个地儿 Better "make room for daddy." "巨星"坐稳孟菲斯最佳新人乐队宝座 他的抽水机坏了 The guy"s pump is fucked. 他遇到的麻烦可不止抽水机吧 I think he"s got bigger problems than a pool pump. -肩膀怎么样了

     -还疼 - How"s your shoulder? - It hurts. 还记得以前我们去州里的集♥会♥吗 Hey, you remember when we went to the, uh, state fair? 我给你赢了一条... I won you that, uh-- 金鱼

     我们怎么 That goldfish. What did we... 我们叫它什么来着 What did we name him? "金鱼先生" "Mr. Goldfish." 有创意 That was creative. 我把棉花糖都吃了 I ate all that goddamn cotton candy 然后回家一路上 and threw up all over the place 吐得到处都是 and all the way home. 吐了一床单... All over the comforter and-- 还有... And, uh... 你把我照顾得很好 You took really good care of me. 劳动节还要上班

     真惨 Shame she"s gotta work on Labor Day. 应该回家和家人团聚 Should be home with her family. 我要是在家的话

     劳动节也会上班 If I was home, I"d be working on Labor Day. 你就不该 Well, you shouldn"t have 找报社的工作 had to gotten a job at a newspaper, anyway. 你不用给自己找这种压力 You didn"t need that pressure on you. 我喜欢在报社工作 I like working at the newspaper. 那也不是必须的啊 Doesn"t mean you should"ve had to.


     我喜欢就行了 Why? What does it matter if I"m happy? 那如果我们有孩子呢 Well, what if we"d had kids? 好像阿肯色州 "Cause Room 20 亨茨维尔阳光旅馆的 20 号♥房♥间 at the Sunnyside Motel in Huntsville, Arkansas 是个养孩子的好地方似的 is a perfect place to raise a child. 是吗 Right? 是啊

     对 Right. Yeah. 好像你能当好妈妈似的 Like you would"ve made such a great fuckin" mother, huh? 我来帮你 Hey, let me give you a hand with that. 我还以为你现在已经中毒了呢 Well, I"d have thought you"d had toxic shock by now. 皮肤被漂白了

     内脏都腐蚀了 Your skin gone clear, your organs gone liquid or...? 还没 Not yet. 你懂这玩意儿吗 You know anything about this shit? 最起码我知道 Well, yeah, I know enough to know 拿锤子锤它不解决问题 banging it with a hammer"s not gonna fix it, so... 可能不行

     但能让我感觉好点儿 Maybe not. It certainly makes me feel better, though. 我叫哈洛

     哈洛·夏普利 Name"s Harlow, Harlow Shapley. 我叫...我叫山姆


     很高兴认识你 I"m, uh-- I"m Sam, Harlow. It"s nice to meet you. 你有... Do you have a-- 王八蛋 Fucking asshole! 我恨你

     听见了吗 I hate you, you hear me?! 我恨你 I hate you! 乔妮 Joni! 乔妮 Joni! 你自己一个人经营这个地方吗 Are you running this place all by yourself? 基本上吧

     有几个服务员 Mostly. I got a couple maids-- 那是格西·梅

     还有个高中生 Gussie Mae there. I had a high school kid 去年夏天在办公室帮我 help me in the office last summer. 后来我发现他在屋里开派对 I had to let him go

     就让他走人了 "cause I found out he was havin" parties in the rooms. 长♥期♥的话

     我也还真雇不起他 I couldn"t really afford to keep him on, anyway. 你住在这里吗 So you live here on-site or...? 我在后院有辆豪华房♥车 I got me a palatial airstream round back. 一个人住足够了 It"s as much space as a man could want or need. 我今天是搞不定这个了 Aw, apparently I can"t do shit right today. 我都要疝气发作了 I"m about to give myself a hernia on this thing. 没关系

     我帮你 Hey, it"s okay. Let me give you a hand. 你知道怎么弄吗

     谢谢 You know how? Thank you. 没事

     就是靠重力什么的 Yeah, it"s just a gravity thing. 见鬼 Damn. 快看看 Well, looky here. 这么酷的顾客 Isn"t he a cool-lookin" customer? 失陪了


     我马上回来 Excuse me, Sam. I"ll be right back. 你好啊 Howdy. 屋里说话 Well, I"ll meet you right inside there. 乔妮 Jo-- Joni. 乔妮 Joni? 乔妮


     我们谈谈好吗 Joni, please, can we talk about this? 求你了

     亲爱的 Please, baby. 乔妮 Joni. 能不能最起码让我看看奥♥运♥会 Well, will you at least let me watch the Olympics? 乔妮 Joni? 乔妮

     你干什么 Joni, what are you doing? 乔妮



     乔妮 Joni, where are you going? Joni, Joni, Joni. 乔妮



     听我说 Joni. Joni, listen to me. Baby, listen to me. 如果你走了

     我就没法保护你了 I can"t keep you safe if you leave, honey. 看着我


     看着我 Look at me. Joni, look at me. Joni, look at me! 求你了


     对不起 Please, baby. I"m sorry. 宝贝


     不 Okay, baby? I"m sorry. No. 乔妮



     宝贝 Joni. Joni, no! No, baby! 别这样

     别这样 Come on. Come on! 操♥你♥大♥爷♥ Fuck you! 谢谢 Thank you. 艺术与文♥化♥部♥

     你找哪里 Arts and culture, how may I direct your call? 稍等 One moment, please. 抱歉

     她只带了果冻沙拉吗 Sorry. So all she"s bringing is the jell-o salad? 你觉得这合适吗 Well, do you think that"s fair? 我做了什锦蛋糕 I"m making a chop suey cake 还带了烤鸡... bringing mamaw"s chicken-- 我待会回给你 Here, I"ll have to call you back. 您有事吗 May I help you? 我是孟菲斯警♥察♥局的 Yes. Detective Brandon Leverenz, 布兰登·莱弗伦茨警探 Memphis Police Department. 我找一个叫乔妮·康韦的 I"m looking for a Joni Conway. 乔妮今天不在 Oh, Joni isn"t here today. 她请病假了 She called in sick. -她今早请假的吗

     -对 - Did she call in this mornin"?

     - She did. 我真是不走运啊 Ain"t that just my luck? 是啊


     是克里夫的事吗 Yes, sir. Is this about Cliff? 差不多是的 Potentially, yes. 我可以转告她你来过 Yeah. I can certainly let her know you came by. 不


     没事 No, no, no. That"s-- that"s okay. 我再找她吧 I"ll-- I"ll catch up with her. 我能不能... Say, could I-- 我不想给您添麻烦 I don"t mean to be too much trouble, 可外面实在太热了 But it"s so darn hot outside. 能麻烦您给我一瓶冰可乐吗 Can I bother you for an ice-cold coca-cola? 当然可以 Why, of course. 可乐就行吗 Just coke coke? 我们还有麦根沙士 We got root beer, too. 麦根沙士太棒了 Root beer would be divine. 谢谢 Thank you.


     你真是我的救命恩人 You, my dear, are a life saver. 来 Well... 莱弗伦茨警探

     你要不要留个名片 Do you have a card or a number 或电♥话♥号♥码

     乔妮回来了好联♥系♥你 where Joni can reach you, Detective Leverenz? 警探 Detective? 美国队在做赛前准备 There we have the American Team preparing-- 麦克·斯塔姆

     汤姆·布鲁斯 Mike Stamm, Tom Bruce, 杰瑞·海登里希

     还有马克·斯皮茨 Jerry Heidenreich, and finally, Mark Spitz. 他们是美国游泳队里 Phenomenal teammates they have been... 杰出的队员 on this US swim team. 斯皮茨是本场比赛最大的关注点 Spitz has been the athlete to watch out for in this race, 他已经获得了六枚金牌 having taken six gold medals already. 如果斯皮茨能赢得本场比赛 If the Americans can win this race, 将获得第七枚金牌

     创下单名运动员 it will give Spitz his seventh gold, setting the record 获得最多金牌的历史记录 for most gold medals achieved by a single athlete. 比赛开始 And they are off and swimming. 出发后速度很快 Putting up a good fight right here at the start, 看来正如大家预测 it appears this leg is all about

     这场关键之争在斯塔姆和马瑟斯之间展开 Stamm and Matthes as predicted. 斯皮茨在本场比赛也被寄予了厚望 There"s a great deal of weight placed on Spitz in this race, 但两年前马瑟斯在... But Matthes is in... 米仰泳中... ...meter backstroke two years ago, 结果三周后马瑟斯就夺回了... only to have Matthes steal it back three weeks later. 马瑟斯领先... Matthes in the lead here... 自己的世界纪录 56... ...own world record of 56...

     你♥他♥妈♥怎么回事 What the fuck is the matter with you? 你不能就这么跑了 You can"t just run off like that. 听起来你挺担心 Sounds like you were worried. 对

     我还以为 Yeah, well, I thought 我再也见不到你了

     乔妮 I was never gonna see you again, Joni. 那你一定很痛苦吧 Must"ve been pretty tough on you 不知道我在哪儿 not knowing where I was, 是不是安全 if I was safe or not. 我到底是死是活 Hell, if I was even alive. 你度过了非常惊悚的 30 分钟 Pretty scary 30 minutes you just had. 你♥他♥妈♥说什么呢 What the hell are you talkin" about? 我走了半个小时 Oh, well, I was gone for half an hour. 可你离开了我整整一年 You left me for a year. 他本人身材苗条 ...Quite a svelte man in his own right, 因为之前的大距离领先 still in the lead thanks partly 现在仍然保持第一的位置... to a phenomenal split... 他还得小心 But he better look out. 加大洛城分校毕业生汤姆·布鲁斯... American Tom Bruce, UCLA grad... 我没得选

     乔妮 I didn"t have a choice, Joni. 第一轮驻外 The first tour. 第一轮驻外你没得选 You didn"t have a choice the first tour. 第二轮你有的选的 The second time you did have a choice 可你选择了冒生命危险回去 and you chose to go back and risk your life -为了...


     我没有 - For a--

     - No, I didn"t. -你再次入伍了

     -我的兄弟需要我 - You re-enlisted. - My men needed me! 我需要你 I needed you! 你知道我是什么感受吗 You have any idea what that was like for me? 每天晚上都不知道 All of those nights, not knowing 你那一刻是不是活着 if at any given moment you were even alive or not. 每天晚上看新闻

     看着死亡人数不断上升 Every night on the news, seeing the body count go up 不知道那些数字里面有没有你 and wondering if one of those numbers was you. 想着你会不会在丛林里流干了血 Imaginin" you bleedin" to death in some jungle 或者在监狱里被严刑拷打 or being tortured in some prison. 只要有人敲门

     只要电♥话♥一响 Every knock at the door, every time the phone rang, 就会想... thinkin"... "是这次吗 "Is this it? 这是我接到他死讯的时候吗" Is this when I find out he"s dead?" 这是你选的 And you chose that. 你不幸福吗 Were you not happy? 我们两个人的生活对你不够吗 Was our life together not enough? 当然幸福 Of course it was. 我当然幸福 Of-- of course it was, 但亚瑟再入伍的时候 but when-- when Arthur re-enlisted... 我... it"s just-- 你不明白 You don"t understand. 我明白的 What I understand 是你第一轮驻外后回到家 is that you came home from your first tour 我们买♥♥了栋房♥子 and we bought a house 你修了泳池 and you built a pool. 修好泳池的时候 And when you were done buildin" that pool, 你对我说你要走了

     你要回去了 you told me you were leavin", you were going back. 就是那样 That was it. 你为什么不向我解释 So, why don"t you make me understand 既然我们的生活对你那么重要 how our life mattered so much to you 你还要回去参战 that you went back to war. 我的战友


     他们需要我 My men, my-- my brothers, they needed me. 他们在那边

     他们在那边打仗 They were over there. They were over there fightin" 浴血奋战

     命悬一线 and they were bleedin" and they were dyin" 而我却享受着后院的泳池

     乔妮 and then I was in a pool in my back yard, Joni. 如果他们...如果他们战死了 And if they-- if they got killed, 如果他们受伤了

     而我不在那儿 if they get hurt and I"m not there, 那我...那我... Then-- then I-- then-- 我就辜负了他们 Then I failed them. 你知道我是什么感受吗 You know how that makes me feel? 你选了你的战友


     你的妻子 That you would choose these men over me, your wife? 你已经不需要我了

     乔妮 You didn"t need me anymore, Joni. 你在报社里有一份光鲜的工作 You"d gotten a job at your fancy newspaper -我就是个秘书

     -但你现在是大牌作家了 - I was a secretary. - And now you"re some big-shot writer. 我觉得我什么都不是

     乔妮 I-- I didn"t feel like I was anything, Joni! 我一事无成 I didn"t feel like I was doin" anything 可我必须做出点什么来 and I have to feel like I"m something 让我觉得自己配得上你 to feel like I deserve you. 我想让你为我骄傲

     乔妮 I wanted you to be proud of me, Joni. 8 和 16

     3 分 48 秒和 16 秒... 48 and 16, that"s 3:48 and 16... 抱歉 Whoa, sorry. 来 Here. 我来 Let me. 只是冰块

     别担心 It"s just frozen water. No need to worry on it. 我想也是 I guess so. -你们打算去哪儿

     -抱歉你说什么 - Where you folks headed?

     - Sorry? 你和你丈夫

     你们打算去哪儿 You and your husband. What"s your final destination? 度蜜月呢

     我们只是...只是路过一下 Honeymoon. We"re just-- we"re just on our way through. 谢谢 Thank you. 晚安 Have a good evenin". 不好意思 Excuse me. 我能来一口吗 Can I have a hit of that? -你不是警♥察♥吧

     -不是 - You ain"t no cop, is you?

     - No, I am not. 怎么

     我看起来像吗 Why, do I seem like one? 你看起来既不像大好人 You either a real good one 也不像恶棍 or a real shitty one. 我告诉你 I"ll tell you what. 要不要来点自己享用的烟 How"s about I get you a whole jay of your very own? 我没带纸 I don"t have any papers. 已经卷好了的 Already rolled by yours truly. -多少钱

     -两美元五个 - How much? - Two for five. -糟糕

     -就这么多吧 - Ah, shit. - Don"t worry about it. 等我一下 Gimme a second. 等那些承包商出去了 Remind the goddamn mayor who got him in there 记得提醒市长是谁让他当上这个职位的 when those contracts go out. 你♥他♥妈♥别管我在哪儿 Never goddamn mind where I am. -你在哪儿


     甜心 - Where are you? - Here you go, sweetheart. -谢谢

     -客气 - Thanks. - You"re welcome. 等什么呢 What"s the holdup? 宝贝

     你刚在打电♥话♥ Baby, you was on the phone. 这儿发生什么了 What we got here? "买♥♥一赠一"吗 A little "buy one, get one free," eh? 得了吧 Aw, get on. 她想买♥♥点"肖恩特♥供♥" She just wanted a little "Shayne special". 我也需要 Yeah, her and me both. 进去等着 Get on in here. 冈比 Gumby? 怎么了 Well? Uh... 有东西在追我 Something"s chasing me. 波奇

     我一转过去 Pokey, every time I turn around, 你就觉得有人在追你 you think something"s chasing you. -这次又怎么了

     -你忘记锁门了 - What is it this time? - You forgot to latch the door. 确实有一双脚 It was a pair of feet, -还有腿

     -我锁了 - Uh, with legs attached. - Yes, I did. 听起来像是恐怖事件 Sounds like a case of pantophobia. 而且祈祷 And what, pray tell... 买♥♥到核桃卷了吗 You get a pecan roll? 波奇

     你在怕脚吗 You"re afraid of feet, pokey. 怎么

     什么事儿让你饿了吗 Why, is something making you hungry? 当他们开始追我的时候 When they start chasing me. 闭嘴

     马克 Shut up, Mac. 冈比

     你生病了 Gumby, you"re sick. 我只是过来告诉你 I only came to tell you, 你把一些工具落在车间了 you left some machine on in your workshop. -是吗

     -马克 - I did? - Mac. "马克乔妮牌起司" "Mac-a-Joni and cheese", 还记得吗 remember that? 请来一份"马克乔妮牌起司" "Mac-a-joni and cheese", please. 操 Shit. 怎么了 What? 你又流血了

     浸透绷带了 You bled through your bandage again. 我来给你换 Let me change it. 我的天 Ah, jesus. 怎么了

     我身上有东西吗 What? Something on me? 除了一些可怕的伤口和淤青之外

     没有别的 Besides some nasty cuts and dark bruises, no. 他把我伤得很重

     对吧 He fucked me up pretty bad, huh? 会有点痛 It"s gonna sting. 好了


     好了 okay, okay, okay. 没事儿了

     没事儿了 You"re okay. You"re okay. 你得吃点东西 You oughta eat something. 我们能聊聊那事吗 We can talk about it, you know? 聊什么 Talk about what? 关于克里夫 About Cliff. 我们必须得谈谈 t We have to talk about it. 吃点东西吧 Go on and eat something. 光明旅馆 美好的夜晚

     是不是 Beautiful evening, ain"t it? 你就不能明天再整那该死的泵吗 Can"t do a damn thing about the pump till tomorrow? 水还在漏 And the water"s still draining. 我就想用漏的水利用起来 I figured I could at least do something worthwhile. -你信教吗


     你在找教堂 - You religious? - Why, you lookin" for a church? 不

     是这个音乐 No, it"s the music. -我可以换台


     别换 - Oh, I can turn that station - No. No, you don"t. 贝茜·格里芬

     孟菲斯机的灵魂 Bessie griffin, spirit of Memphis. 你不会打击我吧

     因为我是那种... You didn"t strike me as the kind of guy who, uh... 听黑人唱圣歌♥吗 To listen to black folks sing about the holy spirit? 对

     没错 Yeah, that"s right. 我的父母是新教♥徒♥ Well, I was raised protestant, 但直到我妈妈去世

     我才去过教堂 But I ain"t been inside a church since my mama died. 我只是...那是个什么都明白的地方 I just...that"s just the station comes in clearest up here. 在费耶特维尔大谈哈里斯 That and some talkin" Harrys out of Fayetteville. 一直不停地说麦戈文是个法♥西♥斯♥ Go on and on about how "Mcgovern is a fascist." 乔治·麦戈文

     1972 年美国总统选举候选人

     后败给尼克松 录音机是打折季买♥♥的

     我不想周围太安静 I had it on in the off-season, just to break up the quiet. 我一直开着它 I just never really turned it off. 你信教吗 Are you religious? 我看起来像教♥徒♥吗 Do I seem religious? 因为你衣服上印着圣·克里斯托弗 Well, you"re wearing a ST. Christopher 而且你知道贝茜·格里芬和这个老古董 And you know all about Bessie Griffin and whatnot. 我不觉得最近的高科技 Well, I don"t think the higher power 对我有什么用处 would have much for me lately. 你知道吗 You know something? 当你出生的时候

     你哭喊 When you"re born into this world and you"re screamin" 你很害怕

     你像枪一样难搞定 and you"re terrified and you"re pink as gum, 你觉得 the thing is, 这都是注定的 you think it"s all for you. 感觉很不错 And that feels so good. 但...当你长大了一些 But...when you get bigger, 每年都有人揍你一顿 every year there"s someone there to punch you in the gut. 然后告诉你

     这不是针对你 And tell you, "No, it ain"t about you. 这从不针对你

     只是随便挑了一个人 It never was about you. It"s just random." 我是说 I mean, 我不需要所有人都关注我 I don"t need it to be all about me, 但我... But I... 不能只是随便挑了一个吧 It can"t be just random. 可以吗 Can it? 实话告诉你 I"ll be honest with you. 这就是我为什么听这些男孩们 That"s why I listen to them boys there 听贝茜·格里芬还有那些灵魂歌♥手

     因为 and Bessie Griffin and the soul stirrers, "cause damn, 他妈的

     他们有信仰 They got fuckin" conviction. 他们把所有事情都想清楚了 They know somethin" about somethin" 那些我还没有想通的事情 That I ain"t figured out yet. 好吧

     你是这个地方的老板而且... Well, you got this place and... 这就是财富 that"s something. 没错 Yeah. 我叫它 The "Versailles of northwest Arkansas" "阿肯色州西北部的凡尔赛 is what I call it. 至少你在努力 Well, you"re tryin". 这是有意义的 That ain"t nothin". 你在这儿啊 Hey, hey, there he goes. 你总算来了 "Bout goddamn time. 有什么消息吗 What you got for me? 电♥话♥公&hear;司♥很尊重顾客的隐私 The phone company respects its customers" privacy. 这种事是非法的 This shit is illegal. 我们做"这种事"好几年了

     比利 We been doin" "This shit" For years, Billy. 你每次都拿这种话糊弄我 You give me the same goddamn spiel every time. 这是昨天打进《弯刀午报》 That"s every incoming call to the Press-Scimitar 文艺部的所有电♥话♥ Arts and Culture Department yesterday. 按时间顺序排好了 Timestamps right there. 没有来电人姓名吗 No name of who"s callin"? 你得一个个打过去问了 You"ll have to call the phone numbers to find out. 好吧


     比利 Aw, yeahYou"re a real ace in the hole, Bills. 好了

     那... All right, so, uh, 跟以前一样的提成 Usual rate? 这可不行

     一百不够 I don"t think so, man. Hundred doesn"t seem like enough. 好吧


     再加五十 All right. How much, another 50? 再加一百 Another hundred. 你真会讨价还价

     比利 you"re a real tough negotiator, Bills. 我妈没白养我 Mama didn"t raise no fool, you know? 有空房♥ 欢迎光临 你好

     洛克珊 Hi, Roxanne. 很不幸


     医生觉得是食物中毒 Unfortunately, I"m not. Doctor thinks it"s food poisoning. 他说得让食物自己排出体内 Yeah, he says it"s just gotta work its way outta my system. 这场"宁静奥♥运♥会"的平和景象 The peace of what have been called "The serene olympics" -在今天凌晨被打破

     -真的吗 - was shattered just before dawn this morning... - Really? -是奥尔森警探吗

     -阿♥拉♥伯恐♥怖♥分♥子♥ - Was it detective Olsen? - ...About 5:00 when Arab terrorists -今晨五点携带冲♥锋♥枪♥

     -好的 - armed with submachine guns... - Okay. 蒙着面

     一些人 ...faces blackened, a couple of them -伪装成警卫


     洛克珊 - disguised as guards... - Oh, thanks, Roxanne. 或是奥♥运♥村的清洁工 ...or as trash men in the olympic village... 我会的


     再见 I will. You, too. Bye. 翻过围栏 Climbed the fence, 前往以色列队的总部 went to the headquarters of the Israeli team... 显然

     有其他警♥察♥去我上班的地方找我 Apparently, some other cop came by work lookin" for me. 摩西·温伯格教练头部中了两枪 ...Moshe Weinberg, a coach-- two shots in the head, -一枪击中腹部

     -怎么了 - one in the stomach. - What"s goin" on? 他们已经劫持了 14 名人♥质♥ They"ve been holding 14 others hostage since then. 一些恐♥怖♥分♥子♥绑♥架♥了以色列运动员 Some terrorists took Israeli athletes hostage. 什么

     什么时候 What? When? 但似乎又有一人死亡 ...But it seems to be confirmed that another person is dead. -应该是昨晚吧

     -德国警方已经抵达现场 - Last night, I guess. - German police, of course, are there. 军队也抵达了 The army is there. 这是发生在凌晨时分的 It was a strange, strange thing 异常事件 in the early morning hours... 我们现在看到的这栋楼 ...Building that we"re seeing now, 就是 31 号♥大楼 which is building number 31... -早上好

     -早上好 - Good morning. - Good morning. 你看到这场暴♥乱♥了吗 Did you see this madness? 你觉得会发生什么 What do you think"s gonna happen to them? 不好说 Eh, hard to say. 五号♥房♥那个人是什么情况 Hey, what"s the story with the man in room five? 开黑色克莱斯勒的那个人 Drives that black Chrysler. 他昨天入住的 Oh, well, you know, he checked in yesterday. 没有定离店日期

     应该是某个公♥司♥的销♥售♥员 I think he"s open-ended. I think he"s a salesman of some-- 怎么了

     他给你带来什么麻烦了吗 Why, is he causing y"all trouble? 没

     那倒没有 No, no, no, nothing like that. 只是

     如果不离开房♥间的话 I mean, it just-- think it"s kind of hard to sell anything 怎么能卖♥♥出去东西 if you don"t leave the room, you know? 山姆

     这里什么人都有 Oh, Sam, you get all kinds here, you know? 只要能结清房♥款 As long as the checks clear 不给我假钱 and the cash is made of the right kinda paper, 我很早以前就学乖了

     从不打探多余的事 I learned a long time ago, I don"t look behind the curtains. 那是其中一名阿♥拉♥伯恐♥怖♥分♥子♥ That is one of the Arab guerillas... 我去街对面问过了 Hey, I checked across the street 还打了几通电♥话♥问水泵的事 and I called another couple of places about that pump. 然后呢 And? 这附近都没货 Well, no one around here carries them 最近的泳池供应店在费耶特维尔 and the closest pool supply place is in Fayetteville. 而费耶特维尔事实上很远 And Fayetteville ain"t exactly close. 现在的问题是 But, now, here"s the thing. 他们说一个新水泵要七十 They"re askin" nearly $70 for a new pump. 你觉得这价钱正常吗 Does that sound right to you? 我买♥♥完水泵之后物价就上涨了 Yeah. The price has gone up since I bought mine, 不过我想应该正常吧 But, yeah, I guess that"s about right. 我才不会为了一个泳池水泵花七十块 Aw, I ain"t got $70 for a damn pool pump. 这差不多是格西·梅一个月的薪水 I mean, that"s almost Gussie Mae"s monthly salary. 我还不如花这七十块买♥♥酒喝 $70, that thing better serve me drinks 治好我的风湿病 and cure my rheumatism. 看来只能等到春天 I think I"m gonna have to wait till spring -再去修理了

     -你有工具吗 - to get it up and running. - You have those tools? 有啊

     怎么了 Yeah, I got them tools. Why? 我想试试

     看看能不能装好 I"ll give it a shot, see what I can rig up. 你不必现在做 Oh, you don"t have to do that now 我可没钱付给你 "cause I ain"t got any money to pay you. 我不要钱 I ain"t askin" for any money. 而且

     我妻子身体不太舒服 Besides, my wife"s not feeling too swift, 我们会一直住到明天 So I think we"re not gonna leave till about tomorrow. 我很遗憾 Oh, I"m sorry to hear that. 你觉得你能修好吗 But you-- you think you might be able to salvage it? 我试试

     不过... Well, I"ll give it a shot, but... 谢谢

     不过你究竟有多了解泳池的事 Thank you. How much you know about pools, anyway? 你怎么会知道这么多的 And how"d you come to know so much? 我在我家后院建了个泳池 Well, I built a pool in my back yard. 你在自家后院 You built a pool -建了个泳池


     十米长的 - in your own back yard? - Yeah. 35 feet of glory. 你自己家有泳池 Well, hell, you got a pool back home? 为什么还要待在这个破地方 Why are you staying in this shithole? 我们只是想离开一段时间 Well, we just wanted to get out of town for a while. 我一定会把工具给你的 Well, I will definitely get you them tools. 非常感谢 I"m much obliged to you. 没问题

     不过我不保证能修好 Okay. No promises. 但"你尝试了

     这是有意义的" But "You"re tryin", and that ain"t nothin"." 人♥质♥带到安全之处 ...Hostages to safety, 并将阿♥拉♥伯恐♥怖♥分♥子♥逮捕归案 And bring the Arab guerillas to justice. 我听到许多人评论... I have heard many people comment... 对 Uh, yes.

     跟进调查你昨天打给《弯刀午报》的电♥话♥ Following up on your call to the Press-Scimitar yesterday. 好的


     很高兴他回话了 Okay, good to hear. Glad he returned the message. 天呐

     迪笛 Jesus christ, Diddy. 别按喇叭

     有电♥话♥ Hold them horses. The phone. 阳光旅馆


     有什么能为你效劳 Sunnyside Inn, this is Harlow. How may I help you? 有的 Yeah, we do. 对

     就在亨茨维尔外 23 号♥公路上 That"s right, on 23 just outside of Huntsville. 是的


     您需要预定吗 Yes, sir. Can I-- can I make you a reservation? 不

     我还定不下来日期 No, no, no. I"m still lockin" down my dates. 衷心感谢 Thank you kindly. 据称其中几个已经徒步逃脱 ...It is believed that several have escaped on foot. 大家要小心不要让旅行者搭车 Everyone has been warned not to pick up any hitchhikers. 一开始他们说人♥质♥是安全的 Originally, they said that the hostages were safe. 慕尼黑 1972 但是现在情况有变 Now that has been changed. 一位奥委会发言人称 Uh, and an Olympic spokesman said... "恐怕目前为止得到的消息都过于乐观了" "We are afraid the information given so far 这就是目前我们的全部内容 is too optimistic." That"s where we seem to stand. 什么时候达成的协议 When was it agreed, do you know, 让恐♥怖♥分♥子♥从 to allow the terrorists to go... 大楼上了直升机的 from the building to the helicopters? 这是什么 What is that? 那家伙的泵坏了 The guy"s pump is fucked. 他没钱买♥♥新的 Can"t afford a new one, 所以我跟他说我帮他修 so I told him I"d fix it for him. 我正在看呢 I was watching that. 是啊

      Yeah, well, 我告诉你吧

     下场不会太好 let me tell you how it ends-- not well. 我真不敢相信你 I can"t believe you. 怎么了

     乔妮 What, Joni? 你不相信什么 Hmm? What can"t you believe? 你就这样整天 You"re just settin" up shop here -坐在店里

     -什么 - like this is all okay. - What, 你以为我不想回家吗 you think I don"t wanna go home, too? 除了修理池泵和打电♥话♥之外

     马克 What are you doin" about it, Mac, 你在那里都干了些什么 besides fixin" pool pumps and makin" phone calls? 我告诉过你了


     你知道得越少越好 I already told you, Joni. The less you know, the better. 你什么都不跟我说

     我要回家 You won"t talk to me about any of this and I wanna go home. 这是这样 Exactly. 这事也有好的一面 Well, let"s look on the bright side-- 如果你当不上一名高中游泳教练 if you can"t be a high school swim coach, 至少你可以修理泳池 at least you can fix his pool. 乔妮你想聊聊吗 Okay, Joni, you wanna talk? -求之不得

     -因为我正在计算一个数字 - Please. - Because I"ve been tryin" to ...

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