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    时间:2020-08-31 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    你今天是否感到疏远 Are you experiencing feelings of alienation, 心烦意乱或者无重点的仇恨 dislocation or unfocused animosity today? 没有 No. 你看起来很生气 You seem angry. -没有

     -怨恨 - No. - Resentful. 怎么会呢 Why would I be? 这是离开我们常见的反应 It"s a common response to leaving us. 我很幸运

     我知道 I"m very lucky. I know that. 我很幸运能来到这里 I"m lucky to have been here, 得到你的帮助 and to have had your help. 我们一起经历了很多


     露西 We"ve come a long way together, haven"t we, Lucy? 我们为什么会行为不端 是的

     麦克斯韦医生 Yes, Dr. Maxwell. 如果我告诉你所有的进展 What if I told you that all the progress 可以维持呢 we have made can be maintained? 那太好了

     因为我 I would really like that. Because I... 你父亲和我讨论过如何解决你的困扰 Your father and I have spoken about the answer to what ails you. 答案是什么 What is the answer? 希拉云 Hilaryn. 一种稳定情绪的镇定剂 A mood-levelling tranquillity elixir. 它将成为你穿越生命之谷的盾牌 It will be your shield as you walk through the valley of life. 国内或国外

     无论你去哪 Home or abroad, wherever you go, 我正在申请专利的药物会让你 my patent pending medicine will free you from 摆脱令人烦恼的行为和让人分心的欲望 troublesome behaviours and distracting wants. 谢谢 Thank you. 空腹服用

     一天四次 Four times a day on an empty stomach. 一年以后 One year"s supply. 正常的生活就可以开始了 The life you should be leading can finally begin. 露西的生活 As Lucy. *一旦你找到她* *Once you have found her* *别放她走* *Never let her go* *一旦你找到她* *Once you have found her* *别放她走* *Never let her go* 恭喜

     旅途愉快 Congratulations, have a great trip. 小鸟们 第一季

     第一集 纽约 1955 年 你买♥♥了束腰带和围巾 So you have your girdles. You have your scarves. 下午茶还需要什么吗 Do you need anything for afternoon tea? 英国大使会来丹吉尔 There will be a British Ambassador there in Tangier, 所以你要准备一两个问题 So you should have one or two questions ready 以防让你发问 in case it"s left to you to make conversation. 最好能表现 Something that shows that 你知道他承受了多大的压力 you understand the pressures he must be under, 但一点也不固执己见 but isn"t in the least bit opinionated. 这就是我和你父亲第一次见面时

     他喜欢我的地方 That"s what your father liked about me when we first met. 他说我知道如何恰当地交谈 He said I knew how to converse in an appropriate manner. 我觉得他嘴真甜 I thought it was so sweet. 我带妻子们去游泳池 ...and so I took the wives out to the pool 用超好吃的奶油葡萄酒她散了他们的注意力 and I just distracted them with the most darling syllabub. 这个甜点特别有用 Oh, just the most useful dessert. 你走之前

     一定要记下来 Before you leave, you must write it down. 因为奶油葡萄酒 Because the thing about syllabub 哪怕你不提供 is that it can be as indulgent or otherwise 客人可能也会找你要


     艾斯黛儿 as might be required by your guests. Hello, Estelle. 敬我女儿的异国风味 To my daughter"s exotic taste. 英国人哪算什么异国风味

     格兰特 I"d hardly call an Englishman exotic, Grant. 我说的是菠萝 I"m talking about the pineapple. 它来自夏威夷 It"s from Hawaii. 我喜欢菠萝 I like pineapple. 我知道

     你有什么不喜欢呢 I know you do. What"s not to like? 菠萝 Pineapples. 我也喜欢

     有其父必有其女 I like it too. You"re a chip off the old block. 有其父必有其女 A chip off the old block. 是的 Yes, she is. 干杯

     敬我的宝贝女儿 A toast. To my little girl. 去那边的世界 Going out in the world over there. 全靠她自己 All on her own. 我不是靠自己 I won"t be all on my own. 我要成为妻子了 I"m gonna be a wife. 嫁给最棒的男人 To the most amazing man. 他叫什么来着 What"s his name again? 雨果

     雨果·卡文迪什-斯迈思 Hugo. Hugo Cavendish-Smythe. 卡文迪什-斯迈思勋爵 Lord Cavendish-Smythe. 如果需要 If we need it, 我有个在巴黎的熟人的电♥话♥ you know, I got the number of a guy in Paris. 你几小时后就能到巴黎了 You can get to Paris in a couple hours. 当然

     他是欧洲人 Course, he is a European. 他是麦斯威尔医生的朋友 He"s a friend of Dr. Maxwell"s. 太多了 That"s too much. 我们可以一起环游世界 You know, I think we"ll travel the world together, 然后组建自己的家庭 and then we"ll start our own family. 周围都是美丽的事物 We"ll surround ourselves with beautiful things 美丽的人们 and beautiful people. 然后我们跳舞

     跳很多的舞 And we"ll dance. Lots of dancing. 他跳舞特别棒

     不是吗 He"s a wonderful dancer, isn"t he? 你们配合得非常好

     亲爱的 You dance good together, honey. 没错 Yes, we do. 来

     把这个给露西 Here. Give that to Lucy. 也不知道你能不能活着回来

     不如现在就给你吧 Be dead before you"re back. You may as well have it now. -奶奶


     妈妈 - Grammy! - Hardly dinner talk, Mother. 我不是你妈妈 I"m not your mother. 真漂亮 Wow, it"s beautiful! 你一直盯着呢吧 Always had your eye on it, eh? 才没有 That"s not the case. 省得你从我尸体上拽下来了 Spared you pulling it off my dead hand. 合适吗

     亲爱的 Does it fit, hon? 嗯 Yes. 你该怎么说 What do you say? 谢谢你


     我非常爱你 Thank you, Grandma. I love you very much. 谁给你这个

     你都会爱上那个人 You"d love anybody who gave you that. 我还给你做了点路上吃的 I made you something for the trip too. 丹吉尔离家很远 Tangier is very far from home. 我这痉挛性结肠是去不了了 Way too far for my spastic colon. 但你知道最棒的是什么吗

     露西 But you know the great thing, Lucy? 你♥爸♥爸会一直照顾你 Your daddy is always looking out for you. 打开它 Open it. 每个美国女孩都需要一个 Every American girl needs one of those. 战斧柯尔特 The Tomahawk Colt. 珍珠母镶嵌

     镶金把手 Mother-of-pearl inlay, filigree handle, 女士专用的轻扳机 light trigger for a lady"s touch. 以防万一 Just in case trouble comes a-calling. 对吧

     妈妈 Isn"t that right, Mama? 神枪手 Sharp little shooter. 女孩和枪都齐了 Both girl and gun. 从不失手

     与生俱来 Never misses. Born to it. 真的很漂亮 It"s really lovely. 这是全新的系列 It"s a whole new line. 以你命名

     吉卜赛 Named after you, Gypsy. 谢谢你

     爸爸 Thank you, Daddy. 肯定会大卖♥♥的

     亲爱的 I"m sure it will sell, dear. 当然会大卖♥♥的 Of course, it will sell. 我建立战斧这样的公♥司♥ I didn"t build a company like Tomahawk 可不是为了创造卖♥♥不出去的武器的 inventing weapons that don"t sell. 妈妈

     你怎么起来了 Mama, what are you doing up? 我药吃晚了 I took my Nervactil late. 真是浪费 It"s such a waste. 什么 What is? 结婚 Marriage. 孩子们 Children. 你的身材会走形 You"ll ruin your figure. 抱歉我害你的身材走形了

     妈妈 I"m sorry I ruined your figure, Mom. 曼哈顿公♥寓♥ 正派得体 Prim and proper. 那个女孩 The girl who"s... 从未被亲吻过 ...never been kissed. 我厌倦了纯洁 Well, I"m tired of being pure, 没有人追我 ...and not chased. *像在寻找自己的水平* *Like something that seeks its level* *我想去见魔鬼* *I wanna go to the devil* *我想变得邪恶* *I wanna be evil* *我想怒气冲天* *I wanna spit tacks* *我想变得邪恶* *I wanna be evil* *在抓子游戏作弊* *And cheat at jacks* *我想变得邪恶* *I wanna be wicked* *我想说谎* *I wanna tell lies* *我想变得刻薄

     扔泥巴派* *I wanna be mean and throw mud pies* 消停会吧

     姑娘 There. Settle down, girl. 吉卜赛·柯尔特[小马] Gypsy Colt. 爸爸 Hi, Daddy. 没有动物像它一样 No other animal quite like him. 马

     非常聪明 Horses. Very smart. 还记得它是怎么打开马厩门 Remember how he opens the door 躲赛马场的人吗 in the barn to get away from the race track guys? 它比摩托帮更聪明 He outsmarts the motorcycle gang. 跳过峡谷

     甩掉了他们 Jumps over the ravine. They can"t follow him. 你母亲 Your mother 认为 thinks that... 那不是真马 It"s not a real horse. 她觉得这是假马 She thinks it"s a trick horse. 当然

     这是匹真马 Of course, it"s a real horse. 当然 Of course. 它很忠诚 I mean, it"s loyal. 知道自己的归属

     可以找到回家的路 Knows where it belongs. Finds its way home. 是啊 Yeah. 准备好

     吉卜赛 Get ready now, Gypsy. -别磨蹭


     -我没有 - Don"t dawdle, come on. - No, I"m not. 亲爱的

     别忘了做面部练习 Now, darling, don"t forget to do your facial exercises. 尤其是脖子 Especially the neck. 天呐


     别在公共场合说 Christ, Vanessa, not in public. 我保证

     一天两次 I promise, twice a day. 一天两次

     漂亮两倍 Twice a day, twice as pretty. 漂亮两倍 Twice as pretty. 雨果会来接你

     都安排好了 Hugo is going to meet you. It"s all been arranged. -你跟他聊过了

     -是啊 - Oh, you spoke to him? - Yeah. 教堂预定好了 Church is booked. 是的

     从船到教堂 Yes. From the boat to the church. 这样就没什么麻烦了 So there won"t be any trouble. 嗯

     当然了 No. Of course, there won"t. 雨果会照顾好你的 Hugo"s gonna take care of you. 我能看得出来 I"ve seen to that. 亲爱的

     吃药吧 Darling, take your pill. 不是吧 It isn"t, is it? 是的

     莉莉·万·X It is. Lili Von X. 真是个可怕的女人 That a dreadful woman. 你听说她怎么说芭芭拉·斯坦威克了吗 Did you hear what she said about Barbara Stanwyck? -没有

     -太恶心人了 - No. - It"s disgusting. 小姑娘

     离她远点 Young lady, go nowhere near that. 她简直就是个共♥产♥主义者 She"s practically a communist. 萨维奇小姐

     你的行程 Miss Savage, your itinerary. 机长邀请所有头等舱乘客 The Captain is inviting all first-class passengers 和他共进晚餐 to his table for dinner this evening. 太好了 Wonderful. 她也会去 She"s gonna be there. 吻你妈妈吧 Kiss your mother. 再见

     妈妈 Bye, Mama. 我到了给你打电♥话♥ I"ll call you when I get there. 丹吉尔 原谅我

     先生们 Forgive me, gentlemen, 让你们等了这么久 for keeping you waiting so long. --奥马尔


     Omar! - Yes! 能给我们的客人拿点喝的吗 Would you bring some drinks for our guests, please? 当然 Of course. 你们会玩得很开心的 You"re going to have such a great time. 法国猪 French piggy! 动起来

     脏猪 Move! Dirty piggy! 你不能说话吗

     不能说话吗 Can"t you talk? Can"t you talk? 我真该把你在火上叉烤 I should spit-roast you 把你恶心的肉给其他法国猪吃 and serve your nasty flesh to all the other French pigs! 什么 What? 谢利法

     求你了 Cherifa! Please! 我需要它 I need it! 闭嘴

     不行 Shut up! No! -我需要它

     -闭嘴 - I need it! - Shut up! 闭嘴 Shut up! 好孩子

     好孩子 Good boy! Good boy! 通向这里的花♥园♥有一条这样的小路 And the garden goes here with a path up like this. 你可以在那里建个马厩 And you can have a stable there. 我们的房♥间呢 Where are our rooms? 这些房♥间都是我们的 All these rooms belong to us. 我会在我们周围建一堵墙 And I"ll build a wall around us 保护你不受怪物伤害 to protect you from the monsters. 万一我才是怪物呢 What if I"m the monster? 有时我也好奇呢 Sometimes I wonder. 你这是干什么 What"d you do that for? 你知道你太好了

     我配不上你 You know you"re too sweet for me. *秋天的天气把树叶变成火焰 *And the autumn weather turns the leaves to flame *我没时间等了 *And I haven"t got time for the waiting game* 我觉得万·X 小姐 I think Miss Von X has had 今晚的玩得够开心了吧 enough entertainment for night, huh? 不


     特别棒 Uh, no, darling, it is absolutely fabulous. 就是少了一样东西

     过来坐 There was one thing missing. Come sit. 不


     亲爱的 No, on... On Mommy"s lap, honey. 抹上口红就完全不一样了

     噘嘴 Now this will make all the difference. Pout. 好了

     大结局 All right. Big finish. *这些黄金岁月* *These golden days *我会与你共度* *I"ll spend with you* 干杯 Salute. 你要在欧洲停留多久 How long will you be stopping off in Europe? 我不停留


     我直接去非洲 I"m not, darling. Straight on to Afrique. 我等不及去欧洲了 Oh, I can"t wait to go to Europe. 尤其是巴黎 Especially Paris! 有什么建议吗 Does anybody have any recommendations? 没有 No. 有个叫利奥波德咖啡馆的小地方 There"s a lovely little place called Cafe Leopold 在协和广场旁边 off the Place de La Concorde. 我不记得有什么吃的了 I don"t recall the food, 但是杜松子酒特别便宜 but they had very cheap schnapps. 你们有人看过绞刑吗 Have any of you ever watched a hanging? 在蒙帕纳斯喝得酩酊大醉以后 After long nights of drinking in Montparnasse, 清晨来临

     利奥波德咖啡馆 come the morning, Cafe Leopold 是观看死刑的好地方 was the place to go to watch the executions. 有次我记得特别清楚 I remember one in particular. 一个俄♥国♥杀手 A Russian assassin. 最近应该不少吧 I believe a few of those about these days. 利奥波德咖啡馆 Cafe Leopold. 一定要和情侣去 You never went there without a date. 我们一小部分人中有一个传说 You see, there was a legend amongst that 如果你能在死亡的那一刻 small group of us that if you could achieve orgasm 达到高♥潮♥ at the exact moment of the death, 那你就会感受到终极高♥潮♥ then you would attain the ultimate climax. 我记得有一天早上 I remember one morning, 我们都去了前面 we all went down to the front line 离脚手架大约三米 about 10 feet away from the scaffold. 我站在那里

     靠着绳子 And I stood there, pressed up against the rope. 我穿了一条后排扣的裙子 I wore a skirt with buttons all the way down the back. 周围的人都在挤我 People were pushing me from all sides. 我的爱人蒂博紧贴在我身后 My beau Thibault pressed behind me. 犯人被带来了

     眼睛被蒙住了 The prisoner was brought and his eyes blindfolded. 两个警♥察♥帮他上刑 Two police led him up. 看着那个人死去的痛苦是如此巨大 The pain of watching that man die was so great, 蒂博尔在我体内坚硬的肉体都泄气了 it made the touch of Thibault"s hard flesh up inside of me a relief. 死神降临时

     我紧紧地抓住了生命 I was holding on to life while death was passing. 人群不断把他压在我身上 The crowd kept crushing him against me. 一次又一次 Again and again! 我的恐惧转化为快乐 My fear turned to pleasure. 这确实是终极高♥潮♥ It was indeed the ultimate climax. 总之一定要去利奥波德咖啡馆 But any way, go to Cafe Leopold! 哪怕只是为了喝杜松子酒 If only to drink the schnapps. 万·X 小姐 Miss Von X? 请叫我莉莉 Lili, please. 莉莉

     谢谢 Lili. Thank you. 这是真的吗 Is that a true story? 你得自己去搞清楚


     小鸽子 You"d just have to find out for yourself, wouldn"t you, pigeon? 这里 This bit. 什么 What? 如果我能拥有你的一部分

     那一定是这里 If I could only have a piece of you, it would be this. 这个 This. 我们别回去了 Let"s not go back. 就待在这里吧 Let"s stay here. 我得在周五前回去 I"ve got to get back by Friday. 维纳斯要来了 The Venus is coming in. 有货吗 Expecting a shipment? 算是吧 Of a sort. 我的未婚妻 My fiancee. 你打算什么时候才告诉我 When were you going to tell me? 我现在就告诉你了啊 I"m telling you now. 她是谁 Who is she? 她叫露西·萨维奇 Her name is Lucy Savage. 她有钱吗 Is she rich? 她来自一个好家庭 She"s from a good family. 我来自皇室 I am from a royal family! 她是个有教养的美国人 Well, she"s a well-bred American. 首先

     美国人哪来的教养 Okay, first, is there such a thing? 第二

     你说得好像你刚买♥♥了一只纯种小狗 Second. You talk about her like you"ve just bought a pedigree pup. 你怎么跟别人形容我的 How do you describe me to people? 我不说 I don"t. 嗯 No. 你不说 You don"t. 你爱她吗 Do you love her? 我们不需要改变什么 It doesn"t have to change anything. 这改变了一切 It changes everything. 你打算拿她怎么办 What do you plan to do with her? 什么意思 What do you mean? 你可以说点什么 There"s something you could say. 如果你能想到的话 If you can think of it. 我们今晚去吃个饭吧 Let"s go for dinner tonight. 不是这句 That"s not it. 昨天全城爆发了愤怒的抗♥议♥ Angry protests around the city yesterday 导致了全国范围内的动♥乱♥ have contributed to nation-wide unrest 法国政♥府♥让国王 as pressure mounts on the French administration 重回摩洛哥王位的压力与日俱增 to allow the king"s return to the throne of Morocco. 谢利法 Cherifa. 国王要来了 The king is coming. 国王要来了 The king is coming! 把那玩意拿走

     该死的民族主义者 Take that shit away. Nationalist shit! 你的国王

     你的国王不会来了 Your king... Your king isn"t coming. 你们是害虫

     人♥渣♥ You"re vermin! Scum! 放开我

     放开我 Let me go! Let me go. 这是给你的 This is for you. 法国的吗 It"s French? 臭死了 It stinks. 没有更好的东西可以偷了吗 Wasn"t there anything better to steal? 真是不知好歹 You"re ungrateful. 我累了 I"m tired. 你知道外面那个孩子们经常乞讨的地方吗 You know that spot outside where the kids are always begging? 像我们以前那样吗 Like we used to? 是的 Yes. 有个男孩 There was this boy. 一个法国人过来打了他 A Frenchman came through and attacked him. 他叫那个男孩害虫 He called him vermin. 那个男孩当时只是在挂国王的海报 He was hanging a poster of the king. 会改变的 This will change. 等国王回来

     一切都会改变 When the king comes back, this will all change. 什么都不会改变 Nothing will change. 国王为我们这样的人做过什么 What has the king ever done for people like us? 别这么说 Don"t talk like that. 为什么 Why? 太不尊重了 It"s disrespectful. 他听不见的 He cannot hear me. 我听见了 I hear you. 那孩子死了 That kid"s dead. 他和我们一样 He was like us. 你是独一无二的 There"s no one like you. 欢迎来到丹吉尔 Welcome to Tangier. 请在法国随身携带相关文件 Please carry your papers or letters to France at all times. 雨果

     亲爱的 Hugo, darling. 你好啊 How are you? 你好 Hello. 你在等什么特别的人吗 Are you waiting on anyone special? 我的未婚妻 Uh, my fiancee. 你的未婚妻 Ah, your fiancee? 祝贺你 Congratulations! 谢谢 Oh, thank you. 你迫不及待要把她介绍给 I"m sure you can"t wait to introduce her 丹吉尔的朋友们了吧 to all your special friends here in Tangier. 生意怎么样 Well, how"s business? 人们仍然需要爱 Well, people still need love 他们总得找个地方吧 and they have to get it from somewhere. 只是价格的问题 Question of the rates is all. 是的 Yes. 我可以再出高一点 You know, I can pay a higher rate for little more. 雨果

     拜托 Hugo, please. 你现在的价格都付不起吧 You can"t afford the rate you already got, huh? 她来了 Ah, here she is. 他在那里 There he is. 莉莉

     亲爱的 Ah, Lili, darling! 你好 Hello. 瞧瞧你

     你看起来棒极了 Look at you. You look amazing! 旅途如何 How was your journey? 太棒了 It was just lovely. 天啊

     见到你真高兴 My goodness, I"m so glad to see you. 天啊

     不是吧 Oh, my God, it isn"t. 这一定是那个幸运的男人 This must be the lucky man. 雨果 Hugo. 很高兴认识你

     莉莉·万·X Delighted! Lili Von X. 当然 Of course. 我当然知道 I mean, I know, of course. 欢迎来到丹吉尔 Welcome to Tangier. 谢谢你

     亲爱的 Thank you, dear. 很高兴回到这里 Happy to be back. 你以前来过吗 You"ve been here before? 当然来过 Of course, she has been here before. 她是 And she is... 未婚妻 The fiancee. 是的

     露西 Yes, Lucy. 太迷人了 Charming, charming. 我想赶紧去感受卡斯巴的脉搏 I am simply dying to take the pulse of the Kasbah. 它还活着


     它还活着 It"s still alive, darling. It"s still alive. 丹吉尔跳动的心脏

     露西 The beating heart of Tangier. Oh, Lucy! 你会玩得很愉快的 You are going to have such a time. 我们能去卡斯巴吗 Can we go to the Kasbah? 当然 Of course. 帮我照顾好这只小鸽子

     好吗 Now you take care of the pigeon here for me, won"t you? 有空给我们打电♥话♥ Call us sometime. 没问题 Absolutely! 雨果知道去哪找我们吧 Hugo knows where to find us, huh? 你们在船上聊得很开心吗 Did you get very close on the boat? 你们看上去像好朋友啊 You seem to be quite good friends. 朋友算不上

     但是 I wouldn"t say friends exactly, but... 雨果 Hugo. 我来了 I"m here. 是的 Yep. You are. 终于来了 Finally. 天啊

     你真帅 Gosh, you look so handsome. 先安顿一下吧 Let"s... Let"s get settled. 好的

     走吧 Yes, let"s. -好

     -我帮你拿 - Yes. - I"ll hold that. 谢谢 Thank you. 谢谢 Thank you. 就在这里 Just here. -右边

     -好的 - On the right. - Okay. 谢谢 Thank you. 就在上面 Just up here. 好的 Okay. 这是客厅 And so this is the living room. 我给你准备了欢迎礼物 I got you a welcome present. 美国人喜欢看电视 Americans love television. 你真好


     雨果 It"s very sweet, thank you, Hugo. 太漂亮了 Wow, this is beautiful! 你能带我去卧室吗 Do you wanna show me the bedroom? 当然

     你一定累坏了 Of course, you must be exhausted. 不


     我 Oh, no, I"m not tired. I... i"m... 很高兴见到你 Lovely to see you. 我也是 Me, too. 嗯 Yes. 抱歉 I"m sorry. 以后有的是时间呢 There"s plenty of time for that. 我们必须等到结婚 Oh, we must wait until we"re wed! 但我等不及了 But I can"t wait. 我一定要得到你

     我一定要征服你 I must have you! I must ravish you! -不





     是 - No, no, no. - Yes, yes, yes. 喝点东西吗 Would you like a drink? 当然 Always. 天啊

     没有汤力水了 God, we"re out of tonic. 不用汤力水


     你 Oh, you don"t need tonic. It"s okay, you... 我马上回来 I"ll be back. -雨果


     -我马上回来 - Hugo, I"m... - Yeah, I"ll be back. 我不喜欢 I don"t like... 汤力水 Like tonic. 你还好吗 You all right? 我明天就要结婚了 I"m getting married tomorrow. 太惨了 Well, that"s terrible. 祝贺你 Congratulations! 没想到你也会结婚 Didn"t take you for the marrying kind. 其实是个美国姑娘 American girl, actually. 那还挺有用 That"s useful. 谢谢 Thank you. 如今阿♥拉♥伯人只信任美国人 Americans are the only ones that the Arabs trust nowadays. 非常有用 Very useful, yes. 她叫什么名字 What"s her name? 露西 Lucy. 没有姓吗 Just Lucy? 萨维奇[野蛮人] Savage. 天性吗 By nature? 就是个名字 By name. 她漂亮吗 Is she pretty? 是的

     比我好看 Ah, yes, prettier than me. 比我聪明 Cleverer than me 比我性格好 and nicer than me. 比我有钱 and richer than me. 你真走运 Lucky guy. 是吧 Aren"t I? 我

      露西·梅布尔·萨维奇 I, Lucy Mable Savage... 我

      露西·梅布尔·萨维奇 I, Lucy Mable Savage... 接受 ...take thee, 雨果·威廉·康斯特布尔·卡文迪什-斯迈思 Hugo William Constable Cavendish-Smythe... 接受 ...take thee, 雨果·威廉 Hugo William... 康斯特布尔 Er, Constable. 康斯特布尔 Constable 卡文迪什-斯迈思 Cavendish-Smythe... 成为我的合法丈夫 ...to be my lawful wedded husband. 成为我的合法丈夫 ...to be my lawful wedded husband. 尊重和服从 To honour and obey... 无论疾病还是健康 ...in sickness and in health... 直到死亡将我们分开 ...till death do us part. 以丹吉尔主教这个职位赋予我的权力 And by the authority vested in me by the Bishop of Tangier, 我宣布你们结为夫妻 I now pronounce you man and wife. 我们结婚了 We did it. 等等 Wait! 你刚才 What were you... 过来 Come here. 来嘛 Come on. 卡文迪什-斯迈思家 Cavendish-Smythe residence. 雨果 Hugo. 瓦内萨 Vanessa. 很高兴接到你的电♥话♥ Nice to hear from you. 能让我女儿接电♥话♥吗 Can I speak to my daughter, please? 当然 Of course. 妈妈 Hello, Mother. 恭喜你

     亲爱的 Congratulations, dear! 谢谢 Thank you. 开心吗 Happy? 我们玩得可开心了 Oh, we"re having an absolute ball over here. 太好了 Wonderful! 雨果带我逛了所有的景点 Hugo showed me all the sites. 太棒了 Oh, fantastic! -你想家吗


     -不想 - You homesick, dear? - No. 我为什么会想家 Why would I be homesick? 当然不会 Of course, not. 别在外面晒太阳 Well, I hope you"re not going out in the sun there. 外国的阳光会让你起疹子 Foreign sun gives you blotches. 露西

     我能和雨果谈谈吗 Lucy, can I talk to Hugo, please? 爸爸 Hello, Daddy. 当然 Absolutely! 雨果

     爸爸想和我们谈谈 Hugo, Daddy wants to talk to us. 我们在脸贴脸 Here we are, cheek-to-cheek. 你好

     格兰特 Hi, there, Grant. 我想和他私下谈谈

     亲爱的 I wanna talk to him in private, honey. 好的 Okay. 走开 Go away. 天呐 God! 恭喜你


     木已成舟 Congratulations, Hugo! Done deal. 新娘怎么样了 How"s the bride? 她很好 She"s well. 有什么可以帮你 And what can I do for you? -新产品


     -能在卧室等我吗 -Got a new product. Beautiful. -Could you wait in the bedroom? 火箭

     和市场上其他的不一样 A rocket. Like none other on the market, 像小鸟一样飞翔 flies like a little bird. -听起来不错

     -很适合非洲 - Sounds lovely. - It"s perfect for Africa. 那里路太烂了

     这个可以随身携带 The roads are shit. You can carry this around on foot. 叛乱分子的梦想 Insurgents" dream. 是啊 Gosh, I see. 摩洛哥是通往非洲的大门 And Morocco is a gateway to Africa. 不是吗

     明白我的意思吗 Is it not? Know what I mean? 不是很明白 No, not quite. 我是说非洲对于战斧武器公♥司♥来说 Well, I mean that Africa is a big, wet, open market 是个又大又软弱的自♥由♥市场 for Tomahawk Arms 希望你能帮我争取一下 and I want you to push into it for me. 我 Me? 我对这个不是很感兴趣

     格兰特 Not really sure that"s my sort of thing, Grant. 肥水不流外人田 I like to keep it in the family. 你打算让我怎么做 What do you expect me to do? 找出买♥♥家 Identify the buyer. 抱歉

     谁呢 Sorry, who? 你说呢


     我又不在当地 You tell me, Hugo, you"re the one on the ground. 找到老大 Find the top dog. 阐述一下这个机会

     仅此而已 Explain the opportunity. That"s all. 这不是火箭科学[复杂的事]

     这是火箭销♥售♥ It"s not rocket science, it"s rocket sales. 我不够格

     格兰特 I"m not qualified, Grant. 你不需要有资格 Well, you don"t need to be qualified. 你是英爵 You"re an English lord. 施展你的魅力吧

     露西就很着迷呀 Use your charm. Worked on Lucy. 我觉得 Well, I hardly think 网球和跳舞对你的客户应该没什么用 tennis and dancing"s gonna work on your... Your clients. 那我就交给你了 Well then, I"ll leave it up to you. 记得汇报情况 Report back. 不成功便成仁 No dice, no allowance. 我们说好的 We had an agreement. 现在你手上戴上戒指啦 And now, you got a ring on your finger. 你有什么谈判立场 What is your negotiating position? 基本上没有 You don"t have much of a one. 行啦

     雨果 Come on, Hugo. 欢迎加入家族企业 Welcome to the family business. 你♥爸♥妈打电♥话♥来真是太贴心了 Sweet of your parents to call. 你父亲特别客气 And your father was very complimentary. 欢迎我加入这个家庭 Welcomed me into the family. 我不想聊我爸 I don"t wanna talk about my father. 或者我妈 Or my mother. 今晚是我们的新婚之夜 It"s our wedding night. 我只想说

     他真是太好了 I"m just saying, it was very kind of him... 雨果 Hugo. 怎么了 What? 我只想快活一下 I just wanna have fun. 可以快活一下吗 Can we have some fun? 嗯 Yeah? 也许我们只是需要放松一点

     对吧 Maybe we just need to relax a little, right? 我们可以去卡斯巴啊 Maybe we can go to the Kasbah? 我们可以跳舞 We can go dancing. 我们

     我们 We... We... 那我们去西洛可风吧 We could go to El Sirocco then. 什么 What"s that? 西洛可风 丹吉尔的怀旧人士都在这里 All the retrobates of Tangier are here. 漂亮 Marvellous! 我爱你 I love you. 新婚夫妇来啦

     这边请 These are the happy couple. Right this way, please! 那是英国大使 And that"s the British Ambassador. 那是那个作家 And that"s that writer. 把顶部抬起来

     把那个拿去吧台 Just keep the topside up. Let"s take that to the bar. 谢谢


     女士 Thank you. This way, ma"am. 这是谁啊

     雨果 Who is this, Hugo? 这是露西

     我妻子 This is Lucy, my wife. 你妻子 Your wife! 你好


     我是他妻子 Hello. Yes, I"m his wife. 露西 Lucy. -晚上好



      -嗯 - Right, good evening, girls. Thank you. - Yeah. 她们是谁 Who are they? -比尔

     -在 - Bill. - Yes, sir. -给那桌拿瓶香槟

     -好的 - Champagne to that table. - Yes, sir. 雷盖 Reggae. 我的妹子们 My chickens! 亲爱的 Darling. 阿巴扎先生的礼物

     庆祝你们大婚之日 Compliments of Mr. Abaza on your special day. 雨果

     真是太贴心了 Oh, Hugo, isn"t that just darling? 他是你的好朋友吗 Is he a good friend? 他在哪儿 Where is he? -阿巴扎先生


     -露西 - Mr. Abaza! You must come join us! - Lucy. 露西 Lucy. 他人多好啊

     我们得谢谢他 He"s been very kind, let"s thank him. 你好 Hello. 很高兴认识你 Delighted. 卡文迪什-斯迈思太太 Mrs. Cavendish-Smythe. 叫我露西就可以了 Oh, no, Lucy. Please. 谢谢你的香槟 And thank you so much for the champagne. 太客气了 Too kind. 我请客

     雨果 My treat, Hugo. 毕竟这是个大日子 It"s quite an occasion, after all. 见到你妻子 Meeting your wife. 你完婚了 You went through with it. 雨果经常跟我提起你 Hugo"s told me so much about you. 是吗 Oh, has he? 没损我吧 It better be good. 你肯定猜不到 You have no idea. 你们怎么认识的 How do you two know each other? 我们是好朋友 We"re good friends. 干一杯吧 Shall we cheers? -干杯

     -敬好朋友 - Cheers. - To good friends. 跳支舞吧 Should we dance? 好呀 I would love to. 国务卿

     晚上好 Secretary. Good evening. 谢谢 Merci. 不好意思 Excuse me. -我去下洗手间

     -你还好吗 - I"m gonna go to the bathroom. - You okay? 怎么

     你想毁了我的一切吗 What, are you trying to ruin everything for me? 谁知道她会怎么想 Well, God knows what she thinks. 没错 Quite. 我们有一位尊贵的客人 We are honoured by a distinguished guest. 你的左边 Your left. 法国人肯定比他们说的更慌乱 The French must be more rattled than they"re letting on, 把瓦尼国务卿送回丹吉尔 getting Secretary Vaney back to Tangier. 法国摄政国的首脑通常不会来这里 The head of the French Protectorate usually doesn"t slum it here. 靠 Shit. 天啊

     不知道这玩意能不能弄掉 God, I"m not sure if this will come off. -你有什么事吗

     -没有 - You want something? - No. 抱歉

     这么盯着别人很没礼貌 Sorry, it"s rude to stare. 那是你的吗 Is that yours? 这是个礼物 It was a gift. 你想摸摸吗 You wanna touch it? 这是为女士定制的 It"s made special for ladies. 你应该把它收起来 You should put it away. 我今天结婚了 I got married today. 祝贺你 Congratulations. 谢谢 Thank you. 今天很开心 It"s a happy day. 你有丈夫吗 Do you have a husband? 没有 No. 我有一个妻子 A wife. 她叫谢利法 El Cherifa. 我在等你邀请我共进晚餐呢 I"ll be expecting an invitation for dinner. 你知道你不需要邀请函 Oh, but you know that you don"t need an invitation. 夫人 Madame. -抱歉

     -你没事吧 - Sorry. - Are you okay? 嗯

     大部分都弄掉了 Yes, I got most of it out, I think. 满上 Here, top up. 为我们唱首歌♥ Sing a song for us. 为他唱首歌♥吧 Sing a song for him. 我是认真的 Hey, come on, I"m serious. 你给我唱首歌♥吧 Why don"t you sing a song for me? 我不唱歌♥ I don"t sing. 我深表怀疑


     唱首歌♥呗 Yeah, I doubt that. Come on, just sing a song. -干嘛


     -走开 - What? Am I talking to you? - Hey, go away. 她不想给你唱歌♥ She doesn"t wanna sing a song for you. 上去唱首歌♥ Get up there and sing a song. -我不是免费的

     -来嘛 - I don"t work for free. - Come on. 付她钱 Go pay her. -你请不起我

     -来嘛 - You can"t afford me. - Come on. 你请不起我 You can"t afford me. 你看

     大家 You see, there"s everybody... 大家都在之类 Come on, there"s everybody there. Look. 去唱首歌♥ Go, sing a song. 你听到了吧 Well, you heard the man. 走吧

     那边 Come on. That way. 快滚 Come on, move! 过来

     站在这里 Come here, stand here. 这里


     你待着别动 Here. Like this. You stay there. 伙计们

     你们想让她唱什么 Hey, guys, what do you think she will sing, huh? 让她唱什么 What is she singing? 让她唱什么呢 What will she sing? -《马赛曲》

     -好啊 - La Marseillaise! - Yeah! 《马赛曲》 La Marseillaise! 《马赛曲》

     先生 La Marseillaise, monsieur! 好啊


     这可是法国国歌♥ Yeah, man. Come on, it"s the French anthem. 你知道怎么唱吗

     知道吧 Do you know how to sing it? Yes? 好

     唱吧 Okay, go for it. 等等

     等等 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! 伙计们

     你们在干什么 Guys, what are you doing? 你们演奏得太快了 You"re going way too fast, man. 慢一点

     好吗 You just slow it down a little bit, okay? 你站在这里 Now you stand right here. 你拿到钱了 You got paid. 该你唱歌♥了 Now you sing. -敬法国

     -敬法国 - To France. - To France. 大声点 Louder! Come on! 好好唱 Sing it properly! 好好唱

     贱♥人♥ Sing it properly, bitch! 她是谁 Who is she? 不知道 I don"t know. 她是个妓♥女♥ She"s a whore. 而且在嘲笑法国 And she"s ridiculing France. 好极了 Bravo! 好极了 Bravo! 好极了 Bravo! 需要我把她处理了吗 You want me to take care of her? 不

     暂时不用 No. Not yet. 那是谁 Who is that? 谢利法 El Cherifa.

    推荐访问:第一集 小鸟 第一季

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