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    时间:2020-08-31 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站


     是个奴隶 My name is Ash, and I am a slave. 照我的判断

     现在是西元 1300 年 Close as I can figure it, the year is 1300 A.D., 我被拖曳着踏上死亡路程 and I"m being dragged to my death. 事情一开始不是这样的 It wasn"t always like this. 我也有过真实的生活 I had a real life once. 还有一份工作 A job. 五金

     12 号♥走道


     保证物美价廉 Um, hardware, aisle 12. Shop smart. Shop S-mart. 我有个很好的女朋友

     玲达 I had a wonderful girlfriend, Linda. 我们一起开车到山上小屋渡假 Together we drove to a small cabin in the mountains. 有位考古学家来到这偏僻的地方 It seems an archaeologist had come to this remote place... 致力翻译与研究他的最新发现 to translate and study his latest find, 死亡日记 "Necronomicon Ex Mortis, The Book of the Dead." 书本用人皮制成

     以血液书写 Bound in human flesh and inked in blood, 这古籍记载了玄奇的埋葬仪式 this ancient Sumerian text contained bizarre burial rites, 咒语以及恶魔复活等文字 funerary incantations and demon resurrection passages. 此书根本就不应存在人间 It was never meant for the world of the living. 它唤醒了树林中的邪魔 The book awoke something dark in the woods. 玲达被抓走了 It took Linda. 然后又来抓我 And then it came for me. 邪魔进到我手里

     我只好断腕自保 It got into my hand and it went bad. So I lopped it off at the wrist. 但它没完没了

     又回来找我 But that didn"t stop it. It came back. 弄得天翻地覆 Big time. 天啊! 怎么让它停止? My God! How do you stop it? 片名

     魔界英豪 堵住他! Surround the stranger! 好了 u3000 所有人集♥合♥ All right, you men, fall in! 这里是地狱 Where in the hell. 快点

     蠢货们 Stand fast, hellhound! 别冲动


     我不知道怎么来到这里的 No, no. Easy now, chief. I don"t know how I got here, 我也不想找麻烦 and, uh, uh, I"m not looking for any trouble. 这胄甲真坚固! What a piece of armor this is! -智者! -过来

     快点 -Wise man! -Fall back! Come on, all you men. 快退后 Back on your horses. Come on! 陛下

     他一定就是日记里提到的使者 My lord, I believe he is the one written of in the Necronomicon. 预言说到他将从天而降 He who"s prophesied to fall from the heavens... 挽救我们于鬼怪之手 and deliver us from the terrors of the Deadites. 什么? 那个傻子? What, that buffoon? 他 Likely... 比较像亨利手下的人 he"s one of Henry"s men! 跪下

     混球! Kneel, rapscallions! 我说

     把他丢进深坑里! I say to the pit with him! 你等下就会听到深坑里的惨叫声 You shall soon learn the horrors of the pit. -进坑! -你这可怜的混球 -To the pit! -You miserable bast... -抓住他

     -别抓我 -Get him! -Get off of me! -放开我! -捆住他 -Let me go! -Chain him! 你将有个很有趣的派对 Ah, you"re gonna have a little bit of wee fun mate. 进城♥堡♥! To the castle! 抬起脚! 别拖着! 快! Pick up your feet! Stop dragging your feet! 走



     快点 Come on! Move along! Come on, now. 尝尝这个的厉害 Come on, pick it up. Have a taste of this! 好了! You men got something to look forward to... 回到城♥堡♥后你将有个惊喜 when you get back to the castle. 亚瑟王来到! 开铁门! Lord Arthur approaches! Raise the portcullis! 亚瑟王! 亚瑟王来到! Lord Arthur! Lord Arthur approaches! 这真有趣

     是吗? 快走 That"s lovely, isn"t it? Move it in. 快走

     你这样没用的 Move it, you worthless... 快点


     上帝保佑国王 Move it up, boys. God save the king! 上帝保佑国王

     我们都喜欢他 God save the king. We love him! 亚瑟

     他回来了 Arthur! He"s back! 亚瑟王

     我兄弟呢? 没跟您一起吗? Lord Arthur, where is my brother? Did he not ride with you? 是

     他骁勇善战 Aye, and fought valiantly. 但昨晚他在与亨利公爵一战中捐躯了 But last night he fell in battle to Duke Henry"s men. 很抱歉

     席拉 I"m sorry, Sheila. 来 Come on. 你这白♥痴♥! 住手

     杂种! You cretin! Ah, stop it, you bastard! 野蛮人! You barbarian! 住手! 住手

     你这杂种! Oh, no! Stop it! Stop it! 滚! 你们这些小畜生 Get outta here, you little brat! 鄙恶之人! 愿神降罪于你! Foul thing! A pox on you, brute! 你是杀人凶手! 杀人凶手! Thou art a murderer! A black murderer! 我要为我兄弟复仇! My brother"s death shall be avenged! 团队

     候令! Company, halt! 除去他的项圈! Get that yoke off "im! 杀了他 Kill them! 把他推进坑里去 Put them into the pit! 你不是我的奴隶 You, sir, are not one of my vassals. 你是谁? Who are you? 谁在问? Who wants to know? 我是红衣亨利

     薛尔公爵 I am Henry the Red, Duke of Shael. 北陆之王

     也是人♥民♥的领导者 Lord of the Northlands and leader of its peoples. 噢




     老兄 Well, hello, Mr. Fancy Pants. I got news for you, pal. 现在你只领导两样事情

     狗跟屎 You aren"t leadin but two things right now. Jack and shit. -这里没狗

     -闭上鸟嘴! -and Jack left town. -Shut your bleed in hole! 绅士们

     亚瑟王! Gentlemen, Lord Arthur! 恶魔已苏醒了 There is an evil awakened in this land, 我的手下拼命抵抗 and while my people fight for their very souls against it, 你


     向我们宣战 you, Henry the Red, wage war on us! 骗子! Charlatan! Aah! 是你先攻击我们的 It was you who first turned your swords on us! 这个恶魔也已败坏了我的手下! And this evil has befouled my people as well! 你的手下也不见得比那深坑里的 Your people are no better than the foul corruption... 恶魔好多少 that lies in the bowels of that pit. 对! 你也好不了多少! Right, you"re no better. 愿神怜悯你的灵魂 May God have mercy upon your souls. 天啊! 是什么东西? God"s name! What hell-spawned thing lurks there? 把他丢进深坑去跟嗜血杂种作伴 Into the pit with those bloodthirsty sons of hores! 天! 天啊! Oh! Heavenly God! 他逃走了! He"s escaping! -抓住他! -抓住他! -Hold to! -Hold him! -下一个是谁? -就是他


     他在颤抖 -Who"s next? -It"s him. Aye, he trembles! 他们看起来没那么精明了吧? They don"t look so clever now, do they? 他吓坏了! He"s frightened! He"s frightened white! 喂

     喂! 等等 Whoa! Whoa! Wait a minute. Hold it. 等等

     等一下! W-Wait a minute. 你得了解

     老兄 You gotta understand, man. 我之前从没见过这些混球! I never even saw these assholes before. -把他带过来

     -他吓坏了! -Get him in there! -He trembles! -你在等什么? -亨利 -What are you waiting for? -Henry! 你得告诉他们



     说啊! You gotta tell him you don"t know me. We never met. Tell him. 他不会听的

     小兄弟 I do not think he"ll listen, lad. 听清楚

     你们抓错人了 Look. I"m telling you, you got the wrong guy. 跟你说你们抓错人了 I"m telling you, you got the wrong guy. 你觉得这个坑怎么样

     是不是很奇妙呀? How do you like the pit? Isn"t the pit wonderful? 啊

     你 Why, you... -铁钉

     -他说铁钉! 上铁钉! -Spikes. -Hey! He says, "Spikes." Give him spikes! 让开! 陌生人! Make way! Strange one! 陌生人! Strange one! 诅咒你 Damn you. Damn you! 你的鞋带松了 You know, your shoelace is untied. 好 All right. 谁来挑战? Who wants some? 该谁来? Who"s next, huh? 来啊? How about it? 谁来? 谁要来挑战? Who wants some, huh? Who wants to have a little? 你

     你要打吗? You. You want some more? 要吗? You want a little? 你? 要不要打? Do ya? Do ya? Do ya want some more? 快滚 Now get on those horses and get outta here. 放他们走! Let "em go! 停! Halt! 谢谢你们的款待! Thank you, generous hosts! 拿剑的人! Sword boy! 骄傲的人

     我要将你杀死 For that arrogance, I shall see you dead. 你们这些未开化的白♥痴♥们

     听好了 All right, you primitive screwheads, listen up. 看到这个? See this? 这是我的枪 This is my boom stick! 12 厘米


     美而廉超♥市♥的顶尖货色 It"s a 12-gauge, double-barreled Remington. S-mart"s top of the line. 可以在运动器材部门购买♥♥ You can find this in the sporting goods department. 没错

     这把枪是在密西根州出品 That"s right. This sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. 零售价是 109.95 美元 Retails for about $109.95. 枪托是由核桃木做成 枪身由精铁打造 配上灵敏板机 It"s got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel and a hair trigger. 对啦

     物超所值 That"s right, shop smart. 绝对物超所值

     懂了吗? Shop S-mart. You got that? 我发誓 Now I swear, 你们谁要是敢 the next one of you primates... 再碰我一下 even touches me... 来谈谈我该怎么回去吧 Now, let"s talk about how I get back home. 我恳求您的宽恕

     陛下 I prithee to forgive me, my lord. 我以为您是亨利的同党 I believed thee one of Henry"s men. 一开始你要杀我

     现在你要吻我 First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me. 滚 Blow. 怎么样? 能不能送我回去? So what"s the deal? Can you send me back or not? 只有死亡日记才有能力 Only the Necronomicon has the power. 我们也在找这本邪恶的书 An unholy book which we also require. 书中记载着如何让你回到自己的时空 Within its pages are passages that can send you back to your time. 只有你


     才能拿到它 Only you, The Promised One, can quest for it. 我不要你的书

     也不听你废话 I don"t want your book. I don"t want your bullshit. 赶快把我送回我的时空

     快! 快! 快 Just send me back to my own time. Pronto, today, chop... 你该死 You shall die! 你绝不可以拿死亡日记 You shall never obtain the Necronomicon! 我们将饱餐你的灵魂 We shall feast upon your souls! 那是魔法

     拿斧头来 It"s a trick. Get an axe. 守卫! 杀死他! Guards, stop it! -抓住巫婆! -杀了她有赏! -Catch the witch! -Death to the witch! Have some porridge! 我的眼睛! 我瞎了! 天

     我瞎了! Ah, my eyes! I"m blind! Oh, God, I"m blind! 不! No, don"t! 喂

     妖女! Yo, she-bitch. 来啊 Let"s go. 如果死亡日记落在邪恶人手中 If the Necronomicon fell into the hands of the Deadites, 所有人类都会被恶魔消灭 all mankind will be consumed by this evil. 现在你愿意去取书了吗? Now will thou quest for the book? 那个 That one. 太棒了 Groovy. 怎么? 你在农场长大的啊? 关上门 What"s the matter? You raised in a barn? Shut the door. 大概是跟这些原始人一样

     都在农场长大的 Probably was raised in a barn with all the other primitives. 智者说你是上天派遣来的 The wise men say that thou art The Promised One. 据说你要去取书来帮助我们 It is said that thou wilt journey for the book to help us, 你会带领我们抵抗邪魔 and that thou wilt lead our people against the evil. 我唯一目的只是要回家 The only reason I"m going to get the book is to get home. 听说你会一早出发 I believe that thou wilt be leaving in the morning. 别碰

     拜托 Don"t touch that, please. 你未开♥发♥的智慧无法理解 Your primitive intellect wouldn"t understand alloys 合成金属成分

     还有原子单位结构 and compositions and things with molecular structures in the 你来这里干嘛? What are you doing here anyway? 我要跟你说我会为你祷告祈福 I wanted to say that all of my all of my hopes and prayers go with you, 我帮你做了这个 and I made this for thee. 好

     我正需要马垫 Good, I could use a horse blanket. 给我一个吻

     宝贝 Gimme some sugar, baby. 来

     兄弟们! Hyah! Come on, boy! 稳住 Steady now. Whoa. -什么? 什么东西? -这道路将引你到邪恶地点 -What? What is it? -This path will lead you to an unholy place. 一个墓园

     死亡日记就在那里 A cemetery. There, the Necronomicon awaits. 当你拿起书时

     你一定要说 When thou retrievest the book from its cradle, you must recite the words, "卡拉吐


     尼克吐" "Klaatu barada nikto." -卡拉吐




     -再念一次 -Klaatu barada nikto. Okay. -Well, repeat them. -卡拉吐



     -再来一次 -Klaatu barada nikto. -Again! 知道了! 知道了! 我会念的

     好了吧? I got it, I got it! I know your damn words, all right? 你们两个听清楚 Now you get this straight, the both of you. 如果我拿到书

     你们就送我回去 If I get that book, you send me back. 然后

     我就走了 After that, I"m history. Hyah! 怎么了? What is it, boy? 让我们好好吓吓这家伙 Hey, let"s scare this guy good! Come on. 快点 Ramming speed! 预备


     开火! Ready, aim, fire! 快点! Get away! 你这小 You lousy little... "伦敦铁桥垮下来" "London Bridge is falling down" "垮下来

     垮下来" "Falling down Falling down" "美丽小姐" "My fair lady" 他起得来吗? Is he up? How is he? 他起来了 Hey, he"s getting up. 真是一场恶梦 Hmm, what a horrible nightmare. 等等 Wait a minute. 我不能动! I can"t move! -快去

     -张开嘴! -And go! -Open wide. 走! Geronimo! -万岁! -万岁! -Hooray! -Hooray! 好


     来点热巧克力吧? Okay, little fella. How about some hot chocolate, huh? 尝到厉害了吧? 知道了吧 How"d you like the taste of that, huh? 你喜欢这样吗 How"d you like the ta... 让我出去! Let me out! 天啊! 越来越大! Oh, dear God, it"s growing bigger! 我瞎了

     我瞎了 Ooh, ooh, I"m blind. I"m blind. Bleh. 你带我去哪? Oh, hey! Where are you taking me? 你是什么东西? What are you? 你是我? Are you me? 我是坏亚瑟

     你是好亚瑟 I"m bad Ash, and you"re good Ash. 我就是拿枪的那个人 Good, bad. I"m the guy with the gun. 现在你知道我厉害了 That"ll teach you. Yeah, that"ll teach you. 你不可能拿到死亡日记 You shall never retrieve the Necronomicon! 拿到书前你就会死在墓园里 You"ll die in the graveyard before you get it! 你脸上有什么东西? What"s that you got on your face? 我会回来算帐的 I"ll come back for you! 加油

     小伙子 Come on, boy! 三本? Three books? 等等

     等等 Wait a minute. Hold it. 没人说过会有三本书 Nobody said anything about three books. 我该怎么办? L-Like what am I supposed to do? 拿一本

     三本还是怎样? Take one book, or all books, or, or what? 不是这本 Whoa. Wrong book. 我回头再来找你 I"ll get back to you. 呃 Well... 很明显了 seems fairly obvious. 等等


     对了 Ooh, wait a minute. The words. All right, all right, all right. 说密语 Say the words. 卡拉吐

     巴拉他 Klaatu... barada... 尼克泰 necktie. 尼克塔

     尼克尔 Nectar, n... nickel. 奴斗尔

     是 N 开头的没错

     确定是 N 开头的 Noodle. It"s an "N" word. It"s definitely an "N" word. 肯定是 N 开头的 It"s definitely an "N" word. 卡拉吐

     巴拉他 Klaatu barada n... 好啰 Okay, then. 就这样 That"s it. 等等 Hey. Wait a minute. 别找麻烦


     我说了! Everything"s cool. I said the words. I did! 不! 等等! Oh! Oh! No, wait! Oh! 你们大家快找庇护! You people, seek cover! To the parapet! 把小孩找齐 Seek your children! 稳住马匹! Steady the horses! 出事了

     出事了 Something"s wrong. Something"s amiss. 你上哪去? Where"d you go? Where"d you go... 我会打扁你们! 打得你们稀巴烂

     臭骨头! Ow! I"ll crush ya! I"ll mash ya into paste, you bony cre... 我不当清道夫了


     现在我要回去了 I"m through being their garbage boy. I did my part. Now I want back,

     一切按照约定行事 like in the deal. Hyah! 我... 重... I... live... 生! again. 那边! 上天使者! 上天使者回来了! There! The Promised One! The Promised One"s returned! 拉开铁门! Raise the portcullis! 欢迎回家

     我们获救了 Welcome home! We"re saved! -他带回死亡日记了

     -你怎么样了? -He"s brought the Necronomicon! -How are ya? -《夜夜破胆》 -他真是上天的使者! -The Necronomicon! -Truly he is The Promised One! 他拿到书了 He"s brought the book! 是

     对 Yeah, great, great. -乖

     -滚远一点 -Good boy! -Get the fuck outta my face! 死亡日记


     拿到死亡日记了吗? The Necronomicon, quickly. Did you bring the Necronomicon? -有


     -但是什么? -Yeah, it"s, it"s just that... -Just what? 没事

     拿去 Nothing. Here. 送我回去吧

     我们说好的 Now send me back. Like in the deal. 当你拿起书时

     你念了密语吗? When you removed the Necronomicon from the cradle, did you speak the words? -嗯


     -你念的密语无误吗? -Yeah, basically. -Did you speak the exact words? 也许我没有一个字一个字的发音 Look, maybe I didn"t say every single little tiny syllable, -但大致上


     -你这可恨的傻子! -no, but basically I said them, yeah. -Dung-eating fool! 你害惨我们了 Thou hast doomed us all! 只为你念错密语

     死亡军团因此苏醒了 When thou misspoke the words, the army of the dead awoke! 喂


     胡说八道 Now, whoa, whoa, right there, spinach chin. 你说只要拿到书就能料理一切 You said you could clean this mess up once you got that book. You said 还说书里有段话能让我重返我的时空 there was a passage that could get rid of this thing and send me back. 没错

     这本书还是有能力送你回去 It"s true, the book still possesses the power to send you back, 但对我们来说

     一切都完了! but to us it is useless! 邪恶死者会疯狂抢夺死亡日记 The evil has a terrible hunger for the Necronomicon, 他们会找来这里! and it will come here to get it. 我们说好的 We had a deal. 你要这本书

     我帮你拿来了! You wanted the damn book, I got it for you. 我尽了本份

     你该送我回去! I did my part, now you send me back. 好

     我们言而有信 Very well. As we are men of our word, 会依照协定行事 we shall honor our bargain. 智者会将你送回你的时空 The wise men shall return you to your own time. 我以为他是上天使者 I thought he was the one. 对

     因为我们说好了 Yeah, right. Cause that was the deal. 你认为我们什么时候可以开始 So when do you think we can start with all the thing and the... 他是个叛徒

     叛徒! He"s nothing but a traitor, he is! 你觉得我们什么时候可以开始仪式 When do you think we can start with all the ceremony and... -你真是男人的耻辱

     -智者真是傻瓜才相信了你 -Wretched excuse for a man! -The wise men were fools to trust in you. -我知道他不值得信任

     -我还真信任过他 -I knew he couldn"t be trusted. -We put our trust in him. 我依然相信你能帮助我们 I still believe that thou wilt help us. 席拉

     你还不懂? 结束了 Oh, Sheila, don"t you get it? It"s over. 我没有那个能力 I didn"t have what it took. 再见 So long. 但我们共享的一段呢? But what of the things that we"ve shared? 你私下对我说的甜言蜜语呢? What of all the sweet words that you spoke in private? 那只是所谓的枕边细语


     没什么大意义的 Well, that"s just what we call "pillow talk" baby. That"s all. 不仅是这样! It was more than that. 我仍相信你 I still have faith in thee. 我仍相信你会留下来帮我们 I still believe that thou wilt stay and save us. 懦夫 Coward! 看那

     恶魔 Look there! A demon! 亚瑟

     救我! Ash! Help me! -席拉! Sheila! -射死这该死的恶魔

     -别放箭! 你会伤了她 -Shoot the bloody thing! -Hold your arms! You"ll hit the girl! 拿剑来 Uh, me sword! 可恶! Damn you! 挖

     用力挖! Dig, damn you! 挖快点! Dig faster! 我将统领所有在战斗中死去 满身爬满蝼蚁的鬼东西 I shall command every worm-infested son-of-a-bitch that ever died in battle! -谢谢您

     -你! 很好! -是

     君主 -Thank you, sir! -You there, handsomely now. -Aye, my liege. 我们去攻击他们的城♥堡♥

     拿回我的书 We shall storm their castle and get my book! 起来

     你们这些恶棍 Hoist, you damnable varlets! 欢迎回到活人的地盘 Welcome back to the land of the living. 拿起铲子来快挖! Now pick up a shovel and get digging! 把那个婊♥子♥带来! Bring on the wench! 给我一个吻

     宝贝 Gimme some sugar, baby. 你真是可爱啊? Now, aingt you a sweet little thing? 别碰我

     你这恶心的东西! Don"t touch me, you foul thing! 来

     乖 Come on. 你要派上用场啰

     快走! We got plans for you, girly-girl. Move! 快拼命挖

     快点! Have you lost your bones, you decomposed gobs? Get thee hence! 有探子来报! A scout approaches! 牵着马 Hey, get his horse. 起来 Arise. 陛下

     死亡军团在野地上聚集 My lord, an army of the dead gather in the wilderness. -正朝着城♥堡♥过来

     -多远? 才两天的路程 -They approach the castle. -How far from here? But two days" ride. 有翅膀的是前锋 These winged ones are only the first of them. 也许我们该快逃 Perhaps we should leave as soon as possible. -到山中可保安全


     我们快逃! -We could be safe in the mountains. -Yes, the mountains. We must flee! 书上已记载了 这是注定的 It is written. It has been foretold. -他们会夺走我们的灵魂 -我怕! -所有人的灵魂! -They"ll take our souls. They"ll swallow our souls. -I"m afraid! 我不想死 I don"t want to die! 好啊! 快逃啊! That"s it. Go ahead and run. 逃回家去跟妈妈哭啊! 我? Run home and cry to mama! 我不愿再逃了! Me? I"m through running! 我说我们留下来跟他们拼命 I say we stay here and fight it out. 未来的人都跟你一样会说大话吗? Are all men from the future loudmouthed braggarts? 不

     只有我才这样 Nope. Just me, baby. 只有我 Just me. 我们如何在城♥堡♥墙边抵抗死亡军团? How will we fight an army of the dead at our castle walls? 怎么跟他们拼命? 用说的吗? 大部分的人都逃走了 How will you fight that? More words? Most of our people have already fled. 这里只剩 60 个人 We are but 60 men. 我们可以找红衣亨利的人来帮忙 Then we"ll get Henry the Red and his men to fight with us. 谁愿意加入? Now... who"s with me? 我跟随你 I"ll stand by ya. -我愿意效力

     -我会献出勇气! -You can count on my steel. -I"ll offer up my courage. -我与你共进退! -我站在你这边! -Me sword"s by his side. -I"m with you! -我为你效力

     -我也是 -I"ll bend my bow to your will, sir. -And mine! 我们战斗到底! We"ll stay! 万岁! 万岁! 万岁! Hail! Hail! Hail! Hail! 万岁! 万岁! 万岁! Hail! Hail! Hail! 亲爱的

     跟大伙打个招呼 Well, my dear, say hello to the boys. 很久没见这么美的人了 There"s a sight for sore bones. 我坏到骨头里了 I may be bad, but I feel... good. -谁是统领? -您

     陛下 -Who rules? -To you, my lord. 向城♥堡♥前进! You, sir. To the castle. 赶快 Hurry up now. 向城♥堡♥推进! The castle! Let"s push. 来了! 死亡军团来了! They"re coming! The Deadites approach! 他们就要到了! There"s so damn many of them. 就要见真章了

     你们最好别让我失望 Just maybe my boys can stop them from getting the book. 他们声势如此浩大 And maybe I"m a Chinese jet pilot. 战垒! 堆起石头! 快! Battle stations! All right, get those rocks up, mister, on the double! 准备好弹弓! 让他们知道我们的厉害! Ready the catapults! By God, let"s give them what for. 停! And halt! 团队

     候令! Company, halt! Company, halt! 我要阉了他 I"ll rip his balls off. 望远镜! Bring forth the scout! 陛下

     我们已经两面都布置好了 My lord, we are positioned on both fronts. 好

     他们把我的书放哪里? Fine, fine, fine. Where are they keeping my book? 那里


     在第二层墙的吊桥后面 There, my lord, beyond the wall. 那是最安全的地方 The parapet. That would be the most likely place. 现在

     向城♥堡♥迈进 Right. Bring me forth into that castle! -前进! -前进! -Forward! -Forward! 大肆破坏

     放出战狗! Cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war! 攻向城♥堡♥! To the castle! 杀光活人! Death to the mortals! 箭! Arrows. 火把! Torch boy! 稳住 Steady. 发射! Fire! 前进

     邪魔! 前进! Advance, you beasts, advance! 对啦

     宝贝! Yeah, baby! 好! All right! 长官

     南面有第二波的攻击 Sire, there"s a second division approaching from the south. 冲进城门! Ram the gate! 弹弓手! Catapults. 弹弓手! 南面! Catapults out! 发射! Fire! 哪来的火? Look there! -找掩体

     -小心! -Seek cover! -Watch out! 让开! Make way! 你们这些烂骨头! Oh, you miserable bags of bones! 快爬起来再冲 Pick yourselves up and sally fo... 再冲 Sally for... 再冲 Sally forth. 快

     你们这些没用的东西! Come on, you miserable wretches. 前进! Forward! 巩固城门! 快! Buttress the door, now! 坚持住 Hold fast! -撤退

     -石块! -Back! -Stone these creatures! 可恶! Damn you! 一定很痛! Ooh, that"s gotta hurt. 混帐东西! Go, you creatures! 箭! Arrows! 发射! Load! Fire! 我们要让那混帐好看! Heave! Put your backbones into it. 冲破了! 城陷了! We"ve broken through! The castle is ours! 杀光活人! Kill the mortals! 速战速决 Get it achieved and fast! 他们的队形散了

     乘胜追击 Their ranks are broken! Have at them! 向后退! 守卫城墙! Pull back! Man the parapet! 保护死亡日记! Protect the book. 愿神救助 God save us all. 与 21 世纪打个招呼 Say hello to the 21st century. Yeah! 来! 人人有份! Come on! I got plenty for everybody! 留神 Look out! 抓住车上的人! It"s the one in the cart we want! Get him! 席拉? Sheila? -我们已拿下庭院了


     -很好 -We"ve secured the courtyard, my lord. -Excellent. -嘿


     甜心! -离她远点! -Hey, you"re mine, sweetie. -Get off of her! 我赢你了 Gotcha! 可恶! Damn you! -陛下

     -看好日记! -My lord. -Stay with the book. 日记会是我们的! The book"s where we are. 红衣! 红衣! 亨利公爵带人来援救了 The Red! The Red! Duke Henry and his men have come! 拳头

     血和死亡! Blows, blood and death! 我们有救了! Duke Henry! Ha-ha! 向前冲

     兄弟们! 他们在撤退了 Onward, valiant cousins! Their ranks are broke! 书是我的 The book is mine. 我把你剁个稀巴烂 I"ll cut your gizzard out. 去哪儿了? Hey, where"d he go? 来吧 Come to papa. 去抓他! Get him! 疯女人

     走开! 你要把我眼睛挖出来了! Oh, you crazy bitch, get off of me! 你以前认为我很美的 You found me beautiful once. 蜜糖

     你变成丑八怪了 Honey, you got real ugly. 在这 There we are. 你要来狠的? So you wanna play rough, eh? 好! All right, all right. 准备受死吧! Prepare to die! 你惨了! You"re going down! -我往上走! -我追你到底! -I"m going up. -I"m coming for you. 借过! Oops. Excuse me. 来! 对! Come on. All right! 你激怒我的

     你这丑八怪! You"re pissing me off, you ugly son of a bitch! 我要把你毁容了! I"ll spoil those good looks. 暗箭伤人! Back-stabber! 别动! Hold still! 来啰! Tallyho! -我们守不下去了! -一定要守! 要保护日记! -We can"t hold the battlements! -We will hold! We must protect the book! 我要跟你没完没了 I got a bone to pick with you. 来! Come on. 我把你剁个稀巴烂! Slice that gizzard open. 落在我手里了! Now you"re mine. 我终于拿到书了! At last, the book. 拿到死亡日记了! I possess the Necronomicon. 我打败你的军队了! 现在我要复仇了! I"ve crushed your pathetic army. Now I"ll have my vengeance. 坐稳了

     死人骨头! 你马上要起飞了! Buckle up, bonehead, cause you"re going for a ride. 胜利在握! Victory"s ours! -撤退! 撤退! -把这些 -Retreat! Retreat! -Let"s get the hell out of here! 他们很狡猾 Tricky ones, they are. 如果你想与他决斗 If it"s a fight you want... 看好他们


     不能太相信他们 Watch them, lads. They"re an untrust worthy lot. 走开

     小子 Move yourself, lad! -伸出你的手

     我祝福你! -嘿

     亨利 -Your hand, man. Godspeed! -Hey, Henry. -你已偿还债务了



     亚瑟 -Yeah, nice going. -My lady. Arthur. -我们胜利了

     朋友! -我们胜利了! -Well won, my friend. -We"ve won the day. 我们情同手足! 新的王国诞生了! We"re brothers and a new kingdom shall be born! 书上说

     只要你喝下这种液体 The book tells us that once you drink this liquid... 并诵读密语



     尼克吐" and recite the words, "Klaatu barada nikto," 你就会回到你那个时代 thou shalt awaken in thine own time. 请记住

     你必须要正确地读出密语 Remember, you must recite the words exactly. 我想过留在那儿 I thought about staying. 他们也提议给我机会来领导他们


     做君主 They offered me the chance to lead them, to teach them, to be king. 但我属于这里 But my place is here. 所以我喝下魔水说了密语

     然后我就到这儿了 So I swallowed the juice said the words and here I am. 这次你准确地说对密语了吗? Did you say the words right this time? 恩


     声音也比较小 Well, maybe I didn"t say every single, tiny little syllable, no, 但基本上我都说了 but basically I said them, yeah. 基本上 Basically. 你知道那个关于你

     如何成为统帅的故事吗? You know that story about how you could"ve been king? 我想那有点装腔作势 I, uh, I think it"s kind of cute. 对 Yeah. 去死吧! Die! 美女


     我不得不请求你离开这个商店 Lady, I"m afraid I"m gonna have to ask you to leave the store. 你是谁? Who the hell are you? 我叫亚瑟 Name"s Ash. 豪斯威尔 Housewares. 我要吞下你的灵魂 I"ll swallow your soul. 放马过来吧 Come get some. 当然

     我要是留在过去 Sure, I could"ve stayed in the past. 已经成为君主 Could"ve even been king. 但在我自己的世界 But in my own way, 我就是君主 I am king. 君主万岁

     宝贝 Hail to the king, baby.

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