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    国家开放大学电大专科《教育学》 2020 期末试题及答案(试卷号: 2009)

    一、选择题(包括单选和多选, 请将正确答案选出来, 并把它们的标号填入题中的括号内。 多选、少选、

    错选, 均不得分。 每小题 3 分, 共 15 分)

    1.标志着教育学作为一门独立的学科开始形成的教育论著是( ) 。

    A.《学记》 B.《普通教育学》

    C.《大教学论》 D.《教育论》


    2.教育教学中搞“一刀切” 、“齐步走” , 违背了个体身心发展的( ) 。

    A.顺序性 B.个别差异性

    C.阶段性 D.互补性


    3.教育目的是教育活动的出发点和归宿, 其层次的多样性使它具有多方面的功能, 其功能包括( ) 。

    A.定向功能 B.调控功能

    C.激励功能 D.评价功能


    4.以语言传递为主的教学方法包括( ) 。

    A.讲授法 B.谈话法

    C.讨论法 D.读书指导法


    5.心理学家所说的“心理断乳期” 指的是人的身心发展的( ) 时期。

    A.婴儿期 B.幼儿期

    c.儿童期 D.少年期


    二、辨析题(除去判断“对” 或“错” 外, 请写出理由。 每小题 7 分, 共 14 分)



    教育是人类特有的一种社会现象, 是培养人的一种社会活动。 动物的活动源于其生存本能, 而非教育。

    7。 学制即指修业年限。


    学制不仅包括修业年限, 学制主要是指一个国家或地区各级各类学校的系统, 它具体规定着各级各类


    三、简答题(每小题 12 分, 共 24 分)


    答: (1) 心理准备阶段。 在教学过程中, 学生学习需要心理上的准备, 首先是引起学习动机, 使学生

    产生“我要学习” 的需要。

    (2) 感知知识阶段。

    (3) 理解知识阶段。

    (4) 巩固知识阶段。

    (5) 运用知识阶段。

    (6) 评价学习效果阶段。

    9.简述联合国《儿童权利公约》 中, 有关儿童权利保护的原则。

    答: (1) 儿童利益最佳原则;

    (2) 尊重儿童尊严原则;

    (3) 尊重儿童观点和意见原则;

    (4) 无歧视原则。

    四、论述题(共 23 分)


    答: 要实现有效教学, 应做到:

    (1) 关注学生的进步和发展。 教学要满足学生情感、认知和升学的需要, 还要让学生具有最稳定持久

    的学习动机, 才是有效益、有效果的教学。

    (2) 关注教学效益。 就是要求教师要有教学时间与效益的观念。

    (3) 讲究适应性, 即有效教学要以学生为主体, 以学生的全面发展为根本任务。 教学要因材施教、循

    序渐进, 调动学生积极参与, 满足不同层次学生的需要。

    结合小学数学和小学生的特点, 在平时的课堂教学中我通过以下几个方面来提高课堂的有效性:

    1、关注学生的最近发展区: 在卓越教师培养活动中, 徐长青教授曾特别指出备课前、上课时都要关

    注学生的最近发展区, 了解学生知识掌握的基础, 明确将要达到的水平。

    2、根据学生年龄特点、结合生活创设情境, 引发学生兴趣。 比如讲解一些复杂点的应用题时, 我喜

    欢利用吃东西, 让学生明白道理、掌握数量关系后再让学生解决练习题。

    3、关注知识形成的过程, 引导学生探究创新。 记得在培养活动—课堂诊断活动中, 我执教了四年级

    可能性一课, 通过引领着学生做从袋子中摸五子棋的游戏, 让学生自己探究出可能性的大小, 学生们在玩

    中探究、创新, 学会如何学习。

    4、根据数学学科特点, 在课堂的有效性中, 我还比较注意精讲多练。 有时学生初步会的只是知识,

    还行不成能力, 就需要多加练习。 还是在可能性一课, 在学生掌握了可能性的大小、表示方法后, 结合生

    活实际出生了砸金蛋、摸奖、开锁、生活的可能性启示等练习, 在巩固知识的同时, 形成能力。

    刚才阐述时曾提到有效是长期的一个结果, 我觉得课堂的有效性还需要一些和学生的互动活动来巩

    固, 让学生得到发展: ①作业分层, 我把全班同学根据学习情况, 分为 A/B/C/D 四个不同层次, 布置不同

    的作业达到的目标也不同; ②颁发小奖状, 对于课堂上、作业、家庭作业、表现较好、有进步的同学发小

    奖状, 再换成大奖状; ③一月 一评选活动等, 就是想营造一种有效地大氛围, 带动课堂教学有效的氛围。

    当然提升课堂有效性的因素还有很多, 教师的仪表、教态、语言、板书、评价等, 我相信, 只要我们

    心中装着学生, 会随时想着法的让课堂有效、高效。

    五、案例分析题(24 分)

    11.(分析文字在 300 字以上)

    为了让班会开得更成功, 我为我们班选了一篇课文, 将其改写成剧本。 第二天, 把我的计划和大家说

    了说, 全班同学都很高兴, 这时我听到了一段小声议论: “老师怎么选这篇课文, 又长又不好演。”“你管

    呢, 让你演什么你就演什么呗。 „‘我可不想演。” 听到这儿, 我的心一沉, 原来是王渺。 下课, 我把她

    叫到办公室请她谈自己对演课本剧的想法。 她说: “老师, 我觉得您选的课文不好, 而且您每次都是写好

    了剧本让我们演, 您应该让我们自己来试一试。” 她的话让我突然意识到他们并不希望老师什么都是“包

    办代替”, 他们长大了。 于是, 我把导演的任务交给了王渺同学, 她高兴地接受了任务, 开始和同学商量

    演哪一课。 然后找我做参谋, 帮我做道具。 课本剧表演得非常成功, 我和孩子们一同品尝了成功的喜悦。

    问题: 这个案例给我们留下的思考是什么? 请你结合新课程理念谈谈自己的看法。

    答: 我们在教育教学中要适当地放手, 让学生自己去创造、去实践。 而不应该用条条框框的模式去束

    缚学生的创造力, 更不应该让孩子按照教师的思维、想法去行事。 要让孩子自己去行动, 开发潜能, 追求

    创新, 激发学生学习的主动性、开发潜能、追求独特。

    (1) 从师生关系看, 新课程要求教师是学生学习的促进者和引导者, 促进以学习能力为重心的学生整


    (2) 新课程要求转变学生的学习方式。 转变学习方式, 要以培养创新精神和实践能力为主要目的。 要

    积极引导学生从事实验活动和实践活动, 培养学生乐于动手、勤于实践的意识和习惯, 切实提高学生的动





    中央广播电视大学2009-2010学年度第一学期“开放本科”期末考试英语Ⅱ(2) 试题




    1.Can you help me clear up the me?-------------------- A.Tell me who made it B.No trouble at allC.Yes, that\\"ll be all right D.No problem 3.Is it going to be warm next week?------------------- A.Yes, it is B.I don\\"t believe it C.No, it hasn\\"t D.It changes all the time 5.15小题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。

    6.Unfortunately the poor girl can\\"t do anything but ------- .all her belongings at alow price.A.to sell B.sellingC.sell D.sold 7.They were asked to avoid _ any water which had not been boiled. A.drinking B.to drink C.having D.not to be drunk 8.John was bored, _ he left his life in England.. A.in addition B.so C.however D.furthermore 9.She is very careful.She _ very few mistakes in her work. A.does B.takesC.makes D.gets 10.The workers are busy _ models for the exhibition. A.to make B.with makingC.being making D.making 11.--------- you change your mind, I won\\"t be able to help you. A.When B.UnleC.While D.So 12.We are going to have our office _ to make room for a new engineer. A.to rearrange B.rearrange C.rearranged D.rearranging 13.Since this road is wet and slippery this morning, it _--------- last night. A.must rajn B.was raining C.may be raining D.must have rained 14.Do you think Tommy is--------- the truth? A.sayingB.tellingC.speaking D.talking 15.John fell asleep _

    he was listening to the music.A.while B.before C.after D.as soon as 第三部分完形填空(每题2分,共20分)

    16carrots can be made to taste of chocolate andapples can be made 18 .Some food that appears the same has been 19 improved, forexample, fish can be made to grow faster.Should we \\"be pleased or worried? Will newtechnology bring benefits, or is it about to g0 20 control? Genetically engineered foods are produced by taking genetic material from one speciesand transferring it 21 another.For example, an 6antifreeze\\" gene which appearsnaturally in Arctic fish has been introduced into tomatoes and strawberries 22 they don\\"t freezein cold weather; a human gene has been introduced into pigs to make them 23 morequickly. Some claim great advantages.They point out that crops can be made stronger and moredisease resistant, _ 24 _ pesticides can be reduced.They also maintain that food can bemade more nutritious

    or that the fat content can 25 to make it healthier.16.A.are B.were C.is D.be 17.A.such that B.such as C.so that D.so as 18.A.more red B.much red C.redder D.reder 19.A.scientifically B.science C.scientific D.scientifical 20.A.under B.into C.out D.out of 21.A.for B.to C.out D.into 22.A.such that B.in order to C.so that D.so as to 23.A.grow B.to grow C.growing D.grown 24.A.because B.cause C.result D.so 25.A.be reducing B.be reduced C.reduced D.reducing 第四部分 阅读理解(共计30分,每小题2分) 26I gue you can put up with a mattre on the floor! 26.This paage is a letter of . A.an informal invitation B.a formal invitation C.thanks D.complaint 27.When Charles writes, "I\\"m sorry about the lack of warning", he means that he is sorry that _ . A: he did not give Bob a warning when Bob was unce in danger B.he is short of money, so he is not able to help Bob C.he should have given Bob a warning when he is in difficulty D.he is not able to write this letter to Bob earlier 28.Charles and his wife decided to hold the house-warming party9 mainly because A.they decided to have a rest after being busy moving to the new house B.they still had a little money left to afford the party C.the new motorway was open D.they wanted to meet their friends very much 29.From the letter we know that the new house that Charles moved in is B.two hours away from downtown A.very big x C.in a new housing estate D.easy to find in the map 30.In the sentence "Barbara and l hope that you can make it...", the phrase "make it" is used to say that Bob can A.manage to attend their party B.find their new house in two hours C.do the trip from Bedford to Flinders D.put up with a mattre on the floor 短文理解2 Cash of all kinds, the French franc, the German mark, and the Italian lira, is bound to disappear physically.The paper notes and gold coins may soon become curious collections of the pre-electronic age.Digital money can replace every use of cash money.It is true that electronic money has been around for decades.Each week billions of institutional dollars flow through the Interbank Payment System through telephone wires and satellite links.But in the 21st century, entirely new forms of digital moneywill become the means

    of most personal financial trade.What a great change this will be! Digital credit cards, smart cards, electronic wallets and electronic checks will change our way of life in the 21st century.They are efficient and easy to use.Customers will not take money with them when they go shopping.They will pay their\\"bills from a smart cell phone or they will buy their coffee by using a digital credit card.How convenient it will be! And how easily people will do their shopping in such a way! With so many changes these days, the Internet will help speed up the end of cash.In Europe, some banks have been offering people electronic cash since late last year.Customers can withdraw money from their accounts through the bank\\"s website and store their incomes on their home PCs.As the electronic cash is downloaded, the customers\\" bank accounts are recorded.Since customers can use electronic cash to buy things on the Internet, electronic cash will transform the Internet into a global marketplace for everything.It is going to have a very big impact on our lives.The low cost of computer and communications has created a worldwide medium not just for finance, but also for many other things in our life.The Age of Internet has brought e-businees to our life, which perhaps will form the backbone of our economy.Mom and Pop can go global40小题:阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是否正确(T)、错误(F),还是文字中没有涉及相关信息(NG)。 阅读理解3 CETACEANS: FACT FILE There are over 80 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises, known collectively as "cetaceans", throughout the world.They come in all shapes and sizes.Here are some facts and figures about these incredible animals. 1.Largest The blue whale is the heaviest and Jongest animal on Earth.The average adult length is 25m for males and 26.2m for females, with body weights of 90-120 tonnes. 2.Smallest Hector\\"s dolphin is the world\\"s shortest cetacean.They may be only l.2m long when fully grown. 3.Largest Appetite A blue whale eats up t0 4 tonnes of krill daily.This is equivalent to eating a fully grown African elephant every day. 4.Deepest Dive The sperm whale is believed to dive deeper than any other cetacean.They have been known to

    dive as deep as 2000m. 5.Longest Lived One bowhead whale is reported to have been 130 years old when it died.6.Heaviest Brain The sperm whale has the world\\"s heaviest brain which can weigh up t0 9.2kg.This compares with the average l.4kg for the brain of an adult human. 7.Most Endangered The baiji dolphin, or Chinese river dolphin, is the rarest dolphin in the world and isreported to be endangered.It lives in the Yangtze River in China.Conservation measures arebeing taken by the Chinese to save it..Questions 36-40: 36.Hector\\"s dolphin is the smallest fish in the world. 37.Blue whales eat as much as an African elephant does every day.38.Some whales can live for as long as 130 years. 39.Whales are cleverer than humans. 40.The brain of a sperm whale can be over 6 times heavier than a human one.第五部分书面表达(20分)

    Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an email to口businepartner named Robert in London about your trip next week.You should write at least 80words and base your email on the Chinese outline below: 1.接受邀请下星期到英国观光旅游。2.希望对方能到机场接你。 3.告诉对方你抵达的日期和航班号等。

    试卷代号:1 1 62 中央广播电视大学2009-2010学年度第一学期“开放本科”期末考试

    英语Ⅱ(2) 试题答案及评分标准


    1.B 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.C 第二部分词汇与结构(共计20分.每小题2分)

    6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.D11.B 12.C13.D 14.B 15.A第三部分完形填空(共计20分,每小题2分)

    16.A17.B 18.C 19.A 20.D21.B 22.C 23.A 24.D 25.B第四部分 阅读理解(共计30分,每小题2分) 26.A27.D 28.B 29.C 30.A31.C 32.A 33.D 34.B 35.C36.F 37.F 38.T 39.NG 40.T第五部分 写作(共计20分)

    Sample Dear Robert, I\\"m very pleased to accept the kind invitation you extended in your last email.I\\"mplanning to spend my holiday in Britain next week.Since this is my first visit to your country, I hope you will be able to meet me at the airport.My flight details-the plane leaves Beijing at 12:30 next Thursday and arrives in London at 14:30 (local time).The flight number is CA1347. Thank you and looking forward to meeting you in London.Linlin

    推荐访问:电大 教育学 期末

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