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    时间:2021-10-16 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    人教版(PEP)2019-2020学年小学英语六年级上册Unit 4 I have a pen pal.Part C同步训练二(II)卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下! 一、选出正确的一项补全单词。


    共10分) 1.(2分) A .fish     B .noodles     C .rice       2.(2分) ni_ _   A .ce     B .se     C .ee     3.(2分) ch____p(便宜的) A .ea     B .oa     C .ar     4.(2分) There is a new ______in our city. A .bookstore     B .post office     C .museum     5.(2分) m_______p A .o     B .e     C .a     二、选词填空 (共1题;

    共1分) 6.(1分) They had caps ________(on/to) their heads. 三、看图回答问题。


    共7分) 7.(1分) (2020五上·云浮期中) A:What would you like? B:________ 8.(5分) What do you do on Sundays? 9.(1分) —Whose green and yellow T-shirt is this? —________  (我妈妈的) 四、阅读理解 (共1题;

    共10分) 10.(10分) (2017六上·惠州期末) 阅读短文,选择恰当的答案。

    Tomorrow is Saturday.Ben isn't going to school.He is going to get up early.In the morning,he is going to Xinhua Library .He's going there by bus.He's going to have lunch in KFC.The KFC is near the Xinhua Library.In the afternoon,he is going to play ping-pong with his friends.At about 4:30,he is going home to do homework.Then he is going to water the flowers .He's going to cook the meals for his parents in the evening. (1) —What day is it today?   —Today is ____.A .Friday.     B .Saturday.     (2) —What's Ben going to do on Saturday morning ? —He is going to ____.  A .Xinhua Library     B .visit his grandparents     (3) Ben is going to have lunch_____?  A .In KFC .     B .In McDonald's     (4) Ben is going to Xinhua Library by____.    A .train.     B .bus     (5) Where is the KFC ? A .behind the Xinhua Library     B .near the Xinhua Library     参考答案 一、选出正确的一项补全单词。


    共10分) 1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、选词填空 (共1题;

    共1分) 6-1、三、看图回答问题。


    共7分) 7-1、8-1、9-1、四、阅读理解 (共1题;

    共10分) 10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、




    推荐访问:上册 人教版 小学英语

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