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    时间:2020-08-31 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    垃圾 Trash. -谢利法

     -你知道吗 - Cherifa! - You know what? 求你了


     我只是想见她 Please, Mama, I just wanna see her. 你只是想见她 You just want to see her. 很多人只是想见她 Well, a lot of people just want to see her. 很多人为了见她付了很多钱 A lot of people who pay a lot of money just to see her. 你喜欢垃圾

     因为你就是垃圾 You like rubbish, because you are rubbish. 是的 Yes. 过来

     来啊 Come here. Come. 你就是个垃圾 Come. You"re nothing but trash. 听我说 Now you listen to me. 她不适吅你 She is not for you. 听明白了吗 Do you understand me? 明白吗 Do you? 我想和谢利法谈谈 I want to talk to Cherifa. 拜托 Please. 谢利法 Cherifa! 快点

     赶紧完事 Come on, come on. Finish. -出去



     谢利法 - Get out, get out. - Cherifa! Cherifa! 小鸟们 第一季

     第三集 露西

     小声点 Lucy. Turn it down. 早 Morning. 能给我倒点水吗 Can I have some water, please? 谢谢 Thank you. 他是个白♥痴♥ The man is an idiot. 我也是这么想的 That was my impression too. 或者就是大智若愚 Or a genius disguising himself as an idiot. 你觉得这是个陷阱吗 You think it might be a trap? 来自美国的问候 Greetings from America. 英国人想要什么 What do the British want? 和美国人一样 The same thing as the Americans. 摩洛哥人的摩洛哥 Morocco for Moroccans. 他们无意破坏北非的稳定 They"ve no interest in destabilizing North Africa. 这是非正式的方法 It"s a private approach. 可以是 Could be. 但我都不知道他们在卖♥♥什么 But I don"t even know what they"re selling. 我去查查 I"ll do some digging. 我也查查 Me too. 工作和娱乐结吅吗 Mixing business with pleasure? 没事的

     雨果 It"s fine, Hugo. 只是顿午饭 It"s just a lunch. 你不是去华尔道夫酒店见见姐妹 You"re not meeting the girls at the Waldorf. 他是法国摄政国的首脑

     天呐 He"s the head of the French protectorate. For God"s sake. 我觉得你只是在吃醋 I think that you are just jealous. 是担心

     露西 Concerned, Lucy. 我很担心 Concerned is what I am. 担心什么 About what? 我交朊友吗 Me making friends? 当然不是

     当然不是 Of course not. Of course not. 他是个重要人物

     仅此而已 He"s an important man, that"s all. 其实我当时正在和他谈事情 I was actually in the middle of discussing something with him. 真的吗 Really? 那挺好呀 I think that"s sweet. 什么 What? 你那天晚上根本不想去 I mean, you didn"t wanna go at all the other night. 然后你遇到了你真正感兴趣的人 And then you met someone you really like. 我是对的

     我们应该去派对 I was right. We should go to parties. 我们可以一直参加派对吗

     雨果 Can we promise to always go to parties, Hugo? 你没明白我的话 You"re not understanding me. 我们必须把握一个尺寸 There"s a certain position we have to maintain. 我想做个好丈夫 I"m trying to be a decent husband. 你能表现得像个妻子吗 Can you please behave like a wife? 我得穿衣朋了 I have to finish dressing. 像妻子一样 Like a wife. 和他说我马上就来

     谢谢 Go tell him I"m coming, please. 要喝点什么吗 Can I get you anything? 谢谢

     不用了 Thank you, no. 很高兴再次见到你 Nice to see you again. 抱歉让你久等了 Sorry to keep you waiting. 不会

     你看起来美极了 Not at all. You look exquisite. 真棒 Lovely. 你的车在等你 Your car is waiting. 祝我好运吧 Wish me luck. 祝你好运 Good luck. 西洛可风

     一个小时后 El Sirocco. One hour. 什么 I"m sorry? 你听到了 You heard me. 嗯 Yes. 菲斯遭遇了袭击 There has been an attack in Fez. 死亡人数 Fatalities? 十几个吧

     大多是摩洛哥人和孩子 A dozen or so. Mostly Moroccans and some children. 好像是殖民地武装分子干的 It seems to be the colons. 我们应该发表一个声明 We should issue a statement. -他们宣布为此事负责了吗

     -不 - Have they claimed the attack? - No. 可能是民族主义者干的 It could have been the nationalists. 他们已经否认了 They already have denied that it was one of them. 那好吧 Very well. 杀害儿童不可饶恕 The murder of children is not condoned. 谴责再强烈一点 A little stronger condemnation 可能会有助于宣泄愤怒 might go some way to addressing the outrage. 声明就这么写 That"s the statement. 坐下 Sit down. 你是个变♥态♥

     对吧 You"re a pervert, aren"t you? 先生 Monsieur? 一个变♥态♥

     不是吗 A pervert. Are you not? 得了吧 Oh, come on. 丹吆尔没什么秘密 There are few secrets in Tangier. 我把问题表达得更清楚些

     我知道你是个变♥态♥ Let me phrase my question better. I know you are a pervert. 我的问题是

     到底是什么样的变♥态♥ My question is what sort of pervert, exactly? 你从她的菜单上选了什么 What is it you choose from her menu? 你为什么要一直找谢利法 What keeps you going back to Cherifa? 妈妈累了 Mama"s tired. -不

     -是的 - No. - Yes. -是的

     -不 - Yes. - No. 我撑不下去了 I don"t think I can go on any longer. 拜托 Please. 你刚才说什么 What did you say? 你还想要

     是吗 You want more. Yeah? - 是么 Yeah. 我听不清 I can"t hear what you"re saying. 我听不清 I can"t hear what you"re saying. 发音清晰点 Enunciate! 你在这里工作多久了 How long have you worked here? 给瓦尼工作吗

     七年了 For Vaney? Seven years. 他喜欢跳舞 He likes to dance. 那晚在派对上

     他跳舞了 The other night at the party, he danced. 我从没见过他跳舞 I"ve never seen him dance. 你派对参加的肯定不够多 You must not go to enough parties. 你的客人

     国务卿 Your guest, Secretary. -夫人

     -先生 - Madame. - Monsieur. 叫我皮埃尔吧 Pierre, please. -谢谢

     -谢谢 - Thank you. - Thank you. 你这地方真不错 What a place you have here. 这是借的 It"s borrowed. -真的吗

     -嗯 - Oh, really? - Yes. 谁借的 From who? 你可能会喜欢这个 I thought you might like to try this. 谢谢 Oh, thank you. 来自阿尔及利亚 It"s from Algeria. 干杯

     露西 Sante, Lucy. 干杯

     皮埃尔 Sante, Pierre. -真棒

     -还不错 - That"s lovely. - Not bad. 你来找我

     你丈夫怎么说 How does your husband feel about you visiting me? 他祝我好运 He wished me luck. 他觉得你需要运气 He thought you"d need luck. 你去哪里了 Where have you been? 我们太热辣了 We are so hot. 也许利奥想冷静一下 Maybe Leo wants to cool off. 弄湿点 Get a little wet. 捡回来 Fetch. 捡回来 Fetch. 你在滴水 Oh, you"re dripping. 捡回来 Fetch. 我很擅长看人 I am very good at reading people. 审问人吧 Interrogating people. 我称之为精神分♥析♥ I prefer to think of it as a form of psychoanalysis. 真像佛洛伊德[奥地利心理学家] How Freudian. 你想让我跟你聊聊我父亲吗 Do you want me to talk to you about my father? 你想聊你父亲吗 Do you want to talk about your father? 他是个商人 He"s a businessman. 卡里德 Khalid. 把鸟拿过来 Bring the birds. 你听说过蒿雀吗 Have you ever heard of ortolan? 没有 No. 这是法国佳肴 It is the French delicacy. 我得解释一下 It requires an explanation. 蒿雀是一只小鸣鸟 The ortolan is a tiny song bird. 比这大不了多少 No bigger than this. 它可以在你的掌心里筑巢 It could build its nest in the palm of your hand. 真不错 How sweet. 这只小鸟代表法国 This little bird, she represents France. 就像美国秃鹰一样吗 So, she"s like the bald American eagle? 你会吃你的鹰吗 Do you eat your eagles? 那有点不爱国了吧 I think that would be considered unpatriotic. 没错 Exactly. 你看 You see, 蒿雀是强大的象征 the ortolan is so powerful a symbol, 吃它是罪恶的 it is sinful to eat one. 所以必须盖着餐巾吃 And so, one must consume it underneath a napkin, 这样就没人

     甚至上帝都看不到你的耻辱 so that no one, not even God, can see your shame. 这些小鸟在非洲和欧洲之间迁徙 Those little birds migrate between Africa and Europe 法国人不知道的是 and what the French don"t know is that here, 它们在这里更汁多味美 they are more succulent. 这道菜是怎么做的 What is the recipe? 先用白兰地把它们淹死 First, they are drowned alive in cognac. 然后慢炖

     再把头切掉 Then cooked slowly and served head and all. 咀嚼的时候 When you bite in, 骨头会刺穿你的嘴巴 the bones prick the inside of your mouth, 你的血和鸟的肉混在一起 and your blood mixes with the flesh of the bird. 天啊 Oh, my... 我看不到我的刀叉了 I can"t see my knife and fork. 那我来喂你吧 Let me feed you then. 张嘴 Open your mouth. 再大点 Wider. 咬吧 Now bite. 味道难以言喻吧 It"s indescribable, isn"t it? 还要吗 More? 要

     谢谢 Yes, please. 怎么样 And? 我从没尝过这样的食物 I"ve never tasted anything like it. 好吃吗 Was it delicious? 颓废吗 Was it decadent? 是的 Yes. 你觉得这是罪恶吗 Does it feel like a sin? 我不是法国人 I"m not French. 这是你♥爸♥爸教你的吗 Did your papa teach you that? 你想看个东西吗 Would you like to see something? 当然 Of course. 退下 Leave us. 你和我想象的不一样 You are not what I expected. -我可以看看吗

     -当然 - May I? - Of course. 很漂亮吧 She"s a pretty little thing, isn"t she? 你知道怎么用吧 I suppose you know how to use it? 请坐 Please. Sit. 抬头 Head back for me. 就这样 Just like that. 别拿下来 Don"t take it out. 这是什么奇怪的美国习俗吗 Is this some strange American custom? 你对美国习俗了解多少 What would you know of American customs? *舞动摇滚* *Dance le rock and roll* *你们打棒球* *You play le base-e-ball* 这是我父亲教我的 My father taught me to do that. 客人要走了 Our guest is leaving. 请送她出去 Please see her out. 我从不失手 I never miss. 谢谢 Merci. 再见

     露西 Au revoir, Lucy. 还要吗 Another one? 是的

     谢谢 Er, yes, please. 你好 Hello. 我会拿过去的 I"ll bring it over. 说吧 So you tell me. 你想知道什么 What would you like to know? 参数 Specifications. 抱歉 Sorry. -喝点什么吗


     谢谢 - Can I get you anything? - No, thank you. -参数

     -嗯 - The specifications... - Yeah. 便携的 They"re portable. 重量呢 What"s the weight? 一个人可以拿吗 A man can carry it? 嗯

     可以 Yes. Man portable. 射程呢 What"s the range? 对

     有一个射程 Yes, it, it has a range. 有一个射程 It has a range. 目标视觉捕捉吗 The target visually acquired? -我不确定

     -所以有引导吗 - I"m not sure. - So, it"s guided? 也许没有 Perhaps not. 够了


     够了 Enough, Cavendish, enough. 你这个人设很聪明 You know, it"s very clever, this persona. 但我觉得有点无聊了 But it is starting to bore me. 这样 This is how it is. 你跟我接头 You deal with me. 我们看货以后做出决定 We see the goods. We decide. 明白吗 Understand? 你的朊友吗 Friend of yours? 熟人

     能记在我的账上吗 Er, acquaintance. Er, can I put that on my tab, please? 你没有账单 You don"t have a tab. 能记在阿德姆·阿巴扎的账上吗 Can I... Can I put it on Adham Abaza"s? 好的 Sure. 顺便再给我来一杯吧 I"ll take another one while you"re at it. 阿布德尔·哈利姆

     情感之王 Abdel Halim, the king of emotions. 深色皮肤的夜莺 The dark-skinned nightingale. 现在没人这么叫他了 No one calls him that any more. 他是阿♥拉♥伯人的声音 He"s the voice of the Arabs. 革命之子 The son of the revolution. 你知道那首歌♥吗 You know the song? 你也是埃及人吗 You"re Egyptian too? 是的 I am. 你叫什么名字 What"s your name? 阿德姆·阿巴扎 Adham Abaza. 是的 Yes. 其中之一 One of those. 我的王子 My prince. 丈夫 A husband. 应该没什么区别 It shouldn"t make any difference really. 形象应该有所提升吧 An enhancement, is what it should be. -是的

     -对于我自己来说 - Yeah. - To myself. 还有你的妻子 And to your wife. 当然


     对她也一样 Of course, of course. And to her too. 对大家都好 It should be good for everybody. 是的

     对大家都好 Yes, it"s good for everybody. -你们都会受益

     -我们都 - You all benefit. - We all... -我父母很高兴

     -那就好 - My parents are very pleased. - Good. 这对大家都好 It"s... It"s good for everyone. 我可以当个好丈夫 I can be a good husband. 是啊 Yeah. 这又不复杂


     大家每天这么做 It"s not rocket science, is it? People do it every day. 凡事也不会一帄顺利 Don"t expect a bed of roses. 很明智 Probably very wise. 我父母几乎不说话

     但他们看起来也很开心 My parents hardly speak. They seem very happy. 这就对了 There you go. -我们还会说话呢

     -那你们强多了 - We speak. - Ahead of the game. 是啊 Yeah. -她人很好

     -嗯 - I mean, she"s very nice. - Yeah. 她想要什么 What does she expect? 洛克·哈德森

     妹子们 Rock Hudson? Chicks, they"re... 你

     你必须结婚 You... You... You... You have to marry. 这是必须要做的事 It"s just something that has to be done. 人必须结婚

     这是 People have to get married. It is... 是啊 Yeah. 这是为了社会 It"s for society. It"s... -有些东西必须永存

     -嗯 - Certain things have to be perpetuated. - Right. 这是一个制度 It"s a... An institution. 制度 An institution? 制度 An institution. 谢谢 Thank you. 不客气 Pleasure. 你是哪里人

     阿齐兹 Where are you from, Aziz? 开罗 Cairo. 伊斯坎德里耶 Iskandariya. 你想念什么 What do you miss? 埃及吗 From Egypt? 没什么特别的 Nothing much. 兔肉配秋葵 Rabbit with melokheya? 恶心 Disgusting. 那汤有口水的味道 That soup has the texture of spit. 口水的味道怎么了 What"s wrong with the texture of spit? 把钥匙还给我 I"m going to need that key back. -我必须结婚

     -你不用走 - I had to marry. - You don"t have to go. 我朊友一会就走 My friend is not staying. 你妻子还好吗 How"s your wife? 蜜月结束了

     是吗 Honeymoon over, is it? 我必须结婚 You know, I had to marry. 怎么样 How was it? 什么 What? 那个 The... 应该做了吧

     不做♥爱♥哪能算结婚呢 I take it it"s done. Not official without it. 你是怎么做到的 How did you manage it? 你当时想我了吗 Did you think of me? 婚姻是必须维持的制度 Marriage is an institution that must be upheld. 人结婚是为了头衔 And people do it for titles, -名誉


     雨果 - reputation... - And for love, Hugo! 还有爱 People do it for love. 前提是他们不是伪君子 When they are not being hypocrites. 这些虚伪的哭诉从你嘴里说出来有点可笑啊 I find these cries of hypocrisy a little rich coming from you. 斋月禁食期间 Fasting during Ramadan 每晚都喝得烂醉 and getting blotto every other night of the year. 不

     这不是一♥码♥事 Oh, no. Not the same thing. 我只伤害了我自己 I"m not hurting anyone but myself. 你骗了那个女孩 You lie to that girl. 我必须结婚 I had to marry! 你知道埃及有个小镇 Do you know there is a town in Egypt 承认男人之间的爱吗 that recognizes love between men? 我们可以结婚 We could get married. 就现在 Right now. 我们又不在埃及 We"re not in Egypt. 的确 No, we"re not. 太欧式了 So European. 什么 What? 太欧式了

     这里没人用这个 So European. No one uses this here. 我不能去换钱 You know, I can"t break it. 换钱的人会以为是我偷的 The money changers will think I stole it. 便携的 They"re portable. 重量呢 What"s the weight? 重量呢 What"s the range? 对

     有一个射程 Yes. It... It... It has a range. 有一个射程 It has a range. 萨维奇 Savage. 萨维奇 Savage? 一个小女孩 Junior. A girl. 还有她丈夫

     不过 And her husband. Though... 我不相信这场婚姻 I don"t buy the marriage. 萝卜白菜

     各有所爱 Takes all sorts. 嗯

     但这两个人肯定有所图谋 Yeah. But these two are up to something. 这对鸳鸯 These lovebirds. 跟谁接触 Talking to who? 法国人 The French. 该死 Merde. 没错 Exactly. 帮我个忙 Do me a favour. 查查萨维奇

     好吗 Look into Savage, would you? 战斧 Tomahawk. 好

     没问题 All right. You got it. 战后 After the war, 我认识一个美国摄影师 I knew an American photographer 他让他遇到的每个女人都穿一样的衣朋 who used to make every woman he met wear the same thing. 他痴迷于一张照片 He became obsessed with a photograph 一个日本女人 he"d found of a Japanese woman 在长崎爆♥炸♥案中丧生 who had died in the bombing of Nagasaki. 她很漂亮 She was very beautiful. 在这张照片中 And in this photograph, 她穿着衣朋 she was fully clothed 但有个三角区域的肉体 but for a triangle of flesh 还有阴毛露出来了 and black hair where her Venus mound was exposed. 一天晚上 One night, 他和妓院里最底层

     最丑 he was with the lowest, ugliest, 最老的妓♥女♥在一起 oldest whore in the brothel. 我好奇询问他 And then I asked him, 因为他是个有钱的美国人 as he was an American with money, 为什么 why? 他说 And he said, 我不在乎她们是谁 "It doesn"t matter to me who they are 只要是日本人就行 as long as they"re Japanese." 所以他只要是日本人就行 So he didn"t care as long as they were Japanese. 嗯 Hai. 而你只需要有丝绸和绳子 And you don"t care as long as there"s silk and rope? 为了你的音乐

     是吗 For your music, is it? 什么 What? 你要去丹吆尔吗 That you are going to Tangier? 商业机会 Business opportunity. 我听说丹吆尔很漂亮 I hear Tangier"s beautiful. 你从哪听说的 Where"d you hear that? 吃晚饭的时候 Just at dinner. 我不会吃的 I wouldn"t eat the food. 船上的食物吗 On board? 丹吆尔的食物 In Tangier. 他们什么都吃 They eat all sorts. 邀请前往私人住♥宅♥进餐 Apparently, an invitation to dinner at a private home -可以成为任何旅行的高♥潮♥

     -滚开 - can be a real high point of any trip. - Piss off. 听起来这个样本很厉害啊 It sounds like a powerful prototype. 便携式 Portable. 一个人就可以操作 One person can use it. 作用呢 For what? 反坦克

     防空 Anti-tank, anti-aircraft. 他不是政♥府♥官员 And he"s not official? 我觉得他只是个供应商 I think he"s just a supplier. 我 I, uh... 我不建议继续谈判了 I wouldn"t encourage any more discussions. 看看他有什么货 Let"s see what he"s got. 你想和这种人打交道吗 You want to deal with these kind of people? 怎么了 Why? -他们是白♥痴♥啊

     -你来交易 - Because they are idiots. - You will do the dealing. 我会听从你的命令

     但恕我直言 If it"s your orders, but with respect... 恕我直言 With respect, 正是他们这类人 these are exactly the kind of people 需要在摩洛哥境内摆平 needing to be dealt with on Moroccan soil. 他们可以卖♥♥给我们

     也可以卖♥♥给任何人 They sell to us, they sell to anybody. 他们还跟谁有接触 Who else are they talking to? 这正是民族主义者可以使用的武器 This is exactly the kind of weapon the nationalists can use. 他们镇定多了 They are calmer. 他们笃定国王一定会回来的 It"s practically certain that the King will return. 法国 And France is... 正在忍♥受着街上的流言蜚语 Is tolerating that gossip on the street. 这就是法国的处境 That is what France is doing. 考虑到这些不确定性 And given the uncertainties, 做好准备也无妨 it"s as well to be prepared. 我们要和他们交易 We will engage with them. 这样我们就知道市场上在卖♥♥什么武器 That way we know what"s on the market. 有什么武器会被用来对付我们 What could end up being used against us. 好的

     国务卿 Of course, Secretary. 谢利法 Cherifa. 谢利法

     请听我解释 Cherifa, please let me explain. 我在工作 I"m working. 我看到了 I saw. 结束了 It"s done. 谢利法

     求你了 Cherifa, please! 我在工作 I am working! 不是说参加派对么 Come to a party, it says. 那头猪在想什么 What was the swine thinking, huh? -谢利法




     闭嘴 - Cherifa, I... - Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. 那头猪在想什么 What was the pig thinking? 它凭什么认为自己可以随心所欲 Why does it think it can get what it wants? 跪下

     跪下 Down. Down! 它想要什么 What does it want? 它想要什么 What does it want? 这头猪想要什么 What does the swine want? 我让你见识一下 I"ll show you what you get. 你肯定会喜欢的 You"re gonna want what you get. 爬

     爬啊 Come on. Come on. 停下

     停下 Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop... 上去吧 Up you go. 快点 Go! 小猪 Little piggy... 闭嘴 Shut up. 你伤害了我 You hurt me. 我那么信任你 I trusted you. 我早该猜到的

     闭嘴 Should"ve know better. Shut up! 你被他们洗♥脑♥了 You let them take you, those kharejin 那些混♥蛋♥夺走了属于我们的一切 that take everything that belongs to us. 你偷他们的垃圾

     然后做出美好的承诺 You steal their stupid things and make pretty promises. 但你软弱时

     这一切都毫无意义 But it"s all worthless when you"re weak. 而你就是很软弱 And you are weak. 你们所有人 All of you. 我也会顺从他们 I go with them, too. 但我不会像玩具一样被他们嘲弄 But I don"t let them ridicule me while I do it, just like a toy. 我不会让他们夺走我的灵魂 I don"t let them take my soul. 滚 Go! 这里什么都不干净 Nothing is clean here. 他们碰到的东西都会坏 Everything they touch breaks, 都毁了 is ruined. 谢利法 Cherifa... 现在你也脏了 Now you are dirty, too. 叛徒 Traitor. 我要让你知道你都干了什么 I want you to know what you"ve done. 你自己说 Say it yourself. 我不能再这样下去了 I can"t do this any more. 先生 Monsieur? 先生 Monsieur! 谢利法 Cherifa? 怎么了 What? 他的需求过于粗暴 He wanted it too rough. 他死了吗 Is he dead? 好吧 Okay. 我和奥马尔会处理的 Omar and I will deal with this. 我要继续工作吗 Should I keep working? 不


     你得走了 No, no, you have to go. 走

     去哪儿 Go? Go where? 我不知道

     随便去哪 I don"t know, go anywhere. 等风头过去

     好吗 Just until this settles. Okay? 蓝色[心情不好] Blue. 我很遗憾 Sorry to hear that. 不


     是你 Oh, no, not me. You. 手上有蓝色 It"s blue. 我从艺术学校辍学 Dropped out of art school. 为光明而来 Came here for the light. 国外的艺术家 An artist abroad, huh? 国外的艺术家 An artist abroad. 再来一杯吗 Another one? 不 No. 不

     我该回家了 No, it"s time for me to get home. 你确定吗 You sure? 嗯 Yes. 你知道在哪找我 Well, you know where to find me. 嗯 I do. 我下次心情不好的时候再来找你 When I"m next feeling blue. -你想干嘛

     -她在家吗 - What do you want? - Is she home? 不在 No. 走前再喝一杯吗 One for the road? 免费的 On the house. 一起喝一杯吗 You have one with me? 为路边的房♥子喝一杯 One for the house on the road. 雨果 Hugo? -露西


     -雨果 - Lucy? Lucy? - Hugo? -不

     -不是你看到的那样 - No. - It isn"t what it seems... 那是什么样 Well, what is it, then? 没什么

     真的 It"s nothing, honestly. -什么


     露西 - What? - I"m sorry, Lucy. 我还以为你喜欢我呢 I thought that you liked me. 我是喜欢你 I do like you. 跟这个没关系 It has nothing to do with this. 那跟什么有关系 Well, what does it have to do with, then? 你得明白我们之间的关系 You have to understand what is between us. 没什么的 It"s... It"s... It"s nothing. 他们就是这样

     这些人就是这样 It"s just what they do here. It"s just what these people do. 这些人 These people? 他们就是这样 It"s just what they do. 阿德姆 Adham... 你为什么娶我

     雨果 Why did you marry me, Hugo? 我们结婚了

     你是我妻子 We"re married now. You"re my wife. 是为了我的钱吗

     为了我的遗产吗 It was for my money? For my inheritance? 你是打算拿到遗产 Were you just gonna wait for it come in 然后跟他私奔吗 and then you were gonna run off with him? 天呐

     你想象力真丰富 God, what an imagination. 别这么说

     这不是我的想象 Don"t say that. It"s not my imagination. 这是我眼前的现实 It"s happening, right in front of me. 你们两个要把我♥干♥掉吗 You were just gonna finish me off, the pair of you? 他给我钱了

     他已经付我钱了 He paid me! He already paid me. 谁

     阿德姆吗 Who? Adham? 你父亲

     他付钱让我娶你 Your father! He paid me to marry you! 我家破产了

     我很抱歉 My family"s broke. I"m sorry. 他给你钱了 He paid you? 我们对彼此还挺欣赏的 We seemed to like each other. 你爱阿德姆吗 Do you love Adham? 爱吗

     雨果 Do you, Hugo? 你父亲说我们双人舞跳得很好 Your father said we danced well together. 他雇你当我的舞伴吗 He paid you to be my dance partner? 别跟着我

     雨果 Do not follow me, Hugo. 请不要进来

     雨果 Please don"t come in here. Hugo. 离我远点 I need you to leave me alone. -露西


     -别看我 - Lucy, please. - Do not look at me. 拜托

     请不要打扰我 Please. Please leave me. 好 Okay. 太棒了

     宝贝 Oh, yeah, baby! 那什么 I say... 嗯 Yes? 多少钱 How much? 算了

     谢谢 No. Thank you. 别这样

     别跑 Hey, come on. Don"t run off. 多少钱 How much? 你根本负担不起 More than you can possibly afford. 真的吗 Really? 真的 Really. 你凭什么这么傲娇 And what kind of uppity talk is that? 一个中东佬 Coming from a bloody wog. 我不是中东佬 I"m not a wog.

    推荐访问:小鸟 第三集 第一季

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