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    时间:2020-08-25 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    我警告过你 I warned you! 我没警告过你跟矮人合作的下场吗 Did I not warn you what would come of dealing with Dwarves? 现在他们闯了大祸 Now they"ve done it! 他们唤醒了巨龙 They"ve woken the dragon, 我们要遭受灭顶之灾了 they"ve brought the apocalypse upon our heads. 快啊


     快点 Come on, quickly, quickly. 快点

     我还等着走呢 Faster now, I"m trying to evacuate myself here. 小心着点 Careful with that. 不用管书了


     把剩下的拿好 Never mind the books! Get on, get the rest of it. 大人

     我们难道不该拯救镇子吗 But Sire, should we not try to save the town? 镇子没救了

     先救金子吧 The town is lost, save the gold! 摞起来 Pile "em up! -没时间了


     -扶他起来 - We have no time, we must leave. - Get him up. -起来吧



     我们走 - Come on, brother. - Come on, come on, let"s go. -不用扶我


     -越快越好 - I"m fine, I can walk. - As fast as you can. 我们不走

     我们要等父亲回来 We"re not leaving, not without our father. 如果留在这里

     你的姐妹会死 If you stay here, your sisters will die. 你父亲会希望她们死去吗 Is that what your father would want? 快给我开门

     听见没有 Open this door. Do you hear me! 下来

     快点 Down here, now! -把手给我

     -我们得走了 - Give me your hand. - Come on, we gotta go! 快点走 Quickly now, hurry! 奇力

     快点 Kíli, come on! 快点

     快点 Come on! Come On! 划快点

     划快点 Faster! Faster! 我们要是能多搭救些无辜居民就好了 If only we could take more of these poor people with us. 可是他们根本... But they"re hardly... 不值得救

     我非常同意 Worth it. I quite agree. 小心 Look out! 让开 Move it. 让开 Move it! 快啊

     快点 Come on! Faster! 我的金子


     My gold! My gold! 我们带的东西太多了 We carry too much weight. 我们得扔点东西 We need to dump something. 说得很对

     埃弗雷德 Quite right, Alfred. 快点

     快啊 Faster! Faster! 可怜的人们 Poor souls. 爸 Da! 爸 Da! 射中了 He hit it! -他射中了巨龙

     -不可能 - He hit the dragon! - No. 真的


     我看到了 He did, he hit it"s mark, I saw. 他的箭穿不透龙鳞 These arrows can not pierce it"s hide. 什么都穿不透 Actually, nothing will. 你要干什么 What are you doing? -回来


     -回来 - Come back! Bain! - Come back! 贝恩 Bain! -回来

     -贝恩 - Come back here! - Bain! 别管他了 Leave him! 我们不能回头了 We cannot go back. 贝恩 Bain! 爸 Da! 贝恩

     你来干什么 Bain! What are you doing? 你怎么没走

     你应该离开的 Why didn"t you leave, you were supposed to leave. 我来帮你的 I came to help you. -现在什么都阻挡不了它了

     -这个也许行 - No, nothing can stop it now. - This might. 贝恩

     你回去吧 Bain, you go back. 马上离开这里 You get out of here now. 爸 Da! 贝恩 Bain! 爸 Da! 停


     别划了 Stop, stop! Halt, halt! 你是谁 Who are you 敢跟我作对 that would stand against me? 真是遗憾啊 Now that is a pity. 你现在该怎么办 What will you do now... 弓箭手 bowman? 你被众人抛弃 You are forsaken. 孤立无援 No help will come. 快趁现在 Now"s our chance! 快走 Go now! 快去开阔的水面 Hit to the open water! 那是你的孩子吗 Is that your child? 你救不了他

     You cannot save him from the fire. 他会葬身火海 He will burn! 别动

     儿子 Stay still, son. 别动 Stay still. 告诉我 Tell me, 可怜的人类 wretch, 你要怎么挑战我 how now shall you challenge me? 你已经一无所有

     You have nothing left 只剩... but your... 死路一条 death! 贝恩

     看着我 Bain. Look at me. 看着我就好 You look at me. 往左边一点 A little to your left. 好了 That"s it. 贝恩

     抓紧 Bain! Hold on! 怎么回事

     发生了什么 Wh-what was that? What happened? 它摔下去了

     我看到了 It fell, I saw it. 它死了 It"s dead. 斯矛革死了 Smaug is dead. 我的天

     真是这样 By my beard, I think he"s right! 看那里 Look there! 艾雷博的信鸦飞回了孤山 The Ravens of Erebor are returning to the Mountain. 是啊

     等着消息传出去吧 Aye, word will spread. 整个中土 Before long every soul in Middle Earth 都知道巨龙死了 will know the Dragon is dead. 五军之战 你不是一个人

     米思兰迪尔 You are not alone, Mithrandir. 少一句 -谁来帮帮我

     -放开我 - Will somebody help me! - Hey, let me go. 救命 Help! -爸

     -爸 - Da! - Da! 爸 Da! 为什么抛弃我 Ahh! Why me? 塔睿尔 Tauriel. 奇力 Kíli... 快来 Come on. 我们走了 We"re leaving. 跟你的同胞走吧 They are your people, you must go. 跟我一起走吧 Come with me. 我明白自己的感情

     我不害怕 I know how I feel, I"m not afraid. 你让我如获新生 You make me feel alive. 不行 No, I can"t. 塔睿尔 Tauriel, 我的爱人[矮人语] amralimê. 我听不懂 I don"t know what that means. 你明白的 I think you do. 莱戈拉斯殿下 别跟那矮人纠缠了 你还有别的任务 送你的

     我的承诺 Keep it... as a promise. 归来吧 innikh dê -这些衣服是干的


     -谢谢 - These are dry. You"ll need them. - Thank you. 你

     给我一件 Oi, give me one of them! -这么冷


     -自己去找 - I"ll catch my death in this cold. - Find your own! 现在不是你说了算

     奴才埃弗雷德 You"re not in charge now, Alfred Lickspittle. 这你就大错特错了 That is where you are wrong. 城主不在的时候 In the absence of the Master... 权力由他的副官接掌 the powers seeds to his deputy, 以现在的形势看

     就是我 which in this instance is my good self. 把毛毯给我 Now give me that blanket! 什么城主的副手 Master"s Deputy? 别说笑话了

     我看你就是个小贼 Don"t make me laugh. You"re a sneak thief, more like. 我宁死

     也不会听你这类货色差遣 I"ll be dead before I answer to the likes of you. 想死就成全你 Maybe that can be arranged. 别冲着自己人来

     埃弗雷德 I wouldn"t go turning on your own, Alfred. 现在不行 Not now. -爸

     -过来 - Da! - Come here. 你还活着 You"re alive! 好了 It"s all right. 是巴德

     是他杀了那条龙 It was Bard. He killed the dragon! 我亲眼看到了 I saw it with me own eyes. 他射死了那头怪物 He brought the beast down. 他用一支黑箭结果了它 Struck him dead with a Black Arrow. 你救了我们

     祝福你 You"ve saved us all, bless you. 向屠龙勇士致敬 All hail to the Dragon-slayer! 向巴德国王致敬 All hail King Bard! 我说过很多次了

     他出身高贵 I have said it many times, this is a man of noble stock. -是天生的领袖

     -别这么叫我 - A born leader. - Do not call me that. 我不是你们的城主 I"m not the Master of this town. 他去哪里了 Where is he? -城主去哪了

     -大约早逃到安都因河上了 - Where"s the master? - Half way down the Anduin, 把我们的钱都卷走了 with all our coin, I don"t doubt. 你肯定知道在哪 You would know. 是你帮他搬的金库 You helped him empty the treasury. 不 No, 我阻止过他 I tried to stop him. 骗子

     小偷 Liar! Thief! -你个杂种


     恳求他 - You"re a mongrel. - I begged, I pleaded, 我说

     "城主 I said, "Master... 不行" No!" 想想那些孩子 Think of the children. 为什么没人考虑孩子 Will nobody think of the children? 绞死他吧 Hang him! 把他带到树那边 To the tree with him! 放下他 Let him down! 放开他 Let him go! 看看周围 Look around you! 看看你们死了多少同胞 Have you not had your fill of death? 凛冬已至 Winter is upon us. 我们必须彼此支持 We must look to our own, 照顾老幼病弱 to the sick and the helpless. 能站立的人

     去照顾伤员吧 Those who can stand, tend to the wounded, 还有力气的人

     跟我来 and those who have strength left, follow me. -我们必须尽力抢救财物

     -那然后呢 - We must salvage what we can. - And what then? 然后怎么办 What do we do then? 找地方安家 We find shelter. 有人吗 Hello! 邦伯 Bombur? 比弗 Bifur? 有人吗 Anybody? 等等 Wait! 等等 Wait! -是比尔博

     -他还活着 - It"s Bilbo. - He"s alive! 停下

     停下 Stop! Stop! 站住 Stop! 你们得赶紧走

     我们都得离开 You need to leave. We all need to leave. 我们才刚到这里 We only just got here. 我劝过他

     但他不听 I tried talking to him, but he won"t listen. -什么意思


     -索林 - Who do you mean, laddie? - Thorin! 索林


     他在下面待了好几天了 Thorin. Thorin, he"s been down there for days. 不睡觉

     也不吃东西 He doesn"t sleep, he barely eats. 他已经不是他自己了

     都是... He"s not been himself, not at all. It"s this... 都是这个地方

     肯定有什么诅咒 it"s this place. I think a sickness lies upon it. 诅咒 A sickness? 什么意思 What kind of sickness? 菲力 Fíli? 菲力 Fíli! 菲力 Fíli! 金子 Gold. 数不胜数的金子... Gold beyond measure... 抚平悲伤 beyond sorrow... 和痛苦 and grieve. 看啊

     这就是 Behold... the great... 瑟罗尔王的宝藏 treasure hoard of Thrór. 欢迎你们 Welcome, 我的外甥们... my sisters" sons... 欢迎来到 to the Kingdom... 艾雷博王国 of Erebor. 巴林 Balin! 波弗 Bofur! 奇力

     比弗 Kíli! Bifur! -邦伯

     -你还活着 - Bombur! - You"re alive! -找到了吗

     -这里没有 - Any sign of it? - Nothing here. -这里也没有

     -继续找 - Nothing here. - Keep searching! 这么大去哪找啊 That jewel could be anywhere. 阿肯宝钻就在这大厅里 The Arkenstone is in these halls. -给我找


     继续找 - Find it! - You heard him, keep looking. 都去找 All of you! 找不到就不能休息 No-one rests until it is found! 我差点动心

     让你拿走宝钻 I am almost tempted to let you take it, 好让橡木盾 if only to see Oakenshield... 受折磨 suffer. 看着他走向毁灭 Watch it destroy him. 看他荒废自己 Watch it corrupt his arms... 日渐癫狂 and drive him mad. 只带必需品 Take only what you need, -要走很长的路呢

     -你要去哪里 - we have a long march ahead. - Where will you go? 只有一个地方能去了 There is only one place. 孤山吗 The Mountain? 你真是天才

     大人 You are a genius, Sire. 我们可以在山里避难 We can take refuge inside the Mountain. 可能有点龙的气味 It might smell a bit of dragon. 但可以让女人打扫干净 The women could clean it up. 那里安全暖和又舒适

     有商♥铺♥ It will be safe and warm and dry, and full of stores, 有被盖

     有衣穿 bedding and clothing, 还有你的财宝 your bit of gold. 那山里的财宝受了诅咒 What gold is in that Mountain, is cursed. 我们只拿自己应得的部分 We will take only what was promised to us, 足够重新开始就好 only what we need to rebuild our lives. 你

     出点力 Here, pull your weight. 斯矛革的死讯很快就会传遍天下 News of the death of Smaug will have spread through the lands. 没错 Aye. 大家都会盯上这座山... Others will now look to the Mountain... 和山中的财宝 for it"s wealth... -还有它的地势

     -你知道什么 - or it"s position. - What is it you know? 我也不确定

     Nothing for certain. 只是有不好的预感 It"s what I fear may come. 木精灵 是精灵王子和母精灵 跟着我们到了长湖城 你杀掉他们了吗 他们跑了 被吓破了胆子 蠢货

     他们会回来的 带着精灵大军 快去刚达巴 调大军来 精灵 人类 矮人 孤山将是你们的葬身之地 前进 你在路上看见什么了吗 You saw something out there? 那个我追到长湖城外的兽人

     我认识他 The Orc I pursued out of Lake-town, I know who he is. 博格

     亵渎者阿佐格的孽种 Bolg, the spawn of Azog the Defiler. 有一队座狼骑兵在埃加洛斯郊外等着他 A Wargpack was waiting for him on the outskirts of Esgaroth. 他们向北方疾驰而去 They fled into the north. 那些兽人与其他的不同 These Orcs were different from the others, 它们身上刻着的标记我已很久没看见过了 they bore a mark I had not seen for a long time. 刚达巴的标记 The mark of Gundabad. 刚达巴 Gundabad? 雾山北面很远的兽人据点 An Orc stronghold in the far north of the Misty Mountains. 莱戈拉斯殿下 我带来了您父亲的旨意 您必须立即回到他身边 走吧

     塔瑞尔 殿下 塔瑞尔被驱逐了 驱逐 你去告诉我父亲 You may tell my father... 他容不下塔瑞尔

     就是容不下我 if there is no place for Tauriel, there is no place for me. 莱戈拉斯 Legolas, 这是国王的命令 It is your King"s command. 是

     他是我的国王 但他控制不了我的心 我要去北边

     你跟我一起吗 I ride north. Will you come with me? -去哪儿

     -去刚达巴 - To where? - To Gundabad. 你再念咒也没用

     老头 这是我家主人的地盘 去死吧

     巫师 苍穹下

     精灵众王得三戒 石殿中

     矮人诸侯得七戒 尘世间

     必死凡人得九戒 Nine for mortal men doomed to die. 你无法与阴影抗争 你已经在衰退了 一点星光 黑暗中孤立无援 我不是孤立无援 I am not alone. 您需要帮助吗

     女王陛下 Are you in need of assistance, My Lady? 死了就不该回来 You should have stayed dead! 米思兰迪尔... Mithrandir... 醒来吧 come back. 他...他来了 He... He is here. 是的

     黑暗再临中土了 Yes. The darkness has returned. 甘道夫 Gandalf! 甘道夫 Gandalf, 快上来 climb on! 他很虚弱 He is weak. 他不能留在这

     会要了他的命 He cannot remain here, it is straining his life. 走 Go. 快走 Quickly! 跟我一起走吧

     女王陛下 Come with me, My Lady. 走 Go! 开始了 东边即将陷落 安格玛王国将会崛起 精灵的时代终结了 兽人的时代已经到来 你在这没有力量 You have no power here, 魔苟斯的奴仆 servant of Morgoth. 你无姓无名 You are nameless, 无颜无面 faceless, 没有躯壳 formless! 回到虚无去... Go back to the void... 从哪来回到哪去 from whence you came! 我们被骗了 索隆阴魂未散 The spirit of Sauron endured. 但已被驱逐了 And has been banished. 他会逃到东方 He will flee into the East. 我们得警告刚铎 Gondor should be warned. 他们必须严密监视魔多边界 They must set a watch on the walls of Mordor. 不

     照看好盖拉德丽尔女王 No. Look after the Lady Galadriel. 她消耗了太多力量

     非常虚弱 She has spent much of her powers, her strength is failing. 带她去洛丝萝林 Take her to Lothlorien. 萨鲁曼大人 My Lord Saruman, 我们必须找到他 he must be hunted down 毁灭他

     以除后患 and destroyed, once and for all. 没有至尊戒 Without the Ring of Power, 索隆永远也没法统治中土 Sauron can never again hold dominion over Middle Earth. 快去吧 Go now. 索隆由我对付 Leave Sauron to me. -我需要一匹马

     -什么 - I need a horse. - What? 甘道夫 Gandalf, -你去哪儿

     -警告艾雷博 - where are you going? - To warn Erebor. 他们根本不知道谁找上门了 They have no idea what is coming. 我亲眼见到 I saw them with my own eyes. 摩瑞亚的兽人♥大♥军汹汹而来 Rank upon rank of Moria Orcs. 你也找你的朋友帮忙 飞禽走兽 You must summon our friends, bird and beast. 孤山之战就要开始了 The battle for the Mountain is about to begin. 就在大厅里 It is here in these halls, -肯定在

     -我们哪里都找过了 - I know it. - We have searched and searched. -没有尽力

     -索林 - Not well enough. - Thorin, 我们都希望找回阿肯宝钻 we all would see the stone returned. 但你们还是没找到 And yet it"s still not found! 你是在怀疑谁的忠诚吗 Do you doubt the loyalty of anyone here? 阿肯宝钻是矮人族的至宝 The Arkenstone is the birthright of our people. 也是帝王珍宝 It is the King"s jewel. 我不是帝王吗 Am I not the King?! 你们记住了 Know this, 如果有人找到宝钻... if anyone should find it... 却藏起来不交给我... and withhold it from me... 我绝不会放过他 I will be avenged. 病态地迷恋黄金 Dragon sickness... 我见过 I"ve seen it before. 那神情 That look, 那渴望 the terrible need. 那是嫉妒的火

     比尔博 It is a fierce and jealous love, Bilbo. 索林的祖父因此丧失心智 It sent his grandfather mad. 巴林

     如果...如果索林 Balin, if... if Thorin... 得到了阿肯宝钻 had the Arkenstone. 我是说

     如果... 如果找到了 Well, if... if it was found... 会有好转吗 would it help? 那块宝石 That stone... 是至尊珍宝 crowns all. 是这里最珍贵的宝藏 It"s the summit of this great wealth, 谁持有它

     它就赐予谁权力 bestowing power upon he who bears it. 可是他的疯狂 But stay his madness? 没用的 No, laddie. 只怕会让他变本加厉 I fear it would make him worse. 也许最好 Perhaps it is best... 还是不要找到吧 it remains lost. 那是什么 What is that? 你手里的 In your hand. -没什么

     -拿出来看看 - It... it"s nothing. - Show me. 这 It... 是我在贝荣的园子里捡的 I picked it up in Beorn"s garden. 你一路都带着吗 You"ve carried it all this way? 我想把它种在袋底洞的园子里

      I"m going to plant it in my garden. In Bag-End. 拿这个当酬劳未免太寒碜了 That"s a poor prize to take back to the Shire. 有一天它会生根发芽 One day it will grow. 每次看到它

     我就会想起 and every time I look at it, I"ll remember... 想起我经历过的每一件事


     坏的 remember everything that happened, the good, the bad... 还有我能平安到家

     是有多幸运 and how lucky I am that I made it home. -索林


     -索林 - Thorin, I... - Thorin, 长湖城的幸存者正涌进河谷城 the survivors from Lake-town, they"re streaming into Dale. 成百上千 There"s hundreds of them. 把所有人都叫到大门来 Call everyone to the gate. 去大门

     马上 To the gate. Now! 快 Come on, -继续走

     -大人 - keep moving. - Sire! 大人 Sire! 快上来 Up here! 看啊


     火盆点着了 Look Sire! The braziers are lit. 这么说 So, 索林·橡木盾他们还活着 the company of Thorin Oakenshield survived. 活着 Survived? 你是说那群矮人在守着金子 You mean there"s a bunch of Dwarves in there with all that gold? 这你不用担心

     埃弗雷德 You shouldn"t worry, Alfred. 孤山的金子够所有人分 There"s gold enough in that Mountain for all. 今晚在这儿扎营 Make camp here tonight. 都找个休息的地方 Find what shelter you can. 生些火 Get some fires going. -快


     -埃弗雷德 - Come on, hurry along now. - Alfred, 你来守夜 you take the night watch. 推 Push! 上来 Up it goes. 好了 That"s it. 天亮之前要建好工事 I want this Fortress made safe by sun-up. 收复孤山不易 This Mountain was hard-won, 我不能再让别人夺走 I will not see it taken again. 长湖城的百姓一无所有 The people of Lake-town have nothing. 走投无路来投靠我们 They came to us in need. 他们失去了一切 They have lost everything. 少跟我说他们失去了什么 Do not tell me what they have lost. 我失去的不比谁少 I know well enough their hardship. 没葬身火海应该高兴啊 Those who"ve lived through dragon fire should rejoice! 他们该感激不尽 They have much to be grateful for. 再拿些石头 More stone! 再拿石头过来 Bring more stone to the gate! 孩子们饿得不行了

     我们需要吃的 These children are starving. We need food. 我们撑不过三天 We won"t last three days. 巴德

     食物不够了 Bard, we don"t have enough. 尽你所能吧

     珀西 Do what you can, Percy. 一切都会好起来的

     别担心 It will be all right, don"t worry. 我们需要更多的水 We need more water. 孩子

     伤员和妇女♥优♥先给养 The children and the wounded and the women come first. 早

     埃弗雷德 Morning, Alfred, 守了一夜

     有什么消息吗 what news from the night watch? 风平浪静


     没什么可报告的 All quiet, Sire. Not much to report. 什么事都逃不过我的眼 Nothing gets past me. 看来只有精灵大军能瞒过你了 Except an army of Elves, it would seem. 瑟兰迪尔国王

     没想到您会来 My Lord Thranduil, we did not look to see you here. 我听说你需要支援 I heard you needed aid. 你救了我们 You have saved us. 不知道该怎么感谢你 I do not know how to thank you. 你无需谢我 Your gratitude is misplaced. 我不是为了你们而来的 I did not come on your behalf. 我来收回属于我的东西 I came to reclaim something of mine. 山中众多宝石

     我也觊觎已久 The gems in the Mountain that I, too, desire... 白色的宝石

     如同纯洁的星光 White gems, a pure starlight. 来自巨绿森的白宝石 The White gems of Lasgalen. 有个精灵王会为了这项链花大价钱的 I know an Elf-lord who will pay a pretty price for these. 等等 Wait! 请等等 Please, wait! 你就为了一串宝石而挑起战争吗 You will go to war over a handful of gems? 精灵族世代珍宝怎能轻弃外人之手 The heirlooms of my people are not lightly forsaken. 我们现在算是盟友 We are allies in this. 我的人♥民♥也有权得到孤山的财富 My people also have claim upon the riches in that Mountain. 让我跟索林谈谈 Let me speak with Thorin. 难不成你要去与矮人说理 You would try to reason with the Dwarf. 如果可以避免战争 To avoid war? 是的 Yes. 干的不错

     小伙儿 Nice going lads, nice work. 跟我来 Come on! 参见瑟莱因之子索林 Hail Thorin, son of Thrain. 您还活着

     我们很欣慰 We are glad to find you alive beyond hope. 那你带着军队来找山下之王干什么 Why do you come to gates of the King under the Mountain armed for war? 那您这工事又是要防谁 Why does the King under the Mountain fence himself in? 像个死守赃财的强盗 Like a robber in his hole? 因为我料到会有人觊觎我的财宝 Perhaps it is because I"m expecting to be robbed. 陛下 My Lord, 我们并非前来强抢

     只求跟您一谈 we have not come to rob you, but to seek fair settlement. 你愿意与我谈谈吗 Will you not speak with me? 讲 I"m listening. 我代表长湖城人♥民♥ On behalf of the people of Lake-town, 恳求陛下践行承诺 I ask that you honour your pledge. 分我们应得的那份 A share of the treasure, 让我们重建生活 so that they might rebuild their lives. 你带着大军来找我 I will not treat with any man, 我不会好好待你的 while an armed host lies before my door. 如果我们达不成协议 That armed host will attack this mountain 大军就会破门而入 if we do not come to terms. 你的威胁不会使我动摇 And your threats do not sway me. 你的良知呢 What of your conscience? 你自己问心无愧吗 Does it not tell you our cause is just? 我的人♥民♥曾帮助过你 My people offered you help... 而你却报以毁灭和死亡 and in return you brought upon them only ruin and death. 我要不是说分你们一份 When did the men of Lake-town 长湖城会有人帮我们吗 come to our aid but for the promise of rich reward. 协议已经达成了 A bargain was struck. 协议 A bargain? 我们还有什么选择 What choice did we have 只能用我们应得的财宝交换衣食 but to barter our birthright for blankets and food. 用全族的未来赎买♥♥自♥由♥之身 To ransom our future in exchange for our freedom. 你管这叫公平交易吗 You call that a fair trade? 告诉我

     屠龙者巴德 Tell me, Bard the dragon-slayer, 这种约定我为什么要遵守 why should I honour such terms? 因为你亲口许诺了 Because you gave us your word. 难道你言而无信吗 Does that mean nothing? 走吧

     不然我们放箭了 Begone, ere our arrows fly! 你都干了些什么 What are you doing? 你不能挑起战争 You cannot go to war. -不关你的事

     -拜托 - This does not concern you. - Excuse me, 难道你是真的没看到 but just in case you haven"t noticed, 外面有支虎视眈眈的精灵大军吗 there is an army of Elves out there. 更别说还有上百个愤怒的渔民 Not to mention several hundred angry fishermen. 我们可真的是寡不敌众 We... We... We are in fact outnumbered. 用不了多久了 Not for much longer. 什么意思 What does that mean? 意思是

     巴金斯大♥师♥ It means, Master Baggins, 永远不要低估矮人 you should never underestimate Dwarves. 我们收复了艾雷博 We have reclaimed Erebor. 该守卫它了 Now we defend it. 他什么也不肯给 He will give us nothing. 真遗憾

     但你已尽力了 Such a pity. But still you tried. 我不明白 I do not understand. 为什么 Why? 他为什么宁愿挑起战争 Why would he risk war? 和他们讲理只会空耗精力 It is fruitless to reason with them. 他们只能理解这个 They understand only one thing. 天一亮就攻城 We attack at dawn. 你要加入吗 Are you with us? 巴金斯大♥师♥

     过来一下 Master Baggins, come here. 你会需要这个的 You"re going to need this. 穿上吧 Put it on. 这是银铁胸甲 This vest is made of silver steel. 我的先祖称之为"秘银甲" Mithril it was called by my forebears. 刀枪不入 No blade can pierce it. 我穿着好滑稽 I look absurd. 我只是霍比特人

     不是战士 I"m not a warrior, I"m a Hobbit. 这是送你的礼物 It is a gift, 作为我们友谊的象征 a token of our friendship. 如今挚友难求 True friends are hard to come by. 之前一直看不透

     现在我明白了 I have been blind, but now I"m beginning to see. 有人背叛了我 I am betrayed. 背叛 Betrayed? 阿肯宝钻 The Arkenstone... 被他们中的一个人偷走了 one of them has taken it. 有人不忠于我 One of them is false. 索林 Thorin, 远征完成了

     孤山也收复了 the quest is fulfilled, you"ve won the Mountain. 这还不够吗 Is that not enough? -被自己的族人背叛了

     -不 - Betrayed by my own kin. - No, eh... 你可是答应过长湖城的人♥民♥ You, you made a promise to the people of Lake-town. 宝藏真的比你的信誉还重要吗 Is this treasure truly worth more than your honour? 应该是我们的信誉


     我也在场 Our honour, Thorin. I was also there, -我也答应了他们

     -谢谢你这么做 - I gave my word. - For that, I"m grateful. 你表现得很高尚 That was nobly done. 但孤山的金银财宝 But the treasure in this Mountain... 绝不会分给长湖城一分一毫 does not belong to the people of Lake-town. 这些黄金... This gold... 是我们的... is ours... 谁也不能分掉 and ours alone. 我死也不会... With my life... 分给别人... I will not part... 一分一毫 with a single coin. 一点... Not... 也不会 one piece of it. 刚达巴 Gundabad. -里面是什么

     -我们的老对头了 - What lies beyond? - An old enemy. 古老的安格玛王国 The ancient Kingdom of Angmar. 这座堡垒曾是军事要塞 This fortress was once it"s stronghold. 他们在这存放大型兵器 It is where they kept their great armouries, 以及铸造武器 forged their weapons of war. 有光

     那儿有动静 A light. I saw movement. 天一黑我们就行动 We wait for the cover of night. 这是个失落之地

     塔睿尔 It is a fell place, Tauriel. 我们的族人曾于此浴血奋战 In another age our people waged war on those lands. 我母亲葬身于此 My mother died there. 父亲却只字不提 My father does not speak of it. 没有坟墓 There is no grave, 也没有缅怀过 no memory, 什么都没有 nothing. 让我过去 Let me through! 别挡路 Make way! 不行

     不行 No, no, 不行


     你 No! Oi, you! 尖帽子那个 Pointy hat! 对... Yes... 就是你 you. 这里不欢迎要饭的

     乞丐 We don"t want no tramps, beggars... 或是流浪汉 nor vagabonds around here. 我们自己的麻烦已经够多了 We"ve got enough trouble without the likes of you. 带着你的马 Off you go. 赶紧滚蛋 On your horse. 这里谁是管事的 Who"s in charge here? 来者何人 Who is asking? 把你们与矮人那些鸡毛蒜皮的恩怨放一放 You must set aside your petty grievances with the dwarves. 战火将至 War is coming. 多尔戈多的敌人倾巢而出 The cesspits of Dol Guldur have been emptied. 所有人都危在旦夕 You"re all in mortal danger. 你到底在说什么 What are you talking about? 看来你对巫师真是一无所知 I can see you know nothing of wizards. 他们如同冬日里乘风而来的雷暴 They are like winter thunder on a wild wind, 从远方滚滚而至 rolling in from a distance... 声震四野 breaking hard and alarmed. 但有时候风暴... But sometimes a storm... 就只是动静大 is just a storm. 这次不一样 Not this time. 兽人♥大♥军已经出动 Armies of Orcs are on the move. 个个都是为战争而生的 These are fighters, they have been bred for war. 敌人已经全力以赴 Our enemy has summoned his full strength. 敌人为什么现在出手 Why show his hand now? 被我们逼的 Because we forced him. 索林·橡木盾一行人进军孤山夺回故土后 We forced him when the company of Thorin Oakenshield 敌人便不得不出兵 set out to reclaim their homeland. 为了阻止矮人抵达艾雷博 The Dwarves were never meant to reach Erebor, 亵渎者阿佐格被派去灭口 Azog the Defiler was sent to kill them. 它的主子一直图谋夺取孤山 His master seeks control of the Mountain, 为的可不只是财宝 not just for the treasure within, 还因孤山战略位置险要 but for where it lies, it"s strategic position. 经由这座山 This is the gateway to... 可以收复北方安格玛王国 reclaiming the lands of Angmar in the North. 如果那个失落的王国再度崛起... If that fell Kingdom should rise again... 瑞文戴尔


     夏尔 Rivendell, Lórien, the Shire... 甚至连刚铎也会失陷 even Gondor itself will fall. 你说的这些兽人

     米思兰迪尔 These Orc armies you speak of, Mithrandir, 它们现在在哪儿 where are they? 天亮前大军就能就位 定会杀得他们措手不及 这些蠢货 居然忘了这地下潜伏着什么 他们忘了噬地虫 要进去的话

     我们该行动了 它们倾巢出动 这些蝙蝠生来就为了一个目的 These bats are bred for one purpose. 是什么 For what? 战争 For war. 我们得去警告其他人 估计来不及了

     快 我的忠告什么时候变得这么不值钱了 Since when has my council counted for so little? 不然你们以为我想干什么 What do you think I"m trying to do? 难道不是为了拯救你那帮矮人朋友吗 I think you"re trying to save your Dwarvish friends. 你忠于朋友我很敬佩 And I admire your loyalty to them. 但这也休想阻止我进军 But it does not dissuade me from my course. 这些因你而起

     米思兰迪尔 You started this, Mithrandir. 抱歉了

     我要了解掉这些 You will forgive me if I finish it! 弓箭手就位了吗 Are the archers in position? -是的

     大王 -传令下去 - Yes, My Lord. - Give the order... 山上一有动静

     杀无赦 if anything moves on that mountain, kill it! 留给矮人的时间不多了 The Dwarves are out of time. 你

     弓箭手 You, bowman! 你相信我刚说的吗 Did you agree with this? 黄金对你来说真这么重要吗 Is gold so important to you? 甚至不惜用矮人的鲜血来交换吗 Would you buy it with the blood of Dwarves ? 不会到那种地步的 It will not come to that. -他们必败无疑

     -那他们也不会让步 - This is a fight they cannot win. - That won"t stop them. 你觉得矮人会乖乖投降吗

     当然不会 You think the Dwarves will surrender? They won"t. 他们会为了保卫财宝血战至死 They will fight to the death to defend their own. 比尔博·巴金斯 Bilbo Baggins! 没记错的话

     这位半身人 If I"m not mistaken, this is the Halfling... 曾在守卫的眼皮子底下 who stole the keys to my dungeons 偷走了我地牢的钥匙 from under the nose of my guards. 的确 Yes. 真抱歉 Sorry about that. 我来... I came... 是想给你们这个 to give you this. 崇山之心 The Heart of the Mountain. 帝王珍宝 The King"s jewel. 足以让国王付赎金 And worth a king"s ransom. 你凭什么给我们 How is this yours to give? 得来的财宝我要分十四分之一的 I took it as my 14th share of the treasure. 为什么这么做 Why would you do this? 你不欠我们 You owe us no loyalty. 不是为了你们 I"m not doing it for you. 我知道矮人有时顽固 I know that Dwarves can be obstinate... 倔强 and pigheaded and... 蛮不讲理 difficult. 疑神疑鬼

     偷偷摸摸 And suspicious and secretive... 也不懂什么礼仪 with the worst manners you can possibly imagine, 可他们也勇敢... but they are also brave... 善良 and kind... 愚忠 and loyal to a fault. 我非常喜欢他们 I"ve grown very fond of them, 也想尽力拯救他们 and I would save them if I can. 只是索林无比珍视这宝石 But Thorin values this stone above all else. 以此作为交换 In exchange for it"s return, 我相信他会如约分给你们财宝的 I believe he will give you what you were owed. 完全没必要开战 There will be no need for war. 今晚在这歇一晚 Rest up tonight. -你明早必须离开

     -什么 - You must leave on the morrow. - What? 走得越远越好 Get as far away from here as possible. 我不走 I... I"m not leaving. 我可是远征队的第十四名成员 You picked me as the 14th man. 我才不会当逃兵 I"m not about to leave the company now. 远征队早就不存在了 There is no company, not any more. 如果索林发现了你的所作所为 And I don"t like to think what Thorin would do... -天知道他会拿你怎样

     -我不怕索林 - when he finds out what you"ve done. - I"m not afraid of Thorin. 你最好怕他 Well, you should be. 千万别小看黄金的魔力 Don"t underestimate the evil of gold. 尤其是被巨龙盘踞已久的黄金 Gold over which a serpent had long brooded. 恶龙心魔会感染任何靠近孤山的人 Dragon-sickness seeps into the hearts of all who get near this Mountain. 当然也有例外 Almost all. 你 You there! 给这个霍比特人找张床 Find this Hobbit a bed, 再招待他吃顿热饭 and fill his belly with hot food. 这是他应得的 He"s earned it. 把他盯紧了 Hey, keep an eye on him. 如果他想走

     马上通知我 If he should try to leave, you tell me. 走着

     霍比特蠢货 Move it, stupid Hobbit. 醒醒


     该起... Wakey, Wakey. Hobbit, up you... 床了 get? 下一箭会正中你的眉心 I will put the next one between your eyes. 我们是来告诉你 We"ve come to tell you... 谢谢你的赔偿 payment of your debt has been offered... 我们接受了 and accepted. 什么赔偿 What payment? 我什么都没给你们 I gave you nothing. 你们一无所有 You have nothing. 这个算吗 We have this. 他们有阿肯宝钻 They have the Arkenstone. 小偷 Thieves. 我们族人的珍宝怎么在你们手上 How came you by the heirloom of our house? 宝石只属于国王 That stone belongs to the king. 宝石当然是国王的 And the King may have it... 我们乐意物归原主 with our good will. 前提是他得兑现诺言 But first he must honour his word. 他们在耍我们呢 They"re taking us for fools. 这只是个诡计... This is a ruse... 是个无♥耻♥的谎言 a filthy lie. 阿肯宝钻在孤山里

     少骗我 The Arkenstone is in this Mountain, it is a trick! 他们没骗你 It... It"s no trick. 那颗宝石是真的 The stone is real. 是我给他们的 I gave it to them. 你 You? 就当是我分的一份财宝吧 I took it as my 14th share. 你居然偷我东西 You would steal from me? 偷你东西

     不 Steal from you? No, 我虽然是盗贼

     但我也算诚实 no. I may be a burglar, but I like to think I"m an honest one. 就拿这个当我的酬劳吧 I"m willing to let it stand against my claim. 你的酬劳 Against your claim? 你哪有什么酬劳 Your claim, 你没资格从我这分走任何东西 you have no claim over me, 你这卑鄙小人 you miserable rat! 我本想给你的 I was going to give it to you. 不止一次想过

     只不过... Many times I wanted to, but... 不过什么

     窃贼 But what, thief? 你变了

     索林 You are changed, Thorin. 我在袋底洞遇见的那个矮人 The Dwarf I met in Bag-End... 绝不会背信弃义 would never have gone back on his word, 更不会质疑亲人的忠诚 would never have doubted the loyalty of his kin. 别跟我说什么忠诚 Do not speak to me of loyalty. 把他从城墙上扔下去 Throw him from the rampart! 你没听到我的话吗 Did you not hear me?! 我自己来 I will do it myself. 我诅咒你 Curse you! 诅咒那个把你拉进来的巫师 Cursed be the wizard that forced you on this company. 如果你不喜欢我选的盗贼 If you don"t like my burglar, 那么请你 then please... 不要伤害他 don"t damage him. 把他 Return him... 还给我 to me. 作为山下之王

     这样做可不太光彩 You"re not making a very splendid figure as King under the Mountain, 不是吗

     瑟莱因之子索林 are you, Thorin, son of Thrain. 我再也不会跟巫师打交道 Never again will I have dealings with wizards... - 快走吧

     - 或夏尔的卑鄙小人 - Go. -Or Shire rats. 协议达成了吗 Are we resolved? 只要你信守承诺

     我们奉还阿肯宝钻 The return of the Arkenstone for what was promised. 给出你的答案 Give us your answer. 你想要和平 Will you have peace... 还是战争 or war? 我要开战 I will have war. 铁脚 Ironfoot. 戴因

     戴因 Dain! Dain! 戴因 Dain! 那是谁

     他好像不太高兴 Who is that? He doesn"t look very happy. 那是戴因

     铁丘陵之王 It is Dain, Lord of the Iron Hills. -索林的表兄

     -他们像吗 - Thorin"s cousin. - Are they alike? 我一直觉得索林比他讲理一点 I"ve always found Thorin the more reasonable of the two. 早上好 Good morning! 大家好吗 How are we all? 我有个不情之请 I have a wee proposition, 烦请各位花点时间听我说一说 if you wouldn"t mind giving me a few ...

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