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    时间:2020-08-25 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    大家好 Hello 在传统的电影故事里 In the traditional motion picture story, 坏人总是会被打败 the villains are usually defeated, 结局都是美好的 the ending is a happy one. 但我不能保证你接下来看的片子也是这样的 I can make no such promise for the picture you"re about to watch. 因为故事还没结束 The story isn"t over. 作为听众的你也是这场冲突的一部分 You, in the audience,are part of the conflict. 过去的 What has happened so far 和如今的状况并不鼓舞人心 and what is happening now is far from encouraging. 我们如何面对共♥产♥党的挑战取决于你们 How we meet the Communist challenge depends on you. 我们因痛恨共♥产♥党的奴隶制而联合 We are united in detesting Communist slavery. 苏联冰球队是世界上最好的球队 The Soviets are the best team in the world. 冰球的胜利证明了苏联的体制是最好的 Hockey proved that the Soviet system was the best system. 当这台巨大的红色机器开始运转后就无法停下 When the Big Red Machine gets rolling,they"re mighty hard to stop. 他们的目标是我们 Their target is us. 我们的社会机构


     我们的孩子 Our institutions,our families, our children. 苏联人开始攻击了 The Soviets beginning to create their attack... 干得漂亮

      Brilliant play! 尽管他们面无表情 Although they don"t show emotion, 但实际上他们就是苏联社会的缩影 let"s face it,they are a microcosm of their society. 这是一个王朝

      You talk about a dynasty! 他是个真正的超级巨星 This is a bona fide superstar. 也许是世界上最好的 Maybe best in the world. 斯拉瓦·费迪索夫

     历史上最好的防守球员之一 Slava Fetisov, one of the greatest defensemen in the history... 费迪索夫一马当先


      Fetisov, centered in front. They score! 它们是一支极权主义的球队 They were the totalitarian team. 观战的人包括苏联国♥家♥安♥全♥委员会 The KGB guys were always there. 他们给他上了手铐 "你要为我们的政敌打球吗" "我要把你送去西伯利亚"

     "你逃不了的" 并且对我们来讲

     没做好准备就要赢得比赛是很愚蠢的 And it is sheer folly for us not to make every conceivable preparation to win. 红军冰球队 我想要知道一些事... Okay, I"d just like,kind of, a few things about... 因为

     我想在这部片里说的是 Because, basically,what I"m trying to get in the film is 苏联的生活是什么样的 what it was like to live in the Soviet Union. 还有... And... 斯拉瓦·费迪索夫 防守球员 说说你的感觉

     关于... Yeah, and describe your feeling about... 我现在很忙

     等等 I"m busy now. Hold on. I"ve got some business. 好吧 Okay. 我想说的是美国的观众 My point is that American audiences 并不真正明白他们不曾经历过的事 don"t really understand the things that people didn"t have 即使是好的方面 or even the good things. 但你可以说说这个 But what are some things that you can say... "我们必须等候

     否则的话..." "We had to wait in line, or we had to..." 这个太俗套了

      That"s a cliche,


     我们必须做那个" but,"We had to do this, we had to do that." 你知道的

     出国 Travel, you know. 就是我们认为理所应当的东西 Just basic things that we take for granted these days. 像..."我们走不了


     凡此种种 Like, this is... "Look, we couldn"t travel.We couldn"t..." You know, whatever. 我在苏维埃共和国出生 I was born in the Soviet Union in "58. 二战结束那年我 13 岁 It was 13 years after World War ll was over. 整个国家千疮百孔 The whole country was ruined. 我们死了二千万人 We lost 20 million people. 损失巨大 It"s a lot. 我们住在斯大林的房♥子里 We was living in Stalin"s buildings. 大概 400 平方英尺 Probably a 400 square foot apartment. 没有自来水和卫生间

     一家三口人 No running water,no toilets, three families. 生活条件相当艰苦 It was a pretty rough lifestyle. 但我是个快乐的小孩 I was a happy kid. 我爱玩游戏

     爱玩冰球 I play a game. I play hockey. 像这样

     拿罐头当球玩 Pucks was empty cans and stuff like that. 但我们玩得很开心 But, we had fun. 国家红军冰球队的球员是我们的英雄 Our heroes played for the Red Army Club, for the national team. 冰球是苏联最受欢迎的体育项目 Hockey was the most popular sport in the Soviet Union 因为苏联冰球队 because the Soviet hockey team 代表着苏联的最高成就 represented the peak of what the Soviet Union had achieved. 证明了苏联的体制是最好的 And was proof that the Soviet system was the best system. 弗拉基米尔·波兹纳

     记者 这就是政♥治♥活动 It was politics, really. 选拔赛 加入红军冰球队

     拯救你的国家 我的父母存了两年的钱 My mom and dad,they probably collected for two years. 从黑市上给我买♥♥了手套和冰鞋 They bought for me gloves,helmet, and the skates. 大概花了 250 卢布 On the black market,it probably cost 250 rubles. 对当时的普通苏联人来说是一笔大钱 It was big money for a Soviet family. 苏联军队开设了冰球学校以培养国家队队员 选拔时来了很多男孩子排队 There was a huge line of the boys. 拿着棍子穿着冰鞋 With the sticks. With the skates. 和父母或者祖父母一起 With the parents. With the grandparents. 难以置信

     队伍排了大概有 3

     4 米长 It"s unbelievable.It"s probably 3-4 miles long. 当时冰球运动被当局看重 When it was decided that hockey would be the thing, 投入了大量的物资和钱 money, everything went into that. 他们的体系组织严谨 They had a very well-organized system. 从小就... I mean, from childhood to... 他们从最好的里再挑出最好的 They really picked out the best of the best of the best. 这是举国体制 And this was a nationwide system. 我当时 9 岁 I was 9 years old. 我等了大概有 7

     8 小时 I stayed in line probably 7 or 8 hours. 我累得不行 I was exhausted. 但我还是落选了 I got no chance. 他们安慰我"谢谢参与

     明年再来" They said, "Thank you very much.Come again next year." 所以之后我每天练习 3

     4 次 So I practiced 3 or 4 times a day. 终于

     他们通知我能够入队了 Finally, they said I was good enough to make the team. 我为能够进红军冰球队而自豪 I was so proud to play for Red Army. 进攻的号♥角已经响起 红军冰球队由约瑟夫·斯大林资助 以显示苏联的优越性

     斯大林要用运动员们来控制西方国家 冰上兄弟会激战正酣 我们相信无畏之士的勇气 玩冰球才是真男人 懦夫不敢玩冰球 毫无顾虑地滑吧 Skate with no fear. 我们会给你们前所未有的训练 We"ll give you exercises no one has ever seen. 拿棍子会像杂耍一样容易 You"ll be juggling your sticks, 阿纳托利·塔拉索夫

     苏联队教练 在你脑子里扭动它们 twisting them around your head. 你们的笑容呢


      Where"s the smile?You"re playing hockey! 跳起来


      Jump! Quick! 塔拉索夫是苏联体系之父 Tarasov was the father of the Soviet system. 好

      Great! 红军冰球队的首席教练 And the head coach of the Red Army. 你们会成为很厉害的冰球队员

      You"ll become great hockey players! 很棒的男人

      And great men! 他对我的影响很大 This man played a big role in my life. 我时刻牢记我是红军冰球队员 I was Red Army in my heart. 我 10 岁的时候来到这儿 I came there. I was 10 years old. 塔拉索夫

     他发展了这项运动 Tarasov, he developed the program. 他写了一些关于冰球的书 He wrote a few books about hockey. 从我小时候开始就是我的床前读物 These books laid next to my bed since I was a little kid. 他用一种很简单的方式诠释比赛 He described the game in a very simple way. 冰球是一项激烈凶猛的运动 Hockey is an aggressive game. 不像网球 It"s not like tennis, right? 所以我不会说北方的... So I wouldn"t say that the North... 美国人

     加拿大人比俄♥罗♥斯♥人更积极进取 The Americans, the Canadians are more aggressive than the Russians. 我不会这么说 I wouldn"t say that. 但我确实觉得他们关于比赛的 But I do think that there was a different concept 概念完全不同 of how you play the game. 塔拉索夫

     他是一个创造力极好的人 Tarasov, who was an extremely creative man, 他把冰球视为一项复杂得难以置信的 he saw hockey as this amazingly intricate game 传球游戏 of passing the puck. 苏联队的打法更像是即兴表演 The Soviets play more of a finessed, improvisational game... 而且截球和迂回行进实在漂亮 And they could cut and weave beautifully. 他们的传球进攻就像一条复杂又艺术的壁毯 Their passing game was an intricate, artistic tapestry, 劳伦斯·马丁

     记者 在我们这里是看不到的 which we didn"t see over here. 我们强调团队合作 We emphasized everything in a unit, of a collective. 带球者随时准备传球给其他队员 The puck carrier was the servant of the other players. 我们的训练营地是在一起的 Our training camps were together. 我的象棋队和国家冰球队 My chess team and the national hockey team. 阿纳托利

     卡波夫 俄♥罗♥斯♥象棋大♥师♥ 如果他们对心理素质训练有问题 They would often come to me 就会过来找我 if they had questions on psychological training. 阿纳托利·塔拉索夫

     苏联冰球教练 阿纳托利·塔拉索夫

     苏联冰球教练 他的理论是冰球就像下象棋 He had theories of the way the game should be played like a chess game. 他的理论是冰球就像下象棋 He had theories of the way the game should be played like a chess game. 他向波修瓦[芭蕾舞团]的训练方式取经 He studied the training of the Bolshoi, 然后在冰球上运用 and he applied it to hockey. 看看这舞动 Look at these dances, eh? 就像布基伍基舞

      It"s like the boogie woogie! 运动是艺术形式 Sport is an art form. 这就是塔拉索夫的想法 That"s what Tarasov thought. 伊格尔

     罗米舍夫斯基 苏联冰球传奇队员 创造力强

     头脑灵动和不断思考 Creativity, a vivid mind, and constant 是非凡出色的必要条件 thinking are needed for greatness. 我父亲不仅是一个冰球教练 My father was not just a hockey coach. 塔蒂安娜

     塔拉索夫 著名花样滑冰教练 他是个好的导师 He was a great mentor. 他可以看到年轻人蕴含的潜力 He could see the potential in a young person. 他培养了我的爱国主义精神 He developed my patriotism. 对我们来说

     这些都至关重要 For us, it"s very important. 从我 10 岁开始


     我的国家 For me since I was ten, it was very important what was in front. 就是我最为重要的东西 The name of my team, my country. 我生于最好的民族 I belong to the great nation. 如果你有幸穿上国家队制♥服♥ If you wear the national team uniform, 那么这就是你的使命

     拼尽全力 that"s your duty. To do your best. 代表国家 To represent your country. 对苏联人来说运动就是一场战争 For the Soviets, sports were,in a way, a kind of warfare. 对他们来说

     比赛不止是比赛 The game, for them, wasn"t just a game. 更是一种宣传工具 It was also part of what you would call propaganda, actually. 明确表明我们是最棒的 Making it very clear that we"re the best, 因为苏联的体制 and we"re the best because of the Soviet system, 和社♥会♥主♥义♥ because of socialism. 所以我们是最好的 That"s why we"re the best. 尼基塔·赫鲁晓夫 苏联♥总♥书♥记♥ 1953-6♥4♥ 此刻

     你们走在了我们的前头 At the moment, you are ahead of us. 我们仍然还需加倍努力赶上你们 We still have a lot of work to do to catch up with you. 我们会做到的 We"ll do that. 会迎头赶上的 We"ll catch up. 我们还要超越你们 We"ll surpass you. 今天你对我爱理不理

     明天我让你高攀不起 You may perhaps laugh now,but when we overtake you, 我们将挥动双手大声呼喊

      we"ll wave our hand as we say,



     有本事来追我啊" "Capitalists! Goodbye! Catch up if you can!" 你看过冰球吗

      Have you ever watched hockey? 我喜欢和玩偶玩 I like playing with dolls. 你知道这几个字母意味着什么吗

      Do you know what these letters mean: 苏联国♥家♥安♥全♥委员会 克洛勃 K-G-B? 不知道 No

     你生得太迟啦 Yeah, you were born much later. 你不需要和组织纠缠斗争 You didn"t have to deal with this organization. 菲力克斯·尼克波尔 退休苏联国♥家♥安♥全♥委员会特工 菲力克斯·尼克波尔

     退休苏联国♥家♥安♥全♥委员会特工 红军冰球队的主力球员打算去 The Central Red Army prepare to travel 红军冰球队的主力球员 The Central Red Army prepare to travel 打算去北美打系列赛 to North America to play a series of games 和西方国家最好的球队比赛 against the best teams of the West. 其中一个是我们去年在青年系列赛上 One outstanding player we didn"t see in last year"s junior series 还未曾见过的新星斯拉瓦·费迪索夫 was the brilliant defenseman Viacheslav Fetisov. 我 6 岁那年我们穿越了大西洋 When we crossed the Atlantic to play against 来与安大略湖最好的球队比赛

     我很兴奋 the best Ontario clubs at 16 years old,I was happy. 比赛一周一次 There was one flight per week. 座位很空因为没人来搭飞机 Empty because nobody was flying. 当然

     一般人是不能离开国家的 Of course, regular people cannot leave 因为体制 the country because that"s the system. 我和他们一起去以保证他们安全 I used to go with them to provide security, 还有防止任何"逃跑"的行为 and to prevent any "escapes" to the West. 和我们一起出国的"特殊人员" The "special people" who traveled with us, 在入境检验前分发护照 they give your passport before you get to passport control, 过关后又收回去 and they collect the passport when you cross the border. 加拿大方让我们住在五星级大饭店 The Canadians put us in a five-star hotel. 枝型吊灯

     大理石地板 Chandeliers. Marble. 一人一间房♥ One room per player, 上百个电视频道 and a hundred TV channels. 现在超♥市♥冰冻食品正在大减价 Hey, right now, Loblaws is having a huge frozen food sale. 冬季里的蔬菜水果 Fruits, vegetables in the wintertime. 之前从未见过 I"ve never seen it before for us. 我们在苏联一周只能吃一次鱼 In the Soviet Union,we got fish only one day a week. 叫作"周四吃鱼天" It was "Fish Thursday." 当人们出国后

     尤其是第一次出国 When people went abroad,especially for the first time, 他们会为巨大的差异所震惊 they were so surprised by the differences. 我们每个人有 48 美元 We got $48. 他们给了零花钱 They gave us pocket money. 我买♥♥了两条牛仔裤和三条短裤 I bought 2 jeans, 3 pair of shorts. 好多在莫斯科根本没有的东西 Lots of stuff which just didn"t exist in Moscow. 然而

     他们并未见到 However, they never saw 其他国家的缺点 the negative side of the other countries. 我们控制得很严 Control was intense. 如果没有这种控制的话根本无法执行工作 Without such intense control,there was no point in the work at all. 我从来没想过叛变 I was never even thinking about to defect. 从未


      Never. What"s that mean? 意味着你很快乐 It meant you were happy. 是的我很快乐 I"m happy. 今晚

     加拿大队主场对战苏联队 Tonight, Team Canada hosts the Soviet Union. 这是一支我们从未对战过的球队 It"s a team we"ve never seen. 场馆里有 12000 名观众

     密密麻麻的 The building was 12,000 people. Packed. 我有点紧张 I was so nervous, y"know? 我们的装备不好 We got shitty gear. -加拿大队对苏联队

     -加拿大队的优势明显 -Canada versus the Soviet Union. -Team Canada has a definite edge. 加拿大队在射门以及滑行方面 The two things that Team Canada do the best, 无人能敌 they shoot better and they skate better. 加拿大队员

     粉丝和评论员都同意 Canadians, fans and sportswriters seem to agree 他们的队伍将痛击狂妄的俄♥国♥佬 their team will clobber the Russian pretenders. 我们 5 场皆胜 We beat them in all 5 games. 费迪索夫过线了

     他往前甩开防守 Fetisov over the line. Fetisov trying to get it out in front. 向前突击



      Throws it out in front.They shoot, they score! 费迪索夫在后方等候

     他拿球了 Fetisov back out of the slot.Fetisov feeds. 他的技艺超凡


      Fetisov with a brilliant play.He scores! 得分

      He scores! -费迪索夫

     -费迪索夫 -Fetisov.-Fetisov. 比赛结束 And the game is over. 苏联队战胜加拿大队 The Soviet Union has beaten Team Canada. 维亚彻斯拉瓦·费迪索夫

     他的队友叫他斯拉瓦 Viacheslav Fetisov.His teammates call him Slava. 毋庸置疑他是红军冰球队中 He"s undoubtedly one of the great young stars 最好的年轻球员之一 of the Central Red Army team. 他向后滑行的速度 It"s been said of him that he can skate backwards 和大多数防守队员向前滑行的速度一样快 as fast as most defensemen can skate forwards. 当时的小孩都想打得像费迪索夫一样好 Kids growing up now want to play like Fetisov. 你最喜欢哪个球员

      Which players do you like the best? -费迪索夫

     费迪索夫 -Fetisov .-Fetisov. 盖比

     开始吧 Okay, Gabe. Let"s go. Let"s go. Work! 你们习惯了美国的无所事事 You guys are used to doing nothing over there in America. 好吧 Yeah. Okay. 我想问关于维克托·吉洪诺夫的事 I want to ask you about Viktor Tikhonov. 他是如何成为国家队教练的

      How did he become the national team coach, 你和他的关系怎么样 and what was your relationship to him? 塔拉索夫惹上麻烦 Tarasov got in trouble because 因为他带的球队进球了但未被算分 Tarasov"s team scored a goal,but it wasn"t counted. 他对此很愤怒 And he became so angry, 他叫球员立即走人 he actually took his players off the ice. 他对比赛不满意并且终止了比赛 Tarasov disagreed and stopped the game. 我们还没打 40 分钟 We didn"t play for 40 minutes. 布里兹捏夫当时在场 And there sat Brezhnev. 布里兹捏夫说

     "他在干什么鬼" And Brezhnev was saying,"What the hell is this?" 他们把他撤职了 They removed him from the national team. 他们就因为这件事惩罚他 They punished him for this. 苏联国♥家♥安♥全♥委员会的首长也是红军冰球队的球迷 The KGB Chief was a fan of the Red Army Club. 吉洪诺夫是他的门生 Tikhonov was his protégé. 你的意思是吉洪诺夫当上教练

      You mean, Tikhonov was so powerful

     是因为他在共♥产♥党里很有权势... in the Communist Partythat they made him... 很有权势是什么意思

      What do you mean powerful? 就是... I mean, can"t someone just say... 不是权势而是他也是体制的一部分 What do you mean powerful?He"s a part of the system. 安全委员会的首长让他当上了教练 The Chief of the KGB put him in the position. 维克托·吉洪诺夫并不讨球员喜欢 Viktor Tikhonov was disliked or detested by most of the players. 如果我们不听话

     他就会严厉地惩罚我们 If we didn"t obey,he would punish us severely. 他会扣薪水或者禁止出赛 He would take your salary or bar you from playing. 他们在激烈地争吵 Some rather vigorous discussion. 请原谅我的用词

     我们的老朋友吉洪诺夫看起来火冒三丈 Our friend, Mr. Tikhonov, is ticked off,if you"ll forgive the expression. 吉洪诺夫被队员强烈指责 Tikhonov"s been heavily criticized by some of the players. 其中一个队员说如果他需要心脏移植的话 One of them said if he ever needs a heart transplant, 他一定想要维克托的心脏因为他根本就没有心 he wants Viktor"s because Viktor"s never used his. 你看到他在长凳上咆哮 You can see him yelling at them on the bench, 事实上


     锤他们的头 and, actually, he would hit them in practice,and smash them in the head. 像这样 Hammer them like this. 我是个爆脾气 I"m very volatile. 我就是这样 That"s how I am. 而且队员们深知这点 And the guys know that. 他们懂得何时接近我 They know when to approach me. 他看起来有些癫狂 He"s looking a little bit deranged right there. 吉洪诺夫从一开始就赢在起跑线上 Tikhonov was in a very advanced position from the beginning. 他带着世界上最好的冰球队 He got the best team in the world. 他得到政♥府♥的全力支持 He got all kinds of support from the government. 在苏联

     他能得到任何想要的球员 In the Soviet Union,you can get any player. 他原本在参军而后来他成了红军冰球队的队员 You draft him into the army and he becomes a Red Army player. 如果没有我们的话


      Can Tikhonov be successful without us? 我不知道 I don"t know. 如果没有吉洪诺夫的话


      We being successful without him? 我觉得依然会 I think so. 一夜之间

     有一支球队打得加拿大队溃不成军 Here, suddenly, there was a team that actually could beat Team Canada. 这支球队的队员成了英雄 And the hockey players were all considered as heroes. 冰球一跃成为苏联最炙手可热的体育项目 And hockey itself became tremendously popular in the country. 你可以说说你第一次的奥♥运♥经历吗

      Can you tell me about your first Olympics? 想听故事


      Want a story? You got the time? 吉米·卡特

     美国总统 我今晚召开♥发♥布会的原因是在亚洲西南部 I come to you this evening to discuss the extremely important 发生了一件及其重大又突然的军事事件 and rapidly changing circumstances in Southwest Asia. 苏联的军队入侵了 Massive Soviet military forces have invaded 弱小

     中立的阿富汗 the small, nonaligned sovereign nation of Afghanistan. 苏联此举只是一块垫脚石 A Soviet-occupied Afghanistan is a stepping stone 其目的在于控制全球大部分的石油供给 to possible control over much of the world"s oil supplies. 这个无神论的强权国家使出阴谋诡计 It is a deliberate effort of a powerful, atheistic government 来迫使无党派的伊♥斯♥兰♥教人♥民♥就范 to subjugate an independent Islamic people. 激烈的战争还在阿富汗持续着 Heavy fighting continues in Afghanistan. 随着苏联的军队践踏阿富汗 With invading Soviet troops in parts of the country, 全世界人♥民♥都对苏联的狼子野心愤慨至极 world indignation at the apparent Soviet takeover is coming to a head. 劳伦斯·马丁

     律师 冷战正至白热化阶段 Cold War passions were running very, very hot. 美国刚好要举办 And then, the United States happened to be hosting 普拉西特湖城冬奥会 the Olympic Games at Lake Placid. 他们将冷战的政♥治♥色彩带入 They had this Cold War political flavor to it. 又一出大卫战巨人[出自圣经故事]的戏码要上演 The David versus Goliath matchup featuring 美国队的毫无经验的大学生们 a US team comprised of inexperienced college players 将要对阵经验丰富的 going up against a veteran Soviet team 可以说是世界上最好球队的苏联队 widely regarded as the best hockey team in the world. 在奥♥运♥会前几周的表演赛上 The United States had lost an exhibition game 美国队以 3-10 输给了苏联队 to the Soviets, 10-3,a couple weeks before the Olympics. 这显示了两队实力的巨大悬殊 That showed the difference in skill level between the two teams. 整座建筑陷入一种激动又紧张的气氛当中 The excitement, the tension building. 诺大的奥林匹克中心座无虚席 The Olympic Center filling to capacity. 无论处于政♥治♥或民族主义敏感

     我坚信这场比赛 In a political or nationalistic sense,I"m sure this game is being viewed 将被人以各种角度审视观察

     但首先这是一场冰球比赛 with varying perspectives,but it is a hockey game. 美国队和苏联队已经在冰面上各就各位 The United States and the Soviet Union on a sheet of ice 在纽约的普拉西特城 in Lake Placid, New York. 比赛开始 Here we go, as the game is underway. 红色的是苏联队白色的是美国队 The Soviet Union in red and the United States in white. 上一次美国队击败苏联队还是在 20 年前 It"s been 20 years since an American team has beat the Soviets. 巴维里奇超越了施耐德



      Pavelich up ahead to Schneider.Slap shot! Goes in! 先下一城

      A winner! 美国掌控了比赛节奏

      The United States has tied the game! 几个月之前你能相信这件事居然真的发生了吗

      A couple of months ago, would you have believed this would be possible? 一个粗心大意的回弹 Very careless rebound. 来自特雷迪亚克

     一个异常粗心大意的的回弹 An uncharacteristically careless rebound by Tretiak. 特雷迪亚克被换到板凳上去了 Here"s Tretiak on the bench. 对他来说简直是个异次元的位置 A very uncharacteristic place for him. 他传给了祖鲁克托夫 He leaves it for Zhluktov. 身穿 22 号♥球衣的祖鲁克托夫传给了马卡洛夫 Zhluktov, number 22,who passes it to Makarov. 克雷格成功救球 Craig makes the save. 射门


      He shoots, and he scores! 4-3

     美国队领先 4-3, the United States on top. 拉莫西成功拦截 Checked by Ramsey. 麦克拉纳汉就在这里可是球还是丢了 McClanahan is there. The puck is still loose. 还剩 11 秒

     10 秒 Eleven seconds. You got 10 seconds. 开始倒数计时啦 The countdown going on right now. 莫罗向希尔克跑去 Morrow up to Silk. 只剩 5 秒了

      Five seconds left in the game! 你相信奇迹会发生吗


      Do you believe in miracles? Yes! 难以置信

      Unbelievable! 美♥利♥坚♥



      USA! USA! USA! 美♥利♥坚♥


      USA! USA! 我们是第一名


      We"re number one. We rule. US rules! 命中注定 Destiny. 来自美国总统卡特的声音 告诉全队人员

     我们以他们为傲 And tell the whole team that we are extremely proud of them. 他们是真正的冠军 They"ve come through like true champions. 这是一场全民的伟大胜利 It was a great win, you know,for everybody, 贺伯·布鲁克斯

     美国队教练 这证明了我们的生活方式 and I think it just proves that our way of life 才是赖以发展的正常的生活方式 is the proper way to continue on. 这一路走得艰难 It was tough. 你最好相信苏联的队员并不开心 You better believe the Soviet authorities are not happy. 政♥府♥肯定是让他们自己解决问题 The government will certainly be taking matters into their own hands. 如果他们没有机会东山再起的话... ...if they don"t see an opportunity... 他们要为此付出怎样的代价

      What"s the price they pay over there? 皮特·詹宁斯

     发自巴黎 今晚的故事关于冰球 Finally, tonight, from overseas,a story about hockey. 回国的苏联队仍然处于 A team in the Soviet Union is still dwelling on 失败的愁云惨雾之中 a championship lost. 一些变化悄然而至 There have been some changes made. 奥♥运♥会之后 After the Olympic games, 吉洪诺夫清退了老兵 Tikhonov fired the veterans. 这是错误的决定 It"s wrong. 这些人和这些物资 All these guys,all these supporting staff, 才是球队胜利的原因 this is the successful team. 而非他个人 Not him. 奥♥运♥会之后训练强度陡然增大 After that game,the workload became tremendous. 甚至有球员便血了 There were players who pissed blood. 我们夏天时一天训练四次 We practiced four times a day in the summertime. 四次 Four times. 心跳频率保持在 220 We"re working at a heart rate of 220. 你能想象吗

     220 Can you imagine? 220. 队员们必须住在冰球队的营地里 Players had to live in these hockey camps, 封闭训练 11 个月 isolated 11 months of the year. 他们每月顶多只有一个周末可以外出 And they would get out maybe one weekend every month. 他们的胜利建立在残酷的训练中 You win by being merciless in training. 作为教练必须保持这一传统 The coach must perpetuate this tradition. 教练必须找到球员的压点施压 A coach must find a player"s pressure 以期获得最好的结果 points to achieve maximum results. 伊格尔

     罗米舍夫斯基 苏联冰球传奇 这是萝卜和大棒政策

     像训练牲口一样 It"s the carrot and the stick,like an animal trainer. 从野兽那里抢财宝 To get masterpieces from the beasts, 你必须强迫他们 you have to force them a little bit. 俄♥罗♥斯♥马戏团 我尊重他吗

      Did I respect him? 作为教练

     是的 As my coach? Yes. 作为一个人

     不 As a person? No. 在 1980 年普拉西特城冬奥会输给美国之后 The Soviets are back after that American defeat, 苏联队卷土重来 back in 1980 at Lake Placid. 当年队伍里的人可所剩无几了 Well, there aren"t many left from that 1980 team. 费迪索夫还有一些超级巨星还在 Fetisov, a couple of their superstars remain, 但其余的全是新人 but the rest of the team has been completely rebuilt. 当守门员非常依赖天赋 You have to be born a goalie. 弗拉季斯拉夫·特雷迪亚克

     守门员 我则是个天生的破坏者 I am a destroyer. 因为我能破坏对手的进攻战术 I destroy the plans of the adversary. 弗拉季斯拉夫·特雷迪亚克挡在了网前 Vladislav Tretiak in the net. 他是世界上最棒的守门员 The best goalie in the world. 特雷迪亚克的防线几乎无法攻破 Tretiak is almost unbeatable. 他是冰球史上最伟大的守门员 The greatest goaltender the game has ever seen. 吉洪诺夫只会用现成的好球员 Tikhonov was given ready-to-use material. 而塔拉索夫打造出了明星球员 Tarasov had created stars. 一手培养出一支五人团队也是他的功劳 It was to his credit that he created a five-man unit. 他们是最棒的队伍 They were the best. 俄♥国♥五将 谢尔盖·马卡洛夫 阿列克谢·卡萨托诺夫 伊戈尔·拉利奥诺夫 斯拉瓦·费迪索夫 弗拉基米尔·克鲁托夫 他们是苏联队的核心力量 ...are the strike force of the Soviet team. 当他们五人同时上场时

     没人知道该如何打赢他们 When the five got together, no one knew how to play them. 左边锋是 24 号♥球员谢尔盖·马卡洛夫 At left wing, number 24, Sergei Makarov. 他是世界上最让人感到危险的球员 He was the most dangerous player in the world. 马卡洛夫的的精湛球技与魔力 The mastery and the wizardry of Makarov, 都附着在了冰球上

     成功打门 who hung onto that puck and then just gave it. 他无论在什么时候什么位置都能进球 He can make the goal from nowhere, anytime. 他的进球数比冰球史上任何人都多 He scored more goals than anybody in our hockey history. 他们掠得一分

      And they score! 右边锋是 9 号♥球员弗拉基米尔·克鲁托夫 At right wing, number nine,Vladimir Krutov. 他简直像一架俄式坦克一样 He was a Russian tank. 运球的是克鲁托夫

     他只有 5 尺 9 寸高[175cm] Krutov here, only 5"9 但他重达两百磅[90kg] but he weighs almost 200 pounds. 他是这支五虎队的灵魂人物 He was the soul of the five-man unit. 中锋是 11 号♥球员伊戈尔·拉利奥诺夫 At center, number 11, Igor Larionov. 伊戈尔被称作"教授" Igor was the professor. 我有个问题


      I"ve got a question. Why was he "the professor"? 因为他非常非常瘦 Because he was skinny like that. 不一定非得说教授


     像个书呆子 Not a professor, maybe nerd. 虽然瘦

     但他十分强硬 Skinny but tough. 他的体型误导了很多人 It kind of misleads lots of guys. 7 号♥球员阿列克谢·卡萨托诺夫 Number seven, Alexei Kasatonov. 他是我最好的朋友 He was my best friend. 7 号♥和 2 号♥

     费迪索夫和卡萨托诺夫 Seven and two, Fetisov and Kasatonov. 他们俩在一起打球很久了 They"ve played together for so long 他们能本能地察觉到对方的移♥动♥ that they know each other"s moves instinctively. 当一人进攻时

     另一个会向后移♥动♥策应 And when one goes in, the other kind of trails back, 这套战术总会成功 and it just works for them. 费迪索夫传给卡萨托诺夫 Fetisov to Kasatonov. 射门


      Shoots, he scores! 他是我的队友

     还是我的室友 He was teammate. He was roommate. 阿列克谢就像我的弟弟一样 Alex became my younger brother. 我妈妈常做饭给他吃 My mom cooked for him, 他对我爷爷像自己的亲爷爷一样 and my grandpa was like his grandpa. 很难找到比我俩更亲近的好基友了 It"s tough to find any closer relationship between two men. 阿列克谢可能是冰球史上最好的全能后卫了 Alex is probably the best all-around defensemen ever to play the game. 我觉得斯拉瓦是冰球史上最好的后卫 I believe he Slava was the best defenseman in the history of world hockey. 2 号♥球员维亚彻斯拉瓦·费迪索夫 Number two, Viacheslav Fetisov. 斯拉瓦是我们的领袖 Slava was our leader, of course. 无论从滑冰水平还是从性格上来看 In the way he skated, his character. 他被费迪索夫放倒了 And he gets leveled by Fetisov. 费迪索夫展现了他强大的力量 Fetisov showing that good strength. 6 尺 1 寸[185cm]的身高和 205 磅[93kg]的体重

     他是个大块头 6"1 205 pounds. He"s no small player. 吉洪诺夫从中♥央♥政♥治♥局赶来说 Tikhonov came from the Politburo and said: "斯拉瓦

     有个好消息告诉你" "Slava, I got good news. "你要成为苏联国家队的队长了" "You"re going to be captain of the Soviet National Team." 我说"谢谢

     但我还是算了" I said, "Thank you, but I"m not." 他说"你傻啊你" He said, "You stupid?" 我说"真的算了" I said, "I"m not." 但当我和队员们聊天时 But when I talked to the guys, 他们说"我们想让你当我们的队长" they said, "We want you to be our captain." 我说"那好吧" I said, "Okay." 我不知道他们为什么选我 Why they choose me, I don"t know. 但我就此成为国家队历史上最年轻的的队长 But I become the youngest ever captain of the national team. 苏联冰球队中

     锋线球员紧密地溜在一起 In Soviet hockey, the lines stay together. 五人为一个整体 Five-man unit. 锋线和两个后卫融为一体 They like to keep the line and the two defensemen together 保持得越久越好 for as long as they possibly can. 我们在生活中也是很好的朋友 We were great friends in real life. 我告诉你



     乐于助人 I tell you, they were good people, kind and always ready to help. 我们从不让彼此失望 We never let each other down. 他们每个人单独是什么样的 What were they like as individuals? 克鲁托夫

     左边锋 我们几乎都是一样的人 We were all practically the same, you know? 我们一起庆祝生日

     参与家庭事务 We"d celebrate the birthdays, the family things. 一起去餐馆吃饭

     一起度假 We went to restaurants together. We would spend vacation time. 我们都是一样的人 We were all the same. 他们爱读书吗

     有任何爱好吗 But did they read, have hobbies? 他们的性格是怎样的 What were their personalities? 我们都是一样的 We were the same. 你为什么要反复问相同的问题 Why are you asking me the same thing? 他们一拍即合 They just clicked from the get-go. 他们对彼此很有信心

     也很为彼此骄傲 They had a lot of confidence in each other, and they had a lot of pride. 他们将会被载入史册

      And those players will go down in history

     成为史上最佳五人组 as the greatest five-man units of all time. 他们似乎有第六感 They had a sixth sense about them. 他们似乎背后长眼 They had eyes in the back of their head. 有时候你甚至不用看就能感觉到 Sometimes you feel without a look. 你的队友肯定已经赶到 Your partner must be there. 苏联队的这波迂回进攻非常完美 The Soviets really perfected the weave. 他们像一个整体一样移♥动♥ They move like one body. 天呐


      Holy cow, what a play by the Soviets! 费迪索夫得分排在第二 Fetisov was number two in scoring, 尽管他只是后卫 even though he was a defender. 他可以向前进攻

     马卡洛夫会同时向后拉开阵线 He would go forward and Makarov would draw back. 球进得分

      They score! 整个战术就像这样 Everything was like this. 对手完全不知道应该防守谁 The opponents did not know who to cover. 迂回进攻



     再给马卡洛夫 Circling back, Fetisov, Larionov, Makarov. 进球得分

      He scores! 这球进得十分精彩

     实属本场亮点 The goals that they scored would be highlight reel goals. 他们所有人都在这波进攻中触球 They all touched the puck. 这支队伍的技战术水平高得可怕 T...

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