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    时间:2020-12-08 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    派拉蒙影业感谢死者家属及卡尔斯巴德市警♥察♥局 卡尔斯巴德

     加州 欢迎回家


     这就是你的家 Welcome home, Hunter. This is your house. 看看那个窗户

     这是前门 Gonna look out of that window. There"s your front door. 老爸 Hi, Dad. 你好吗 How are you? -很高兴

     -小乖乖 -Happy.

     -Hi, little man. 我们把他带到阴凉去

     好吗 We got to keep him out of the sun, too, ok? 好

     感觉怎样 Yeah. How are you feeling? 猜猜是谁换了头 15 个尿布 Guess who changed the first, like, 15 diapers? -是这位


     -等等 -This guy, right here.

     -Wait, wait. 猜猜又是谁劳动了一天 Guess who was in labor for a day? -那就是这位了

     -我劳动了 -This girl.

     -I"ve been in labor for. 那是你老妈 That"s your mama. 汉特


     你的新保姆 Hunter, this is Martine, your new nanny. 她将搞定你的脏脏尿布 She will probably fix your dirty diapers, -因为我不会

     -能看到我吗 -because I won"t.

     -Can I see? 那是 Yes. 老天

     看看他 Oh, my goodness. Look at this. -他很帅


      -难道他可爱吗 -He"s cute, right?

     -Isn"t he adorable? 他看起来是个善于讨好女人的孩子

     我可没撒谎 He"s kind of smooshy looking. I"m not gonna lie. 他刚出生

     刚出生 He"s just newborn, he"s a newborn. 说实话


     仅仅次于我 Seriously, the cutest baby ever, next to me. Second to me. 摸摸他

     我要整天抱着他 Just touch him and cuddle him all day long. 你看他有多袖珍 You see how tiny he is? 介意让我抱抱吗 Do you mind if I take him? Not if he"s sleeping, 在他醒着的时候

     我想带着他看看♥房♥♥子 but I want to take him on a tour of the house. 好的

     他还没睡呢 Ok. He"s not sleeping. 那是阿比

     将成为你最好的朊友 That"s Abby. Gonna be your best friend. 拜拜

     甜心 Bye, sweetie. 这是火炉

     你老妈是在这里勾引爸爸的 This is a fireplace. This is how Mommy seduced Daddy. 这样你就诞生了 And that"s how we got you. 这就是为什么你在 25 岁的时候才看到这个视频 And that"s why you"re watching this video at 25. 这是你的房♥间 This is your room. 这有你的小儿床

     现在东西有点稀疏 There"s your crib. It"s a little sparse right now. 刚订了些卡特彼勒模型玩具在路上 Just got some caterpillar action going on. "汉特"


     挺酷吧 "Hunter." See? Pretty cool. 这是你老姐的乱房♥间 This is your sister"s trashed room. -不


     -她在这 -No, I"ll check with him.

     -Oh, there she is. 干什么

     另一个妈妈生的小孩 Wassup, brother from another mother? -什么


     汉特来了 -What?

     -No, Hunter"s in. 从此我不允许你来我房♥间

     除非姐姐我邀请你 You"re never allowed to come in here, ever. Unless I invite you. 那时候将是你人生当中最美好的一天 In which case, it"s gonna be the best day of your life. 顺便说下


     不要进去 By the way, that"s my bathroom. Don"t ever go in there. 那是你半个洗浴室


     因为是我买♥♥的 That"s half your bathroom. It"s actually my bathroom, "cause I bought it. 全部东西都是我的

     不要在我的座位上乱尿 All that is mine. Don"t pee on my seat! 这是客厅

     没人会呆这儿 This is the living room that no one ever uses. 有人没关门 Hey, somebody left the front door open! 好的


     好吗 Nice. Don"t do that, ok? 这是我的第一间男人私人空间

     我的天才想法来源于此 This is my first man cave. That"s where all my genius ideas come. 这是我的第二间男人私人空间 This is the second man cave, 我们会一起在这看电光队的比赛 where we"re gonna watch Chargers games together. 这是我的 50 英寸的大家伙 This is my 50-inch monster. 看看

     美枀了 Look at that. It"s beautiful. 我不知道我抱的姿势对不 I don"t even know if I swaddled him right. 就像 It"s just. 小乖乖 Hi, baby boy. -他很香

     -是的 -He smells good.

     -Yes. 你就像爸爸 You"re just like Daddy. 你总是在便便 You make poops all the time. -那样好吗

     -当然 -Is that good?

     -Si. 好的 Ok. 他是个特殊的娃娃

     可不是吗 Is a special baby. Si? -谢谢

     -太可爱啦 -Thank you.

     -That is so cute. 我去开门 I"ll get it! 我看看这宝贝 Let me see this baby. -姨妈凯蒂

     -他在哪呢 -Aunt Katie!

     -Where is he? 在楼上呢 He"s upstairs. 你好珍贵哦 You are so precious. 我现在就很喜欢你了 I already love you so much. -我妹生得好呀

     -是的 -My sister did good.

     -Yeah. 你可能有点小功劳 You probably had a little part in it, I don"t know. 非常小 Very little. 是她男朊友



     就像 It"s her boyfriend. Yeah, he"s a big boy, just like his. 吃点小甜饼 Kinda just eating cookies. 你好

     宝贝 Hello, baby. -爸


     -或随便吧 -Dad, my burger?

     -Or whatever. -对了


     -再给我一盘 -Right, sorry.

     -Gimme another plate. -很好

     -你看到了吗 -Nice.

     -Did you get that? -我想让你见见我姨凯蒂

     -等等 -I want you to meet my Aunt Katie.

     -Wait. 能保持那样吗 Does it stay on? 能保持那样

     但我不想把它弄湿 It does stay on, but I didn"t want to get it wet. 不


     那样就太荒唐了 Oh, no, of course not. That would be ridiculous. -这样就不行了

     -这样太 -That would ruin it.

     -That is so. -我发誓



     太棒了 -Swear to God, I will kill you.

     -Look at that, perfect. 完美的传球姿势 Perfect handoff right there. 他是我唯一的侄女


     但是我把她当做我侄女 She"s my only niece. Not really, but I think of her as my niece. 她是我继承来的侄女 She"s my step-niece. -我是那个万恶的继姨妈

     -继承来的 -I"m the evil step-aunt.

     -Step? 万恶的继姨妈


     我不知道 The evil step-aunt? I"m not sure how to take that. I"m not sure. 我并不邪恶

     但我的意思是我能很可恶 Well, I"m not really evil, but I can be evil is my point. 老爸

     要丢脸啦 Dad, the face came off! -这里只能有一个胜者

     -我不会让你去游泳的 -There can be only one!

     -I will not let you go. 我不敢相信他过一周岁了 I can"t believe he"s over a year old. 米卡去哪了 Where"s Micah? 他 Oh, he, 他今天没有起来参加聚会 he wasn"t up for hanging out today. 我找不到录像带 I can"t find the tape. 我找不到录像带 I can"t find the tape. 好了

     我就是把旧的用完 That"s fine, I"m just gonna tape over an old one. 请你能把阿比弄出来吗

     她会踩着玻璃划伤的 Can you get Abby out of here, please? She"s gonna get cut on the glass! 我们刚到家


     全毁了 We just got back and the whole place has been just destroyed. 好像没丢什么东西

     好像所有东西都 Nothing seems to be missing. It"s just, everything"s really. 但那就是她对我说的 But that"s what she"s telling me. 确保我们都记录所有东西

     什么也别碰 Make sure we document everything. Don"t touch anything. 这是我们的门厅

     家具也被弄坏了 This is our foyer. The furniture"s damaged. 女儿艾丽的房♥间 My daughter Ali"s room. 一想到有人曾在这儿就觉得恶心 It just feels gross that somebody was in here. 主卧室 Master bedroom. 太棒了 Yeah, so that"s great. -你的手表都在吗

     -在 -Your watches are still there? -Yeah. 钻戒在这 Diamonds are here. 唯一丢失的是妹妹给我做的项链 The only thing missing is the necklace my sister made me. 甜心 Oh, sweetie. 这真可怕

     真♥他♥妈♥的可怕 This is horrible. It"s fucking horrible. 育婴房♥ It"s the nursery. 就我所指

     这个房♥间没动过 As far as I know, this room was not touched. 这是我们的地下室 This is our basement. 我没看到有弄坏的东西

     不知道是否有东西 I don"t see anything really broken. I don"t know if there"s anything. 我认为他们在这做了什么

     那是什么 I don"t think they did anything down here. What is that? 那是阿比吗

     真臭 Is that Abby? It really stinks, though. 那么

     衣朋还在这 Well, clothes are still here. 你的单车都在这

     你都不用了的 Your bikes are still here. Not that you"re using those. 你的车在那边

     那么 And your bike is over here, so. 伟大的整理清洁工作继续着 And the epic clean continues. 看起来我们办了晚会 This looks like we had a party. 是不是 Right? 史上最糟的晚会 Worst party ever. 我不知道


     乱七八糟的 I don"t know, kiddo. This is messed up. 你们说在什么


     我们好着呢 What are you talking about? They didn"t take anything. We"re fine. 很好 You"re fine. 这就是了


     大约一个星期前 So this is it. Like I said, about a week ago, -这地方完全给糟蹋了

     -你好 -the place was completely trashed.

     -Hello. -你好


     艾丽 -Hello.

     -That"s our daughter, Ali. 差不多每个房♥间都是前后门都锁了的 Pretty much every room in the house. We had both doors locked. 在这儿装一个

     角落上面 Put one up here, up in the corner, 那么你就能看到整个楼梯

     前门和整个门道 and then you get the whole stairway, the front door, this whole hallway. 一个装那儿


     你就看到这扇门和这扇门 One over there, facing this way, you"d get this door and this door. 或者在这儿装一个

     可以看到这些窗子和移门 Or have one in here, getting all these windows, the sliding. 他们全天开着吗 They run, like, all the time? 是的


     不可能会有疏漏 Yeah, they"re always recording. You can"t get away with anything. 那边 That stuff. 角落上来一个

     这样你就知道谁进谁出 Corner up there, so you get who"s coming in and out -这扇门和那扇门了

     -洗浴室 -of this door, that door.

     -Bathroom. 晚上也能看到你的孩子 And you get to see the baby at night, too. 你不会在我洗浴室装一个吧 You"re not putting one in my bathroom, right? -好


     -等等 -Yeah. What?

     -Wait. 装个能夜视的

     这就完美了 Put a camera that sees in complete dark. It"d be perfect. -真的


     是的 -Yeah, really?

     -Yeah, oh, yeah. -好的


     -他们就像动作捕捉器 -Yeah, oK, that"d be sweet.

     -They"ll look like motion detectors. 小小的洞眼

     我拿一个给你展示下 Little tiny hole. I have one I could show you. -能放个在兔子那儿吗

     -这样太酷了 -Can you put one in that bunny?

     -Very cool. 这样我们就能我给你设置下 And then we can, I can set you up with the. 这样

     就能把那上面的关掉 Yeah, so, I"m gonna close it up there like that. 很隐蔽

     甚至不知道这是摄像头 It"s hidden. Can"t even tell it"s a camera. 我们安装多少个 How many are we getting? 还不知道


     六个 I don"t know. But what"d you? What, is that, six? -不知道



     三 -I don"t know.

     -One, two, three. 2006 年 8 月 7 日 第 1 晚 你在那干什么呢

     小娃娃 What are you doing out here, little buddy? 好的

     加油 Yeah. Go get it. 跑得超快

     大小孩 You"re super fast, big man. 马婷在干什么呢 What"s Martine doing? 她在干什么呢 What is she doing? 他很棒

     是吗 He"s good, right? 你是条好狗狗


     阿比 You"re a good puppy. What you say, Abby? 汉特


     还想吃鱼吗 Hey, Hunter. Hunter, you want another fishy? 在干什么

     干什么呢 What are you doing? What you doing? 小朊友


     怎么样 Oh, buddy, I think it"s time for N-A-P. What do you think? 好吗 Yeah? 来



     我先把这个移开 Come on. Come here, buddy, let"s move this first. 好的


     好孩子 Ok. Aw, that"s a good baby. That"s a good baby. Ok. 你得帮我弄出来

     小朊友 You gotta help me out here, buddy. 谢谢

     真是乖孩子 Thank you. That"s a good boy. 好吧 Ok. 我知道


     你可是超级宝贝 I know. Everything"s fine, you"re just superbaby. 这都是你一个人做的吗


     爸爸会很骄傲的 Did you do this all by yourself? Man, Daddy"s gonna be so proud. 好的

     等我把你抱回去就来处理这些 Ok, I"ll just clean up the rest of it when I bring you back. 怎么啦

     马婷 What"s up, Martine? 怎么啦


     艾丽 Wassup? What"s up, Ali? 你刚才在干什么

     早些时候你在干什么呢 What were you doing? What were you doing earlier? 你自言自语干什么呢 When you were, like, talking to yourself? 好诡异

     现在也会疑神疑鬼的吗 All crazy like. Are you going crazy here, too? -不


     -你也被我们感染了啊 -No, crazy.

     -You"re just getting it from all of us. 房♥子里面有坏东西吗 The house is, there are bad things in the house? 不是 No. 你正在把那些邪恶东西赶走

     好的 You"re getting rid of spirits. Ok. 好的 All right. 好的东西 The good ones. -我们保留好的东西

     -是的 -We keep the good ones.

     -Yes. 留下好的

     除掉邪恶的 In with the good, out with the bad. 留下西班牙肉菜饭

     除去 In with the paella, out with the. 老天

     很多大蒜 Holy crap, that"s a lot of garlic. 一


     三 One, two, three. 一


     三 One, two, three. 我几乎碰到他了 Oh, I almost got him. 一

     二 One, two. 老天

     看马婷留下什么了 Oh, my God! Look at what Martine left! 好恶心

     我要吐了 Disgusting! I wanna throw up! 她把它放在 She put it in the freaking. -不



     -不是我 -No, you! That was you!

     -It"s not me! -别责怪别人

     -我向上帝发誓 -Don"t blame somebody else!

     -Hand to God! 老天

     这里好像有只活螯虾 God, there was like a live crawdaddy in there. -她把它给堵住了


     -那是一个恶臭邪物 -She clogged it. I can"t look.

     -That is a stench-ilada. -太恐怖了


     -我不能 -That is horrible. You"re grounded.

     -I"m not capable of. 你被禁足了

     好恶心 You are grounded. Awful. 这是最好的一次泡澡 This is the best bath.. 看起来很棒

     我想 It looks pretty good. I"ve, I think it. 如果你一起来

     那就会成为有史以来最好的一次泡澡 Well, if you come in, it"ll be the best bath I"ve ever. 太安静了


     太好了 It"s so quiet and, like, there"s nobody here. It"s fantastic. 我喜欢马婷

     但我有点喜欢她不在这的感觉了 I love Martine, but I"m kind of loving the fact that she"s not here. -是啊

     -你妹妹什么时候来 -Yeah.

     -What time is your sister coming? 现在什么时候了 What time is it now? 七点二十左右 7:20. Something like that. 一个小时左右 Oh, like an hour or so. 你应该突然跳进来 You should definitely pop in. 我可不想压到你

     但是我想进来 I don"t want to smash you, but I kind of want to get in. 你不想来压我吗

     但是我想让你来压我 You don"t want to smash me? I kinda want you to smash me. -真的

     -是的 -Really?

     -Yeah. 挪威传说中的北海巨妖 释放我的克拉肯吧 Let me release the Kraken. 2006 年 8 月 8 日 第 2 晚 没事了 You"re ok. 有我在 I gotcha. 没事了

     没事了 You"re ok. You"re ok. 看


     是不是 Look, it"s perfect, right? -那个含脂肪太多了

     -我把脂肪烤出来 -That"s a lot of grease in there.

     -I"m gonna drain it. 来

     小傻瓜 Here, goofy mug. 你需要点什么吗 Do you need anything? 你在做早饭吗 Are you making breakfast? -太感谢你了

     -最近好吗 -Thank you so much.

     -How you doing? -过去挺好


     -你好 -I was, but, uh.

     -Hola. -他叫你起来的吗

     -是啊 -Did he keep you up?

     -Yeah, yeah. -明显是他帮我弄起来的


     确实 -He definitely kept me up.

     -Yeah, he does that. 我是那么爱你 I love you so much. -我也那么爱你

     -多谢 -I love you so much.

     -Thank you so much. -我很爱你

     -很好 -I love you so much.

     -That"s ok. 你如此让人惊讶

     我觉得我还没睡醒 You"re amazing. I don"t think I"m really awake yet, though. 来点咖啡 There"s coffee. 我爱我的妹妹

     她是最好的妹妹 I love my sister, she"s the best. 还记得你试图做一个素食主义者的时候吗 Remember that time you tried to be a vegan -就当了 6 个小时的那次

     -当了一天半那次 -for like six hours?

     -A day and a half? -那可是艰难时刻

     -那只是一顿饭 -That was a difficult time.

     -It was for one meal. -做培根肉吗

     -是的 -Making bacon?

     -Yeah. -早上好

     -干什么啊 -Good morning.

     -Yo, yo, yo, what up? 感谢那天晚上把你漂亮的女朊友租出来 Thank you for loaning out your beautiful girlfriend for the night. 米卡·斯洛特死前 60 天 -怎么啦

     -她是主角 -What up?

     -She made my day. 告诉我那不是你的 Tell me that"s not yours. 2006 年 8 月 9 日 真的不是我的

     不 It"s not really mine, no. 艾丽

     谢谢你没有看着香肠 Thanks for not watching the sausage for us, Ali. 我看着呢 I did watch it! 是我和他的

     她用的最多 It"s mine and hers. She uses it most. 酷


     也能给我点爱吗 Cool. It"s HD. Do I get some love, too? 干嘛 What? 你把小汉特吓哭了 You scared little Hunter. 最近怎么样

     给你弄点咖啡吗 How"s it going? Can I get you some coffee? -老兄


     -怎么 -Dude, I have a bone to pick with you.

     -Yeah? 我去了汉堡王[美国连锁快餐]


     伙计 I went into Burger King, and I was like, hey, man. 兄弟


     但是他们就不给我免费午餐 I tossed your name around and they didn"t give me any free food, dude. 不是所有汉堡王都是我的 I don"t own, like, every Burger King. 他不是真正的汉堡王的国王 He"s not actually the king of Burger King. 我不是吗 I"m not? 我还在安慰他的过程中说我们住在一起 I"m still in the process of easing him in to the fact that we live together 因此这房♥子代表我们两个 and, therefore, the house should represent the both of us. 是的

     像我们俩奉献和索取 Well, yeah, but the both of us, like, a give and take. 像你拥有那念珠或其他什么东西 Like you have your beading thing or whatever it is, 然后我拥有我自己的空间

     知道吗 and then I have my area, you know? -房♥子剩下的那些吗

     -真有男子气概啊 -The whole rest of the house?

     -Of manliness. 我告诉那孩子将来会是个摇滚明星 I"m telling you, that baby"s gonna be a rock star when he grows up. 是的




     看到那个吗 Yeah, get it. Dad, careful, are you watching that? 没有迹象表明是强行进入的

     但是 There was no sign of forced entry, but. 他们把整栋房♥子整的烂七八糟的


     他们搞肆意破坏 They trashed our whole house. I mean, I think it was more vandalism. 看到角落那个东西没

     像动作捕捉器一样 See that thing in the corner? Looks like a motion detector? -你是否

     -那是摄像头 -Are you, like?

     -That"s a camera. 我们正监视你呢 We"re watching you! 你像滚着的轮子 You like little wheels that roll. 你是一个破坏者


     你要走了吗 You"re such a ham. Such a ham. Are you leaving? 当他学会怎么开门的时候

     事情就变复杂了 Things have gotten a little difficult since he learned how to open the door. 他们来破坏之后你吓坏了没 So are you freaked out after the break in? 是的


     我睡得不好 Yeah, I mean, I definitely was. I don"t think I was sleeping very well. 亲爱的

     亲爱的 Oh, sweetie? Sweetie. 我也会很害怕的


     你知道的 I would be freaked out, too, if, you know, 有人侵入了我们房♥子 somebody had broken into my house. 只是


     你知道吗 Well, it"s just, they didn"t take anything. You know? -是的

     -不知道 -Yeah.

     -I don"t know. 像是个人行为

     感觉他们总是还在这 It seemed personal. It feels like they"re always still here. -你知道吗

     -我不知道 -You know?

     -I don"t know. 当我们还小时

     我有这种感觉 I get this feeling, like when we were little. 什么 What? 算了 Never mind. 芝士通心面

     芝士通心面 Mac and cheese, mac and cheese. 克里斯


     去外面 Hey, Kris? I"m gonna go out. I"m not gonna be in. -好的


     -就去商场 -Oh, ok. Where are you going?

     -Just the mall. 好的

     那玩得开心点 All right, well, have fun. -再见

     -再见 -Bye!

     -Bye! 芝士通心面

     芝士通心面 Mac and cheese. Mac and cheese. 不要 No? 怎么啦 Hey, what"s up there? 第 3 晚 2006 年 8 月 9 日 让我们看看婴儿汉特 Let"s look at baby Hunter. 孩子


     那是想入非非 Boy, that one was bad. That"s that bee bonnet that the. 他像是


     谁都没必要看这个 He"s like, that was totally humiliating. Nobody needs to see this. -这很疯狂

     -什么 -Oh, this is crazy.

     -What? -你觉得这是谁

     -是你吗 -Who do you think that is?

     -Is that you? 不是


     这是 No, that"s your Aunt Katie. That"s. -这是凯蒂吗

     -这太奇怪了 -That"s Katie?

     -That"s so weird. 我还以为火把所有照片都毁了呢 I thought we lost all our pictures in the fire. 太棒了 That"s great. 第 4 晚 2006 年 8 月 10 日 马婷 Yo, Martine? 克里斯蒂和爸爸晚上都不在

     我也准备出去 Kristi and Dad are out tonight. I"m going out tonight. 跟你男友去吗

     参加派对 You gonna have your boyfriend over? Have a party? -和埃斯特·布莱德

     -是的 -Este Brad. Novio.

     -Yeah. 他是男孩 He, he boy. 要拉小手手



     不行 Want handsy, handsy, touchy. No. 绝对不行 "No." -拉手手




     拉手手 -The handsy, handsy, touchy?

     -The handsy-handsy, si. 你给我展示的是拉手手舞蹈吗 Is that the kind of dance you were showing me, the Handsy? 摇起来 Shake it. 第五夜

     2006 年 8 月 11 日 我还以为我要给他做海姆利克式抢救呢 I thought I was gonna have to give him the Heimlich. 你在干什么呢 Hey, what are you doing? 够了


     放下来 That"s enough, Martine. Put it down. 马婷

     他好着呢 Martine, he"s fine. 请你别这样

     好吗 I"ve asked you not to do this, ok? 这对孩子不好 It is not good for the baby. 请你马上放下来 Please, put it out right now. 够了 That"s enough. 请立刻放下来 Put it out right now, please. 好了

     够了 Ok, that"s enough. 你在干什么啊 What are you doing? -儿子好着呢



     不 -The baby is fine, ok?

     -No, no. 孩子不可以呼吸这些

     没人应该呼吸这些 The baby should not be breathing that. Nobody should. 不


     别这样 No, I don"t. Just stop doing it, please. 该死的 Goddamn it. 老天 God. 就两个月时间

     好吗 Ok, that"s like two months. All right? -好吗

     我对你说了 -好吧 -Ok? I told you.

     -Sí. 我能理解


     我只是不相信那玩意儿 I do understand, ok? I just, I don"t believe in that stuff, 好吗


     好吗 Ok? It"s just, I cannot have that stuff in my house. Ok? -好的

     -对不起 -Ok.

     -I"m sorry. 我能提一个大建议吗 Can I give you a great recommendation, ok? 你对我们都很好 You were very good for us. 爸爸 Dada. 来


     说"爸爸" Come on, make Daddy proud. Say, "Dada." 汉特

     看这里 Hunter, look over here. 汉特 Hunter? 你像枀了你♥爸♥爸 You are so like your dad. 甜心

     小甜心 Sweetie. Sweetie? 快说

     快说嘛 Come on, come on. 你看什么呢 What are you looking at? 看妈妈这边 Look at Mama. 看妈妈这边 Look at Mama. 小朊友


     怎么了 Buddy? What? What? 看这里 Look over here. 那什么都没有

     小傻瓜 There"s nothing there, goofball. 你要去哪儿

     汉特 Where are you going? Hunter? 你到后面去了我看不到你 I can"t see you back there. 我们当时在育婴房♥玩耍 We were up in the nursery, playing, and I was trying 我试图又教他说"爸爸"

     但是他总是不集中注意力 to get him to say "Dada" again, and he just wouldn"t focus. 他看着天花板



     但总是忽略我的存在 He was looking at the ceiling and mirror, everywhere but me. 他只是个小孩儿


     你知道吗 Well, he"s a baby. He"s got an attention span of a guppy. You know? 我觉得

     他确实注意着某些东西 I guess, but there was definitely something he was focused on, 但绝不是我美丽的脸蛋 and it wasn"t my pretty face. 你干什么呢 What are you doing? -有事吗

     -没什么 -What"s going on?

     -Nothing much. 看看这个 Check this out. -爸


     -这是夜视的 -Dad, can you please not do that?

     -Yeah, night vision. 酷

     请让我涂指甲油好吗 Cool, I"m gonna get nail polish on the bed. Please? 你有双畸形的眼睛

     你像只负鼠 You got freaky eyes. You look like a possum. 爸 Dad. -来了


     老爸 -There we go.

     -Painting my nails, Dad. 还在那干什么呢

     你要干什么呢 Why are you in here? What do you want? -对不起


     -我才不仸性呢 -Sorry, crabby.

     -I"m not crabby. 你就像块仸性的鲁普尔石头 You"re Crabby McRumpelstein. -为什么我解雇马婷

     -为什么啊 -Why did I fire Martine?

     -Yeah. 因为不喜欢她在汉特周围做 Because I didn"t like her doing all that weird -那些怪异的巫师伎俩

     -那不怪异 -witchy stuff around Hunter.

     -It wasn"t witchy. 不疑神疑鬼的

     不对仸何人造成伤害 It wasn"t witchy. It wasn"t hurting anybody. 这使她好受些

     她也想为我们大家着想 It made her feel better, and she wanted to make us feel better. 她就像用那玩意儿宰羊一样

     好吗 She was, like, slaughtering goats out by the pool, ok? -不


     -那好吧 -No, she wasn"t.

     -All right. 祝你好运

     别涂花了 Good luck and it"s. Stay in the lines. -干嘛


     -只是试试看 -What? Dad!

     -Check it. -开灯


     -关了 -On! Stop!

     -Off. 再来一次 Let me get one more. 第 8 晚 2006 年 8 月 14 日 过来 Come here. 来这

     没事了 Come here, come on. 没事了


     没事了 It"s ok. It"s ok, buddy. It"s ok. 什么也没有 No. 好着呢


     什么也没有 It"s ok, buddy, there"s nothing there. 是那东西把你吵醒吗

     小朊友 Is that what woke you up, buddy? 丹尼尔 Daniel! 丹尼尔 Daniel? 天啊

     真恶心 God. Nasty. -爸


     -为什么 -Dad, don"t pick it up with your hands.

     -Why not? 因为这东西可能带病毒什么的 Because it could, like, they can have diseases and stuff. -它飞到窗户里面去了

     -太悲哀了 -It flew into the window.

     -It"s so sad. 看都不想看 I don"t even want to look at it. -怎么

     -脖子全断了 -What?

     -Its neck is all broken. 上帝啊

     别把它拿出来 Oh, my God, just put it in the thing! -我想

     -你为什么用钳子 -I"m trying to.

     -Why did you pick it up with tong? -不知道

     -你觉得怎么样 -I don"t know.

     -What do you think? -别这样


     还是三分熟 -Stop!

     -Medium, medium rare? -你真坏

     -只是一只死鸟 -You"re really mean.

     -It"s just a dead bird. 本来是一只活的

     然后 It was a live bird. And then it. -这真太悲哀了

     -好了 -It"s really sad. -Ok. 你喜欢这球吗

     喜欢吗 You like the ball? You like ball? 球



     打它 Ball, ball, hit it. Smack it! 那里有什么


     有什么 What"s in there? Get in. What"s in there? 小朊友



     小朊友 Oh, buddy. Buddy, buddy, buddy, buddy. 汉特

     该死的 Hunter? Oh, shit. 汉特


     来这 Hunter, come here! Come here. 第 10 晚 2006 年 8 月 16 日 操 Fuck! 你出来干什么

     回去 What are you doing back out here? Go. 你的狗可不喜欢泳池清洁器 Your dog does not like pool cleaners. 你的狗有什么毛病吗 Yo, what"s the deal with your dog?! 老实说

     我们真不太确定 Honestly, we"re not really sure. 泼水







     泼水 Splash, splash. One, two, three. Splash, splash, splash. 这是我看到的最可爱的娃娃 This is the cutest thing I"ve ever seen. 泼水


     泼水 Splash, splash, splash. 我想我可能会用这台摄像机来取代我的女朊友 I think I might definitely start to replace my girlfriend with this camera. -听到吗


     -它还有很多的功能 -See? We"re scared.

     -It"s got more features. 转下镜头


     转过来了 Flip the thing, film yourself. It flips. -该死的

     -然后它可以向你展示 -Oh, shit.

     -Then it shows you. 不

     我绝对也要买♥♥一台了 No. I"m definitely getting one of these. 我打赌你们会用它拍很多课外活动 I"ll bet you guys go extracurricular with this. 谁有时间弄那个

     我们都有小孩了 Who has time for that? We"ve got a baby. 丹尼尔·雷和他的小孩过的如何 How"s Daniel Rey and his brood doing? 很明显


     你听说了没 Oh, apparently, we have a ghost. Did you hear about this? 没有


     因为说起来会很奇怪 I did not. Please elaborate, "cause that"s a very strange thing to. 厨房♥里挂在上面的锅掉了下来 A couple pots fell off our pot hanger thing in the kitchen. -确实碰鬼了

     -直接撞上了 -You definitely have a ghost.

     -Straight to ghost. 这是最有逻辑的 That"s the most logical. 她认为一切都与鬼或别的有关


     亲爱的 She thinks everything is, like, a ghost or a. Don"t you, honey? 什么 What? -一切都与鬼有关

     -你没碰鬼 -Think everything is a ghost?

     -You don"t have a ghost. -是啊


     -没有 -Yeah, you"re definitely haunted.

     -No. 你和你妹妹很怪异 You and your sister are, like, freaky. -凯蒂


     -你不知道这东西 -Katie, you"re into this stuff?

     -You don"t know this stuff? 当他们还小时


     像是降神会和别的一些鬼东西 and shit when they were little. They used to do, like, seances. -没有

     -有 -No!

     -Yes. 我们不做降神会 We didn"t do seances. -没有

     -你跟谁说呢 -No.

     -Who"d you talk to? 你们小题大作 You"re making a mountain out of a molehill. -凯蒂


     没什么事儿 -Katie.

     -Babe, it was really no big deal. -没什么事儿


     你懂的 -What"s no big deal?

     -I probably, you know, 我不想谈论这个了 I just don"t talk about this stuff anymore. 什么 What stuff? 他们小时候经常做降神会 They used to do seances when they were little kids. 一点都不好笑



     亲爱的 It"s really not that funny. You"re laughing. It"s not a big deal, babe. 事实是

     我们还小的时候 The truth is, when we were kids, 我们被吓到了

     但是已经没什么事了 we got a little freaked out, but it"s really no big deal. 我们几天心情不错啊

     所以我们为何 And we"re having a good day today, so let"s just. -我们稍后详谈

     -我们说别的 -We"ll explore this in detail later.

     -Let"s focus. 那莉兹·玻顿的诅咒呢

     就是那个斧头杀人犯 What about the Lizzie Borden one? The axe murderer one? 你以为每个人的童年 You"re thinking of every, like, childhood. 怎么了


     快帮我说话 How, where do, how would I. Back me up. 如果你们不说我们怎么知道 How would I know this stuff if you didn"t tell us? 你怎么看待这鬼事件 What"s your take on this ghost situation? 我认为很棒 I think it"s awesome. 第 11 晚 2006 年 8 月 17 日 上帝 Jesus Christ! 操 Fuck! 操


     操 Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! 又来了 There it is. 艾丽 Ali! -我想我们都要睡了




     我们 -I thought we said good night, Brad!

     -Yeah, no. We did. -马上给老子滚

     -我都不在那 -Get the fuck out of here right now!

     -I"m not even here. 艾丽

     是你没关火炉吗 Ali, did you leave the burner on? 没有啊 No? 你♥他♥妈♥的差点把整个房♥子给烧了 You almost burned the fucking house. 这不酷

     布莱德 Not cool, Brad. 我怎么可能放错

     它挂在挂钩上的 How could I put it up wrong? It"s on a hook. 只要是吊着的

     就吊着 Once it goes up, it"s up. 你大概把它挂在边缘了

     而没挂里面点 You were probably putting it on the edge of the top part, instead of inside. 第二次掉下来

     事实证明 The fact that it fell a second time probably proves -你两次都没挂好

     -那好 -that you put it up wrong both times.

     -Ok. 要我展示下我怎么挂的吗 You want me to show you how to put it up? 不


     不 No, no, no. 那为什么你每天早上把泳池清洁机放到池子里 Then why are you putting the pool cleaner back in every morning? 整个上个星期都如此 For the last week? 因为那是清洁机

     让它清洁池子 "Cause it"s a pool cleaner, and I want it to clean the pool. -晚上它又是怎么上岸的

     -怎么上岸 -How does it get out at night?

     -How does it get out? -是的

     -打车了吗 -Yeah. -Is it taking the car? 宝贝


     真的 Oh, come on, honey. No, really. 我不知道

     我推测有人在游泳时把它拿出来了 I don"t know. I assume somebody takes it out when they go swimming. 我没有

     你也没有 I don"t take it out, and you don"t take it out. 艾丽

     你把清洁机拿出来了吗 Ali, do you take the pool cleaner out of the pool? 什么 What? -是你把清洁机拿出来了吗

     -不是 -Do you take the pool cleaner out of the pool?

     -No. 什么

     所以是它自己爬上来的 What? So it"s crawling out of the pool? 自己爬上来的 It"s crawling out of the pool by itself? 我不知道


     你知道什么 I don"t know. Let"s. You know what? 你需要看所有摄像头

     我们看看录影带 You wanted all the cameras. Let"s go check the DVR. 好的

     我们看看 Fine, let"s go check it. -你是认真的吗


     非常认真 -You serious?

     -Yeah, I"m very serious. 我们看看晚上都发生了什么 We"ll find out what else is going around here at night. -我们录下来吗

     -可以 -Can I tape it, though?

     -Yeah. -什么

     -看到了吗 -What?

     -See? 这很怪异 That is weird. 或许我把它放高了

     或许我不知道 Maybe I have it set too high or something, I don"t know. 不 No. 不


     我不认为没有设置好 No, I don"t, I don"t think the settings are off. 或许没设置好 Maybe the settings are off. 这是我们买♥♥它的原因 That"s what we got it for. 大概这东西太主动了

     还想清洁上面 It"s probably trying to be proactive. Do the little patio. 像你设置的那些吸尘器的一种 It"s like one of those vacuum cleaner things you set up. 对啊


     但是 Yeah, it"s like a Flowbee, but with. 我不知道这房♥子是否闹鬼

     但是我希望这样 I don"t know if the house is haunted, but I hope it is. -你希望这样吗

     -是的 -You hope it is?

     -Yeah. 开玩笑吧

     那就太他妈的太好了 Are you kidding me? That would be fucking awesome. 为什么你希望这房♥子闹鬼 Why would you hope that the house is haunted? 那就是最酷的事了 That"d be the coolest thing ever. 如果这有想从我们当中穿过去 If there was somebody trying to, like, get through to us, -那太让人惊奇了


     我只是 -that would be amazing.

     -No, I just. 明显克里斯蒂没有睡觉 Kristi is obviously not sleeping. 老兄 Dude. 她没有 She doesn"t have any. 她的荷尔蒙都混乱了

     她有一个很偏执的老妈 Her hormones are all kooky. She"s got paranoid mommy, 不断的以错误的方式误解他们 just interpreting them in the wrong way. 就像她把他们看成很有害

     很危险 Like, she"s seeing them as, as harmful and dangerous. 也许我们应该把他们看成试图想

     就好比是 And maybe we should just see them as something trying to, like, 像是

     我认为我们应该来个降神会 like, I think we should have a seance. -我们可以来个最快的


     -很好的主意 -We could go full out. What?

     -That"s a great idea. 就是怪异点

     我不相信会起作用 Just freaky. I don"t, I don"t believe in it. 你为什么认为那必定是坏事 Why do you think that it necessarily has to be bad, though? 这就是我想问的 That"s all I"m asking. -怎么会是好的


     要是妈妈呢 -How would it be good?

     -Like, what if it"s Mom? 第 12 晚 2006 年 8 月 18 日 -伙计们

     -怎么了 -Hey, guys.

     -What? 来看看这 There"s something you need to see. -你说什么呢

     -发生什么了 -What are you talking about?

     -What"s going on? -你把我吓惨了

     -你务必看看 -You"re freaking me out.

     -You have to see. 亲爱的

     你说什么呢 Honey, what are you talking about? 你说什么呢

     那是什么 What are you talking about? What is it? -我什么也看不到

     -我不明白 -I don"t see anything.

     -I don"t understand. 这不好玩 That"s not funny. 甜心 Sweetie? 好吗


     好吗 Come on, that was kind of funny, right? 我只是


     我很不喜欢 I just, I hate it when you don"t take me seriously. 对不起



     我只是想 I"m sorry, honey. I do take you seriously. I was just trying to. 我只是想把事情弄得不那么严重 I"m just trying to lighten things up. 我只是想把我们生活恢复正常 I just want us to kind of get back to normal. 比如我想我们可以出去约会 Like I was thinking maybe we could go out? -像成年人一样

     -对 -Like, like grownups?

     -Yeah, right. 好

     我怎么离开呢 Right. How am I gonna leave? 为什么


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