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    时间:2022-03-14 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站


     完成后可以拿回你的东西 One job. You get your shit back, 我不再追捕你

     怎么样 I don"t chase you anymore. How"s that? 我们不想再跟你合作了

     大哥 We need to move on without you, dude, 本尼迪克特·布拉什给我们投了 150 万 "cause we landed Benedict Blush for 1.5. 很好

     我们又能好好做生意了 This is good. We back in business. -不是我们

     -我拒绝你们的出价 - There"s no "We." - I reject your offer. 我不会说出去 I won"t say anything. -麦蒂


     别走 - Maddie. - Please. Phil, don"t go! 没有 220 万 Not 2.2 here. 只有 180 万 Only 1.8. 有人黑进了我的账户

     正把钱都取走 Someone"s hacking my shit! They"re taking all our money! 你说过这不可能发生 You said this couldn"t happen! 是谁在动手脚 Who"s doing it? 那 30 万 That 300. 现在在哪里


      我现在需要 Where"s it at? Is it at your place? I"mma need that. 我给你三天时间 I"ll give you three days. 那就没事了

     你可以走了 Well, I think we"re done here. You can go. 她必须死


     她必须死 She have to die. You know she have to die. 菲尔·拉斯克 Phil Rask! 不 No! 我试了所有办法 I tried everything. 追踪了所有数据包 Traced every packet. 都指向同一个署名

     "大元" It all leads to this one signature... "Daewon." 什么意思 What does that mean? "大元" "Daewon"? 谁 Who? 他是黑客

     尼克 He"s a black hat, Nick. 全球头号♥通缉黑客 He"s the most wanted hacker in the world. 他洗劫了我们所有钱 He raped us and took all our money. -为什么是我们

     -我不明白 - Why us? - I don"t even understand. 我们不是著名企业 I mean, we"re not a known entity. 也没有上亿资产 It"s not like we"re holding billions. 肯定有人知情 Someone had to know. 有人在追踪那笔钱 Someone who"d been following the money. 你说过资金安全 You said it was safe. -这不是我原话

     -说过 - That"s not what I said. - Yes, you did. Yes, you did. 你说这笔钱 You said it would be in 被拆分转入空壳公♥司♥

     非常安全 decentralized shell corps, very safe. 但防不住大元 Not from Daewon. 防不住他

     什么都防不住他 It"s not safe from him! Nothing is safe from him! 该死

     我信了你 Goddammit, man! I trusted you! 我和罗纳德 Ronald and I both, we really, really -都信了你


     该死 - trusted you. - I got beat! Damn! 这不是游戏 This isn"t a game. 投资人给我们 150 万美金 1.5 million. An investor gave this to us. 更不用说罗纳德那份 Not to mention Ronald"s cut, which... 该死

     该死 Holy shit! Holy shit! -我们会拿回来

     -我 - We"ll get it back. - I... 我会解决 I"m gonna figure it out -我会拿回来

     -最好是这样 - and I"m gonna get it back. - Okay. You better. 最好是这样 I better? 我要为这笔钱负责

     好吗 I am on the hook for this money, okay? 你在威胁我吗 You"re threatening me? 我没威胁你

     是我被威胁 I am not threatening you. I am being threatened. -出去

     -干什么 - Get... get out. - What? What? -出去

     -你什么毛病 - Get out. - What"s your problem? -出去

     -我没威胁你 - Get out. Get out. - I"m not threatening you! -出去

     -是我被威胁 - Get out. - I"m being threatened! 我不在乎 I don"t care. 创业公♥司♥ 第一季

     第六集 罗纳德·达西 真对不起 Hey, I"m so sorry. 我该打给你的 I should have called. 你在哪里 Hey. Where are you? 刚才在工作 I was, uh, working. 我们刚在做报告 I was... we were working on a presentation 我手♥机♥没电了 and my phone was... It died. 抱歉 Sorry. 你回来吗 Okay, well, are you coming home? 当然

     我马上就回来 Yeah. Yeah, I"m coming home very very soon. 真抱歉 I"m really sorry. 你朋友来找你 Well, your friend is here to see you. 他说他叫罗纳德 He says his name is Ronald. 他来家里了 Oh. He"s... there. -是的

     -好 - Yeah. - Okay. 我现在就回去 All right, I"ll be home... I"ll be home right now. -好

     -好 - Okay. - Okay. 他说马上回来 He said he"s just gonna be a couple of minutes. 伊兹 Izzy? 我们想跟你谈谈 We"d like to talk to you. 姑娘 Chica? 亲爱的 Aye, mija. 伊兹 Izzy. 拜托

     跟我们说说话吧 Por favor, talk to us, please. 伊莎贝尔 Isabelle. 你欠多少钱 How much do you owe? 很多 A lot. 欠谁的钱 To whom? Who are these people? 要我们联♥系♥米格尔吗 Should we call Miguel? 别

     别 No. No. -马塔

     -别 - Marta. - No. 我们绝不再问他们借钱 We"re never borrowing money from them again. 我不是说借钱 I don"t mean for money. 天啊 Oh, my god. 是这样吗 Is this what it"s like? 是吗 Is it? 不完全是 No. No, no, no. Not really. 天啊

     伊莎贝尔 Oh, my god, oh, my god, Isabelle! 亲爱的

     我告诉过你 Mija, I told you, okay? 这不是游戏

     后果很严重 This is not a game. These are real consequences. 妈


     冷静点 Mom, I know! Chill! 我知道 I know. I... I know, though. 我只是跟他们谈谈 I just gotta talk to them. 我会没事 I... I... it"s gonna be fine. 会没事的 It"s gonna be fine. 我得想个办法挣外快 I gotta find a way to make quick cash, 最终我会付清

     然后我们就两清 I will pay it off eventually, and we"ll square off. 伊兹

     你斯坦福的朋友们呢 Izzy, what about your friends from Stanford? 他们不能帮你找份工作吗 Can... can"t they get you a job? 我们去办二次抵押 Listen, we"ll take a second mortgage. 我们会帮你 We"ll help you out. 伊兹


     我们在跟你谈话 Izzy, what are you doing? We"re talking to you. -伊兹

     -我在找玛雅 - Izzy... - I"m pinging Maya. 她运营拉德币 She runs RadCoin. 斯坦福的朋友 My friend from Stanford. 这是个好主意 It"s a good idea. 你好啊

     公子哥 What"s up, South Beach? 刚回来

     是吗 You just getting home? For real? 兄弟

     你让你女人好担心 You had your woman worried, bruh. 要是我女人这么久找不到我 If I go dark on my woman that long, 她会要我好看 she"d whoop my damn ass. 我和泰勒刚刚在 Yeah, Taylor and I, we just been... 抱歉 Oh, shit, sorry, 你是叫泰勒吧 It"s Taylor, right? 对 Yeah. 我和泰勒刚刚在聊你 Yeah, Taylor and I, we were just speaking about you. 你的耳朵肯定很烫吧 Your ears must have been burning and shit. 宝贝

     你能进去一会吗 Hey, baby, would you mind going inside for just a minute? 不

     她留下 Hey, no, no, no, no, she gonna stay here. 你要干什么 What are you doing? 我来谈生意 I"m here to talk business. 那我希望 Well, then I would like 我女友先进屋 my girlfriend to go inside for the time being. 那是你的女人

     哥们 Hey, that"s your girl, dawg. 这是私人谈话 This is a private conversation. 她应该陪着你 And she supposed to be with you. 一直陪在你身边 By your side. Thick and thin. 天啊 God damn! 你都没告诉她你辞职了 Didn"t even tell her you quit your job. 坐吧 Now sit down. 你来干什么 Why are you here? 我想好了 I"ve been thinking it over. 我还是会接受收♥购♥ I will take that buyout after all. 我也明白银行和现金那套 And I understand everything with the banks and cash and all that, 但是你得尽快给我 but as soon as you can get that to me... 罗纳德 Ronald. 兄弟

     我们遇到个小麻烦 Aw, man, we have a small problem. 说人话 Word? 其实吧 Well, it"s actually... It"s actually a... 是大♥麻♥烦 It"s a huge problem. 我们被黑了 We just got hacked. 有个黑客 And someone... This a hacker guy... 把钱全部拿走了 I mean, he took all of it. "全部"

     就这样吗 "All of it." That"s what"s up? 侦币

     我的钱 GenCoin. My money. 还有布拉什的钱

     所有钱 That Blush dude money. All of that money? 昨天你和宅女炒我时 That money you was gonna give me yesterday 准备给我的钱 when you and homegirl fired me... 我们没炒你

     但你说得没错 Well, we didn"t fire you, but yeah. 炒了

     尼克 Yes, you did, Nick. 你们把我这个海地人炒了 You fired my Haitian ass. -不

     -你这么打算 - No, no. - You tried to. 我们是收♥购♥

     不是炒你鱿鱼 We offered you a buyout. - We didn"t fire you. 我们都没雇你 We didn"t even hire you. 你听好 You listen to me right now. 你和那个话唠的臭婊♥子♥ You and that mouthy-ass bitch 说我的钱会万无一失 told me my money was gonna be safer than it"s ever been. 现在呢 Now what? 现在呢 Now what? 等下

     泰勒 No, wait! Taylor, 别报♥警♥

      no cops! No cops! 你会后悔的

     妹子 No, you don"t want to do that, girl. 我很抱歉 I"m sorry. I"m sorry. 把钱还我 You get me my money. 我喜欢你不代表会放过你 Just "cause I like you don"t mean I won"t put you down. 谢谢你的点心

     你是个好姑娘 Thanks for the snacks. You a good girl. 别让他把这事忘了 Don"t let this nigga forget that. 没事了 It"s okay. -抱歉

     -尼克 - I"m sorry. - Nick. -抱歉

     -别这样 - I"m sorry. - Stop it. -没事的

     -别碰我 - It"s okay. I"m... - Just don"t touch me. 抱歉 I"m sorry. 天啊 Oh, gosh. 你还记得唐尼吧 So you remember Donnie, right? 什么 What? 没错

     我们旧情复燃了 Yes. The old spark was still there. 唐尼

     那可真... Donnie? That"s... 我从没想过会这么早嫁人 Yeah. I never thought I"d be married this young. 或是会嫁人 Or at all. 人生真是瞬息万变 It"s crazy how fast life comes at you, right? 你呢 Well, how about you? -没

     -没 - Not. - No? 不适合我 No, not for me. 也好

     也不着急 That"s okay. That"s good. Priorities. 很高兴你联♥系♥我

     伊兹 I"m really glad you called, Izzy. 我很想你 I"ve missed you, you know? 你就这样辍学了 You up and bailed on Stanford. 可能我不属于那里 It... it wasn"t my jam, I guess. 我明白 I know. I get it. 你饿吗 Yeah. Are you hungry? 我好饿

     吃东西吗 I"m starving. Want to get some food? 不用

     你点吧 No, I"m good, but... Oh, go ahead. 不好意思 Excuse me. 请问需要什么 Hi. What can I get for you? -一份鹰嘴豆泥

     -好的 - Can I get an order of the hummus, please? - Sure, sure. -马上好

     -谢谢 - Coming right up. - Thanks. 你在忙什么呢 So what have you been up to? 你编写的加密货币怎么样了 What ever happened to the cryptocurrency you were writing? 还是个小项目 It, uh... it"s still a pet project. -你的

     -拉德币 - How"s, uh... - RadCoin. 进展很顺利 Yeah, it"s going good. 一直很不错 It"s been a ride. 你听说了我们要发行 You hear we"re launching. 是的

     我看见你们的 Yeah, I saw the animated GIF thing 广♥告♥动图了 you guys are advertising with. 很不错吧 It"s super pro, right? 还有 33 天就要发行了 We launch in 33 days. 我还没告诉你吧 Oh, I didn"t even tell you this. 我们周二要和亚历克斯·贝尔会面 We have a meeting with Alex Bell on Tuesday. 他准备投资我们 Yeah. He"s thinking about investing, 他要来看看我们的地方 gonna come check out our digs. 太怪了

     对吧 It"s crazy weird, right? 亚历克斯·贝尔就坐在你会议桌前 Have Alex Bell at your conference table? 伊兹 Come on, Izzy. 过来跟我♥干♥吧 You need to jump on this train. 我正是 That"s, um... that"s... That"s kind of 要跟你谈这事 what I wanted to talk to you about. 好啊 Good. 等等

     你认真的吗 Wait, are you serious? 是的

     我想 Yeah. Well, I mean... 我想预支工资 I"d kind of need an advance on my salary. 有些贷款要尽快还清 I have all these loans that I need to pay off ASAP. 好吧 Okay. 那我们来谈谈 Well, let"s talk about it. 合伙人能拿多少 Okay. Well, what, um, what do partners take home? 当合伙人可能有点难 you know, uh, "Partner" might be kinda, uh, tricky. 但听我说

     绝对不会亏待你 But listen, you would be taken care of. 我们工程师的待遇都很好 We... pay our engineers very well. 老兄

     我是尼克·塔尔曼 Hey, dude. It"s Nick Talman. 我很好 Um, I"m good. I"m good. 谢谢

     我很好 Thank you. Uh, I"m really good. 你在加利福尼亚怎么样 How are things in California? 这是个绝妙的投资机会

     但是 Wonderful investment opportunity, but, um, 你得尽快行动

     就是这样 you would have to move very quick on it. That"s the thing. 我知道 No, I know. 我会

     好吧 I... I will. I... no, okay, 这么说吧 wh... Okay, let me just say...

     我是尼克·塔尔曼 JP, it"s Nick Talman. 太棒了

     我跟你说 Excellent. I"m so happy to... Let me tell you. 我有个很棒的 So, I have an amazing... 我知道这听起来很荒唐 I know, this sounds ridiculous, but... 但这可说不准 But... but you don"t know that. 哥们

     你还在那什维尔吗 Dude, are you still in Nashville? 我觉得你得见见这位女孩 For me, I just feel like you have to meet this girl. 你在日本吗 So, you"re in Japan right now? 你看过代码后会感谢我的 You"ll thank me if you vet the code. 很感谢你抽出时间 Thank... I... look, I appreciate you taking the time, and... 这样

     我一会回你 You know what? Actually, I"m gonna call you back. 我还有 No, I got m... 我得挂了

     一会回你 Okay, I gotta go. Call you right back. 里奥 Hey, Leo. 尼克 Nick. 我们得谈谈 We should talk. 我不知道还能怎么办 I didn"t know what else to do. 我说了会处理好 I told you I was dealing with it. 你应付不来

     孩子 You"re in way over your head, son. 给我们倒点喝的吧 Wanna mix us a couple of drinks? 好 Okay. 我还没跟本尼说 I haven"t said anything to Benny. 非常感谢 I appreciate it. 但我必须说 But I"m gonna have to. 很快 Soon. 不然我也会受牵连 Otherwise, I can be implicated. -是吗

     -尼克 - Really? - Nick. 仔细听好下面的话 Listen very carefully to what I"m about to say, 因为我认为 "cause I don"t think that you have 你还没完全搞清楚状况 fully grasped this yet. 你在听吗 Are you listening? 在 Yeah. 你犯了好几项重罪 You committed multiple felonies. 我们被黑了 We got hacked. I mean... 但你没有报♥警♥ But you didn"t report it. 我也知道原因 And I know why, too. 我知道这不是你的本性 I know this isn"t who you are. 你是个聪明热心 You"re a good kid. You"re smart, you"re caring, 考虑他人的好孩子 put people first. 不管你信不信 And whether you believe this or not, 我一直很喜欢你 I"ve always liked you. 这事真让我伤心 Breaks my heart that this is happening now. 也许她会原谅你 Maybe she"ll forgive you. 我猜她会

     因为她理解你 My guess is she probably will "cause she understands you. 她爱你

     所以希望你能开心 She wants you to be happy "cause she loves you. 当你爱上一个人 And when you love somebody, 这才最重要 that"s all that matters. 而不是物质条件 Not all this. 所以接下来 So, here"s what"s gonna happen next. 我会假装泰勒从没找过我 I"m gonna pretend that Taylor never came to me, 假装我们从没说过这些话 I"m gonna pretend we never had this conversation, you and me, 明晚我去找本尼打扑克的时候 and when I see Benny tomorrow night for poker, 我就当一切还是风平浪静 I"m gonna act like everything is sunshine and puppy dogs. 但很快他就会想知道 But soon, very soon, he"s gonna start wondering 他给你的 150 万去哪里了 what"s happening with the million and a half that he gave ya. 到那时 And at that point... 我就没办法保护你了 there"s nothing I can do to protect you. 爸爸 Dada? 知道吗 Guess what? 涂易让我跟你说个事 Touie wanted me to tell you something. 你猜是什么 Guess what it is? 干什么 What do you want? 我们去兜个风 Let"s go for a ride. 你回来前我就会走 I"ll be gone before you get home. 很好 Okay. Good. 伊兹 没问题 Yeah. Sure. 好的 Okay. That"s fine. 一会见 See you there. 钱还没拿到 I don"t have it yet. 我知道

     小白脸 I know, South Beach. 这不是我们来的原因 That ain"t why we"re here. 是吗 Oh, yeah? 我们是要一起创业 We"re here to start a business. 我们不是试过了 I thought we already tried that. 我们试了尼克的方式 We tried it the Nick way, 也试了伊兹的 we tried it the Izzy way. 现在要试试罗纳德的方式 Now we"re about to try it the Ronald way. 你有多少钱 How much money you got? 我有多少钱 How much money do I... uh... 你说现钱吗 Do you mean on me? 全部身家 Total. All in. 你有多少资产 What you worth? 身无分文

     我还欠债 Man, nothing. I"m in debt. 已经还了十年学生贷款 I"ve been paying off a student loan for 10 years. -这么惨

     -是的 - Shit! - I know. 我也曾经这样

     你怎么付房♥租 I"ve been in your spot. How you pay your rent? 他不付

     他女友付 He doesn"t. His girl does. 其实 Hey, you know... 小白脸 Damn, South Beach. 好吧 Okay. 好吧

     你有多少 Okay, okay. How much you got? 没钱

     我破产了 Nothing. I"m broke. 妈的 Damn. 你们一分钱都拿不出来吗 You ain"t got nothing stashed nowhere? 哪怕一点点 Not even just a little bit? 我有一份应急基金

     一个小银行账户 I do have a rainy day fund. I got a small bank account. 里面有多少钱 How much in there? 我得查一下

     大概一万七吧 I would have to check, but I have like $17,000. -一万七

     -是的 - 17? - Yeah. 我柜子里藏了三千 All right, I got three G"s stashed in the closet. 加一起两万 17 plus three, that"s 20. 我们有两万流动资金 We got 20 large liquid. 这就够了 All right, that"s gonna be enough. 你什么意思 What are you saying? 我是说 I"m saying... 我们方法错了 we"ve been going about this all wrong. 我们连排场都没有 We were trying to lock down the big busts 怎么唬得了大佬 before we even got the swagger right. 懂吗 You dig? 好像明白

     "排场" Swa... Okay, I guess. "The swagger"? 你们想创业吗 Y"all want to start something? -想

     -我们不能像 - Yeah. - We need to stop looking at this shit 西海岸那些车♥库♥起家的破公♥司♥一样 like it"s some West Coast, incubated, garage-type bullshit. 这里是迈阿密

     各位 This here Miami, y"all. 这是网络时代以来最具革命性的想法 A nigga can have the most revolutionary idea since the Internet, 要是没排场 and ain"t nobody gonna take you seriously 没人会正眼瞧你 unless you got the swagger. 好 Okay. 我们拿两万块 We take our 20 g"s, 在温伍德找个便宜地方 we find us a cheap space in Wynwood, 弄得上档次点 act like we going all fucking hipster or some shit, 招些实习生

     找些聪明的 hire up a bunch of interns, some smart, 再找些养眼的 some just to sit there looking fine, 装作我们对业界已经小有研究 act like we"ve been at it for a minute, you feel me? 装作我们已经在筹款了 Act like we already been out there raising funds 就能做大做强了

     明白吗 and shit"s going real good, you dig? 要让他们感觉

     进了那个门 Make "em think when they walk through that door, 就像参与投资了一项新事物 they about to be a part of something new, 时代前沿的东西 something cuttin" edge, 会让人乞求注资的项目 something folks is begging to invest in. 伊兹你有代码 Izzy, you got the code. 尼克懂金融

     我懂销♥售♥ Nick, you know about money. I know about selling. 我们三个 Three o" us... 可以征服这座城市 we can own this damn city, y"all. 但想要别人看上我们 But if we want folks to start taking us seriously, 我们得装得老到 we need to act like we already do. 一群蠢货 Stupid kids... 从不提前通知我 never gave me notice. 也没个音信 Never heard from "em. 他们是什么公♥司♥ What was their company? 谁知道 Eh, who the hell knows? 那种搞应用的小游戏公♥司♥吧 Some dumb, little video game thing like an app? I don"t know. 你们是干什么的 What do you guys do? 你们不是想买♥♥下这里吧 Not thinking about maybe buying the place, are you? 没有 Uh, no, no. 我们想短租 We were thinking of something much more short-term. 先租一个月 We"re thinking about a month. 就一个月 Just a month? 是的

     但如果一切顺利 Yeah, but, you know, if things go well, 可能会再续约 we could maybe... we could maybe work something out. 一个月

     一万 One month, 10,000 flat. 四千差不多 We were thinking more like four. 拉里 Larry. 这可是送上门的钱 Come on, this is free money. 你这地方这个月又租不出去 You"re not renting this place out for the month. 那就六千 All right. Six. 就四千吧 It"s gotta be four. 五千 Five. 我哥们说四千 My man here says four. 好吧 All right. 拉里 Larry! 谢谢 Thank you, sir. 好了

     各位 All right, y"all. 收拾一下 Let"s turn this bitch out. 为什么选择侦币 So why GenCoin? 加密货币就是未来 Cryptocurrency is the next thing, right? 所以呢 Meaning? 如果我能回到过去 If I can go back in time 占据部分因特网 and try to own a piece of Internet, you know? 你就是为了赚钱吧 So, you"re doing it for the money? -你不是吗

     -不是 - Aren"t you? - No. -你有多懂计算机

     -很精通 - How computer savvy are you? - Oh, I"m pretty savvy. -真的吗

     -对啊 - Really? - Pretty savvy, yeah. -很好

     -没错 - Fantastic. - Yeah. 你有编程技能吗 Uh, what are... Do you have any coding skills? -编什么

     -编程 - "Code"? What? - Coding. -编程

     -你会编程吗 - "Coding." - Do you code at all? -你们很有钱吧

     -你说什么 - Your folks rich? - Sorry? 你家有钱吗

     爸妈有钱吗 You come from money? Do they got money? -我

     -你♥爸♥干什么的 - I... - What"s your daddy do? 他是神经外科医生 He"s a neurosurgeon. 把钱给我 Give me money. 这不是面试吗 I thought this was an interview. 这个 It"s, um, um... 跟贝宝差不多吗 Is it kinda like PayPal? 是的

     是的 Um, yes, yes. 太好了

     我超爱贝宝 Oh boy! I love PayPal! 我八岁就开始编程 I"ve been coding since I was eight. 自己组装电脑

     发明软件 Built my own rigs and developed my own software. -因为你有这个能力

     -没错 - Because you can. - Right. Because I can. 你明天能来上班吗 Can you start tomorrow? -能


     -别这么叫我 - Yes, ma"am. - Don"t call me that. 加油


     使劲 Come on, bit-boy, pump it! 我就喜欢这种感觉 That"s that feel I like. 我觉得应该没问题 It"s good. I think it"s good. -侦币

     -肯定能成 - GenCoin. - That"s what"s up. 侦币 有几个人选

     但都没敲定 A few nibbles, but nothing concrete. -布拉什还没找我们

     -没 - No word from Blush yet? - No. 他迟早会打来 Sooner or later, he"s gonna call, 问我们钱的去向 asking where his money is. 告诉他 Tell him. -怎么说

     -钱都打水漂了 - Say what? - We lost all his money? 不 No. 关键就在这里 This is the point. 我们让他知道他的钱很安全 We show him his money doing good. 这间办公室 This office. 雇的新人 The young bloods we got working for us. 只要他觉得我们靠谱

     就没事了 If he thinks we"re legit, all good. 然后 And then... 我们再让他加倍投资 we ask him to double down. 不行 No. -这

     -这主意太好了 - That"s... - That"s a brilliant idea. 这是庞氏骗局 That"s actually a Ponzi scheme. 别人都这么干

     伙计 That"s how they do, bro. 也许吧 Well, that, it might be how it is, 也许伯尼·梅多夫这么干 how Bernie Madoff does, 但我们不能这么做 but we"re not gonna do that. 这主意很棒 That"s a brilliant idea. 我知道你怕布拉什 Look, I know you lookin" to pussyfoot around Blush, 但我们找投资人可能还要好几周 but it could take weeks to set up more investments. 现在是这么个情况 And here"s what"s up. 有人想杀我 I got a gun to my head, y"all. 死死盯着我家 The dogs are circling my house, 我孩子们住里面 where my kids at. 要不了多久

     他们就会动手 And pretty soon, that hammer gonna drop. 到那时候 And when it do... 要是他们在我这里拿不到那 30 万 if they don"t get their 300 from me... 他们就会找上你 they comin" for you. 还有你 And you. 天啊 Oh, man. 你这主意非常不合法 You know, what you"re proposing is highly, highly illegal. 尼克

     你把 150 万弄没了 Nick, you done lost a million and a half, 都没告诉投资方 and you didn"t tell your investor. 你没告诉他就是因为启动资金 You didn"t tell your investor "cause you started this thing 是偷来的贩毒钱 with stolen drug money. 现在你又怕违法了 And now... you worried about illegal? 本尼迪克特·布拉什 我是本尼迪克特·布拉什 Hi, you"ve reached Benedict Blush. 请留言

     我会尽快回复 Leave me a message, and I"ll get back to you. 本尼迪克特·布拉什 与布拉什见面 再见

     宝贝 Have a good day, baby girl. 爸爸再见 Bye, Dad. 罗尼

     你好啊 Hey, Ronnie. What dey do? 你去哪里 Where you headed? 有事吗

     哥们 You need something, bro? 我就是来看看涂易在干什么 I just comin" through to see what"s good with Touie. 他上学去了

     哥们 Touie at school, bruh. 好的 Fo" sho. Fo" sho. 好的 Fo" sho. 不错吧 Looks legit, huh? 有些人就是用来养眼的 Some just to sit there lookin" fine, Huh? 我是本·布拉什 I"m Ben Blush, 约了 9 点见面 and I have a 9:00 appointment. 好的 Yes. 尼克呢 Where"s Nick? 该死 Damn. 这么惨 Ain"t this some shit. 我做不到

     抱歉 I can"t do this. I"m sorry. 我做不了 I"m not gonna do this. 现在后悔太迟了 It"s too late, bruh. 他就坐在外面 He"s sitting at the front right now 盯着你雇的性♥爱♥娇娃呢 staring at that sex doll you hired. 明白吗 A"ight? 我们这是诈骗 What we"re doing is fraud. 尼克

     你跟我们在一条船上 Nick, my nigga, you in this now. 你已经上了船 You been in this. 不可能更糟糕了 It can"t get no worse. 你这是在安慰我吗 Is that supposed to make me feel better? 是的 Yeah. 是的 It is. 像男人一样站起来 All right, now stand up, man, and be a man. 我得刷个牙 I need to brush my teeth. 这是自♥拍♥ This is a selfie. -是嘛

     -我 - Yeah. - And I... 本尼 Benny! 很高兴见到你

     伙计 Good to see you, pal. 尼克

     很高兴见到你 Hey, Nick. Good to see you. 本尼迪克特 Benedict. 你好吗 How are you? 地方选得不错啊 Hey, cool space you picked out here. 很时髦 You know, very, uh, hipster. 你说到点上了 That"s exactly what it is. 我们要的就是这个效果 That"s exactly what we"re going for. 这里有一种 You got that, uh, sort of, uh... 玩世不恭的感觉 try to look like I don"t care feel. 所以这里才棒啊 That"s what"s cool in the valley. 颜值也不错 And, uh, oh, some pretty faces, too. 是啊 Oh, yeah. 我大概也能猜出来她是谁招的 I think I know who picked out that one, yeah? 不是我... I have no... 信不信由你

     是伊兹 Believe it or not, Izzy. -是吗

     -是她争取的 - Oh, yeah? - She fought for her. -随你说吧

     -是吗 - Yeah, whatever. - Yeah? 是啊 Yeah. -那么

     -那么 - So. - So... 你们想跟我讨论什么 What did you want to discuss? 我们现在呢 Um, what we"ve been doing 想邀请几个主要投资方 is inviting some of our big investors 来公♥司♥看看

     喝喝茶 to come on down and take a tour of the offices 聊聊每月规划 and, uh, going over monthly projections. 你是想看看我会不会加倍投资 You wanted to see if I would double down. 我投资的创业公♥司♥都这么干 Same thing happens with every startup I"ve invested in. 他们把我请来

     希望用些小伎俩 They"ll have me come in and hope that I"ll fall 来骗到我

     到最后 for their dog and pony, and then in the end, 我要么是心血来潮 I"ll either be excited enough 要么就是蠢到二次投资了 or dumb enough to re-up. 就是 Right. 我觉得你们这代人很厉害 I think it"s admirable, your generation. 有人说你们自视甚高 You know, some people call it "entitlement." 我倒觉得是... I like to think of it as... 不屈不挠 tenacity. 知道吗

     本尼 You know what, Benny? 我们不跟你瞎扯 We ain"t gonna bullshit you no more. 这就是尼克今天把你叫来的原因 That is 100% why Nick called you in here today. 我们还给你安排了一大堆戏码 And we did have a whole dog and whatever lined up. 伊兹本想骑着白虎出场 You know, Izzy was gonna ride in on a white tiger, 不过动物权利协会 but the Animal Rights Association wanted 会敲我们一大笔竹杠 a whole ton of cash to look the other way, 我们只好把这个念头打消了 so we scratched that idea like, you know... 等等

     你不会是说 Wait, wait, wait, that doesn"t mean that 烟火表演和脱衣舞♥女♥也没得看了吧 the fireworks show and the dancing girls is off, does it? 那个没取消 No, no, for sure that"s on. 那个不能取消

     他们不退钱 You can"t return that. There are no refunds. -概不退款

     -是啊 - No refund policy. - No, no, no, no, no, no. 不过说真的

     我们只是想 Hey, but on the real, though, we just trying to blow 赶紧把这事给做成 this whole thing out quick. 想在竞争中先人一步 You know, we want to stay ahead of the competition. 没错

     你肯定也知道 Absolutely. As you are well aware, 拉德币会在一个月后发行 RadCoin launches in a month. -是的

     -你之前不是说过 - Sure. - And isn"t it you that said, "谁最厉害不重要 "Doesn"t matter who"s best, 重要的是谁能抢占先机" only matters who"s first"? 这话是我说的 Yes, it was me who said that. 况且 Yeah. Also, um... 我们营销部门 we"ve got our whole marketing 还有公♥关♥策略部门都准备好了 PR strategy ready to go, ready to implement. 我们只是需要资金来周转 We just need to make our second milestone to pay for it. 那 So... 还有谁入伙了 who else is on board? 投资方 Investors. 你们之前来找我时

     一无所有 I mean, when you guys came to me, you had nothing. 转眼间就变成了这样 And now, huh, so quickly. 想必是说服了 I mean, you must have 几个大佬吧 roped in a couple of heavy hitters here, huh? 都有谁 Who are they? 你也知道 You... you know that 在这个节骨眼上 it"s not prudent at this juncture 不太适合披露投资方的名字 to reveal the names of the other investors. -我们希望

     -没错 - We try to keep that... - Correct. 没错

     我们要保密 Correct. We"re keeping it very private. 我应该有权知道吧 I think I have a right to know. 尤其是你们还想让我加倍投资 I mean, especially since you"re asking me to re-up. 我们现在有个框架计划 Yeah. I mean, we have a broad overview, 但我们不能分享投资方信息 but we don"t share investor info here. 我们可以给你看资产流动性 We can show you our liquidity, -预算


     -没错 - our budget, our projections... - Yeah, yeah. 都为你准备好了 I set it all up for you. 据我所知 I... look, I mean, as far as I know, 你们把我叫来 you could be bringing me in here 很可能是因为你们现在 because I am literally the only investor 只有我一个投资方 you have right now. 如果真是这样 And it wouldn"t be a sound decision 加倍投资好像并不明智吧 to re-up if that were the case, now would it? -当然

     -确实是这样 - No. - No, it wouldn"t. 这样吧

     布拉什 You know what, Blush? 我给你透露点信息 I"mma get you some names. 我先给其他投资方打个电♥话♥ I"mma call up some of the other investors, 看他们同不同意我们透露他们名字 make sure it"s cool that we disclose their names to you. 我还需要你们银行的资金证明 I"m also gonna need some proof of funds from your bank. 可以

     不过为什么 Sure. Why... why is that? 我只想知道你们银行里 Well, I want to make sure that 不止我一笔投资金 my money isn"t getting lonely, you know? 有道理

     这没问题 Fair enough, fair enough. We can do that. 能不能给我们 Maybe give us, uh... 我们这周末给你行吗 We"ll probably get that for ya end of the week? 我现在就想看 No, I"d like it right now. 我不确定现在能不能拿到 I don"t know if we have it that handy. 伊兹

     能拿到吗 Uh, Izzy, can we do that? 没问题

     营销经理那里有 Yeah, yeah, yeah. The business manager has it, 不过她今天不在 but she... She"s not here today. 这样啊 Ah. Well... 我的律师肯定能解决 I"m sure my lawyers can sort all this out. 我把他叫来吧 I think I"m gonna have him drop by. -没问题

     -去吧 - Do it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. 他随时都可以来 Just have him... have him stop by 我们会把材料都准备好 whenever you want, and we"ll everything ready for you, bruh. 都会准备好 We"ll get it prepared. 本

     很开心见到你 Hey, Ben, great... Great to see ya. 梅根

     送送布拉什 Hey, Megan, show Blush out. 这下好了

     咱们三个人 Okay, all three of us, 要去蹲好久的监狱了 we"re going to prison for a very long time. -闭嘴

     -我们才不会坐牢 - Shut up. - We"re not going to prison. 我们肯定会坐牢

     他知道了 We"re definitely going to prison. He knows. -他不可能都知道

     -他肯定知道 - He doesn"t "know" know. He... - He most definitely knows. 等他带着律师过来 And when he comes with his lawyers, 我们就完了 that"s game over. 他想看我们的资金证明 He wanted to see proof of funds! 那我们就伪造点文件出来 Okay, we just have her fake up some documents. 天啊



      Oh, my god! Stop! That"s making it worse. -你有更好的主意吗


     -没有 - You got a better idea, Nick? - No, I don"t. 我们得弄出笔钱来 We gotta get him that money. 天啊 Jesus. 今天周几 What day is it today? 什么 What? 周二 I... it"s Tuesday. 该死 Shit! 我有主意了 I have an idea. -是好主意吗

     -可能吧 - Is it a good one? - Maybe! ��糟

      Oh, my god! Stop! That"s making it worse. -你有更好的主意吗


     -没有 - You got a better idea, Nick? - No, I don"t. 我们得弄出笔钱来 We gotta get him that money. 天啊 Jesus. 今天星期几 What day is it today? 什么 What? 我...星期二 I... it"s Tuesday. 妈的 Shit! 我有主意了 I have an idea. -是不是好主意

     -可能吧 - Is it a good one? - Maybe!

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