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    时间:2020-08-31 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    咔 Cut! 亲爱的

     你觉得怎么样 Darling, what do you think? 太棒了 It"s just amazing. 这个主题是什么 What"s it actually about? 充盈

     膨胀 It"s engorged. It"s tumescent. 强力

     这是扭曲的生活 It"s potent. It"s... It"s perverted life. 亲爱的


     这是我的生活 Darling, what can I say? It"s my life. 你不怕被列入黑名单吗 Aren"t you afraid of being blacklisted? 不然你以为我为什么来这里

     丹吉尔没有黑名单 Why do you think I"m here? No blacklisting in Tangier. 你确定不想在通婚戏里客串一下吗 Are you sure you don"t want a cameo in the miscegenation scene? 非常确定 Quite sure. 露西

     想试镜吗 Lucy? A little screen test? -不好吧

     -好啊 - Oh, I"m not sure that"s... - Oh, I"d love to. 看镜头 Eye contact with the lens. 直视镜头 Look right into it. 好的 Okay. -这样吗

     -对 - Like this? - Yes. 对


     很好 Yes. Good. Good. 露西 Why, Lucy! 摄像机在和你激♥情♥做♥爱♥ The camera makes love to you. Passionately! 必须的 Somebody needs to. 小鸟们 第一季

     第二集 你真好闻 You smell good. 天啊

     我得洗个澡 Oh, my God, I need to take a shower. -我喜欢

     -是吗 - I like it. - You do? 是这里太热了

     是吧 It"s the heat here. Is it? 就位 Positions! 开拍 And action! 清除乞丐 Cleanse the supplicant! 这是重生 This is a rebirth! 露西

     想象你是条美人鱼 Lucy! Imagine yourself a mermaid! 你不惧怕死亡 You have no fear of death 你对肤浅生活充满了恐惧 and a great fear of shallow living! 把巴比伦的香水倒在她身上 Now pour the perfumes of Babylon on her! 让战鼓停止吧 Let the drums of war cease! 让她愉快地宣誓就职吧 Now inaugurate her with pleasure! 天啊 Oh, my God. 没错 Yes. 没错 Yes. 没错 Yes. 很好


     很好 Good, good, good. 天啊 Oh, my God. 雨果

     太好玩了 Hugo, that was so much fun. 你不洗一下吗 Aren"t you going to wash? 不

     暂时先留着 No, I"m going to keep it on for a while. 你看起来很可笑 You look absurd. 梦想是生活的必需 Dreams are necessary to life. -谢谢

     -这是艺术 - Thank you! - And it"s art! 露西

     你让我大开眼界 Lucy, you were a revelation. 谢谢

     我的主人坚持要办一个庆功宴 Thank you. My hosts are insisting on a wrap party. 在曼德拉克斯宅邸 At the Mandrax Mansion. 我比较正常的家

     你们来吗 My not-so spiritual home. Perhaps you"d like to join? -我们很乐意


     谢谢 - Oh, we"d love to... - No, thanks. 不用了

     谢谢 No, but thank you very much. 丹吉尔一半的人都会去 Half of Tangier will be there. 那少我们俩也无伤大雅了 Well, you"ll hardly miss the two of us then. -雨果

     -我说了不行 - Hugo. - I said no. I mean no. 谢谢

     但是不用了 Thank you, but no. -下次吧

     -好啊 - Perhaps another time. - Absolutely. 我听说那些女孩 I"ve heard rumours about those girls 让人毛骨悚然 that would make your hair curl. 我只是觉得你不该和她们混在一起 I just don"t think you should mix with them. 你听起来很像我父亲 You sound like my father. 菲菲


     穿怪鞋的那个 Fifi, you know your regular, the one with the funny shoes? 他少付你钱了吗 Is he short-changing you? 还是你没收他钱 Or are you giving him freebies? -这


     妈妈 - Well. - Don"t worry, Mama. -我会赔的

     -那是当然 - I"ll pay for it! - Yes, you will. 但你要继续替他付钱吗 But are you going to keep paying for him? 如果你想继续干这行 You know, if you want to move on in this business, 如果你想达到谢利法的价格 if you want to start getting Cherifa rates, 对待喜欢的客户就要强硬起来

     好吗 you better start getting tough with your favourites, okay? 我受够了这无聊的工作 I"m sick of this donkey work! 你渴吗

     谢利法 You thirsty there, Cherifa? 什么时候能恢复供水 When is the water coming back on? 我不想再抽水了 I"m so done with this pumping! 可不嘛 That"s what she said. 在贝鲁特之前 You know. Before Beirut, 我在布雷斯特的一家妓院工作 I used to work at a brothel in Brest. 你知道我们个人表演用什么吗 You know what we used there for solo shows? 根本不用洗 We never had to wash up. 把它们切片放进鸡尾酒就行了 Just sliced them up and used them in our cocktail. 我用这个做酸奶黄瓜的 This is for my tzatziki. 琪琪

     你弄完以后就去擦楼梯 Gigi, when you are done there, I want you to scrub the stairs. -轮到谢利法了

     -谢利法要上钟 - It"s Cherifa"s turn. - Cherifa is going on duty. 什么

     我今天休息 What? It"s my day off! 谁来都归你 You"ll deal with whatever comes in. 谁都不会来 Nothing"s coming in. 多亏了她

     这地方没人来了 This place is no-go, thanks to her. 他们让我唱一首歌♥

     我就唱了一首歌♥ They asked me to sing a song. I sang a song. 唱首歌♥ Sing a song... 嗯

     可不是嘛 Yes, you did, didn"t you? 唱得可真好 You sure sang that song. 我是个妓♥女♥ I"m a whore. 我没时间谈政♥治♥ I have no time for politics. 那就好

     我也没时间 Good. Neither do I. 科博

     你来了 Corbeau. You made it. 很高兴见到你

     国务卿 It"s good to see you, Secretary. 我一直在等你的消息 I"ve been waiting, I got your message. 很好 Good. Good. 很荣幸可以帮到你 It"s a... An honour to help you. 我会尽力的

     长官 Whatever I can do, sir. -我们走走吧

     -没问题 - Let"s take a walk. - Of course. 不会太久的 We won"t be long. 我父亲一生都在这片土地上劳作 My father spent his life working this land. 他们从马赛一穷二白地来到这里 They came here with nothing. From Marseille. 他们在这片土地上劳作

     给山坡施肥 They worked this soil. They fertilised these hill sides. 他们的汗水造就了这里 Their sweat made this place. 现在有人想抢这片土地 And now they want to take it away from us. 这可不行 That"s not right. 他们认为独♥立♥是个晚宴 They think independence is a dinner party. 我们这样的人才会让国家变得有价值

     科博 People like us made this country worth living in, Corbeau. 摩洛哥人什么都不造 The Moroccans, they build nothing. 他们不知道自己拥有什么 They don"t know what they have. 他们不明白

     长官 They don"t understand it, sir. 长官 Sir... 那些人开始紧张了 The men... They are getting nervous. 如果国王回来 If the king returns, 记者们现在已经够大胆了

     但是 and the journalists are bold enough now. But... 你的人需要耐心 Your men need to be patient. 不行

     我拦不住他们 I"m can"t. I can"t hold them back. 我们在浪费时间

     长官 We waste our time, sir. 他们想行动 They want to move. -针对谁


     -民族主义者 - On who, Corbeau? - Nationalist. 我们要让他们知道

     我们是认真的 They need to know we mean business. 我们可以把他们一个个干掉 We can take them all out, one by one. 法国是他们的母亲 France is their mother. 国王是他们的父亲

     他们像爱父亲一样爱国王 And the king is their father. They love him like their father. 如果国王回来

     他们会排着队跟随国王 If he comes back, they will line up behind him. 你是说内战吗 A civil war, you mean? 我准备好了 Well, I am ready for it. 我愿意战斗 I will fight. 直到最后一口气 Till the last breath. 前提是国王会回来 "If" he comes back. 你相信我吗 Do you trust me? 嗯 Yes. 如果你告诉你的手下

     他们会相信我吗 And your men, they will trust me if you tell them? 是的 Yes. 很好 Good. 等我的命令 Wait for my word. 藤蔓长出来了 The vines are coming along, huh? 回丹吉尔 Back to Tangier. 他是个白♥痴♥

     对吧 He"s an oaf, isn"t he? 但他很忠诚

     像条狗一样 But he"s loyal. Like a dog. 你好像没明白我的意思 I don"t think you"re quite understanding what I"m saying. 恕我直言


     恰恰相反 With respect, son, it"s the other way around. 别找借口了 Now stop making excuses. 赶紧完成任务 And start getting the job done. 我已经完成任务了

     我说了 I"ve done the job. I"ve told you. 你的人可以联♥系♥瓦尼 Your people can get in touch with Vaney. 我的人 My people? 雨果


     你就是我的人 Hugo, you"re priceless. You"re my people. 瓦尼

     他是这里的老大 Vaney. I"m just saying he"s the head honcho around here. 那就去找他吧

     这批货很不错 So go get him. You got a good product here. 是的

     我相信他会对你的枪感兴趣 Yes, I"m sure he will be very interested in your guns. -他看起来像是那种人


     不是枪 - He looks the type. - No. Not guns! 便携式防空系统 Man Portable Air Defence System. Manpads. 是的

     我相信它们非常有效 Yes, I"m sure they"re extremely effective. 非常有效

     所以靠你了 Extremely. So there you are. 你有线索了 You have a lead. 你们美国人一般说"狗绳"吧 Or "leash" as you Americans would say. 看来我们很默契


     雨果 We understand each other. Get to work, Hugo. 样品马上就到


     还会有更多 Sample"s on its way. They like it, there"s more. 什么

     谁啊 What? To who? 牙仙吗

     你♥他♥妈♥以为是谁 The tooth fairy. Who do you goddamn think? 我不想让他们来我家 I don"t want them in the house. 天啊

     雨果 Christ, Hugo. 你会收到信息

     到时候会送一批货 You"ll get a message. There"ll be a drop. 定个日子

     仅此而已 Fix a date. That"s all there is to it. 多少钱 How much are they? 这取决于他们有多想要

     儿子 Depends on how much they want them, son. 这是你的工作 That"s your job. 让他们明白他们需要它们 Make them understand they need them. 你没读过卡内基的书吗 Haven"t you read Carnegie? 先友好一点

     用其他人的名字 Start friendly. Use the other person"s name. 激发他们的渴望 Arouse in them an eager want. 去买♥♥那本书吧

     孩子 Go buy yourself that book, boy. 嗯 Right. -你好啊

     -你好 - Oh, hello. - Hello. 你已经见过我的鬣蜥朋友奇科了 Oh, did you meet already my iguana friend Chico? -奇科


     -是的 - Is Chico... Chico is his name? - Yes. 你看到它有多美了吗 Did you see how beautiful he is? 瞧瞧这颜色 Did you see the colours? 它很帅气

     我爱上它了 He"s very handsome. I"m totally in love with him. 你是谁 Who are you? 露西·卡文迪什-斯迈思 Lucy Cavendish-Smythe. 我们在码头见过

     和莉莉一起 We met at the dock, with Lili. 那个善良诚实的女孩 The miskeena girl. 瞧瞧你 Look at you. 刚下船

     你就破产了 Just off the boat, you"re already broke. 你需要多少

     亲爱的 How much would you like, darling? 不

     我不需要钱 Oh, no, I don"t need money. 谢谢 Thank you. 我听说你要在这里开派对 I heard that you"re having a party here. 是的 Yes, I do. 我能参加吗 Would it be possible for me to attend? 当然


     我很乐意邀请你 Of course, darling, I"d invite you with pleasure. 丹吉尔的很多人都会来 La creme de la creme de Tangier is coming. 国务卿

     伊朗国王的儿子 The Secretary, the Iran Shah"s son. 大家都会来的

     亲爱的 Everybody is coming, darling. 我得跟休伯特说一下别带猴子 I have to tell Hubert don"t bring the monkey. 我要带点什么吗 Can I bring anything? 男伴 A date? 一个可能有点困难 Oh, I might not have one. 那就带两个呀 Ah, bring two then! 再穿件漂亮的礼服 And a wonderful gown. 穿得漂漂亮亮的

     亲爱的 Dress to impress, darling. 我们喜欢梦幻的派对


     美女 We love so much fantasy in our parties. Bye-bye, bonita. -谢谢



     亲爱的 - Thank you, Contessa. - You"re welcome, honey. 怎么样 Well? 她重新工作了 She is back at work. 但大家都听说了她的所作所为 People have heard what she did though. 谢利法现在是镇上的热门话题 El Cherifa is the talk of the town. 很好 Good. 让他们说吧 Let them talk. 我想近距离看看她 I want a closer look at her. 简单

     我们可以逮捕她 We can easily arrest her. 不不不

     别那么正式 No, no, no, no. Nothing so formal. 我们邀请她参加派对吧 Let"s invite her to a party. 没问题 Of course. 你以为自己很伟大

     但你只是一只虫子 You think you"re so grand, but you"re just a worm. 你居然敢无视我 How dare you ignore me. 派对 A party? 与你一起 With you. 什么样的派对 What kind of party? 在山上 On the mountain. 豪华派对 A fancy party. -不去

     -为什么 - No. - Why not? 也许吧 Maybe... -好

     -很多钱 - All right. - A lot of it. 平时的两倍

     按小时计算 Twice the normal. By the hour. -好


     三倍 - All right. - No. Three times. -谢利法

     -我有职业操守 - Cherifa... - I do what I do. 不是应♥召♥女郎 Not escort stuff. 这是额外的价钱 It"s extra. 好吧 All right. -你是真实的吗

     -怎么了 - Are you real? - What is up? -你是谁

     -小偷 - Who are you? - Thief. 不 No. -我还以为我在做梦呢


     不 - I thought I was dreaming. - No. No. 住手 Stop! 不 No! 这小脸蛋 What a face. 当小偷真是浪费了

     亲爱的 Oh, you"re wasted as a thief, darling. 你根本不擅长 You are not even good at it. 你想找份正经工作吗 Would you like a proper job, hmm? -在哪

     -和我在这里 - Where? - Here with me. 不 No. 算了

     带他去警局 Forget it, take him to the police. 不 No. 我想要工作 I"d like a job. 我想要工作 I"d like a job. 好选择 Excellent choice. 不如现在就开始吧 Why don"t you start right now, huh? 去给我和我的客人再拿瓶水 Go and fetch another water for me and my house guest. 去吧 Come on. 好的

     夫人 Sure, madame. 你对男人的品味啊 Your taste in men. 睾酮是乐趣的源泉 Testosterone keeps things interesting. 没有它

     我们都会无聊死的 We would all be bored to death without it. 我甚至都能闻到 I can even smell it. 睾酮 Testosterone. 抱歉 Sorry. 打扰一下

     你开门了吗 Excuse me, are you open? 为了新娘 For the bride. -当然没问题

     -太好了 - Of course. - Wonderful. 你叫比尔

     对吧 It"s Bill, right? 露西 Lucy. 真是 Well, it"s quite a... 她在喝什么

     那个 Hey, what is she drinking? There. 伏特加 Vodka? 我父亲从来不在家里喝这个 My father doesn"t have that in the house. 说这是共♥产♥主义饮品 Says it"s a communist drink. 想看个魔术吗 Wanna see a trick? 好啊 Yes, I do. 我的天啊 Would you look at that! 我有个问题要问你 I have a question for you. 那晚的朋友

     阿巴扎先生 Our friend from the other night. Mr. Abaza. 送香槟的那个 The one with the champagne? 他在这里记账的

     对吧 He has a tab here, right? -这算在他的账上吗


     不 - Is this on his tab? - Oh, no. No. 既然你允许他记账

     那你知道他住哪吗 But if you have a tab set up for him, you know where he lives? -当然


     -真的吗 - Absolutely, the guy owes me money. - Really? 嗯 Well... 你能帮我捎个口信给他吗 Do you think you could maybe get a message to him for me? 当然 Sure. 谢谢 Thank you. 你想看个魔术吗 Do you wanna see a magic trick? 好啊 I"d love to. -谢谢你过来

     -客气 - Thank you for coming. - Not at all. 出什么事了吗 Something happened? 我想问你点事

     阿巴扎先生 I just wondered if I could ask you something, Mr. Abaza. 我需要先喝杯酒吗 Am I going to need a drink? 有何不可

     我已经喝了几杯了 Why not? I"ve had a few. 看来你一定很纠结 I appreciate this must be difficult. 是的 Yes. 你认识雨果 You know Hugo. 你俩看起来很亲密 You two seem very close. 但我不得不说 But I have to say, 他有时真的很顽固 he can be a real stick in the mud. -雨果吗

     -是的 - Hugo? - Yes. 我在丹吉尔 Here I am in Tangier. 谁都不认识 I know no one. 我被邀请参加一个派对 And I get invited to a party. 一个听起来很有趣的派对

     但是 One party that sounds like it actually might be fun? And no. 当然

     雨果不愿意去 Of course, Hugo won"t go. 在伯爵夫人家 It"s at the Contessa"s house. 这是我参演的一部电影的派对 It"s a party for a film that I"m in. 我不是主角

     但是 I"m not the starring role, but 他们给我抹了膏油 they anointed me. 雨果不喜欢 Hugo didn"t like that. 一点也不喜欢 Not at all. 曼德拉克斯的派对 A Mandrax party, huh? 伯爵夫人


     对吧 The Contessa. You know her, right? 她在这个镇上相当有名 She"s fairly well-known in this town. -非常迷人


     她 - Perfectly charming. - Yeah, she"s a... 她很迷人 She"s a very charming lady. 她亲自邀请了我 Well, she invited me personally. -那不就得了

     -我 - Well there you are. - I"m... 嗯 Well... 只是 It"s just that... 我不能一个人去 I can"t go alone. -雨果是你的朋友


     -叫我阿德姆吧 - And Hugo is your friend, Mr. Abaza. - Adham. 他是你的朋友

     阿德姆 He"s your friend, Adham, 但他有时超无聊 but he can be a terrible bore. 真好笑

     我 It"s funny. I... 我搬到了地球另一端 I moved half way across the world and... 可我觉得我不了解我嫁的那个男人 I feel I don"t know the man I married. 完全不了解 At all. 我很抱歉

     我 I"m sorry. I... -没关系

     -不 - It"s all right. - No. 不


     我 No, it"s not all right. I... 他认为有一些规则 He thinks there are these rules and... 凡事要有规矩 There are rules. 凡事要有规矩

     这我知道 There are rules. I know that. 我只是不 I just don"t... 我好像没办法遵守 I don"t seem to be able to stick to them. 我所做的一切都是错的

     我错了 Everything I do is wrong. I"m just wrong. -我所做的一切都是错的


     看着我 - Everything about me is wrong. - Lucy, look at me. 规矩被高估了 Rules are over-rated. 是吗 Do you think so? 是的 I do. 我现在有点尴尬 Well, I"m a little embarrassed now. 真的

     没关系 Really, it"s fine. 我很荣幸

     你愿意向我吐露心声 I"m, er, honoured you confide in me. 你是个好人 You"re a very kind man. 你不是有事想问我么 You wanted to ask me something. 我想问你愿不愿意陪我参加派对 I wanted to ask you if you would take me to the party. 我需要一个男伴 A girl needs a date. 好啊 I"ll do it. 但有一个条件 On one condition. 什么条件 What is that? 先去购物 We"re going shopping. 什么 What? 这条裙子绝对不行 That dress will never do. 把你的衣服想象成盔甲 Think of your clothing like armour. 我在打仗吗 Am I in a battle? 我们都在打仗 We all are. 量身定做的西装有一种魔力 A well-tailored suit is a charm. 可以让我不被多管闲事的邻居打扰 It shields me from the glares of nosy neighbours, 帮我顺利通过大门 helps me pass through gates without being stopped. 它能让我发现不一样的自己 It makes me feel myself, but different. 更好的自己 Better. 我妈总是给我买♥♥衣服 My mother has always bought my clothes. 你敢信 Can you believe that? 有时候我真希望能把领口放低一点 Sometimes I wish I could lower the neckline. 好叛逆啊 How rebellious, hmm? -你根本不懂那是什么感觉

     -什么 - You don"t know what it"s like. - What? 家人对你的不合理期待吗 For your family to have unreasonable expectations? 请吧 After you. 这里流行什么 So what is in fashion here? 我的姐妹经常穿香奈儿 My sisters wear a lot of Chanel. 真的吗 Really? 我从没想象过非洲女人 I would never have imagined African ladies 走进法国房♥子的画面 to be in the French houses. 埃及不是非洲 Egypt is not Africa. 但它在非洲

     对吧 But it... It is in Africa, right? 丹吉尔在摩洛哥

     对吗 Well, Tangier is in Morocco. Right? 但肯定不是摩洛哥风格 But it is certainly not Moroccan. 那是什么 What is it then? 国际区 The international zone? 丹吉尔就是一切 Tangier is everything all at once. 它无处不在

     又无处可寻 It is everywhere and nowhere. 那你为什么来这里 So, why are you here? 我没想来这

     我不会久留 I didn"t mean to be. Not for long. 丹吉尔有我想要的东西 There was something I wanted in Tangier. 所以我留下来了 That"s why I stayed. 我喜欢这个

     这是我的最爱 I love this one. This is my favourite. 你能用它做一条今晚穿的裙子吗 Would it be possible to make a dress from that for tonight? 今晚 Tonight? 必须要非常漂亮 It has to be fabulous. 我这里正好有 Ah, I have the very thing. -你的西装是他做的吗

     -是的 - He makes your suits? - He does. 好 Yes. 那好像不是我的风格 I don"t think that"s very me. 你说得对 You"re right. 你妈不会喜欢的 Your mother wouldn"t like it. 你们能通报一声吗 If you wouldn"t mind letting him know I"m here. 我也可以给他留个口信 Or perhaps I could leave him a message. 把我的名片留下 Leave him my card. 太好了

     不知道你能不能帮我一下 Oh, good. I wonder if you might be able to help me. 我尽力 I"ll do my best. 我想和国务卿瓦尼谈谈 Well, I"d like to speak to Secretary Vaney. 拜托 Please. 你有预约吗 Do you have an appointment? 没有 Not as such. 那我很抱歉

     我帮不了你 Then I"m sorry, I can"t help you. 但是 But... 我能预约吗 Can I make an appointment then? 流程不是这样的 It doesn"t work that way around. 如果国务卿想见你 If the Secretary wants to see you, 你才有预约 then you get an appointment. 你能告诉我是什么事吗 Can you give me an indication of what it"s about? 这是私事 I mean, it"s personal. 怎么个私法 How personal? 不

     不是私事 No, not personal. 是机密 Confidential. 这样啊 I see. 能给点提示吗 Can you give me a clue? 不行 Not really, no. 那好吧 Well, then, 我说了

     恐怕我帮不了你 as I said, I can"t help you, I"m afraid. 抱歉 Sorry. 我没看见你 I didn"t see you. 利奥

     过来 Hey, Leo, come here. 过来 Come. 能给我们倒点水吗 Can"t you pour us a drink? 好渴 So thirsty. 不

     不是这里 No. Not in there. 这里 In there. 小狗不渴吗 Isn"t puppy thirsty? 不渴 No. 他只对他的地盘感兴趣 He"s only interested in spraying his territory. 继续 More! 什么叫在豪♥宅♥工作 What do you mean, a job at a mansion? 就是工作 It"s a job. 我工作 I work. 他们付我钱 They pay me. 辞职以后 I stop. 我们离开这里 We leave here. 结婚 We marry. 是不是跟基佬海滩一样 Is it like the boys" beach? 他们说必须戴两顶帽子才能去 They say don"t go without two hats. 因为如果你掉了一个 "Cause if you drop one, 千万不能弯腰捡 you don"t wanna bend over to pick it up. 这个我也听过 I"ve heard that one, too. 但是豪♥宅♥的没听过 But not about the mansions. 我听说曼德拉克斯姐妹以前玩过一个游戏 I heard about a game the Mandrax sisters used to play. 曼德拉克斯 You know, the Mandrax, 丹吉尔最大的房♥子 the biggest house in Tangier? 他们从德国买♥♥了两条狗 They bought a pair of dogs from Germany. 血统纯正

     价格昂贵 Pedigree, very expensive. 她们很喜欢 They loved those dogs. 吃的比咱俩都好 Fed them better than me and you have ever been fed. 每天吃肉 Meats every day, 喝干净的水 clean water, 漂亮的珠宝项圈和丝质外套 fancy jewel collars and little silk jackets. 你不想听这个故事吗 Don"t you wanna hear the story? -不


     -有一天 - No, I don"t want... - So one day, 伯爵夫人回到家 the Contessa comes home, 她之前去参加皇家茶话会什么的 she"s been out at a royal tea party or something. 她看到了什么 And what does she see? 狗的鼻子 The dogs have their snouts 被夹在女儿们双腿之间 stuffed between the daughters" legs 她们的裙子都掀到脸上了 and their skirts are all the way up to their faces -狗不停地舔啊舔

     -住手 - and the dogs lick and lick... - Stop! -舔

     -住手 - ...and lick! - Stop it! 你疯了 You"re crazy. 你知道她们高♥潮♥时会发出什么声音吗 You know what sound they make when they cum? 停下 Stop it! 停下 Stop it! 停下 Stop it! 你要去哪里 Where are you going? 疯子 Crazy. 我得在下面穿条衬裙 I think I might have to wear a slip under this. 你敢 Don"t you dare! 那就不好看了 You"ll ruin the effects. 我没穿内衣 I"m not wearing any underwear. 你看起来美极了 You look stunning. 谢谢 Thank you. 这条裙子选的真好 This was a good choice. 敬你的新裙子 To your new dress. 还有我的购物伴侣 And to my shopping friend. 丹吉尔的情人随你挑 You will have your pick of lovers in Tangier. 你真这么想吗 Do you really think so? 不

     我不想在丹吉尔有情人 No, I don"t want lovers in Tangier. 我想当雨果的好妻子 I wanna be a good wife for Hugo. 我是认真的 I really do want that. 其实吧 Actually... 也许你能帮我个忙 Maybe you can help me with something. 你觉得我能帮你什么 What do you think I might help you with? 我想多了解他一点 I wanna know more about him. 我对雨果一无所知 I know nothing about Hugo. 男人之间肯定无话不谈

     对吧 And men must talk, right? 你们和女人一样

     什么都聊 You guys talk like women do, we talk about everything. 我只是 I just... 我想知道 I wanna know 他喜欢什么

     不喜欢什么 what he likes and what he doesn"t like. 他睡不着的时候在想什么 What he thinks about when he can"t sleep. 他最喜欢吃什么 What his favourite meal is, what... 什么可以让他性奋 What turns him on. 这些问我不合适吧 I"m not sure I"m the person to ask. 那我们选支口红吧 Well, shall we pick a lipstick? -好

     -嗯 - Yes. - Yeah. 亲爱的 Darling! Hello. 跟客人打个招呼吧 Say hello to our guest. -你好

     -你好 - Hello. - Hello. 你觉得我应该选哪支 What do you think I should choose? 丑闻红还是惊悚粉 Scandal Red or Shocking Pink? -惊悚我吧

     -好 - Shock me. - Okay. 你穿的是什么 What on Earth are you wearing? 你不喜欢吗 You don"t like it? 这是为派对准备的 It"s for the party. 阿德姆要陪我去 Adham is taking me. 我们说好不去的 We agreed we"re not going to that. 阿巴扎先生不会带你去波西米亚狂欢派对的 Mr. Abaza here is not squiring you to a bohemian orgy. 别说了

     雨果 Stop it, Hugo. 这不是狂欢派对 It"s not gonna be an orgy. 伊朗国王的儿子会出现在狂欢派对上吗 Would the Shah of Iran"s son be seen at an orgy? 国务卿瓦尼会吗 Would Secretary Vaney? -瓦尼

     -是的 - Vaney. - Yes. 我去换衣服 I"ll get changed. 你来吗 You"re gonna come? 嗯


     我应该多带你出去玩玩 Yes. And you"re right. I should take you out more. 谢谢

     阿巴扎先生 Thank you, Mr. Abaza, 但今晚不需要你了 but you"ll no longer be required this evening. 不

     我们可以一起去啊 No! We can all go. 你是没见过这位朋友的丢人事迹 You haven"t seen how embarrassing our friend here can be. 伯爵夫人什么丢人的事没见过 Nothing embarrasses the Contessa. 上次我们去游♥行♥酒吧 Well, last time we went to the Parade Bar, 他倒在了田纳西·威廉斯的大腿上 he collapsed in Tennessee Williams" lap. 他根本没有节制 He doesn"t know when to stop. 雨果 Hugo! 道歉 Apologise. 我觉得和丈夫一起去才比较合适 You see, I think it"s only right that you take your husband. 也许你说得对 Perhaps you"re right. 再见 Let"s see you both soon. 不

     绝对不行 No! Absolutely not. 伯爵夫人邀请了我 The Contessa invited me 她说我可以带两个男伴 and she said that I could bring two dates! 现在我和丹吉尔最帅的两个男人在一起 And here I am with the two most handsome men in all of Tangier. 所以我要带两个男伴 So two dates I shall bring. 漂亮 Wonderful. 别迟到了 Let"s not be late. 银行被这些独♥立♥言论吓到了 All this independence talk is spooking the banks. 我不是在抱怨 It"s not that I"m complaining about that. 黑暗中总有一丝光明 Every cloud has a silver lining. -我们需要收拾行李吗

     -不 - Should we be packing? - No. 绝对不行 Absolutely not. 但民族主义者已经失控了 But the nationalists are out of control. 如果国王回来 If the King comes back... 他们会乖乖就范的 They will be brought to heel. 不 No. 他们都支持国王 They rally behind him. 周围不满的情绪越来越强烈 You can feel the resentment everywhere more and more. 园丁


     厨师 The gardener, the handyman, the cook. 他们的举动很明显了 They find small ways to make it clear. 那些悄悄话

     小动作 The whispers. The tiny gestures. 他们恨我们

     真的 They hate us, they really do. 如果我们被赶出去 If we"re pushed out, 不知道我们还能去哪 I don"t know where we can go. 我女儿甚至都不是西班牙人 My daughters are hardly Spanish. 摩洛哥是我们的家 Morocco"s our home. 也是他们的家 Their home, too. 当然 Yes, of course. 我会保护你的

     伯爵夫人 You are under my protection, Contessa. 法国会保护你的 The protection of France. 你和你的家人在丹吉尔永远是安全的 You and your family will always be safe in Tangier. 真♥主♥保佑

     亲爱的 Inshallah, my sweet Pierre. 你既然来我家了 And now, you are under my roof. 那就快活一下吧 Let"s all have some fun. 再来点香槟 More champagne. 谢谢 Merci. 谢利法 Cherifa? 谢利法 Cherifa? 她还没到 No, she"s not here yet. 我可以半价跟你走 I"ll go with you for half the price. 值得等待吧 Worth the wait, huh? 走吧 Let"s go. 帮其他姑娘钓点凯子回来

     好吗 Try and bring back some tricks for the other girls, huh? 先生 Monsieur. 谢谢

     先生 Merci, monsieur. 别碰我 Don"t touch me. 这里不行 Not outside these walls. 我的天啊 Oh, my goodness. 来 Come. 雨果 Hugo? 欢迎

     亲爱的 Oh, welcome, darlings! 雨果

     你来了 Hugo, you made it! 真勇敢 How terribly brave. 是啊

     他很清楚我的派对有多危险 Yes. He"s well aware of the dangers at my parties. 对吧

     雨果 Aren"t you, Hugo? 瞧瞧

     你们三个人真是太养眼了 But look at you! What a delightful threesome you make-- -我去拿点喝的

     -好的 - I"m gonna go and get something to drink. - Okay. 亲爱的 Oh, sweetie. 失陪 Excuse me. 停下

     停下 Stop, stop. 我想给你看点东西 I want to show you something right now. 我得工作 I have to work. 别管工作了

     你可以休息一下 Don"t worry about the work. I give you a break. 我不需要休息 I don"t need a break. 你当然需要 Of course you need. 来

     非常感谢 Come! Merci beaucoup. -我是来工作的

     -你想工作吗 - I"m here to work. - Yes, you"re gonna work? 那就来工作吧 Come on, let"s work. -你的裙子真好看


     -谢谢 - Love your dress, darling! - Thank you. 美女

     你好啊 Hello, beautiful. 你们这么亲密真是羡慕 It"s so nice that you are all so close. 你喜欢派对吗 You like to party? -你有事吗

     -阿德姆去给我拿喝的了 - You want something? - Adham"s getting me a drink. 这是什么舞 What is this dance? 康加舞 Oh, that is the conga. 你必须得试试


     露西 You have to try. It"s amazing, Lucy. 你必须得跳舞


     来吧 You have to dance. Come on, go on. 来找我 Come see me. 你干嘛 What are you doing? 我想吃点东西 I wanna eat something. 回头再说

     过来 Later. Come on. 真漂亮 How beautiful! 你知道这值多少钱吗 You know how much this is worth, hmm? -不知道

     -你想摸摸吗 - No. - You wanna touch it? 摸摸吧 Touch it. 你 50 年的薪水 Fifty years of your salary. 这就是它的价值 That"s what this is worth. 你觉得 And what do you think 万一它消失得无影无踪

     会有什么后果 would happen if it disappears without a trace, huh? 坐 50 年牢 Fifty years in prison. 真聪明 Clever boy. 你在干嘛 What are you doing? 不 No! 来啊 Go on. 来拿啊 Take this. 过来

     过来 Come on, come on! 谢谢

     弗雷德里克 Thank you, Frederic. 谢谢

     弗雷德里克 Thank you, Frederic. 你知道我是谁吗 You know who I am? 付钱让我唱歌♥的人 The man who paid me to sing. 你的表演让我印象很深刻

     来 It was a memorable performance. Come. 你可以亲自找我 You could have asked for me yourself. 所有人都知道我是谁

     在哪能找到我 Everybody knows who I am and where to find me. 尤其是那晚之后 Especially after the other night. 大家都认识我了 I made quite an impression. 整个丹吉尔都在谈论 All of Tangier was talking about it. 多亏了你 On you. 是你自己的功劳 You did. 然后我们来到了这里 And here we are. 但不是你想的那样 But not in the way that you think. 不是吗 No? 我不需要妓♥女♥

     谢利法 I have no need of a prostitute, Cherifa. 如果你改变主意了

     就告诉我 You let me know if you change your mind. 坐下 Sit down. 为什么 Why? 我参加派对不是为了好玩 I don"t come to parties for fun. 我很享受我们的谈话 I"m enjoying our talk. 话唠 Oh, a talker. 你看起来不像话唠 You don"t look like a talker. 我看起来像什么样的人 What kind of man do I look like? 一个喜欢时不时被人嘲笑的人 A kind of man who enjoys being ridiculed from time to time. 别害羞

     国务卿先生 Don"t be shy, Mr. Secretary. 你要明白

     谢利法 Understand this, Cherifa. 我还有报酬 I also get paid. 我收钱来保护♥法♥国的殖民地 I get paid to protect this colony for France. 丹吉尔充满了各种不满 Tangier is full of discontents 所以当人们煽动暴民时 so when people go rousing the rabble, 我就很兴奋 well, this rouses me. 看得出来 I can see that. 来自美国的问候 Greetings from America. 你是谁 Who are you? 我很抱歉

     雨果·卡文迪什-斯迈思 I"m sorry. Hugo Cavendish-Smythe. 你应该是国务卿瓦尼吧 Secretary Vaney, I presume? 见到你是我的荣幸

     先生 It"s an absolute pleasure, monsieur. 我可以叫你先生吗 May I call you monsieur? 有何不可 Why not? 我可以给你提供一个机会 The thing is, I have an opportunity for you. 什么机会 What is it? 便携式防空系统 A manpads. Man Portable Air Defence. 行了

     先生 Stop, Mister... 卡文迪什-斯迈思

     这个样本 Cavendish-Smythe, but this prototype will... 拜托

     别破坏派对的气氛 Please, let"s not pollute the party. 我把名片给你 Let me give you my card. 不好意思

     卡文迪什先生 If you"ll excuse me, Mr. Cavendish. 叫我斯迈思 Er, Smythe. 非常感谢 Thank you very much. 幸会

     先生 It was a pleasure, monsieur. 彼此彼此 All mine. 你依然很漂亮 Still looking lovely. 谢谢 Thank you. 雨果去哪了 Where did Hugo go? 我也不知道

     我以为你们去跳舞了 I don"t know. I thought you"d be dancing. 没有

     我也以为呢 No, so did I. -来吧

     -真的吗 - Come on. - Really? 我以为没人会邀请我呢 I thought no one was gonna ask me. 你穿这条裙子

     怎么可能没有 Come on, with this dress? 不可能的 Impossible. 炫耀一下 Show it off. 太爽了 Ah, yes, yes! 不 No! 谢利法

     等等 Cherifa, wait! 你要去哪里 Where are you going? 他们把你变成了狗 They"ve made you the dog! 狗 Dog! 谢利法 Cherifa! -谢利法

     -站住 - Cherifa. - Stay. 谢利法 Cherifa. -跳吗


     没问题 - You want to? - Yeah, of course. 那是我妻子 That"s my wife. 谢谢 Thank you. 你一定要来吃个午饭 You must come to lunch. 那太好了 We"d love to. 只请你妻子 Just your wife.

    推荐访问:第二集 小鸟 第一季

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