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    时间:2020-12-08 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    你知道有种感觉 当一个你喜欢的男孩子在周二的凌晨两点

     You know that feeling when a guy you like sends you a text 发信息给你 at two o"clock on a Tuesday 问你他现在是否能来找你 night asking if he can come and find you, 而你一不小心 and you"ve accidentally 撒谎告诉他你也刚刚才走进家门 made it out like you"ve just got in yourself, 所以你不得不从床上起来 喝点酒 洗好澡 so you have to get out of bed, drink wine, get in the shower, 把该刮的毛都刮了 然后找出几件密探内衣 shave everything, dig out some Agent Provocateur business - 吊袜腰带 全套装备 suspender belt, the whole bit - 然后等在门边 等着门铃响 and wait by the door until the buzzer goes? 然后你给他开了门 And then you open the door to him, 好像你几乎已经忘记他要来了 like you"ve almost forgotten he"s coming over. -嗨 -嘿 - Hi. - Hey. 嘿 Hey. 嘿 Hey. 接下来你俩一触即发 And then you get to it immediately. 在一些几近标准的弹跳运动之后 你意识到 After some pretty standard bouncing, you realise... 他正在慢慢靠近你的后♥庭♥ ...he"s edging towards your arsehole. 但是那时你已经喝醉了 But you"re drunk 而他也花了不少力气才来到你这儿 and he made the effort to come all the way here, 所以你就由着他了 他非常兴奋 so you let him. He"s thrilled. 我好兴奋啊 I"m so thrilled. 然后在第二天早上 你醒来了发现他 And then the next morning, you wake to find him... 衣冠端正 坐在你的床边 凝视着你 fully dressed, sat on the side of the bed, gazing at you. -他说 -昨晚实在是不可思议 - He says that... - Last night was incredible. 而你觉得他只是夸张了 Which you think is an overstatement, 但他接下去说 but then he goes on to say that... 昨晚特别的不一样 是因为 It was particularly special because... 我还从来没有真正地 ...I"ve never managed to actually... 走过别人的后♥庭♥ ...up the bum with anyone before. 说实话 他的确有个大阴♥茎♥ To be fair, he does have a large penis. 尽管这个一直以来都是我的幻想 我还 And although it"s always been a fantasy of mine, I"ve... 从来没有找到谁愿意和我做的 never found anyone I could do it with. 接着他抚摸了你的头发 And then he touches your hair... 还真挚诚恳地感谢了你 ...and thanks you with a genuine, earnest... 谢谢你 Thank you. 还有点感人呢 It"s sort of moving. 然后他温柔地亲吻了你 Then he kisses you gently. 之后就离开了 And then he leaves. 留你一人花了近一天的时间 思考 And you spend the rest of the day wondering... 我是不是有个巨大的后♥庭♥ Do I have a massive arsehole? 这并不是经常发生 是吗 This doesn"t happen very often, does it? 不 No. 我估 I su... 我估计这 I suppose it"s... 这挺罕见的 嗯 It"s quite rare, yeah. 我讨厌我自己 I hate myself. 你是要去上班吗 Are you going to work? -不 实际上 -好吧 这听起来会很疯狂 - No, actually... - OK, this is going to sound crazy 但是我觉得我应该要到你的电♥话♥ but I think that I should take your number 然后我应该打过去 and I think I should call it, 我觉得我应该问你 and I think I should ask 是否愿意和我出去喝杯酒 you if you want to go out for a drink with me. 我去 你有男朋友了 Fuck me! You"ve got a boyfriend? 没有 No... 没有 我其实最近刚刚分手了 No, we broke up quite recently, actually. 天呐 我很抱歉 同时也很开心听到这个 My God. I"m so sorry/really pleased. 他是怎么做到搞砸你们的关系的 How the hell did he manage to fuck that up? 权力的割舍极少不经过斗争 "Power rarely gives up without a fight... 在部落和宗派分♥裂♥的地区 "..Particularly in places where there are divisions of tribe, 更是如此 "divisions of sect. 我们也知道 民粹主义可能会趁虚而入 "We also know that populism can take dangerous turns. 过程中将会遇到艰辛险阻 "And there will be difficult days along the way. 从利用民♥主♥来否决少数族群权利的极端主义 "From the extremism of those who would use democracy 到民族主义 留下了 "to deny minority rights to the nationalism that left..." -你在做什么 -没什么 - What are you doing? - Nothing! 哈里 Harry! -我知道你在做什么 -我刚刚在看新闻 - I know what you were doing. - I was watching the news. -真的吗 -是的 - Really? - Yeah. 真的 Really? 对啊 Yeah. 那么他在说些什么

     What was he talking about, then? -什么 -拜托 我需要听你说 - What? - Please, I just need to hear this. 他在说些什么 What was he talking about? 伊♥拉♥克♥ Iraq. 不要再说了 Don"t say anything. 而且请你不要阻止我离开 And please don"t stop me leaving. -千万不要 -好的 - Please don"t! - OK. 不要 Don"t! 听我说 我是真的努力陪你度过这段时间 Look, I"ve really tried to be there for you through this. 你不能说我没有努力过 You can"t say I haven"t tried. 别再说话了 还有请你不要联♥系♥我 Don"t say anything. And please don"t contact me 或者出现在我家门口 喝得酩酊大醉 or turn up at my house drunk 还穿着你的内衣 这一次不会有用了 in your underwear. It won"t work this time. 会有用的 It will. 我会带走那瓶好的洗发水 I"m taking that posh shampoo. 他刚刚说的是民♥主♥ He was talking about democ... 他只是 He was just... 特别的善良 而且特别支持我的工作 ...really kind and supportive with my work. 他总是下厨做饭 放洗澡水 给家里除尘 He"d cook all the time, run baths, hoover. 他会应和我的所有笑话 He"d laugh at all of my jokes. 他和我家人特别好 我的朋友们也很喜欢他 He was really great with my family, my friends loved him. 还有 他是真的真的深爱着我 Plus, he was really fucking affectionate. -听起来像个笨蛋 -是啊 - Sounds like a dickhead. - Yeah. 那么我们应该 “你可以要到我的电♥话♥号♥码” So, was that, like, "You CAN have my number," 还是 我们是 Or...? What are we...? 是的 是 我估计是的 Yes. Yeah, I guess that"s a yes. 我的天 好 My gosh. Great... 嗯 Ok. 拿着这个 Put that in there. 我保证会把你当成一个下流♥淫♥荡的小婊♥子♥的 And I"ll be sure to treat you like a nasty little bitch. -那是个笑话 -哦 我知道 - That was a joke. - No, I know. -我知道 -好 我还以为我说错了什么 - I know! - OK. I was, like, "Oh!" 好 很好 OK. Great! 我会打电♥话♥给你的 好吗 I"ll buzz you, then? -好的 -好 - ok. - ok. 好 Ok. 我止不住笑 抱歉 我 I can"t stop smiling. Sorry, I... 没关系 It"s OK. 我走了 I"ll go. 很感谢您今天能来 Thank you for coming in today. 我们很感激你选择我们 We really appreciate you considering us 来为您的小生意提供启动资金贷款 for your small business start-up loan. 没什么 No problem. 我已经看了你的申请表 I"ve read your application form. -谢谢你 -它很 - Thank you. - It was... 有趣 funny. 好吧 这虽然不是我的本意 但是 OK, that wasn"t my intention, but... 你可能意识到 As you are probably aware, 我们还没有得到很多机会来支持许多 we haven"t had the opportunity to support many - 任何 女性发起的事业 自从那次 any - women-led businesses since the... 性骚扰事件之后 Sexual harassment case. 性骚扰事件 The sexual harassment case. 是的 Yes. -你没事吧 -没事 抱歉 我只是 - Are you all right? - Yeah, sorry. I just... 我从车站跑来的 所以我有点点热 I ran from the station, so I"m just a bit hot. -我真的很激动 -要喝点水吗 - I"m really excited about... - Water? 不 谢谢你 我没事 No, thanks. I"m fine. 实际上 好的 来点水挺好的 如果我能 Actually, yeah, water would be great. If I could... 当然 还有一些细节问题我们需要梳理 Sure. There are a couple of details that we need to iron out, 还有一些部分 and one or two bits and 我们需要进行充分的了解 pieces I"m going to need to see some more on. 这里写着 It says in here 你和你的同伴一起开始经商 that you opened a business with your partner... 好 Ok. 对不起 这种事情 I"m sorry, that kind of 不会让你在这里得到多少好处的 thing won"t get you very far here any more. 不 不好意思 我还以为我里面还穿了一件衣服 No, sorry. I thought I had a top on underneath. -好的 好 -真的 我说真的 这件事情绝对是个意外 Yeah, OK. - No, seriously. In this case, genuine accident. 我明白 鉴于我们的历史 你为什么这么想 I can see, given our history, why you might think... 不 我说真的 我并没有想做什么 我只是很热 No! Seriously, I wasn"t trying to. I was hot. 我对于此类事情看得很重要 I take this kind of thing very seriously. 我并没有在勾引你 你看看你自己 I"m not trying to shag you! Look at yourself! 好吧 Ok. 请你离开 Please leave. 不 你不明白 我需要这个 No, you don"t understand. I NEED this... -我需要这笔贷款 -请你走吧 - I need this loan. - Please, just leave. -变♥态♥ -荡♥妇♥ - Perv. - Slut. 讲座即将开始 "The lecture will commence shortly." 我姐姐 她是个特别保守 但很漂亮 可能带点厌食症的女人 My sister. She"s uptight and beautiful and probably anorexic, 但是衣服穿在她身上总是很好看 所以 but clothes look awesome on her, so... 你差点迟到 You"re almost late. 不得不在普拉特上大号♥ Had to do a flash poo in Pret. 上帝啊 你洗过你的手了吗 Christ. Did you wash your hands? 当然没有 Of course not. 上苍啊 你真恶心 去你的 My God! You are disgusting! Fucking hell. 我当然洗过手了 Of course I washed my hands. 我又不是没有教养 It"s not like I grew up without a mother. -有爸爸的消息吗 -没有 - Heard from Dad? - No. 爸爸和两个没妈的孩子相处的办法是 Dad"s way of coping with two motherless daughters 给我俩买♥♥女权主义讲座的门票 was to buy us tickets to feminist lectures, 和我们的教母睡觉 最后再也不联♥系♥我们了 start fucking our godmother and eventually stop calling. -你看起来很累 -谢谢 You look tired. - Thanks. 我最近睡得特别好 I"ve been sleeping really well recently. 我去 Shit! 我现在穿着的这件上衣 是她几年前“弄丢”的 所以 I"m wearing the top that she "Lost" Years ago, so... 今天可能会有好戏了 this is going to be tense. -你想脱掉你的外套吗 -不用了 - Do you want to take your coat off? - No. 好吧 Ok. 不好意思 谢谢 Sorry. Thanks. 那么 有什么希望吗 So, any luck... -上帝啊 我们就不能有两秒钟的 -我刚刚要问 - God, can we just have two seconds... - I was going to ask -关于咖啡馆的事情 -我现在还不想谈论这个 - about the cafe. - I don"t want to talk about it yet. -那我们就不谈 -好吧 - We won"t talk, then. - Fine. -你头发看起来不错 -滚 - Hair looks nice. - Fuck off. 比起和我那个 The only thing harder 控制欲强 完美主义 than having to tell your super-high-powered, 又超有钱的姐姐坦白自己没钱了 perfect, anorexic, rich super-sister 还要困难的事情 that you"ve run out of money 就是求她救济我一下 is having to ask her to bail you out. 我现在要问她了 I"m just going to ask her. 我现在要问她了 I"m just going to ask her. 我现在要问她了 我只需要 I"m just going to ask her. I"m just going to come... -你需要借钱给你吗 -不 - Do you need to borrow money? - No! 我做不到 我做不到 我做不到 I can"t do it. I can"t do it, I can"t do it. 我做不到 I can"t do it. -那么生意应该不错了 -是的 - So business is good, then? - Yeah. 很好 相当不错 It"s good. It"s really good. 真的真的很好 是的 真的很好 It"s really, really good. Yeah, it"s really good. 听起来的确不错 Sounds like it"s really good. 是的 It is. -嘿 -嘿 - Hey. - Hey. -您需要点什么 -不了 谢谢你 我不用 - Can I get you anything? - No, thanks, I"m good. 你真的确定你什么东西都不需要吗 Are you sure I can"t get you anything at all? 哈里在帮忙吗 Is Harry helping? 我们分手了 We broke up. 什么 又分手了 What? Again?! 如果你看见他 我就是个混♥蛋♥ 好吗 If you see him, I"m a wreck, OK? 上帝 只要别再喝醉了去喊穿他家的信箱就好了 God! Just don"t get drunk and scream through his letterbox again. 谢谢你给我加油打气 Thanks for the vote of confidence. 别再喝醉了在你水槽里拉屎就好了 Don"t get drunk and shit in your sink again. 你能不能别老提这茬啊 When are you going to stop bringing that up? 你自己干的破事还不许人说啦 When you do something better. 我有双学位学历 有老公 还有一件巴宝莉的大衣 I have two degrees, a husband and a Burberry coat. 可你在洗脸盆里拉屎来着 You shat in a sink. -嗨 -谢谢 -没事 - Hi. - Thank you. - No problem. 再不会有比这更好的事了 Nothing is ever going to be better. 我敢说这种裤子能让你得阴♥道♥炎 I swear there are pants that give you thrush. 你的裤子是什么料子的 What are yours made from? 不知道 Don"t know. 我得穿性感热裤才行 I need to get sexy pants. 我讨厌我的身材 讨厌我的身材 讨厌我的身材 讨厌我的身材 I hate my body, I hate my body, I hate my body, I hate my body. 去你妹的时髦派对临时通知 Fucking last-minute bastard trendy parties. 我们干嘛要这样为难自己呢 Why do we do it to ourselves? 天啊 别穿这件 对你不仅没增光反而添丑啊 My God. Definitely not. That does nothing for you. 丑死了 I hate that. 怎么了 What? 这些可是我的衣服 我最近一直就穿这些呢 These are MY clothes, Boo. I"ve been wearing these all day. 哦 天啊 Oh, God. 你的那件大衣也穿吗 Were you wearing your coat? 是啊 不过 Yes. But... 这里一件好看的都没有 Nothing here looked nice, 所以我看我还是就穿原来那些吧 so I thought I"d wear what I was wearing anyway. 你逗我呢吧 Are you joking? 你才逗我呢吧 Are YOU joking? 嗯呐 Yes. -我去 -其实没那么糟啦 - My... - It"s not really that bad at all. -你怎么不告诉我 -我爱你 - Why didn"t you tell me? - I love you. -我会给你买♥♥ -我现在要买♥♥一整套新衣服才能舒坦了 I"ll buy... - I"ve got to get a whole new outfit now. 我会给你买♥♥裤子的 I"ll buy you pants. -我会给你买♥♥性感热裤的 -我今天可去了这么多地方呢 - I"ll buy you sexy pants. - I"ve been so many places today! -我会给你买♥♥性感热裤的 -滚蛋 - I"ll buy you sexy pants! - Fuck off. 对不起 我觉得这条裙子挺好看的 I"m sorry. I think it"s a lovely dress. 我是说 你不应该穿这种地摊料子的裙子 I mean, you really shouldn"t wear such cheap materials. 这种不透气的料子会把你的屁♥股♥捂着的 They don"t let your fanny breathe. 我知道 I know. 我的天 看看你们 Gosh, look at you all. 非常感谢你们来到女性之声 Thank you so much for coming to Women Speak, 一九九八年以来持续为女性发声 opening women"s mouths since 1998. 在开始前 我要问你们一个问题 Before we begin, I would like to ask you a question. 我对你们不是十分了解 I don"t know about you... 但我想心里更踏实一点 but I need some reassurance. 所以我要向在场的女性朋友们提出一个问题 So I pose the question to the women in this room today. 如果你愿意 Please raise your hands... 用五年的寿命 ...if you would trade... 换来所谓的完美身材 five years of your life... 请举手 ...for the so-called perfect body. -我只想要回上衣 -好的 - I want my top back. - OK. -你不会冷吗 -不会 我胸前毛发旺盛着呢 - Won"t you get cold? - Nah, I"ve got really hairy nipples. 怎么 What? -玛德 -玛德 你要干嘛 - Fuck! - Fuck! What was that? -我的天 -只是想来个拥抱而已啊 - Jesus! - A fucking hug! 你干嘛要抱我 Well, why the fuck did you do that? 吓死我了 下不为例 That"s terrifying. Never do that again. 我只是想 I was just trying to... -你还好吧 -嗯呐 - Are you OK? - Yeah. 你想不想去喝一杯 或是 Do you want to go for a drink, or...? -我有安排了 -好吧 行 没事 - I"ve got plans. - OK, fine. Sure. 那就下次见啦 下次女性之声的时候 See you next time, Women Speak, then. 你想不想去喝一杯 Do you want to go for a drink? 我姐姐是做吹制玻璃的 她干了挺长时间了 My sister blows glass. She has done for a long time. 我从没打过架 I"ve never been in a fight. 我打过 但没被打过脸 Well, I"ve been in a fight. Never been punched in the face. 我被打过腿 I"ve been punched in the leg. 有一回有人打了我的脸 And someone once threw some punch in my face. 所以 我近期穿着的大部分颜色都带点棕色 So, my colours this season are sort of brown, mainly. 但是 你懂的 我不会拒绝孤苦伶仃的人 But, like, you know, I wouldn"t say no to a maroon. 我不会 比如说 对那些穿着猥琐的人 I wouldn"t, like, jump down the throat of someone 大发雷霆 我不是那种人 wearing something blue. It"s just not for me. 所以 So... 我要去撒尿 那你 好吧 I"m going to go for a wazz. You... OK. 再说一次 趁我还清醒着 或者是 比方说 来点鸡尾酒 Same again, while I"m up? Or perhaps, like, a little cocky-tail? 还是 来点烈酒 Or, like, a nice shot? 嗯 或者我们可以直接回我家 Yeah, or we could just go back to mine. 谢了 Thanks. 其实我明天还有事要做 但是 要是在这再来一杯的话 I"ve actually got work tomorrow, but, another drink here... -或者可以去你那 -明天得早早起来才行 - Or we could go back to yours. - Got to be up really early. -我早上替你叫车 -真荒唐 我的天 - I"ll get you a cab in the morning. - That"s ridiculous! My God! 好吧 你♥他♥妈♥怎么回事 OK, what the fuck is your problem? 没事 Nothing. 我 我喜欢你 I... I like you. 你个混♥蛋♥ OK, you"re a dick. 怎么了 What"s going on? 你真可悲 You"re pathetic. -等等 -别跟着我 - Wait... - Don"t follow me. 我没有 I wasn"t. 你掉了东西 You dropped this. 好吧 Ok. 好了 Come on. 你还好吗 Are you OK? 你还好吗 Are YOU OK? 一脸不开心 Sad face. 我挺好的 I"m fine. 你真是个好男人 You"re such a lovely man. -好了 -谢谢 - OK. - Thank you. 站那别动 别动 你没事吧 Stay there, stay there. You OK? 没事 Ok. 嘿 Hey. 你 你想不想跟我回家 Do you... Do you want to come home with me? 啥 What?! 门都没有 No way! 你这个小顽皮 You naughty boy. 喔 唱首歌♥吧

     Ooh! Sing a song, Boo-Boo. 又一顿午餐 又一天的生活 Another lunch break another portion 又一块蛋糕 Another piece of cake -又两支 -放开点 二十支 Another two Fuck it - 20 香烟 Cigarettes 而我们很高兴 And we"re happy 作为现代女性 So happy 非常高兴 To be modern women. 嘿 看这边 Hey, come here. 别问东问西的 他们不懂的 Let"s never ask anyone for anything. They don"t get it. -行 -行 - Deal. - Deal. 就这么做了 Fuck it. 真好 This is totally fine. 有人吗 开门啊 Hello. Open! 你好吗 老爸 All right, Dad? 怎么回事 What"s going on? 我 我挺好的 I"m... I"m absolutely fine. 好吧 Ok. 我只是 I just... 嗯 Yeah? 没事 不是 It"s nothing. It doesn"t... -只是 -你知道 现在快凌晨两点了 -It"s... - You know, it"s nearly two o"clock in the morning. 嗯 Ok. 是啊 嗯 我 我不想 Yeah, OK. I"m... I don"t want to... 我是想 I"m going to... 那个 It was... 妈的 Fuck it. 我觉得我是个贪婪 堕落 自私 I have a horrible feeling that I"m a greedy, perverted, selfish, 冷漠 愤世嫉俗 低俗卑鄙 apathetic, cynical, depraved, 道德沦丧的女人 甚至不配自诩女权主义者 morally bankrupt woman, who can"t even call herself a feminist. 呃 Well... 你这是随你妈 You get all that from your mother. 说得好 Good one. 我替你叫辆车吧 宝贝 I"m going to call you a cab, darling. 还有 And... 别上楼 please don"t go upstairs. 平心而论 她这个继母当得不算太差 To be fair, she"s not an evil stepmother. 她就是个婊♥子♥罢了 She"s just a cunt. 嗨 Hi. 宝贝 我就觉得肯定是你 Darling, I thought that must be you. -近来如何啊 -挺好 我刚才还想着来看看你呢 - Everything all right? - Yeah, I just thought I"d swing by. 真贴心 缘分啊 How lovely. Lucky us. 别担心 老爸已经替我叫车了 Don"t worry - Dad"s already booking me a taxi. 你干嘛呢 What are you doing? 画画 我发现夜深人静的时候 Painting. I find the night-times very... 非常静谧 一般都是这样 peaceful. Usually. 其乐融融哦 Warming up. 听着 我知道是我多管闲事 但是你还好吗 Look, I know it"s not really my place, but are you OK? -大家都很担心 -可怜的混♥蛋♥ - Everyone"s been really worried. - Poor fucker. 是啊 她真是 Yes, she"s actually an 女性勇敢斗争的典范 expression of how women are subtle warriors. 心理很强大 Strong at heart. 我们不一定非要用武力达成目的 We don"t have to use muscular force to get what we want. -我们只需要利用我们的 -肉体 - We just use our... - Tits. 与生俱来的女性特质 ...innate femininity. 这年头出♥卖♥♥♥肉体不好使了 Tits don"t get you anywhere these days. 相信我 Trust me. 其实这个还是挺值钱的 It"s very valuable, actually. -值多少 -几千吧 - How much? - Thousands. 能给我吗 Can I have it? 不能 No. 那是什么 What"s that? 我的自画像 my self-portrait. 我好像听见你♥爸♥的声音了 I think I can hear your dad. 出租车到了 "Cab"s here!" -谢啦 -他人真好 - Thanks! - Nice of him. 好了 Ok. -拜拜 -拜 - Bye. - Bye. 你多保重 Please look after yourself. 你看着好苍白啊 宝贝 You really do look ghastly, darling. -咖啡馆吗 -嗯 - Cafe? - Yeah. 就你自己吗 On your own? 算是吧 Kind of. 算是 跟我说说 Kind of? Go on. 其实 其实这故事挺搞笑的 It"s... It"s quite a funny story, actually. 没事 挺好的 我挺爱听这种的 No, that"s good. It"ll keep me going. 说吧 Shoot. -我跟一个叫波的朋友合开咖啡馆 -这名字不错 -嗯 - I opened the cafe with my friend Boo. - Cute name. - Yeah. 嗯 不过她已经去世了 她一不小心把自己弄死了 Yeah, she"s dead now. She accidentally killed herself. 那并非她本意 不过也不能完全算是意外 Wasn"t her intention, but it wasn"t a total accident. 她没想到自己会死 她只是 She didn"t actually think she"d die. She just... 发现男朋友劈腿 found out that her boyfriend fucked someone else 所以打算教训他一下 就想受个伤住个院 and wanted to punish him by ending up in hospital, 让他一段时间内见不到她 not letting him visit her for a bit. 她决定走上自行车道 She decided to walk into a busy cycle lane, 打算被自行车撞一下 顶多断根手指头嘛 wanting to get tangled in a bike - break a finger, maybe. 但是没想到 自行车车速太快就会把人撞到马路上去 As it turns out, bikes go fast and flip you into the road. 死了三个人 她真是挺作死的 Three people died. She was such a dick. 所以 对 算是我自己开店 So, yeah. Kind of on my own. 我们可真是差劲的女权主义者 We are bad feminists.

    推荐访问:伦敦 第一集 第一季

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