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    时间:2020-08-31 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    迪士尼电影公♥司♥ 出品 布偶大电影 这就是我

     沃尔特 That"s me, Walter. 你


     你在这儿啊 Where... Where"d you go? Oh, there you are! 我拥有世界上最棒的生活 I have the best life in the whole world. 那是我哥哥

     盖瑞 That"s my brother, Gary. 我最好的好朋友 He"s the best friend you could ever have. 我知道你们在想什么 Yeah, I know what you"re thinking. 我们像双胞胎一样 We could be twins. 这是我们生活的地方

     小镇 Here"s where we live: Smalltown... 欢迎来到小镇 小镇小学

     哥顿老师的一年级班 能在这里长大真是棒极了 ...the best town you could ever grow up in. 美国童子军

     274 小队 盖瑞和我♥干♥什么都在一起 Gary and I did everything together. 许多年过去了

     他总是支持着我 And, as the years passed, my brother was always there for me. 小镇棒球场

     客队 3:4 主队 我来



     扔我 I got it! Gary, throw me! Throw me! 我们是最佳拍档 We were a great team. 干得好

     沃尔特 Nice job, Walter. 多谢

     盖瑞 Thanks, Gary. 别误会

     生活并非完美 Oh, don"t get me wrong. It"s not perfect. 太有意思了 That was so fun! 没有什么是完美的 Nothing is. 对不起

     小朋友 Sorry, kid. -我要再来一次


     我跟你一起 - I wanna do that again! - Come on. I"ll ride with ya! 快点儿 Hurry up! 即使最晴朗的天空也会飘着几朵乌云 Even the sunniest days can have a few clouds in them. 反正是假的 Ride"s bogus, anyway. 小镇马戏场

     市政厅 租个片子怎么样 Hey, wanna rent a video? 我们家 好呀

     比谁先到家 Yeah. Race you home! 后来 And, 可以说那个夜晚改变了一切 well, that night sorta changed everything. 欢迎观看布偶秀 It"s The Muppet Show, 有请特别来宾

     史蒂夫·马丁先生 with our very special guest star, Mr. Steve Martin! 我发现了他们 I found them... 布偶团 ... The Muppets. 可以说我是他们的头号♥粉丝 I guess you could say I was their number one fan. 布偶星工场 盖瑞

     这是整个布偶星工场的地图啊 Oh, Gary, it"s an entire map of The Muppet Studios. 布偶星工场游客地图 他们让一切都不同了 And they made all the difference. -不给糖就捣蛋

     -因为从那时开始 - Trick or treat! - Because from then on... -伙计们

     -盖瑞 - Hey, guys. - Oh, hey, Gary. 哟嗬

     伙计们 Hi-ho, guys. 你扮的是科米蛙吗 Is that Kermit the Frog? 难道现在是 1978 年 What is this, 1978? 即使在最难过的日子里

     我也知道 ...even on the worst days, I knew... 盖瑞和沃尔特的最爱

     布偶团 不管过去多少年 ...that as the years passed... 只要唱歌♥的青蛙和讲笑话的熊还在 ...as long as there are singing frogs and joking bears... 只要瑞典厨师和飞鱼还在 ...Swedish chefs and boomerang fish, 世界就不会那么糟

     the world can"t be such a bad place after all. 好了


     老弟 All right, good night, buddy. 晚安

     盖瑞 Good night, Gary. 只要有布偶团 And as long as there are Muppets... 对我来说 ...for me... 就有 ...there"s still... 希望 ...hope. 拜拜 Bye-bye! 谁来抓住他 Somebody get him! 野兽

     野兽 Animal, Animal, 来吧

     演出就要开始了 come on. The show"s about to start. 演出

     演出 Show! Show! 沃尔特

     干嘛不加入我们呢 Walter, why don"t you join us? 来吧 Come on! 不

     等等 No! Wait! 我想跟你们一起 I want to be with you guys! 让我进去吧 Please let me in! 科米 Kermit! 沃尔特


     老弟 Walter, are you OK, buddy? 你出了这么多的汗 You"re drenched in sweat. 又做那个梦了吗 Did you have the dream again? 没有 No. 你们今天什么时候出发 So when are you guys leaving today? 几个小时后 Just a couple hours now. 盖瑞

     我觉得 Gary, I think 你带玛丽到洛杉矶去真是太棒了 it is so cool you"re taking Mary to Los Angeles. 真不敢相信 I can"t believe you guys 你们在一起已经十年了 have been dating for ten years. 我知道

      I know. Yeah, she wanted 她想在十周年纪念日做些特别的事情 to do something special for this anniversary, 而且她一直都想去洛杉矶

     所以就... and she"s always wanted to see Los Angeles, so... 别忘了从布偶星工场 Hey, don"t forget to send me a postcard 寄张明信片回来 from The Muppet Studios. 实在抱歉 Yeah, I"m sorry. 我办不到

     沃尔特 I can"t do that, Walter. 但是

     盖瑞 But, Gary... 因为 Because... 你跟我们一起去 you"re coming with us! 盖瑞 Gary! 但是玛丽不会生气吗 But what about Mary? 她没事 She"s fine. 她说人越多越开心 She said the more the merrier. 我

     我不知道说什么好 I... I don"t know what to say! 要去布偶星工场了啊

     盖瑞 The Muppet Studios are there, Gary. 难以置信啊 I can"t believe this! 最好赶快行动 Better get a move on. 可别错过公交车 We don"t want to miss that bus! 不可能 No way! 谁知道呢 Who knows? 说不定能见到科米 Maybe Kermit will be there. 我不想让你希望落空

     老弟 I wouldn"t get your hopes up, buddy. 布偶团好几年都 The Muppets haven"t put on a show 没有演出过了 together in years. 估计现在那里已经不拍片了 I don"t think they use the studios 只是接待游客而已 for anything but tours anymore. 不会吧 Nah, 那只是网上的流言 I think that"s just an Internet rumor. 传说中还有个国家叫火鸡呢 Like there"s a country called Turkey. 土耳其国名字面意为火鸡 沃尔特

     这样的对话我们还要重复多少次啊 Walter, how many times do we have to go over this? -土耳其是一个真的国家

     -布偶星工场 - Turkey is a very real country. - Muppet Studios. 难以置信呀 I can"t believe it! 一切都很棒 Everything is great 一切都很快乐 Everything is grand 世界尽在掌心握 I got the whole wide world in the palm of my hand 一切都很完美 Everything is perfect 好事数不完 It"s falling into place 我没法抹去脸上的微笑 I can"t seem to wipe this smile off my face 生活是一首快乐的歌♥ Life"s a happy song 只要有人伴着我一起唱 When there"s someone by my side to sing along 当你孤单

     生活会有点艰难 When you"re alone life can be a little rough 感觉自己只有三英尺高 It makes you feel like you"re three foot tall 当你孤身一人 When it"s just you 日子会变得困苦 Well, times can be tough 失足时无人搀扶 When there"s no one there to catch your fall 一切都很棒 Everything is great 一切都很愉快 Everything is grand 世界尽在掌心握 I got the whole wide world in the palm of my hand 一切都很完美 Everything is perfect 好事数不完 It"s falling into place 我没法抹去脸上的微笑 I can"t seem to wipe this smile off my face 生活就像芬芳的玫瑰 Life smells like a rose 有人画像 With someone to paint 就有人摆造型 And someone to pose 生活是小菜一碟 Life"s a piece of cake 有人蹬踏版 With someone to pedal 就有人踩刹车 And someone to brake 生活是欢乐的合唱 Life is full of glee 时时刻刻 With someone to saw 有人共唱 And someone to see 生活是一首快乐的歌♥ Life"s a happy song 只要有人一起唱 When there"s someone by my side to sing along 我拥有一切我需要的东西 I"ve got everything that I need 就在我面前 Right in front of me 没什么能阻挡我 Nothing"s stoppin" me 我想成为怎样的人都可以 Nothin" that I can"t be 只要身边有你 With you right here next to me 生活是块蛋糕 Life"s a piece of cake 有人给予 With someone to give 就有人...好重的蛋糕 And someone to... Heavy cake 生活是一块派 Life"s a piece of pie 有人洗衣 With someone to wash 就有人烘干 And someone to dry 生活是条平坦的路 Life"s an easy road 只要有人并肩分担 With someone beside you to share the load 生活充满了激♥情♥ Life is full of highs 有人煎炒 With someone to stir 就有人烹炸 And someone to fry 生活是一条羊腿 Life"s a leg of lamb 只要有人帮把手 With someone there to lend a hand 生活是一束花 Life"s a bunch of flowers 只要有人共度好时光 With someone to while away the hours 生活是一块鱼肉 Life"s a fillet of fish 好吧

     没错 Yes, it is 生活是一首快乐的歌♥ Life"s a happy song 只要有人一起唱 When there"s someone by your side to sing along 我拥有一切我需要的东西 I"ve got everything that I need 就在我面前 Right in front of me 没什么能阻挡我 Nothing"s stoppin" me 我想成为怎样的人都可以 Nothin" that I can"t be 只要身边有你 With you right here next to me 我拥有一切我需要的东西 I"ve got everything that I need 就在我面前 Right in front of me 抱歉 Sorry. 我兴奋过头了 I was super excited. 好了

     卡洛斯 All right, Carlos. 点火吧 Flip the ignition. 以上就是 12 伏特点火装置的维修方法 And that is how you fix a 12-volt starter. 大家都听到铃♥声♥了吧 You know what that means. 放春假啦 Spring break. 没事的 It"s OK. 两周后就开学了 We"ll be back to studying in two weeks. 过个愉快的假期 Have a nice vacation. 再见

     玩得开心 Bye. Have fun. 再见

     盖瑞先生 Bye, Mr. Gary. 过个愉快的假期

     孩子们 Have a good break, guys. 干得好

     卡洛斯 Hey, great job, Carlos. 谢谢 Thanks. 送给你 I got you these. 对不起 Sorry. 可能是刚才在外面跳舞弄坏的 It"s probably from the dance number I was doing. 没关系 It"s OK. 很漂亮 They"re really sweet. 就要去洛杉矶了

     激动吗 You excited for our big trip to LA? 我有旅行计划 I have our list. 我也有 Me, too. 这是最浪漫的事情了 This is the most romantic thing ever. 我一直梦想着去洛杉矶 I"ve always dreamt of seeing Los Angeles. 我知道

     沃尔特也等不急了 I know. Walter can"t wait either. 他一起来

     你不介意吧 You don"t mind that he"s coming, right? 不


     当然不 No. No, of course not. 只要我们能共进十周年晚餐就行

      As long as we can spend our anniversary dinner together. 我就满足了 That"s all I ask. 绝对可以 Totally. 这一定是 It"s gonna be 最浪漫的十周年晚餐 the most romantic anniversary dinner ever. 我好爱你啊 I love you so much. 我也爱你 I love you, too. 我要去看看沃尔特 I"m gonna go check on Walter. 一切都很棒 Everything"s great 一切都很愉快 Everything"s grand 只是盖瑞总是抛下我去陪朋友 Except Gary"s always off with his friend 从来不是我和他 It"s never me and him 总是我和他还有他 It"s always me and him and him 真想知道这种状态什么时候结束 I wonder when it"s going to end 不过这也没关系 But I guess that"s OK 也许有一天 "cause maybe someday 我猜到那个时刻 I know just how it"s going to be 他会骑着骏马 He"ll ride up on a steed 单膝跪地 Get down on one knee 说"玛丽嫁给我" And say "Mary, will you marry me?" 好吗 Please 我拥有一切我需要的东西 I"ve got everything that I need 就在我面前 Right in front of me 没什么能阻挡我 Nothing"s stoppin" me 我想成为怎样的人都可以 Nothin" that I can"t be 只要身边有你 With you right here next to me 你拥有一切你需要的东西 You"ve got everything that you need 就在你面前 Right in front of you 没什么能阻挡你 Nothing"s stopping you 洛杉矶 没什么事情你不能做 Nothing that you can"t do 世界不会给你任何负担 that the world can throw at you 生活是一首快乐的歌♥ Life"s a happy song 只要有人一起唱 When there"s someone by your side to sing 生活是一首快乐的歌♥ Life"s a happy song 只要有人一起唱 When there"s someone by your side to sing 生活是一首快乐的歌♥ Life"s a happy song when 只要有人一起唱 there"s someone by your side to sing along 行了

     他们终于走了 OK, they"re gone! 您离开了小镇

     我们会想念你的 人口 102 减少到 99 盖瑞

     到了布偶星工场 Gary, what should we do first 我们先做什么呢 at Muppet Studio? 我一直琢磨 "Cause I was thinking that 也许可以先去福滋笑话屋 maybe we could start at Fozzie"s Joke Room... 不



     Oh, no, wait, wait, wait. 哈尼迪快乐实验室 The lines might be shorter 排队应该短一些 at Honeydew"s Laboratory of Fun, 要不先那儿也行 so maybe we should start there instead. 我

     我等不急了 I just... I just can"t wait! 好莱坞 大剧院关闭

     游客左行 布偶星工场 沃尔特

     别紧张 Walter, don"t be nervous. 我知道 I know. 不敢相信我真的来了 I just can"t believe I"m here. 布偶团的家 The home of the Muppets! 布偶星工场游览费

     50 美元降为 1.5 美元 这里 What... 这里怎么了 What happened to this place? 制片厂景点 福滋笑话屋

     关闭 冈佐炮台

     关闭维修 罗尔音乐起居室

     翻新 哈尼迪博士的欢乐实验室

     故障 绳索屋 发电室 电力破坏巴士 大家 Where...? 大家都在哪儿呢

     盖瑞 Where is everyone, Gary? 我不知道


     这实在... I don"t know, buddy. It"s so... 好吧

     我猜今天的游客就你们了 OK, well, I guess you guys are it for today. 不管怎样

     欢迎来到布偶星工场 Anyway, welcome to the original Muppet Studio, 实现梦想的地方 where dreams can come true. 这里是环球影城吗 Is this the Universal Studios? 对

     没错 Yes, it is. 请大家跟着我 OK, now if you"ll just follow me, please. 这里曾经是科米的办公室 OK. This used to be Kermit"s office. 这是本次参观的一大亮点 It"s really the highlight of the tour. 你们有空看看 You should see it sometime. 好

     下一幢建筑 OK, this next building is 他们用来存放绳索 where they kept the rope 还有中粗吉他弦 and the medium-gauge wire 都是拍片用的 for the productions. 我们去看看 Let"s go take a look. 来吧

     老弟 Come on, buddy. 天哪 Oh, boy. 好了 There. 这是科米蛙以前的办公室 Now this here is Kermit the Frog"s old office. 谐音 告诉/癞蛤♥蟆♥ 那只蛤♥蟆♥告诉我们的 Or so we"ve been "Toad." 先生们

     你们都知道了 Well, as you know, gentlemen, 我小时候最爱看布偶 I"ve loved the Muppets since I was a boy. 想要纪念布偶团

     最好的办法 And what better way to honor the Muppets 就是把这个漂亮的制片厂改造成 than to make this beautiful studio 一个布偶博物馆 a Muppet museum. 我想我会把这个房♥间称为 I think I"ll call this room 科米蛙的旧办公室 the "Kermit the Frog"s Old Office Room." -太棒了


     里奇曼先生 - Oh, that is lovely. - Oh, good one, Mr. Richman. 现在 Now, 这张就是标准的 this here is the standard "名利双收"合同 "Rich and Famous" Contract 科米 30 年前签的 Kermit signed 30 years ago, 包含... that contains... 这些财产的契约 The deed to this property. 没错 Exactly. 这份合同绝对可靠 Now, this contract is 100 percent ironclad, 只是有一个小例外 with one minor exception. 除非布偶能在 If the Muppets can raise 合同失效前筹集 the ten million dollars it would cost 一千万美元买♥♥下这栋建筑 to buy the building before this contract expires, 他们才能收回这个制片厂 then they get their studio back. 要不是我明白你的意思 You know, if I didn"t know better, 我还以为你在背什么 I"d say you were reciting some 剧情重点呢 sort of an important plot point. 但愿如此

     要不然 Well, I hope so. Otherwise, 我刚才就把观众们无聊到半死不活了 I just bored the audience half to death. 你是说有一半观众还在世吗 You mean half the audience is still alive? 跟你做生意很愉快 It"s nice doing business with you. 是的

     先生 Yes, sir. -走吧

     -再见 - Come on. - Goodbye. 我喜欢这种老年幽默 I love geriatric humor. 先生们 Gentlemen, 这个制片厂地下有石油 there"s oil under this studio. 没错

     我闻得出来 Yeah, I can smell it. 更重要的是 And more importantly, 地质调查表明这里有 the geological survey says there definitely is. 两周后

     我们把这里夷为平地 In two weeks, we tear this place to the ground 开始钻探 and start drilling. 那些布偶 Those Muppets. 他们还觉得自己很有趣 They think they"re so funny. 这下他们本身就要变成笑话了 Well, it looks like the joke"s about to be on them. 狂笑 Maniacal laugh. 狂笑 Maniacal laugh. 狂笑

     狂笑 Maniacal laugh. Maniacal laugh. 狂笑 Maniacal laugh. -沃尔特

     -沃尔特 - Walter! - Walter? -沃尔特

     -沃尔特 - Walter! - Walter! 然后 Yeah, so then, 他们以为没人了

     他就说 when he thought they were alone, he said, 制片厂地下有石油

     晓得吗 "There"s oil under this studio, see. 我要把这里夷为平地

     晓得吗 I"m gonna tear it to the ground, see. 可爱的


     晓得吗 Sweet, sweet oil, see!" 还有人这样说话吗 People still talk like that? 也许只是我脑海里的印象 Maybe that"s just how he sounded in my head. 不论如何

     我们要找到科米 Either way, we"ve got to find Kermit! 他知道该怎么办 He"ll know what to do. 我们怎么才能找到科米呢 How do we find Kermit? 好几年没人见到过他了 Nobody"s seen him in years. 停车 Stop the car! 我有个主意 I"ve got an idea! 太好吃了 These are delicious! 好主意

     沃尔特 Great idea, Walter. 贝莱尔酒店 我们已经找了这么久了 We"ve been doing this for a long time. 我看今晚就这样吧 I think maybe we should call it a night. 伙计们 Guys! 我们不能放弃

     盖瑞 We can"t give up, Gary. 但是真的已经太晚了 But it"s getting really late. 也许我们现在就该回到旅馆去 Maybe we should just go back to the motel. -伙计们

     -但是... - Guys! - It... 干嘛 What? 也许他就住在那里 Maybe he lives there. 肯定是 That"s it. 现在我们怎么办 So, what do we do now? 没看到门铃 I don"t see a doorbell, 房♥子看起来是空的 and the house looks empty. 盖瑞

     把我扔过去 Gary, throw me over. 什么 What? 盖瑞

     把我扔过去就行 Gary, just throw me over already! 好吧 OK. 好

     来了 OK, here we go. -一



     -好 - One, two, three. -

     OK... -很好

     -对不起 - That"s good. - Sorry. -没关系


     -伙计们 - No, it"s good. - Guys? 我觉得那是电网 I think that"s an electric fence. 玛丽

     这可是科米蛙家 Mary, it"s Kermit the Frog. 好了


     低头 OK, buddy, head down. 一


     三 One, two, three! 这的确是电网 It"s an electric fence. 对头 Yep. 上帝啊

     沃尔特 Oh, my gosh. Walter? 沃尔特

     老弟 Walter, buddy? 沃尔特

     你听得见吗 Walter, can you hear me? 再扔一次 Throw me again. 不行 我不 No, I don"t... 这不是个好主意 I don"t think that"s a good idea. 刚才怎么扔的啊 What kind of throw was that? 伙计们

     有人来了 Guys I think there"s somebody coming. 不好意思 Excuse me... 好牧人教堂唱诗班 你还好吗

     刚才摔得不轻 You OK? That was quite a tumble. 看呀

     看呀 Look, look. 我想 I... I think... 沃尔特 Walter? 沃尔特


     老弟 Walter, you all right, buddy? 我在哪儿 Where am I? 棒极了 OK, this is awesome. 我们在科米家里 We"re at Kermit"s house. -上帝啊






     不 - Oh, jeez. Walter. - No, no, no, no, no. 你还好吗 You OK? 这里是

     这里是科米的家 This... This is Kermit"s house? 说说吧

     我能为你们做些什么 Anyhow, how can I help you guys? 首先我想说 Let me just say, 能见到您是我们的荣幸 this is an honor for all of us to meet you, sir, 但是我弟弟

     沃尔特 but my brother, Walter, 有一些很不好的消息要告诉您 has some really disturbing news for you. 晚上好

     先生女士们 Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. 现在不要

     80 机器人 Not now, 80"s Robot. 喝什么

     塔布水? Might I offer you a drink? Tab? -天哪

     -新可乐? - Good grief. - New Coke? 听着


     80 机器人

     求你了 Listen. Not right now, 80"s Robot, please! 真失败 Bummer. -当心那个...-用勺子把我嘴巴塞住啊 - Watch out for the... - Gag me with a spoon. 头别撞门上 Yeah, head for the door. 最讨厌了 Grody to the max. 非常抱歉 I"m really sorry about that... 沃尔特 ...Walter. 你刚才说什么来着 What were you saying? 对了



     要... Yes. Tex Richman, the oil baron, is... 是的是的是的 Yes, yes, yes. 石油大亨泰克斯·里奇曼 Oil baron Tex Richman, 富有的慈善家 the wealthy philanthropist. 知道吗

     他要把 You know, he"s about to 我们的旧制片厂买♥♥下来 buy our old Muppet Show theater 然后改造成布偶博物馆 and turn it into a Muppet museum. 太棒了不是吗 Isn"t that great? 不是

     我是说... No! I mean... 我想沃尔特想要告诉你的是 I think what Walter"s trying to tell you 泰克斯·里奇曼有一个秘密计划 is that Tex Richman has a secret 他要拆掉剧院开采石油 plan to tear down the theater and drill for oil. 什么 What? 挽救制片厂的唯一办法 The only way to save the studio 就是筹集一千万美元 is to raise ten million dollars. 一千万美元 Ten million dollars? 不可能 That"s impossible. -但是

     -要筹集到那么多钱 - But... - I mean the only way to raise 唯一的办法就是 that kind of money would be to... 就是表演节目 ...would be to put on a show. 但是我已经很久很久 And I haven"t seen the old gang 没有看到我们的老演员了 in a long, long time. 估计人们已经把我们忘了 I guess people sort of forgot about us. 我还能说什么呢 Is there more I could"ve said 现在只剩下脑海中的画面 Now they"re only pictures in my head 绿色的我已经变得灰暗 That"s why my green is feeling gray 青蛙在雨天也会烦闷 Sometimes even frogs have rainy days 是否记得你们激♥情♥的摇滚 Remember when the stage caved in 把舞台震塌 while you were rocking out 谁曾想过 Who"d have thought your 没你的大杂烩

     生活会这么难过 smorgasbord would be hard to live without 如果我们能再次登台 If we could do it all again 如果再有机会给大家带来快乐 Just another chance to entertain 会有人看吗

     会有人在乎吗 Would anybody watch or even care 也许真的是破镜难圆 Or did something break we can"t repair 炮弹飞人的弹道总是给我希望 Your cannonball trajectory It always gave me hope 也许有点难以忍♥受 They may have been unbearable 但我还是喜欢你的笑话 but I still loved your jokes 我还有什么没说呢 Is there more I could"ve said 现在这些都只是我脑海里的画面 Now they"re only pictures in my head 不是我♥干♥的

     我被框起来了 I didn"t do it. I"ve been framed! 哇咔哇咔 Wocka wocka! 伟大的冈佐要再一次乘坐这个小宝贝了 Gonzo the Great will ride this baby again! 这段连奏真是坚决 This legato tune is posolutely, 我完全要为之倾倒了 most transparently bringing me down! -绝对的



     半拍 - For sure. - One, two, and a half. 我们能再来一次吗 Can we do it all again 像以前一样逗大家开怀 Make"em laugh like we did then 回到属于我们的舞台上 我们还能再合唱一首 We can harmonize for one more song 但现在我只能站在这里 But I"m standing here instead 现在他们只是我脑海中的画面 Now they"re only pictures in my head 听起来 Well, it sounds like you 你们这帮布偶短时间内不会团聚了 guys aren"t getting back together anytime soon. 这部电影恐怕会非常短 This is going to be a really short movie. 但是科米你一定要试试 But, Kermit, you have to try. 我...布偶团棒极了 I... The Muppets are amazing. 你们把世上 You give people 最好的礼物带给大家 the greatest gift that can ever be given. 小孩子吗 Children? 不

     别的礼物 No, the other gift. 冰淇淋吗 Ice cream? 不


     下一个 No, no. After that. 欢笑 Laughter? 对啊 Yes! 第三好的礼物 The third greatest gift ever! 科米

     你的粉丝从来没有离开过你 Kermit, your fans never left you, 世界没有忘记你们 the world hasn"t forgotten. 你要做的只是再展示给大家 All you need to do is show"em again! 我不这么认为

     伙计们 I don"t think so, guys. 你不明白吗

     科米 Don"t you see, Kermit? 音乐该响起来了 It"s time to play the music. 灯光该亮起来了 It"s time to light the lights 布偶该出场了 It"s time to meet the Muppets... 求你了

     科米 Please, Kermit. 你是我的偶像 You"re my hero. 我的手表上都印着你 You"re on my watch. 好吧


      Well, I... I guess... 我们可以试一试 ...we could try. -我们吗


     听着 - We? - Well, yeah, listen. 如果要做这件事 If I"m gonna do this, 我就需要些精神支持 I"m gonna need some moral support. 太完美了 Well, that"s perfect. 我们是这方面的行家呀 We"re experts at moral support. -对啊

     -好 - Yeah! - Good. 说走就走 I guess if we"re gonna go, we better get going. 我们要找好多人呢 We got a lot of people to find. 太棒了


     怎么找呢 Oh, great! But wait, how do we find"em? 你没看我们的第一部电影吗 Didn"t you see our first movie? 开车去 We drive. -我们先去哪里

     -恕我擅自 - So where do we go first? - I shall take the liberty 用调制解调器来定位布偶 of using my modem to locate the Muppets. -好的

     -很好 - OK. - Great. 住手 Oh, stop it! 天哪

     快停下 In the name of all that"s sacred, let it end! 雷


     拼做雷诺 R-E-N-O. That spells "Reno." 雷诺

     世界最大的小城 目的地到了

     我的导航到此为止 You have reached your destination. My guidance ends here. 赌场晚间表演


     巴偶乐队 著名布偶团成员福滋熊鼎力加盟

      入口 我想就是这里 Well, I guess this is the place. 诸位晚上好

     欢迎来到帕奇洛赌场 Good evening, folks, and welcome to Pechoolo Casino! 为何我们的旅馆 Why are there such great deals 服务如此周到 on our hotel rooms? 免费停车场 Free parking for cars. -没房♥车位

     -没房♥车位 - Not RVs. - Not RVs. 结婚教堂 24 小时开放 Our wedding chapel is 24 hours 无需结婚证 No marriage certificate is needed. 无需结婚证 No marriage certificate is needed. 很高兴你最终找到了这里 We"re glad you found it. 帕奇洛赌场 Pechoolo Casino 场主

     巴偶乐队和我 The owners, the Moopets and me. 谢谢大家


     6 分钟后返场 Thank you, thank you. We"ll be back in six minutes. -你好



     科米 - Hi-ho, Fozzie. - Hi-ho, Kermit. 科米

     你来这干嘛 Kermit? What are you doing here? 我想说演出很棒 Well, I... I just want to tell you that was a great show. 内容丰富 It was... very informative. 我尽力让每晚的节目都新颖独特 I do my best to keep it fresh each night. -是的


     我是福滋 - Oh, yeah. - Oh, I"m Fozzie, by the way. 忘了介绍

     这是盖瑞和玛丽 Oh, I"m sorry. This is Gary and Mary. 他是沃尔特

     我朋友 And this here is Walter. He"s a personal friend. -嗯


     看什么看啊 - Yeah. - So I said, "What are you looking at?" 然后一拳打在他脸上

     我是说... So I punched him in the face! I mean... -去化妆间聊

     -好的 - Let"s talk in my dressing room. - Sure. -好的

     -到了 - OK. - Here we are. 不要拘束

      Make yourselves at home. 这和我想的不太一样 This is not quite what I expected, -圣诞卡片上不是这样


     那个 - based on your Christmas cards. - Oh, yeah. About that... 但是也很好

     还通风 Oh, but it"s nice, and... and airy. 也许我们应该让他们单独谈谈 Maybe we should give them some space. 我懂

     但是我想听听他们怎么说 I know, but I wanna hear what they"re gonna say. OK. 每晚 6♥4♥场演出累死人啊 Sixty-four shows nightly can get pretty grueling. 福滋

     一个邪恶的石油大亨 Fozzie, an evil oil baron 想拆掉布偶星工场 wants to tear down our old Muppet studio. 什么

     不要 What? Oh, no! 我是说真遗憾 I mean, that"s a shame. 从车里出来 Step out of the vehicle! 福滋 Hey, Fozzie... 抱歉我没有经常联♥系♥你 I"m sorry I haven"t been in touch more. 没事


     看看我简直是生活在梦里 It"s fine, Kermit. Look at me! Living the dream! 别啊

     别下雨了 Oh, no! Not this again! -快点


     -靠垫? - Quick, save the cushions! - The cushions? 对不起

     福滋 I"m sorry, Fozzie. 要是我知道你住在这种鬼地方 If I"d known you were here in this place... 没事


     不是你的错 That"s all right, Kermit. It"s not your fault. -我们曾风光一时

     -是啊 - We had a good run. - Yeah. 是啊

     现在只是... Yeah, it"s just that... 我们真的很久没见了 Well, we haven"t seen each other in a really long time, and I... 要是我们聚在一起 I just thought maybe we 演最后一场的话 could raise the money to buy the theater back 也许可以筹钱把剧院买♥♥回来 if we all got together and put on one last show. 演出?

     但是这些年来我都是单独表演 A show? But I"ve spent years building a solo career. 我有一个全新的演出团队

     他们都很爱我 I have a whole new show-biz family that loves me. 福滋


     冬眠吗 Fozzie! What the heck are you doing, hibernating? 下场演出 30 秒之后开始 Next show starts in 30 seconds. 我们雇你


     给我好好干 We hired you, and we can fire you, so get your butt in here now! -他们吓到我了


     -走吧 - They terrify me. Let"s go. - Let"s go. 冈佐皇家卫浴 -当心铲车


     -谢了 - Watch out for the forklift, Fozzie. - Oh, thanks. 冈佐的生意做得不错 Wow! Gonzo"s doing really well! 据 80 机器人说 According to 80"s Robot, 他是铁锈地带最富有的管道巨头 he"s the richest plumbing magnate in the Rust Belt. 你

     从北♥京♥订 28000 吨♥管道胶泥 You! Order 28,000 tons of plumber"s putty from Beijing. -马上



     把 28000 吨♥ - Right away, sir. - And, you, send the 28,000 tons 弹性橡皮泥寄回北♥京♥ of Silly Putty back to Beijing. -没问题

     -还有你 - You bet. - Oh, and you? 无水马桶部门的备忘录 A memo to the waterless toilet department. 天塌了也不要紧

     继续尝试 I don"t care about the mess, just keep trying. -冈佐



     稀客啊 - Hi, Gonzo. - Kermit? Fozzie? This is a surprise. -我们要跟你谈谈


     请坐 - We need to speak to you. - All right. Have a seat. 多谢 Ah. Thank you! -我还是站着吧


     很舒服 - I think I"ll stand. - No, really, you should try one! Comfy. 这是我们二手马桶的产品线 It"s our executive line of used toilets. 我很忙

     给你 30 秒

     计时 Anyway, I"m very busy. I"ve got 30 seconds. Go. 冈佐

     我不知道怎么开口 Uh... Gonzo, I"m not quite sure how to say this, but... 别忘了邪恶的石油大亨 Don"t forget to mention the evil oil baron. 福滋


     给我点时间好吗 Yes, Fozzie, I was about to. Just give me a moment, OK? 冈佐

     是这样的... Gonzo, it would appear... 记住

     邪恶的石油大亨 Remember, evil oil baron. 福滋


     安静 Fozzie, I"m going to get to that. Please! -正如我想说的

     -邪恶的石油大亨 - As I was trying to say... - Evil oil baron. 好吧


     谢谢你们 OK, time"s up. Thank you, guys. 冈佐

     我们打算重建布偶团 Gonzo, we"re trying to get the old gang back together again. -我们需要你


     走好 - We really need you. - My answer is no. Good day! 算了

     我们走吧 Come on, guys. We should go. 我有话说

     小时候看过你背诵哈姆雷特 I just want to say, when I was a kid, I saw you recite Hamlet 边驾驶摩托车穿过火焰燃烧的铁环 while jumping your motorbike through a flaming hoop, and... 使我感觉无所不能 ...it made me feel like I could do anything. 谢谢你 Thank you. Yeah. 冈佐

     你不用掩饰 我知道你想做什么 -很好的尝试



     看这里 - Good try, Walter. - Hey, guys, up here! 西装里面我每天都穿着这个 I"ve been wearing this under my suit every single day for years! 看着下面 Look out below! 你去哪儿

     你让我失去平衡了 Whoa, where you going? You threw me off-balance! 我看不见了

     阿波罗 13 号♥ I can"t see! Apollo 13! 地球上的公民们

     伟大的冈佐回来了 Citizens of Earth, the Great Gonzo is back. 我发誓再也不做皮搋子买♥♥卖♥♥了 I pledge never to hold a plunger again! 自动摧毁管道交易按钮 跑



     再不跑就没命了 Run! Run! Run for your lives! Run, run, run! -快跑

     -快跑 - Run, guys! - Run! 天哪

     大家快跑 Oh, my gosh, run everybody! 要大爆♥炸♥

     大爆♥炸♥啦 It"s gonna be big! It"s gonna be a big one! 奢华的大爆♥炸♥ Wow! That was an expensive looking explosion! 不敢相信电影预算里还有这项 I can"t believe we had that in the budget. 如果你能看到自己的内心 So maybe if you look inside yourself, 你最该生气的是你自己 the person you should be most angry at is you. 安静

     愤怒管理课程进行中 是你自己 Is you. 你们感觉怎么样

     有控制住吗 How have you been feeling? Any more control issues? 控制愤怒 In control. -很好

     -野兽 - Good. - Psst. Animal! -很好


     科米 - Excellent. - It"s me, Kermit. 老兄

     我们正在上课 Hey, we"re having a meeting here, 青蛙

     你的行为是很粗鲁的 man. You"re being really rude, frog! 请原谅


     我有话跟你说 Pardon us, please. Animal, I need to talk to you for a second. 我们要重建布偶团 We"re getting the Muppets back together. 需要你打鼓 We need you to drum again. -野兽打鼓?

     -是的 - Animal drum? - Yes! -是的



     打鼓 - Please, sir. - Drum! Drum, drum! -打鼓



     -好了好了 - Drum, drum, drum! - OK, OK. -控制愤怒

     -很好 - In control. - Good. 我是野兽的法♥院♥指定担♥保♥人 I"m Animal"s court-appointed sponsor. 我们不用"打鼓"这个词 We don"t use the "D-r-u-m" Word. -这是他的敏感词

     -敏感词? - It"s his trigger word. - His trigger word? 打扰


     很抱歉打断你们 Excuse me, Mr. Black. I"m so sorry to interrupt, 但这很重要 but it"s very important 他们需要鼓手... to these guys that they get their drummer... 盖瑞 Gary! 这也是我的敏感词 It"s my trigger word, too. 杰克

     我们周二刚谈过 Jack, we talked about this on Tuesday. 周二是我的另一个敏感词 Tuesday"s another one of my trigger words! 我不这样认为 Oh, I don"t think so! 抱歉 Sorry. -我们走


     -再见 - Let"s go, Animal. - Bye-bye! -野兽




     自♥由♥ - Animal, heel. - Go, Animal! Be free, man! 但是记住

     不准打鼓 But remember! No drumming! 科米先生

     我建议节省时间 Mr. Kermit, may I suggest we save time and pick up 用蒙太奇手法寻找剩下的布偶 the rest of the Muppets using a montage? 好主意

     80 机器人 Great idea, 80"s Robot. 十分感谢您慷慨解囊 We greatly appreciate your financial support. 还有 87.3 米

     还有 87.2 米 Eighty-seven point three miles to go. Eighty-seven point two... 0 机器人

     你一定要倒计时吗 80"s Robot, do you have to do that? 宇宙的秘密 ...the secrets of the universe... 我们加入 I guess we"re in. 欢迎收看本周的《丑态百出》 Welcome to this week"s edition of "Everything Stinks." 再见


     我去参加 TED 大会 Bye, Lisa. Off to the TED Conference. 3



     Three, two, one. 我觉得需要租个大点的车 Think we should"ve rented a bigger car? 带上我

     我也要去拯救星工场 Hey, wait for me! I wanna help save the studio! 我要和你们一起去

     又丢下我 I wanna go with you! Oh, not again. 不敢相信我们又聚在一起了 Wow. I can"t believe we"re all back together. 即便是你们都不在蒙太奇中 Even all you guys who weren"t in the montage! 干嘛不在蒙太奇中找我 Yeah, how come you didn"t use me in the montage? 我觉得我的故事很有趣 I thought my story was pretty interesting. 拉乌夫?

      还想一起吗 Rowlf? Wanna get back together? -好的

     -很好 - OK. - Good. 妙不可言 Classic. 不管怎样

     看上去把大家都召集回来了 Anyhow, looks like we got everybody, 我们可以开始筹划义演

     筹集一千万 so we can plan our telethon and raise that ten million dollars. -不是所有人

     -我觉得大家都在了啊 - Well, not everybody. - No, I think everybody"s here. -还有...-很好 - Where"s...? - All good! -小姐...-都在这里了 - Miss... - All done here! 皮吉?

     Piggy? 科米

     我们去找皮吉小姐好吗 Kermit, we"re going to get Miss Piggy, right? 好吧好吧


     去找皮吉 OK, OK, OK, you"re right. We"ll go get Piggy! 电脑终端机告诉我她在法国巴黎 My Minitel tells me she is in Paris, France. 我们开车去法国 Oh! Well, then we drive to France. -不能开车去法国


     -太远了 - You can"t drive to France, Walter. - Yeah. It"s way too far. 也许我们可以在地图上旅行 Then maybe we should travel by map! -好主意


     -是的 - Good idea, Fozzie. - Yeah! 美国 戛纳[法国东南部港市] 去巴黎 To Paris! 巴黎

     巴黎 Paris! Paris! 康泰纳仕出版社 看看这些天花板 Look at these ceilings! 肯定很高 Yeah. They must be very tall here. 是啊

     很不错 - Yeah, very nice. 你好

     打扰一下 Uh... Hi there. Excus...

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