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    时间:2020-08-25 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站



     风暴要来了 Gentlemen, we are in danger. There is a storm coming. 埃及

     1938 年 寻找阿卡曼拉法老之墓探险队 我的手下都很惊慌

     我们必须离开 My men are terrified. We must leave. 那座坟墓就在附近

     我能感觉到 That tomb is here somewhere. I can feel it. 拜托罗伯特

     都两个月了还毫无所获 Please, Robert, it"s been two months! 阿奇

     我不会半途而废的 Archie, I"m not stopping! 爸爸 Dad! 这风是怎么回事

     波普 What"s going on with this wind, Pop? C.J

     去车里等我 C.J, go wait in the truck. 我不想在车里无所事事 I don"t want to just wait in the truck. 我让你快去

     把窗户关上 I said go! Windows up! 罗伯特 Robert! 弗雷德里克斯先生

     怎么了 Mr. Fredericks! What? 救命 Help! 救命 Help! C.J 吗 C.J? 你还好吗 Are you all right? 我没事 Yeah, I"m fine! 我下来了 I"m coming down! 终于找到了 Yes! 我找了阿卡曼拉法老之墓 20 年 I looked for the tomb of Ahkmenrah for 20 years, 可你呢 and what do you do? 你直接掉进了墓穴里 You fall right into it! 埃米尔

     开始装车 Amir, start loading the trucks. 弗雷德里克斯先生 Mr. Fredericks... 没有时间了 there is no time. 风暴将至 The storm is almost upon us. 那你最好动作快点 Then you"d better hurry. 快点

     大家都动起来 Come on. Everybody works. 你是怎么回事 Hey! What"s the matter with you? Huh? 他说

     我们必须立刻离开 He said, "We must leave this place immediately. 如果有任何人打扰法老之墓的安宁 "If anyone disturbs this tomb... 末日将至 "The end will come." 末日将至 "The end will come." 我们装车 We load the trucks. 我觉得我们在犯一个可怕的错误 I can"t help feeling we"re making a terrible mistake! 这不是犯错

     这叫创造历史 We"re not making a mistake, we"re making history! 别担心 Don"t worry! C.J

     快走吧 C.J! Let"s go! 末日将至 "The end will come." 欢迎各位莅临自然历史博物馆 Welcome, everyone, to the Grand Reopening... 博物馆奇妙夜 3 法老墓穴之谜 参加刚修缮完毕的海登天文馆 of the newly renovated Hayden Planetarium... 盛大的重开仪式 here at the Museum of Natural History. 纽约名流齐聚一堂 New York"s glitterati have all turned out... 这注定难忘的夜晚 for what has promised to be a memorable evening... 在让人眼花缭乱的特效 filled with the dazzling special effects... 和技术魔法中 and technical wizardry. 我们来到这里

     欣赏博物馆 We"ve all come to admire from this museum... 欣赏著名的奇妙夜 and its renowned Night Program. 今晚不会闷闷 Tonight gonna be fun-fun! 大家欢迎笨笨 Here come Dum Dum! 你好吗

     萨卡 Hey, how we doing, Sac? 雷克斯打蜡抛光完毕 Rexy is waxed and buffed. 泰迪在整理他的小胡子 Teddy is grooming his moustache. 我还给原始人 Oh, and I reviewed fire 复习了博物馆的消防安全规程 safety procedures with the primordial men. 对了

     你们最近见过他们吗 By the way, have you seen them lately? 博物馆新添了一个原始人 The museum has added a new one. 什么

     没有 What? No. 要让百夫长把动作舒展开

     好吗 Oh, and make sure the centurions stretch, all right? 他们在带妆彩排上很卖♥♥力 They really went for it in the dress rehearsal... 但确实还不太习惯这种舞步 and they"re just not used to those kinds of dance moves. 好了


     听着 Okay, everybody. Everybody, listen up. 我不想让大家紧张 I don"t want to make anybody nervous... 但市长和州长都将观看演出 but the mayor and the governor are both out there. 虽然我不是百分之百确定 And, uh, I"m not 100 percent sure, 但我想里吉斯·菲尔宾也会来 but I think Regis Philbin, too. 里吉·菲波 Reeju Philbo? 对

     里吉·菲波 Yeah, Reeju Philbo. 雷克斯

     拜托了 Okay, Rexy, do me a favor. 小心尾巴

     表演会有明火 Watch the tail, okay? There"s gonna be open flame. 德克斯特 Oh, Dexter... 你好啊

     哥们儿 how you doing, my man? 都准备好了吗 All limbered up? 看上去不错

     领结很棒 Looking good. I like the tie. 有点齐本德尔风 Got kind of a Chippendales thing going on. 防滑粉也涂了

     准备好了吗 All chalked up, ready to go? 很好


     尽情享受吧 Good. Okay, everybody relax and have fun, okay? 拉里 Larry. 你最好过来看一下 You better come see this. 之前发生过这种情况吗 Have you ever seen it like this before? 从来没有过 Never. 从来没见过它被腐蚀 This corrosion has never happened before. 它以前从来都是一个样 It"s always been exactly the same. 你说它怎么了呢 I wonder what"s up with it. 不知道 I have no idea. 说实话 And to be honest... 我父亲比我更了解金碑的秘密 my father knew the secrets of the Tablet better than I did. 可惜他发过誓

     永远不透露这个秘密 Unfortunately, he swore he"d never reveal them. 而且也真的只字未提 He never did. 你还好吧 You okay? 还好 Yes. 我没事 Yes, I"m fine. 今晚表演不要紧张

     好吗 Just take it easy out there tonight, all right? 你还有 15 分钟就要上台了 You got 15 minutes till showtime. 我们明天再考虑这件事 We"re gonna figure this out tomorrow. 好的 All right. 快看 Look at that! 我的妈呀 Doggone it! 你看到了吗 Did you see that? 它们想把光抓住 They"re trying to catch the light. 做不到的


     光是抓不住的 But you can"t do it, boys! You can"t catch light! 光和人类的幸福一样可望而不可及 It"s as elusive as human happiness! 我要评论 I should like to comment. 召唤装备 Summon the apparatus. 上装备 Summon the apparatus! 你打算发什么 What are you gonna say? 笑 L... 翻 O... 了 L- 笑翻了


     我也这么缩写 "Laugh out loud." Yeah, that"s what I did. 现在把这个萌猫视频 Now, post these adorable kittens 和我的御评一起发到脸书去 with my edict of approval to Facebook. 也代杰迪戴亚向脸书群众 Give a big Texas "Hell yeah" 带去德克萨斯式喝彩 from old Jedediah... 因为我也特爱这视频 because I loved it too! 发个笑脸就行了 Just send a smiley face. 要带眨眼的那个笑脸 Yeah, but with a wink! 眨眼笑脸 A smiley face and a wink! 几位

     你们干什么呢 Guys, what are you doing? 就是看个萌猫视频 We"re just watching kittens. 还有 5 分钟你们就要上台了

     别分心 You"re on in five minutes. You got to focus, here. 我跟你说不该在这儿浪费时间的 I told you we don"t have time for this! 你还发了德克萨斯式喝彩呢 You gave it a Texas "Hell yeah!" 泰迪

     准备好了吗 Hey, Teddy, ready to roll? 当然

     劳伦斯 Indeed, Lawrence. -很好

     -古巴圣胡安山之战时 - Great. - Battle of San Juan Hill... 我可是很冷静的 cool as a cucumber. 但现在


     忐忑异常 Right now, butterflies like you wouldn"t believe. 你会很棒的 You"re gonna be great. 劳伦斯 Lawrence? 你最近看到过穴居人吗 Have you seen the Neanderthals lately? 没有

     怎么大家都这么关注 No. Why does everybody keep talking about this? 你会想去看看的 You may want to give it a look! 伙计们

     怎么了 Hey, guys, what"s going on? 好吧

     真有趣 All right, very funny. 真好笑 That"s hilarious. 没事

     不必下来了 It"s alright, you don"t have to come down. 不用客气

     真的 It"s okay, really. 你好吗

     我是拉里 Hi, how are you? I"m Larry. 我是拉 I"m Laaa... 你是拉啊 You"re "Laaa"? 拉 Laaa. 很高兴见到你

     拉 Laaa. Okay, nice to meet you, Laaa. 欢迎加入我们

     然后 Welcome aboard, and... 没错

     我们长的很像 Yes, we look similar. 我们非常相似

     我知道 Yeah, we look like each other, I know. 这肯定是谁开的玩笑 It"s a joke that somebody played. 麦克菲博士把你做成了我的模样 Dr. McPhee had you made to look like me. 就是 It"s just a... 别这样

     行吗 Stop it. Stop, okay? -爸比

     -怎么了 - Dada? - What? 爸比 Dada. 不

     不是你♥爸♥比 No, not your Dada. 爸比 Yeah, Dada. -不


     -爸比 - No. Stop. - Dada. -爸比

     -爸比 - Dada! - Dada! 我不是他的

     不是你♥爸♥比 No, I"m not his... I"m not your Dada. 笨笨又有宝宝啦 Dum Dum got a new son-son! 不

     他没有 No, he doesn"t. 爸比 Dada! 爸比 Dada! 为新任女议长干杯 A toast to our new chairwoman. 请大家举杯

     干杯 Cheers, everyone. Cheers. 音乐响起 Cue the music. 泰迪倒计时开始


     二 And Teddy in three, two... 1869 年

     我还是个 11 岁的男孩时 Since 1869, when I was a mere boy of 11... 博物馆就是这伟大城市中一颗耀眼明珠 this museum has been a shining beacon to our great city. 今天我们将让它的光芒传播到更远的地方 Tonight we"ll expand our horizons even further... 到达太阳 to the Sun... 月亮

     和渺渺星辰 the Moon, and the stars. 开天辟地

     混沌初开之时 From our very beginning... 人们就在仰望天空 mankind has looked to the heavens 命名着目之所及 and given names to what he saw, 这就是星座的由来 the constellations. 我想大家也许愿意见见这些星座 I thought you might like to meet them. 星座特效开启 Cue the constellations. 俄里翁

     猎户星座 Orion, the hunter! 怎么了 What? 都是计划好的 All planned. All planned. 我早知道会这样的

     没事没事 I knew that was gonna happen. So, yeah. 很棒

     进展顺利 Good. Going great, guys. Going great. 放下丝绸 Let"s drop the silks. 猴子出场 And go with the monkey. 什么 What? 加油 Come on. 这是我应该做的 That"s what I do. 感谢您的光临 Thank you for your patronage... 感谢您对这个优秀机构的鼎力支持 and for your unwavering support of this fine institution. 新近重开的天文馆就像一架望远镜 This newly renovated planetarium will serve as a lens... 共赴战场

     我亲爱的朋友 "Once more unto the breach, dear friends!" 什么 What? 冲啊 Charge! 骑兵们 Rough Riders! -没事


     -这也是表演吗 - It"s okay! Just hang on! - Is this part of it? 抱歉各位

     出了点技术问题 Sorry folks, a little technical issue. 你在干什么 What are you doing? 按照剧本走

     按照剧本走 Stick to the script. Stick to the script! Huh? -是我

     -我不认识你 - It"s me! - I don"t know you. 拉 Pull! 我不知道我是怎么了

     但感觉不错 I don"t know what"s come over me, but I like it! 放倒他们 Drop "em! 怎么回事 What"s going on? 快想办法 Do something! 你在干什么 What are you doing? 俄里翁

     不要 Orion, don"t! 雷克斯 Rexy! 伙计们

     刚才是怎么回事 Guys, what was going on out there? 说真的

     你们怎么想的啊 Seriously, what were you thinking? 拉

     我一个人就行 Laaa, I got this, all right? 你去那边吧 Just... go over there. 不

     去那边 No, go over there. 去吧 Go. 匈奴王 Attila... 你对那只海豚做了什么 what were you doing to that dolphin, man? 那是只海豚哎 It"s a dolphin! 地球上最热爱和平的生物之一 It"s one of the most peaceful creatures on earth... 你却像《海豚湾》中日本人一样残杀它们 and you"re hacking into it like it was The Cove or something. 看到里吉斯·菲尔宾脸上表情没 Did you see the look on Regis Philbin"s face? 你是说里吉 Reeju? 对

     里吉 Yeah, Reeju. 泰迪

     你为什么拿枪瞄着我 Teddy, what were you doing pointing a gun at me? 抱歉劳伦斯

     我不知道我怎么了 Forgive me, Lawrence. I don"t know what came over me. 你还记得那些事吗 Do you even remember that? 一点也不记得 Not at all. 拉


     那是个电击器 Laaa, shut that down! It"s a defibrillator. 快放下

     很危险 Put it down. It"s dangerous! 拉


     不是耳机 Laaa, that"s electricity. Those aren"t headphones. 住手

     你这是 Stop it! What are you... 天哪

     德克斯特 Oh! Hey! Whoa! Dexter! 你在干什么 What are you doing? 你要是一直这么幼稚 Honestly, if you"re gonna act like a baby, 我就去给你买♥♥点纸尿裤 then I"ll get you some diapers. 又想穿纸尿裤了是不是 You want diapers again? Huh? 马儿

     别激动 Ease up on the reins there, horse. 你看不到吗

     他很愧疚了 Can"t you see? He feels terrible! 事实上

     我们都很愧疚的 Hell, we all do! 我不知道大家这是怎么了 I don"t know what"s going on with everybody here... 但今晚真的很奇怪

     真的 but tonight was really weird. Really weird. 我们很抱歉 We feel awful. 我们像被魔咒控制了一样 Something took hold of us like an evil spell! 对

     我们都不像平常的自己了 Yeah, like we just weren"t ourselves. -喂

     -拉里 - Hello? - Larry. 麦克菲博士 Hey, Dr. McPhee. 你好

     怎么样 Yeah, hi. How"s it going? 还行吧 Uh, okay. 很好很好 Good, good, good, good, good, good. 你知道躲在垃圾桶里担心着小命不保 You know that sound of when you"re hiding in a trash bin... 因为霸王龙雷克斯在把装着你的 fearing for your life because 垃圾桶当球踢时的那种声音吗 a Tyrannosaurus rex is using it as a Hacky Sack? 我没有听过这种声音 No. I don"t know that sound. 你没有听过啊

     稍等 You don"t know that sound? Oh, hold on one second. 就是这种声音

     害的我觉也睡不好 That"s the sound! That"s the sound! It will haunt my dreams! 我很抱歉

     我真的很抱歉 I"m sorry. Look, really, I"m sorry. 我发誓

     我真的不知道今晚到底 I swear to you, I had no idea this was going to happen. 我不知道今晚怎么回事 "I had no idea it was gonna happen. 我只负责特效管理 "I"m only in charge of all the special effects." 这是你的错

     特效是你负责的 It was your fault! They were your special effects! -不


     -真是笑话 - No, I know. - That"s a joke. 特效

     还不如说是 "Special effects"? More like "Special... 特烂 "Defects!" 我保证

     我会弄清楚这是怎么回事 Look, I promise you, I"m gonna find out what happened. 或者说他们就是

     特次品 Or they were "Special rejects!" 抱歉


     我得挂了 I"m sorry, Dr. McPhee. I gotta go. 尼基

     尼基 Nicky! Nicky! 别跳了 Stop hopping! 爸爸

     你干什么呀 Dad, what are you doing? 这话该我问你才对 What are you doing? 都凌晨三点了 It"s 3 am. 好了

     聚会结束 All right, party"s over! 你是谁 Who are you? -我叫 Sophie

     -Sophie - I"m Sophie. - Sophie? 演《再见, 伯蒂》那个吗 The Bye Bye Birdie? -对

     -演得不错 - Right. - It was good. -谢谢

     -不客气 - Thanks. - Yeah. 那么明晚见 See you tomorrow night? -可能不行

     -可能行 - Probably not. - Probably. 绝对不行 Definitely not. 拜 Bye. 你摊上事儿了 You"re in so much trouble. 我知道 I know. 我不知道你会提前回家 I didn"t really know you were coming home early. 嗯

     这能看出来 Yeah, that"s pretty obvious. 我说 I mean... 你怎么能这样 what makes you think this is okay? 我不在妈妈那儿住的时候 When I"m not at Mom"s, 你每晚都扔我一个人在家 you leave me alone, like, every night. 听着

     你现在还不能这么放肆 Look, you can"t be doing this right now. 你有期末考试 You got finals, 纽约大学的申请期限还有多久

     两周吧 your NYU application is due in what, two weeks? 我不会去纽约大学 I"m not gonna get into NYU. -你不能确认


     我确认 - You don"t know that. - No, I do. 你不能确认 You don"t know that. 我确认

     非常确定 I do very much know that, 因为我根本没想申请 in the sense that I don"t intend to apply. 什么 What? 我觉得那个地方现在并不适合我

     爸爸 I don"t think that it"s the place for me right now, Dad. 好吧


     也行 Okay. All right, fine. 你想要自♥由♥飞翔 You want to spread your wings a little... 去别的城市

     到其他地方念书 get out of the city, go to school somewhere else. 行

     我完全赞成 Ok. I totally support that. 你只需要事先告诉我就行了 All you had to do was tell me. 你想去哪 So where do you want to go? -有候选名单吗

     -名单很短 - What"s the list? - It"s a short list. 很好


     目标明确 Great. I like it. Focus. 我能给的名单很短 老爸

     因为... I"mma hit you with a super short list, man, because it"s... 名单上什么都没有 There"s nothing on it. 什么也没... There"s... 我不明白

     什么叫没有名单 I"m confused, because there"s not a list... 爸爸 Dad? 我想休学一年 I want to take a year off. 我就想照你刚才说的做 I would like to do exactly what you just said. 我想自♥由♥飞翔 I want to spread my wings. 你想自♥由♥飞翔

     这很好 You want to spread your wings, that"s great. 但是你不能光张开翅膀哪儿也不去 But you can"t spread your wings and fly to nowhere. -计划有变


     没变 - Plans change. - No, they don"t. 不


     计划没变 No, they don"t. Plans don"t change. 我们曾经有过计划

     但它变了 We had a plan, it changed. -一开始可能会不知所措

     -不 - It"s disorienting at first. - No. 你不能改变计划 You can"t change the plan... 除非征得计划投资人的同意 unless you check with the people who are financing the plan... 也就是说


     明白了吗 which is, last time I checked, your mother and I. Okay? 爸爸

     我们可以坐这儿 Dad, we could sit here and 一直谈有关计划的问题 just have this conversation about plans... 但是现在

     还是收工吧 but for now, let"s call it a night. 也别收拾屋子了

     好不 Let"s not even clean up, right? 明天再谈吧 Let"s come back tomorrow. 到时候我们重整旗鼓 Let"s reboot the whole energy, 重新看待问题 the whole tone of this puppy... 我们会把它搞定的

     老爸 and we"ll kill it, man. 戴利传奇


     等明天的 Team Daley! Not tonight, tomorrow. 嘿

     戴利传奇 Hey, Team Daley? - 怎么了

     -可以闭嘴了 - Yeah? - Stop talking. 好 Okay. 你在这儿收拾

     我去睡觉 You"re gonna clean up. I"m gonna go to bed. 我们明天再谈这事儿 And then we"re gonna finish this conversation tomorrow. 自然历史博物馆 耶

     走你 Yeah! Get some! 走你 Get some! 就是这么任性 That"s it. Yeah. 嗨 Hi. 我是拉里·戴利

     夜场演出负责人 I"m Larry Daley. I"m head of the Night Program. 我知道你

     你是那个保安 I know who you are. You"re the security guard. 对

     也是夜场演出负责人 Yeah, also head of the Night Program. 我在做一些调查 I"m doing some research... 想看看你是否能帮我一把 and I was wondering if you could help me out. 哦

     夜间保安搞研究 Mmm. Night guard doing research. 太阳打西边出来啦 Ooh la-la! 我知道 Yeah. 我只是想找关于 Uh, I"m just looking for anything 阿卡曼拉金碑的一切资料 that you might have on the Tablet of Ahkmenrah. 中心通道 Center aisle. -太好了 -走到中间

     左手边 - Great. - Halfway down, stacks on your left. 走你 Get it! 那么 So... 你为什么对这个金碑这么感兴趣 what makes you so curious about the Tablet? 哦

     只是 Oh! Just, uh... 只是个爱好

     个人兴趣 Just a hobby, you know? Kind of an interest of mine. 真希望我能跟他们谈谈 I wish I could talk to these guys. 这是谈不了了 Well, you can"t. 是啊 Yeah. 因为他们死了 Because they"re dead. 对 Right. 但是看那个人 But, uh, look at that one. 像是个孩子

     对吧 Looks like a kid, huh? 你不会是认识他吧 You didn"t know him, did you? C.J·弗雷德里克斯 C.J Fredericks. 他还在这里工作过呢 He worked here. 他在这里工作过 He worked here? 对啊

     在他长大之后 Yeah, when he grew up. -不是吧

     -是的 - No. - Yeah. 他是个夜间保安 He was a night guard. 跟你一样 Same as you. 等一下

     C.J Wait a minute. C.J. C.J·弗雷德里克斯 C.J Fredericks. 就是塞西尔·弗雷德里克斯吗 Cecil Fredericks? 史上最性感的夜间保安 Sexiest night guard we ever had. 包括现任 Present company included. 孩子

     他那舞姿真是无人能及 Boy, could that man move. 拉里 Larry? 嗨

     塞西尔 Hey, Cecil. 天啊

     好久不见 My God, it"s been years! 你看起来过的不错 You look like you"re doing pretty good. 我还风华正茂呢

     伙计 I"ve still got it, pal. 你来这儿做什么 What are you doing here? 我想跟你谈谈有关金碑的事 I need to talk to you about the Tablet. 这矬子干嘛来的 What the heck is Short Stack doing here? 嗨


     你气色不错 Hey, Gus. You"re looking well. 雷金纳德 Reginald. 你是不是又来陷害我们的 Are you here to frame us again? 让我们去受牢狱之苦 Send us back to the slammer? 我可没陷害你们

     你们确实偷东西了 I didn"t frame you. You were actually stealing. 而且还是我把你们弄出监狱的

     所以 And I was the one that got you out of jail, so... 我们在这儿过的非常好 Yeah. We"ve got a nice life here. 过去的事就过去了

     我们都看开了 The past is the past. We"ve moved on. 我可不觉得这家伙看开了 I don"t think this guy"s moved on. 好好听他说话

     猴脸 Listen to him, monkey face. 我们已经把金碑抛之脑后了

     拉里 We"ve put all that Tablet stuff behind us, Larry. 都是陈年往事了 It"s old news. 而且我们对那个古老的金碑一无所知 Besides, we really never knew anything about that old Tablet. 我们只是在那儿工作 We just worked there. 它出了点事儿 Something"s up with it. 我跟你说了

     我没法帮你 I told you, I can"t help you. 也许这孩子能帮我 Maybe this kid can. 我们最好私聊 Maybe we"d better talk alone. 对于一个 12 岁的小男孩来说 Expedition like that is a pretty amazing thing... 远征寻宝是一件非常美妙的事情 for a 12-year-old boy. 我曾尽力将它忘怀 I tried to move on... 但是那金碑很不一般 but there was something about that Tablet. 它变绿了

     像是被腐蚀了一样 It"s turning green, like some sort of corrosion. 泰迪和德克斯特开始变得不对劲儿 And something"s happening to Teddy and Dexter... 还有杰德和奥克塔维厄斯 Jed and Octavius. 他们都表现得很古怪 They"re all acting weird. 好像是绿锈会影响他们一样 It"s like the green rust is affecting them. 末日将至 "The end will come." 什么 What? 当地人警告过我们 The locals, they warned us. 求我们不要打扰墓穴 They begged us to leave that tomb alone. 我当时还以为是世界末日的意思 I thought it meant the end of the world. 但是也许它的意思是 But maybe it meant the end... 魔法的终结 End of the magic? 我们当时真该听他们的话 We should have listened. 该听他们的话啊 Should have listened. 我们却把阿卡和金碑运到了纽约 Instead, we shipped Ahk and the Tablet off to New York... 把他的父母送去了英格兰 and his folks to England. 等等

     等等 Wait. Wait. 阿卡曼拉的父母在英格兰 Ahkmenrah"s parents are in England? 那次是合作探险 It was a joint expedition. 有些文物留在了埃及 Some of the artifacts stayed in Egypt. 其他的被纽约和大英博物馆分摊 The rest was divided up between New York and the British Museum. 阿卡说他父亲知道金碑的秘密 Ahk said that his father knew the secrets of the Tablet. 我想我应该去找他谈谈 I think I have to go talk to him. 你听我说 I need you to listen to me. Uh... 我们尊贵的女主席要求我退位让贤 Our esteemed chairwoman asked for my resignation. 她说

     既然夜场演出是我的主意 She said, since the Night Program was my brainchild... 那就一人做事一人当 that the buck starts and stops with me. -我能解决问题

     -怎么解决 - I can fix it. - How? 你得让我把金碑和阿卡曼拉一起带到伦敦 I need you to let me take the Tablet and Ahkmenrah to London. 抱歉

     我要处理一下这个信息 Sorry. I"m just processing that. 输入数据分♥析♥ Input data analysis. 我刚跟你说完

     我被解雇了 I"ve just told you I"m being fired, 然后你开口的第一句 and the first thing you ask... 却是问我能不能让你带着珍贵的文物 is if I"d allow you to take some priceless artifacts... 跟你一起去度假 away with you on holiday. -是的


     -不可能 - Yes. Please. - No way. 我是想请你跟我站在统一战线上 I"m asking you to please go with me on this. -额

     -求你了 - Nah. - Please. 我做不到

     兄弟 Can"t do it, dude. 再见 Bye. -你要打劫吗

     -什么 - Are you gonna mug me? What? 我不知道

     就是做点心理准备 I don"t know. Just be prepared. -我要你听我说

     -哦 - I need you to listen to me. - Oh. -好吗

     -成 - Okay? - Yep. -你想知道真♥相♥是吧

     -继续说 - You want to know the truth? - Go on. 真♥相♥就是

     那个金碑 Truth is, the Tablet... 那个金碑有魔力 The Tablet is actually magic. 晚上那些展品真的会有生命 Things really do come to life at night. 那是特技效果 It"s special effects. -那不是特技效果

     -当然是特技效果 - It"s not special effects. - Of course it"s special effects. 那怎么会是特技效果呢 How could it be special effects? 那怎么就不是特技效果呢 How could it not be special effects? -因为那不是

     -因为那是 - Because it isn"t! - Of course it is! -我告诉你


     -什么 - I"m telling you, this is what happens. - What? 太阳落山之后 Sun goes down... 金碑就会开始发光 the Tablet starts to glow... 博物馆里的一切事物都有了生命 everything comes to life. -好吧

     -这是真的 - Sure. - It"s real. 金碑开始发光 "Tablet starts to glow." 我现在可知道了

     你就是个精神病 Now I know you"re mental. 听着

     莱斯利 Look, Leslie... 听我说

     我不会伤害你的 Listen to me. I"m not gonna hurt you. 我知道

     只是 I know. Just... 怎么 What? 没人比我们更关心这个地方了

     对吧 nobody cares about this place as much as we do, right? 对 Yeah. 如果你不帮我 If you don"t help me... 这个地方的一切奇妙之处都将不复存在 everything that"s special about it might stop... 而且可能永远不会复原了 I mean it may never come back. 我不是在强迫你理解 I"m not asking you to understand, 只是希望你能信任我 I"m just asking you to trust me. 我愿意帮你 I"d like to help you... 但这儿已经不归我管了 but I don"t even work here anymore. 大英博物馆可不知道这个 British Museum doesn"t know that. 木乃伊和金碑一起 The mummy and the Tablet, both. 机密保护工作 Classic conservation job... 是我应允的

     当然 under authority of me, of course... 我是博物馆的主管

     而且现在仍是 the director of this museum, which I still am. 成

     好的 Yep, okay. 妥了 You"re in. 其实我自己在纽约待着就行了 I really could have just stayed by myself in New York. 呵呵


     那不可能 Yeah. No, that wasn"t gonna happen. -景色很美


     -嗯 - Beautiful, huh? - Yeah. 泰晤士河 The River Thames. 这不是很酷吗

     孩子 Isn"t this cool, man, 咱俩一起在英国 you and me in London? -说话啊

     -是的 - Huh? - Yeah. 我一直在想休学那件事 Hey, I"ve been thinking about that, uh, year off. 然后呢 Yeah? 我觉得挺好的 I think it could be cool. -真的吗

     -真的 - Yeah? - Yeah. 你有什么想法吗 What are you thinking? 额

     哇哦 Yeah. Uh... Wow. 我想去伊比萨当 DJ I think I want to DJ in lbiza. 去伊比萨 In lbiza? 伊比萨是西班牙海岸的一个小岛 lbiza, it"s a small island off the coast of Spain. -你会说西班牙语吗

     -不会 - Do you speak Spanish? - No. 但这恰好是其美妙之处

     关乎音乐 But that"s the beautiful thing. It"s about the music. 是不受语言限制的 It"s not inhibited by the language barrier. 是

     但是你会受语言限制 No, but you are. 你靠打节拍说话吗 Do you speak in beats? 你为什么这么反感 Why are you freaking out? 你刚才还说这是一个很棒的想法 You just said this was a really cool idea. 我没反感 I"m not freaking out. 我只是想了解一下计划的怎么样的 I just want to understand what the plan is. 你就没上大学 You didn"t go to college. 停

     现在成了压根儿不上大学了吗 Wait, now we"re talking about not going to college at all? -也许吧


     -尼基 - Maybe. I don"t know. - Nicky. 尼基

     这可不是... Nicky. That"s not... 爸爸


     现在混得也不错 Dad, you didn"t go to college. You turned out fine. 我四处碰壁的奋斗了二十年 I turned out okay after about 20 years 才混个勉勉强强 in a lot of dead ends. 随便吧

     老爸 Whatever, man. 不用担心我

     我挺好的 Don"t worry about me. It"s fine. 我不可能不担心你 Hey, I"m always gonna worry about you. -我是你♥爸♥爸

     -谢谢 - I"m your dad. - Thanks. 太阳落山了

     我们走吧 Sun is going down. We should get going. 好的 All right. 爸

     咱们的计划是什么 Dad, what"s the plan here, anyway? 金碑把阿卡曼拉复活之后 When the Tablet brings Ahkmenrah to life, 他会偷偷把我们弄进去 he"s gonna sneak us in. -现在趴下

     -什么 - Now, get down. - What? 趴下就行


     冒险的一部分 Just get down! Come on, man. Part of the adventure. 你好

     欢迎来到大英博物馆 Hello. Welcome to the British Museum. 我叫蒂莉 My name"s Tilly. 你好

     谢谢 Hi. Thank you. 拉里·戴利

     来自纽约自然历史博物馆 I"m Larry Daley from Natural History, New York. -哦


     -我这儿有一份货物 - Yeah, yeah. - I got a delivery... 是送到你们文物保护部门的 for your conservation department. 好的 All right! 这么说他们允许你出差 So they let you travel? 这次的情况比较特殊 This is kind of unusual. 他们也允许我出差

     你猜去哪儿 Well, they let me travel. You know where? -不知道



     家 - No. - Home. Here. Home. 再回这儿来 Back here. 给马桶喂饭 Off to the toot-toot. 最多五分钟 Five-minute maximum. 在美国当保安一定很过瘾吧 So that must be well wicked being a security guard in America. -额


     带消音器 - Uh... - With your gun, with a silencer, 背着忍♥者刀 with your ninja swords. 好吧 Right. 这真是一点都不贴边儿 That"s not even a little bit true. 而我只有这个 The only thing that I got is this. -哦


     这是为... - Oh. - Hammer! It"s for... 引用他们的原话 and I quote, 修修补补

     美容美化 "Minor repairs and beautifications" 就给这小破屋子 to the shack. 就只是敲敲打打吗 You just hit things? 倒挺朗朗上口的 Yeah, that"s catchy. 一点儿意思也没有 Basically worthless. 我们居然还在聊天 I can"t believe we"re actually still talking. -多好呀


     -对 - It"s great, though, innit? - It is. 真是我到这里三年来 This is the most conversation I"ve had 最长的对话 in the three years that I"ve worked here. 我也有同感 I feel a connection, too. 我能进去卸货吗 Is it cool if I just make my drop? -当然啦

     -棒 - Oh, yeah. - Wonderful. 但我要先确认一下 But I will have to confirm. 其实没这个必要 Actually, that"s not necessary... 我刚给你的文件上边已经确认过了 because they"ve already confirmed it on the slip I gave you. 行

     确认中 Yeah, all right. Confirming. -好吧

     -好的 - Okay. - All right. 你好

     我是麦克菲博士 Hello. This is Dr. McPhee. 先生

     这里是大英博物馆 It"s the British Museum, sir. 我想确认一下艺术保护部是否要送来藏品 I"m just confirming a delivery to our conservation department. 对

     我签了文件 Yes, I signed the paperwork. 没别的事我挂了

     我还要照看博物馆呢 Now, if you"ll excuse me, I have a museum to run. 那个小孩

     别用脏手碰我的明代花瓶 You, boy, get those grubby fingers off my Ming vase. 行了吗

     再见 See? Bye. 好吧 All right. -行了吗


     你可以进去 - Good? - All right, you is legit. 那就进吧 I is legit. -很好

     -确认哒 - Wonderful. - Confirm it. -谢谢


     我开门啦 - Thank you. - All right, I"ll open the gate. 好的 Okay-- 我男朋友吧... Yeah, so, like, my boyfriend... 他不喜欢我的发型 he doesn"t really like the way I do my hair. 说看上去像一坨金色的便便团在我肩上 Says it looks like a golden poo sitting on my shoulder. 但我超喜欢 But I really enjoy it. 再见

     拉里 Bye, Larry! 我不是很懂 I"m not an expert... 但我们这样

     肯定是犯法的吧 but this is feeling, just, really against the law. 不

     英美用的是不同的法律体系 No, they have a totally different legal system here. 好吧 Okay. 怎么样 How we doing? 检查完毕 All clear. 行

     我们走 All right, let"s go. 拉里

     其他人觉得我们可能会需要帮助 Larry, the others felt, perhaps, we could use some help. 其他人 The others? 劳伦斯

     我可不能干等着 Lawrence, I couldn"t sit idly by. 我们的生命岌岌可危 Our very survival is at stake. 好吧


     好样的 All right. Hey, Teddy. Good. 危机中最需要的人 Good man to have in a crisis. 匈奴王 Attila. 好吧

     力气大 Okay, a little muscle. 拉里 Hi, Larry. 这箱子怎么可能这么大 That is a deceptively large box. 我们也来啦 Obviously, we came along, too! 没我们你肯定会迷路啊

     铁人 You know you"d be lost without us, Gigantor. 你搞什么 Are you serious? 猴子


     基本上就是大家都来了 And the monkey. All right, basically everyone. 爸爸 Dada! 我去

     不是吧 Oh! No, no. 他来有毛线用啊 No possible benefit whatsoever. 他真的特别想来 He really wanted to come. 这是我儿子 Yeah, this is my son... 我真正的儿子

     尼基 my actual son, Nicky. -尼基


     -你好 - Nicky, this is Laaa. - What"s up? 他总盯着我 He"s just tracking me. 拉 Laaa. 劳伦斯 So, Lawrence... 进攻计划是什么 what"s the plan of attack? 我们要到埃及区找到阿卡的父亲 We need to get to the Egyptian wing, find Ahk"s father... 希望他能修好金碑 and hopefully get the Tablet fixed. 我们所有人 All of us. 拉


     不是吃的 Laaa, that"s not for eating. That"s not food. 别... Don"t... 我有事要你干 You know what? I got a job for you. 来

     过来 Come on, come on. 过来 Come on. 我要你在这里看着这扇门

     好吗 I want you to stay here and watch this door, okay? 确保没人进出

     行吗 Make sure nobody comes in or out. Okay? 好


     像我一样 Good. You"re gonna be a guard, just like me. 好的 All right. 不

     过来 No. Come here. 待在这里 Stay here... 把手放门上 and put your hands on the door. -好


     -留下 - Good, stay. - Stay! 很好


     你待在这里 Good. That"s right. You stay here. 待在这里 Stay here. 留下

     对 Stay. Right. 不

     留下 No. Stay. -留下

     -留下 - Stay! - Stay. 看前面


     留下 Look there. Good. Stay. 不


     留下 No. Good. Stay. 不

     留下 No. Stay. 留下 Stay! 不

     不许动 Don"t... Don"t move. 不许动 Don"t move. 不许

     对了 No. Good. Okay. 好


     伙计们 Okay, listen up, guys. 这地方是第一次醒过来 This place is waking up for the first time... 我们不知道会发生什么 and we have no idea what"s out there, 所以我们不能走散

     知道吗 so stay together, all right? 我知道挺恐怖的

     大块头 I know it"s spooky, big guy. 跟紧点儿 Just stay close. 这都是些什么玩意儿啊 What kind of haunted hootenanny is this, boys? 不是只有我觉得很诡异

     对吧 We"re all finding this super creepy, right? 他们只是吓坏了 They"re just a little freaked out. 我们第一次醒过来也用了很久才适应 First time we came alive it took some getting used to. 你好

     我们要去埃及 Hey, there. Just heading to Egypt. 来吧

     这边 Come on. This way. 听到了吗 Hear that? 听到什么 Hear what? 这个 That. 我们在这里面哦

     有需要就叫我们 We"ll just be down here if anyone needs us. 不是我们害怕

     是这里边舒服 We"re not scared. It"s just more comfortable. 劳伦斯 Lawrence... 我觉得我们有点儿小麻烦 I think it"s safe to say that we"re in a bit of trouble. 我知道怎么搞定这家伙 I know how to handle this guy. 介意借给我吗 You mind? 谢谢 Thanks. 爸

     你要做什么 Dad. What are you doing? 你以为我是怎么驯服你哥们儿雷克斯的 How do you think I tamed your pal Rexy? 你好啊 Hi, there. 你不是坏孩子

     对吧 I bet you"re not so mean, are you? Huh? 我说你肯定很乖 I bet you"re not so mean. 你是只乖狗狗

     对吧 No, you"re just a little puppy, right? 你是想玩游戏的乖狗狗 You"re just a little puppy who wants to play. 想玩吗 You want to play, huh? 想玩接骨头游戏吗 Want to play fetch? 想吗 Yeah? 想和这根骨头玩玩吗 You want to play with this bone? 好嘞 Ah! Yeah! 来吧

     去叼回来 Here you go. Go fetch. 接住 Go fetch! -劳伦斯

     -怎么 - Lawrence? - Yeah? -我能提个建议吗

     -什么建议 - May I suggest a different plan? - What? 逃跑 Run! 快关门

     关门 Close it, close it! 好了

     我想我们... Okay. I think we"re... 退后

     大家全都退后 Get back! Everybody, get back! 好

     你既然不吃敬酒 All right. You don"t want to fetch? -那就吃罚酒吧

     -什么 - Fetch on this. - What? -好险啊

     -需要帮助吗 - Oh, that"s close! - Need some help? -啥

     -让开 - What? - Move. 匈奴王

     你还好吗 Attila, you okay? -你可能要...

     -不 - You might want to... - No. 来 Here... 拿着 hold this. 好吧

     真是非常酷 OK. That was actually very cool. 兰斯洛特爵士

     乐意为您效劳 Sir Lancelot, at your service. 谢谢

     太酷炫了 Thank you. That was amazing. 西奥多·罗...

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