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    【TheEnvironmentDay】姦染5~The Dayb资源

    时间:2020-03-15 来源:博通范文网 本文已影响 博通范文网手机站

    Boys and girls:

    Good afternoon!

    Today is the World Environment Day .It is a day to keep our earth clean ,Keeping the earth clean is our work and duty .So , we should finish our own work rather than let other people help us . Dear friends, don¡¯t say keeping environment is a very difficult thing, that¡¯s wrong. In fact, if you take more care of our little things nearby clean and correct these bad habits, you will find that keeping environment is very easy. For example, turn off the top that is flowing; let people keep out the grass, turn down the light when you leave your home; say ¡°no¡± with excess pick, don¡¯t drop the little anywhere; plenty use each piece of paper; grow a tree on your birthday, don¡¯t waste a drop of water or don¡¯t pick any flower and so on, You can do many things like this.

    This year, our topic is melting ice a hot topic you know, south pole¡¯s icebergs are melting now.

    Our world will be warmer and warmer. I hope you don¡¯t think it¡¯s a good idea. Maybe we wont have a meeting with snow in winter. The climate will be risen .the water in our world will evaporate less and less ,if we don¡¯t want the last drop of water becomes people¡¯s tears ,we must save ,water ,if ,we don¡¯t save the water the water will disappear from our world ,if the water disappear from our world ,everything in our world will not grow ,if everything stops growing, the life will not continue .Don¡¯t you think its serious! so if you don¡¯t want our earth to disapear ,you must protect the environment around us ,so let us do it at once ,do it from little things. And believe me.

    Every individual matters

    Every individual has a role to play

    Every individual makes a difference!!!

    Thank you

    Green Angell

    Zhang Xing yu


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